Angelus News | May 7, 2021 | Vol. 6 No. 9

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Scott Hahn is founder of the<br />

St. Paul Center for Biblical<br />

Theology; stpaulcenter.com.<br />

The month of Mary in the year of Joseph<br />

On <strong>May</strong> 1, 2013, Pope Francis made a beautiful<br />

declaration of devotion. He decreed that the name<br />

of St. Joseph should be inserted into Eucharistic<br />

Prayers II, III, and IV.<br />

Since Pope Francis promulgated the decree just a few<br />

weeks into his papacy, it’s likely that the development had<br />

been “in the works” for years. Indeed, this simple action<br />

had a long history. St. Pope John XXIII had added the holy<br />

patriarch to the First Eucharistic Prayer in 1962.<br />

The formula the Holy Father provided is simple, beautiful<br />

— and striking, for those who are paying attention.<br />

“Have mercy on us all, we pray, that with the Blessed Virgin<br />

Mary, Mother of God, with blessed Joseph, her Spouse<br />

... we may merit to be coheirs to eternal life. …”<br />

<strong>No</strong>te that Joseph is recognized<br />

specifically as the spouse of Mary.<br />

The prayer does not speak of him<br />

as her former spouse, or earthly<br />

spouse, or with any other qualifications.<br />

He is simply “her spouse.”<br />

With the voice of the Church<br />

those prayers are spoken — and<br />

“The Holy Family,”<br />

anonymous, 1520,<br />

Netherlandish.<br />


they’re true, even though we know also the words of Jesus:<br />

“For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given<br />

in marriage, but are like angels in heaven” (Matthew<br />

22:30).<br />

Somehow, this couple — of all the couples in history —<br />

remain spouses in heaven. They remain a family, not only<br />

in the historical record, but in present fact.<br />

This seems to confirm the claims of visionaries — like<br />

the shepherd children of Fátima — who have reported<br />

apparitions of the Holy Family. This marriage, for providential<br />

purposes, is forever. The household of Nazareth is<br />

a fully functional family. They are our family.<br />

This is especially striking because, in the early Church,<br />

some Christians rejected the very idea that Mary and<br />

Joseph could be truly married. You’ll see this in legendary<br />

and apocryphal texts. They’re so anxious to emphasize the<br />

bodily celibacy of Mary and Joseph that they avoid spousal<br />

language altogether.<br />

The great St. Augustine put an end to such quibbling<br />

over titles. Joseph, he said, was not less of a husband and<br />

father because of his chastity and continence. He was<br />

more. St. Augustine drew upon St. Paul’s counsels for<br />

couples who practice abstinence: they do not cease to be<br />

spouses when they abstain. <strong>No</strong>r, he noted, do fornicators<br />

become spouses just because of their physical activity.<br />

Mary and Joseph consented to a spousal “union of<br />

hearts,” and in our Eucharistic Prayers we acknowledge<br />

that their union is forever. So is their family relation to Jesus.<br />

There is nothing second-rate or second-class about the<br />

bonds of the Holy Family. And we are privileged to share<br />

in their family life, because in baptism we are brothers and<br />

sisters of Jesus.<br />

The month of <strong>May</strong> is traditionally dedicated to the Virgin<br />

Mary, but it begins with the feast of St. Joseph the Worker.<br />

Thus, they are united even on the calendar.<br />

The month of <strong>May</strong> is especially blessed this year because<br />

the Holy Father has declared <strong>2021</strong> to be the Year of St.<br />

Joseph.<br />

The message of this month, this year, is that we are<br />

members of the Holy Family — a family founded on the<br />

permanent “union of hearts” in Mary and Joseph.<br />

32 • ANGELUS • <strong>May</strong> 7, <strong>2021</strong>

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