Nawal Nasrallah - Annals of the Caliphs' Kitchens_ Ibn Sayyar al-Warraq's Tenth-century Baghdadi Cookbook-BRILL (2007)

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introduction 21

prominent gastronomic figure, whose cookbook(s) and verses, many

of which were on food and hunting, enjoyed wide circulation. 55

IV.5 Another source for locating medieval cooks and cookbooks is

the augmented Istanbul manuscript of al-Warr§q’s cookbook, copied

غانم)‏ in 1297. It introduces ó9§nim bin bAbdul RaÈm§n al-Quraê9Ê

‘sausage.’ 56 mentioned for his laq§niq recipe ‏,(بن عبد الرحمن القرشي

A recipe for zÊrb§ja stew is attributed to Biê9r al-ö9§dim, the personal

cook of the gastronomic poet Kuê9§jim, who wrote poems on

his excellent cooking. 57

About five places in the Istanbul manuscript a cookbook entitled

Kit§b al-AãbiÕ9a ‘the book of dishes’ is cited. Most of its recipes are

uncredited (e.g. fols. 128r, 165r). However, there are instances where

names are given such as Abå Dulaf دلف)‏ ‏,(أبو the prominent Abbasid

figure, poet, and military leader. A stew cooked with fruits is said to

be his invention abdabahu أبدعه (fols. 146v) and a dipping sauce ßib§ÿ9

is made by him (fol. 218r). A recipe for ãafê9Êla, a porridge-like dish

إبن)‏ with beans and vegetables (fol. 219r), is ascribed to Ibn B§na

the famous singer, musician, poet, and boon companion. Like ‏,(بانة

al-Warr§q’s cookbook, Kit§b al-AãbiÕ9a seems to have been a compilation

of recipes. At some places where it is mentioned, we come

across recipes identical with al-Warr§q’s. For instance, the section

entitled ‘•afê9il§t from Kit§b al-AãbiÕ9a’ (fols. 219r–221r) contains four

recipes. One of them is identical with al-Warr§q’s (Chapter 66). A

section on cold chicken dishes in the Istanbul manuscript said to be

from Kit§b al-AãbiÕ9a (fols. 128r–30r) contains five recipes identical

with al-Warr§q’s, in addition to some new ones. The question of who

scooped from whom or whether both al-Warr§q and author/compil-


Al-ó9az§lÊ (d. 1111), in his section on bakers, cooks, and butchers in Sirr

كتب الطبائخ)‏ al-b$lamayn (8), recommends that cooks consult Kuê9§jim’s cookbooks

(http:// Ibn à9§kir al-KutubÊ (d. 1362) mentions him in Faw§t al-Wafay§t ‏.(لكشاجم

www.alwaraq.net) 456.


As the nickname suggests, he was a descendent of the Arab tribe of Qurayê9,

and might have been related (son?) to Abå ó9§nim al-Quraê9Ê, relative of the

Umayyad Caliph Sulaym§n bin bAbd al-Malik (mentioned in al-Warr§q’s book,



Sulaym§ MaÈjåb and Durriyya al-ö9aãÊb, eds., Al-Wußla il§ ’l-0abÊb fÊ Waßf al-

•ayyib§t wa ’l-•Êb by Kam§l al-DÊn Ibn al-bAdÊm, 2 vols (Aleppo: Mabhad al-Tur§ï9

al-bIlmÊ al-bArabÊ, 1986) 1: 243.

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