2021 riverrun Final PDF

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ear Reader,

We had a discussion at the beginning of the year

about whether or not the theme should be

“pandemic.” There were a lot of people for and a lot

of people against. Some people felt the pandemic was

not the only important event that happened in the

last year, and others believed it to be a subject too sensitive to focus

on. Eventually, we scratched the idea, but there was this nagging feeling

in everyone that kept pulling us back. So, we introduce to you an

image of hope and rebirth. Focusing on where we can go from here is

the direction we wanted to look and we at riverrun empathize that

this last year has been a challenging one. What we realized is that we

felt obligated to acknowledge the last year. It deserves to be acknowledged

and should not be ignored.

Through the year we learned to be sympathetic, to not jump to

conclusions, and to support one another in our struggles. We learned

how to treat one another and how not to and that the world as we

know it can change in an instant if we do not take care of it. Some of

us learned to bake bread. Some learned to paint. Some learned to balance

working from home while also being a teacher to their children.

Some of us learned humility and a love for the slow pace that the

lockdowns brought. For the first time in a long time, you could wake

up when you wanted, make a cup of coffee, sit looking out the window,

and just observe. The world got quiet, whisper quiet, and at the

same time the world got louder than it had been in decades. We made

it, not without our fair share of scrapes, bruises, frustrations, and

anxieties, but the most defined character is built through adversity.

There is still a lot of work to be done. Let this be the year that we all

rise from the ashes.

So, where do we go from here? After all the good, bad, and ugly,

what else is there to do? We are of the

humble opinion that one must create, but that

is probably because we are a literary journal.

But frankly speaking, why not? So, we urge

you to create; write about your experiences;

draw and paint how you see the world, and

then (insert self-promotion here) send it to

us. Let us share and celebrate with you the

wonderful student minds of UCCS and the

marvelous things they created along the way.

We wish you and your loved ones the best.


~ riverrun editorial team 2021


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