Purenergylife eMagazine - Spring Edition 2021

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The 'Quick & Dirty' Guide

to Energy Healing

We all have heard about energy and you may have even tried some therapies that incorporate various techniques to help 'heal'

a certain aspect of your life - from physical conditions to our emotional and mental wellbeing, and even our relationships,

success and abundance. In this article, I aim to provide a simple, yet comprehensive guide to understanding energy healing

modalities when it comes to your health. The following therapies are by no means a complete list of energy modalities but can

offer you a great start of understanding how energy can help to improve the way you think, feel and live your life.

Energy Healing

Energy Healing is a very broad term and comes in many different

forms. But essentially, it refers to any practice that works with the

subtle flow of energy throughout the body and follows the principle

of the body's innate ability to heal itself.

One of the fundamental principles of energy healing is that it

focuses on the causes of the condition, rather than just treating the

symptoms, which Western medicine is predominantly based on. So

when there are energy blockages within the body, the flow of


energy is disrupted which may cause a condition to arise. These blockages can be a result of an accident, prolonged emotional

stress, traumas, or even mental health problems.

Reiki is a type of energy healing and comes from the Japanese words "rei" (universal) and "ki" life energy).

It is a hands-on technique that involves the transfer of universal energy from the practitioner's palms to the patient and treats

many physical conditions and emotional states. Reiki has grown in popularity in many countries and has also been accepted in

some hospitals and medical practices. It can also be applied distantly and some practitioners will use crystals to aid and even

enhance the healing result.


Pranic Healing also uses the fundamental principle that the body

has the innate ability to heal itself, and utilises Prana (the Indian Sanskrit term

meaning 'life force' or 'vital energy') to balance, harmonise and correct the body's

energy imbalances. This is a non-touch therapy where the practitioner is trained to

scan for blockages and applies cleansing and energising techniques that are laid

out in scientifically validated protocols. Therefore, every practitioner will have the

same approach and method of treating patients, with the aim of obtaining

consistent and expected results. Pranic Healing uses logical and scientific methods

to treat all types of conditions - from cuts and bruises to headaches and all the way

to severe and chronic conditions - but keep in mind that each individual is different

and like all energy healing modalities, it is impossible to know exactly what outcome

will be achieved and how long it will take.

If you choose to learn Pranic Healing, not only do you get to apply healing techniques to others, you can also apply this to your

own health. This is done not only through the healing techniques, but also the entire system which incorporates meditation,

breathing techniques, spiritual teachings and prosperity courses if you want the entire package.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)

includes acupuncture, tai chi and herbal products and has been

around for thousands of years, focusing on the meridian pathways

of the body. The main underlying principle of TCM is the relationship

between emotions and organs - by harbouring specific negative

emotions, this will affect the associated organs within the body. For

example, the lungs and large intestine relate to grief, whereas the

liver and gallbladder are associated with anger, frustration and


In Acupuncture (the key component of TCM), needles are inserted into the body to stimulate nerve-rich areas of the skin surface in

order to influence tissues, glands, organs, and various functions of the body. It is commonly used to treat pain, however is also

known to treat all conditions of the body. Like all energy therapies, it involves the concept of an invisible life-giving force, in this

case, called Qi being a Chinese medicine, and has been somewhat accepted as an alternative to Western medicine. Although

there isn't strong scientific evidence to back up the effectiveness of Acupuncture (nor any of the energy healing therapies), some

Western countries have accepted this more than other complementary and alternative therapies and include it as a treatment

covered by health insurance.

Another Chinese healing therapy is Qi Gong, which involves meditation, breathing techniques and movement exercises. This is

also part of the more comprehensive TCM system and it is often used along with acupuncture, massage, and herbal medicines

and diet. Again, this is based on the concept of Qi (which is essentially the same thing as Prana and Ki, along with the many other

names it has all around the world) and translates to "vital energy cultivation" or "mastery of your energy". Medical Qi Gong can be

applied with touch or non-touch, and can address the energy imbalances within the body to treat specific conditions of the body.


Theta Healing is a spiritual healing technique conducted while the client and practitioner are in a theta brainwave

state - an altered consciousness where brainwaves are slowed to a deeply relaxed mode. It addresses the energy blockages

that are caused by factors such as emotional repression, belief systems, fears and traumas and can improve people's physical

and emotional health, relationships as well as prosperity. The Theta brainwave state is essentially going into a deep meditative

state, and so the treatment is performed while accessing your subconscious level of thoughts. When these are released and

unblocked subconsciously, then healing can occur at all levels.

Crystal Healing is based on the belief that

gemstones have a unique frequency and energy field. This

resonance can be transferred to a person's energy field,

therefore bringing balance to the individual's life and mind.

Typically, crystals are laid onto a person's fully clothed

body, in patterns, on chakras, meridian lines or even points

of pain.

Different crystals emit different energy vibrations, and they

can also absorb energy, which helps to balance and

normalise the energetic rhythm within the body to induce

deep relaxation, alleviate pain and improve overall health -

mind, body and spirit.

The type of crystal (colour, shape and mineral content) will be chosen to aid in specific treatments as each has it's own natural

healing properties. Crystals can also be used in other energy therapies, such as Reiki and Pranic Healing, for the purposes of

enhancing and magnifying the healing results of the practice.


First of all, this is my opinion, and everyone who works in the energy field will of course have differing opinions. But I like to

compare this to speaking different languages. If you come from China, then you'll speak a Chinese dialect. If you are from

England, your main language will be English, and keeping in mind that depending on where you are from in England, your accent

will also differ. Some people will learn multiple languages, especially if their parents are of different cultures and backgrounds. So

which language is best? This is not a question that has the right answer. All languages achieve the overall purpose of enabling

people to communicate. The more learning you do, whether through reading or education, the greater your vocabulary and

ability to convey messages more clearly and concisely.

And if you are familiar with my work, I often look at the similarities of all things, people and ideas rather than seeing just the

differences. Although all energy therapies are called a different name and may use varying techniques, the fundamentals are still

the same - just like the fact that all languages are effective forms of communication. I have also found in my personal curiosity

and search for answers, that there is far more to our lives then what we can see, hear, smell, taste and feel. This has been known

for thousands of years in every culture and civilisation, and these healing techniques have all been derived from this main

fundamental belief. Whether you want to call it accessing the Theta, the Quantum Field, the Higher Self, or the subconscious

brain, the fact is that there is something being accessed (call it energy) that can harness the ability to move far more than

material and seeable objects. And when you are trained to understand how to access and influence this energy, then healing

occurs that can affect not only your health, but also everything else surrounding you, including your relationships, your finances

and ultimately finding more happiness and fulfilment in your life.

So if you're looking to learn more about energy, find the method that interests you and meets the goals you want to achieve. I

don't believe there are 'quick fixes', but at the same time, I have witnessed quite a few 'miraculous' results. What's important is to

seek a qualified practitioner who is reputable, regardless of the type of therapy you choose. It is also important to look for

someone to whom you can relate, or are drawn. I find it is more effective when someone knows and understands what you are

going through, although keep in mind that this is not at all a prerequisite!

I'm always looking for experts in energy fields, so please reach out if you would like to write any articles on your particular area

of energy work so that people can benefit from your knowledge. Whether it's your own Personal Story of Transformation which

led you to your current work, or an Article-of-Benefit that can help people to understand how it works, or even some tips that

people can incorporate into their lives, I would love to hear from you at editor@purenergylife.com.


the phone and in-person for some 15 to 20 years, but only 3-4 year ago, I thought it was time to launch this as an online course,

simply because people were struggling to find where they could study further.

Do you have any advice to give people about following their passions, or even dreams?

From my past experiences with life in general, you just take one step at a time. You set a goal and you think, I may reach that, or I

may go somewhere else, or it may be a completely different place, or it may be much better. It may not be, but you set a goal and

you take steps to walk towards it. And then, if during those steps you suddenly think that you actually need to go this way or that

way, you follow those. You just need to have the courage to set a big goal, and then step-by-step move towards it…and you listen.

Where do dreams come from?

A dream is the result of your sleeping brain and mind processing your conscious and unconscious experiences of the last 1-2

days. This processing updates your mindsets, your beliefs, your memories, your perspectives and feelings about life, and your

sense of self. The dream experience feels real because this processing activates the same areas of your brain and mind that

are activated when you are awake.

Jane Teresa Anderson by Laura Tilley

A dream is also an intensely personal experience because it reflects your deepest feelings, emotions, values and beliefs about

life. It’s like a mirror that helps you to see and understand yourself and your life deeply, right into the depths of your unconscious

mind. It helps you – once you know how to analyse and interpret it – to appreciate why you are the magnificent, unique being

that you are. It helps you to discover your mindset – the way your brain and mind are wired – and this information empowers

you to make changes to your inner self so that you can enjoy a more fulfilling and meaningful life.


''When you understand your dreams, you

understand yourself. And when you understand

yourself, you understand your world. You can then

look at your world, and decide what to change.''

Why do we all have differing views of the world and different belief systems?

Many of our fundamental beliefs are established early in life or as a result of later traumatic experiences. Our minds usually

favour old beliefs. We built those old beliefs to keep us safe, beliefs such as “Do what Daddy says” (so you’ll be fed), or “Don’t get

your hopes up” (so you won’t be disappointed), or “Agree with your friends” (so they’ll include you) and so on. As adults, many of

these beliefs are not good for us, but our unconscious mind tends to hang onto them in a false bid for safety. Unfortunately, we

are driven by our unconscious beliefs, including those that were established to keep us safe from an anticipated repeat of past

traumas. Knowledge of these unconscious beliefs – and especially those that are in conflict with each other – puts you in a

powerful position because they CAN be changed.

''My scientific mind is, no doubt, evident in my approach

to dreams, but the process of working with dreams

is more an experience of the heart.''


What is Dream Alchemy?

Dream alchemy is the name I give to exercises and

practices you can do to rewire your brain or mind, to

transform or reprogram those unconscious beliefs

(identified in a dream) that are holding you back in life,

that are blocking you from enjoying more of life’s positives.

These exercises are also designed to help heal, to resolve

issues, to open your perspective on life, and to free you up

to grow to your full potential. The exercises –

visualisations, writing, bodywork, artwork, as well as other

options – work by transforming personal symbols from

your dreams in ways that transform the beliefs they

represent. This is similar to visualisation, however, if you

have unconscious blocks to getting what you want, the

more you do your visualisation, the more your mind will

protest. With Dream Alchemy, you take the components of

your dream that symbolises your ‘problem’ in your waking

life, and instead of seeing what you want, you would

visualise this using the components of your dreams. What

you're doing here is talking to your unconscious


mind using its own language - the language presented in your

dream. Repeating the dream alchemy visualisation helps to

re-program your unconscious mind, undoing limiting beliefs

that cause you to doubt your abilities, and building new

confident beliefs in their place.


5 Common Dreams and

What Do They Mean?

Have you ever had dreams where you are being chased, find yourself naked

in a public place, or your teeth crumble or fall out from the inside of your mouth?

Ever wonder why millions of people share these common dreams now,

and throughout time? Jane Teresa explains why this happens and describes the

meaning of five common dream themes and what this may mean for you.

Dream of teeth falling out

There are so many variations of the ‘teeth falling out’ dream,

but in general, people often have these kinds of dreams

when they’re worried about communication. Maybe you feel

you’ve said too much, and you can’t take those words back

(just as you can’t take the teeth back in your dream), or

maybe you FEAR saying the wrong thing, worrying that it will

all come out wrong (like broken teeth in the dream). Maybe

you’re worried about your image, not only how you look but,

more importantly, how you come across, and the dream

might picture this as you being worried about flashing your

smile because you’ll reveal your not-so-solid confidence (like

your not-so-solid teeth in the dream).


Dream of being naked in a public place

Again, the details of each person’s unique dream point to the

correct interpretation, but in general, being naked in a dream

may reflect your feelings of fear about people seeing the ‘real

you’ in waking life: not your body, but your personality, your

thoughts, your mind, your agenda. Deprived of hiding behind

an image (like the clothes you have chosen), you risk baring

your soul, or your true self. If you feel good about your

nakedness in the dream, that's great! Perhaps we should all

feel comfortable with being our authentic self. If you don't feel

... so good about your nakedness in the dream (the more usual scenario), the other details in your dream will help you to understand

why you feel this way, and what you might want to do to change this.

Dream of being chased

If you’re being chased in a dream, presumably you’re running

away, trying to escape. What are you running away from in

waking life? Is it a fear, a worry, a deadline, something about

yourself or your life that you don’t want to face but no matter how

much you try to avoid it, it’s always there on your tail? The other

details in your dream can help you to discover what you’re not

facing and dealing with. If you have this type of dream, you might

want to do this dream alchemy: when you wake up, re-imagine

this dream, only this time turn around and face what is chasing

you, transforming it from something negative or bad into

something positive or good. Even imagine yourself hugging that

chasing thing. This helps your unconscious mind to face your concerns that ch and find the positives. It can be very healing too, as that

thing that is chasing you represents something in your life within yourself that really needs your attention and acknowledgement.

Dream of being pregnant

Think symbolically. Often this kind of dream (which can happen for

men as well as for women), reflects something you’re creating,

gestating and ready to launch into the world – like the pending

birth in the dream. What are you thinking about birthing into the

world? Your feelings about the dream pregnancy, along with the

other details in your unique dream, will help you to understand

and explore any issues, worries or limiting beliefs you have

around this new step. It can be as simple as a growing desire to

be different in the world, to change your attitude or approach to

life, something you feel you’re preparing to do, or it can be more

obvious, like a book or project idea you’re getting ready to launch.


You can also find more in her book, The Dream Handbook, where she introduces over 40

common dream themes and gives questions and tools you can follow to discover the

meaning of your unique variation of the dream and how it relates to your life.

Dream Alchemy is also an effective way to help you to discover any unconscious blocks or

limiting beliefs that are holding you back in life. Sometimes awareness of your blocks is not

enough to overcome them. The unconscious mind is very powerful and generally carries

on regardless, often influencing your life in ways that are not really serving you well. The

way to change this is to communicate directly with your unconscious mind to transform

those beliefs and blocks, to get your unconscious mind working for you, not against you.

Jane Teresa offers a way to do this through dream alchemy exercises in her online

courses within The Dream Academy. These practices work by communicating with your

unconscious mind using its unique language: the dream symbols. They re-program your

unconscious mind and re-wire your brain for successful outcomes. To learn more about The Dream Academy, and the various

online courses that are offered, visit www.dream-academy-online.com.

The Dream Show is a free podcast series in which Jane

Teresa analyses her guests’ dreams and shares dream

interpretation tips and insights. With over 230 episodes

to date, you can listen to unique dreams and not only

explore this fascinating unconscious world, but also

learn how she interprets these for helping people to

move forward in their waking lives.

For more information about Jane Teresa and her fascinating work

on dreams, you can visit her website below where you will find

details of her courses as well as many interesting resources,

including her dream interpretations. Her latest book is also

available to purchase, along with her range of eBooks on dream

interpretation and dream alchemy.



The Power



Everyone has a story to tell.

And it's your unique personality and

experiences that you will help you to

attract and inspire others.




What do these

people all have in


Adrian, Karen and Anusha all had successful careers up

until their lives took an unexpected turn – they all

developed physical, emotional and/or mental health

issues. Read on to find out how each of them effectively

dealt with and resolved their problems – all from the

energetic level. They now have a passion to help others

who endure similar pains, and live happier

and more fulfilling lives because of it.



drian is a former financial services professional who struggled

with clinical depression for a lot of his adult life. Negative

Aprogramming ccccccccc in his childhood affected his relationships, his career, and

his entire outlook towards life. With low self-esteem and the onset of

clinical depression in his young adult life, suffering from mental health

issues was just a regular way to live – and this was his ‘pretty normal’ up

until just a few years ago. Read Adrian’s story and how he has found the

passion to help others to regain confidence in themselves and to live a

happier and more fulfilling life – like the one he has finally found for


What was your childhood like, growing up?

Although I now totally understand why my parents were the way they

were, like many people do, we often blame our parents for everything

because they’re the ones who brought us up. They brought us into the

world. It's their fault. But my parents wouldn't actually recognise this at

all. They didn't really pay attention to me, or particularly to the bad words

of programming they used, like “You're not good enough!”, “Your friends

are better than you at that!”, or “You're no good at that!”. I remember my

father – he was a real big DIY. And one day, I tried to help him, and he

said – “No, I don't want you to do this. You're no good at it”. I was only a

kid – it just rips your heart out and I can actually feel it right now. Then, I

remember when I was 17, I was feeling unhappy and I actually sat down

and said to my parents, “I want to sit down and have a chat with you”. As

a family, we never spent time together just to chat about things. We

didn’t communicate.

And so, they said – “What do you want to sit down with us for? Other

families don't do this.” I was the child, and I was trying to teach them

things. So, I had my say. My father didn't even sit down. He just stood at

the door and listened. When I was done, all he could say to me was – “Is

that it?” and walked out.

Then in my early twenties, when everybody else was kind of getting

married at the age of 23ish, my parents said to me – “Why aren’t you

getting married? What's wrong with you?”. That was just another

reinforcement of thinking that something was wrong with me – just

talking about it now makes me think like they were from another planet!

Did you find that your subsequent

relationships were affected because of this?

I can remember my first girlfriend from when I was

17 to 22 years old. That was actually something

really nice. But I wasn't only in love with her. I was

in love with her family. Because it was a real

family – a family that I resonated with. So, I wasn’t

only going out with her, but I was going out with

her brothers and all of her family members. And

one day, my mum and dad said – “Oh well, you’ve

found a girlfriend and now you don’t want to know

us anymore.” Well, no, I didn't. But I was probably

always a bit on edge. I wasn't settled at all. I felt as

if I was searching for something, and I didn’t

really know what that was.

''With clinical depression,

the biggest challenge for me

was just getting out of bed

in the mornings.''


What about your work life? How did you manage to

get through the days?

Well, I had a successful job in the finance and banking

industry. But that, too, took its toll on stress with the long

hours and drinking at weekends, because that’s what I

looked forward to. But typically, I would just really go, go, go

and go until I collapsed. Because industry and people

expect you to just keep on going – that’s what we are

conditioned to do. On one occasion, I literally remember

that I was walking outside of the bank, going to the car

park and just crying. Then I went back in and I thought that

I needed to go home. I didn’t end up going back to work for

another six months.

When were you diagnosed with clinical depression?

I was 27 at the time I learned my father was going to die. I actually didn't like him. I loved him, yes, he was my dad. But I didn't

know him. And so, that was my first time feeling bereavement, and my first step into depression. But my mother also went into

clinical depression and I ended up looking after her and after her multiple suicide attempts. I felt that alcohol was a release at

that moment in time, but it was only really perceived as stress relief. I can’t say I was ever an alcoholic, but it was a ‘go to’ destressing

thing for me. But I knew when I was going into depression as I had suicidal thoughts myself, and even actually

planned to end the pain on a number of occasions. The pain was constant. I was only thinking of the bad things and ending my

life felt like the only way out. I knew that was the time for me to get on medication.

How did you manage to get out of your depression?

I tried pretty much everything, including doing ‘inner child work’ for five

years. I tried to understand my parents, and I tried to understand and love

myself. The main thing that I remember from all of that work was that I kind

of replaced my parents with fictional beings that were looking after me.

You could call this energy work. I also had a little bit of Reiki and did

counselling, EFT and a bit of hypnotherapy. They all helped in some ways,

but what really made the difference was Pranic Healing. When a friend of

mine mentioned he was having Pranic Healing treatments for his

leukaemia, and that it was making a difference to the effects of his

chemotherapy, I went to try it for myself and had a few sessions. I was so

intrigued that I also decided to go onto one of their courses. It was all a bit

emotional as people were so welcoming and I really felt connected to

some of them. I could feel a difference, and so I threw myself into it and

took all of the courses. This was only in 2017 when it all began, and I’ve

been working on myself ever since.



Do you have any advice for other people based on your


You should do the stuff you enjoy. Forget about the money, which is

where I completely went wrong. You have to do the stuff you love.

When I was in a business coaching group, quite a lot of people

completely changed. My view is: if me talking about mental health

helps just one person to reach out for help, whether it be Pranic

Healing or something else, then job done.

Click below to listen to a recent radio

interview on Dublin City FM - Inspirational

People with Adrian Worger.

But particularly men are terrible at opening up – depression and

suicide are the biggest killers between the ages of 20 and 40. So,

my passion is to get men to open up to seek some help. By talking

about my personal story, I wish to get just one person to think

differently and make a positive change in their life, as I have with


Adrian Lee Worger

Health Happiness Healing




aren is a scientist, having worked as a biochemist, she spent

fifteen years doing research in biotechnology labs. KBut at a young age, she was introduced to Acupuncture which she found

fascinating, and steered her in an entirely different direction. She’s now

been an Acupuncturist for 20 years, also incorporating energy

modalities into her practice. After the sudden death of a loved one, she

decided that she wanted to help people to deal with their loss as she

had experienced, and move forward with a new outlook in life.

What was your experience with Acupuncture and did anything

happen for you to leave your scientist career?

When I was a teenager, my mum’s friend trained in acupuncture and she

used to practice on me by finding energetic points – sort of used me as

a pincushion. Over the years, I kept thinking about it and wondered if it

was something I could do – I thought I was too scientific for it. But then I

realised that it’s all really logical so it actually suits the ‘science brain’. I

loved the idea that treating each new patient was like an entirely new

project and that you would see various different problems. And so, I

decided to train in acupuncture, and also ended up teaching at the

college in Reading and being involved with the admin of the college as


What made you start training as a Pranic Healer?

I found myself getting burnt out as I was doing too much admin work in

the Acupuncture College. I was cutting down the time spent on my

practice, and realised that I didn’t train in acupuncture to do admin. But

the stress took its toll on me and I developed a back problem. It was

then, that I heard about an incredible man who treated one of my

patient’s daughters. So, in 2012, I went to see Les Flitcroft for Pranic

Healing. Not only did he help me with my back pain, but he also gave me

some invaluable advice about what I was going through with my work,

which helped me to move forward with some hard decisions.

I was so impressed with him, that I decided to

take the Level 1 Pranic Healing course the

following year. Then in 2014, my partner

suddenly died. It happened very unexpectedly –

he just didn’t wake up in the morning as he

suffered a heart attack. I immediately thought to

book an appointment with Les as I was

experiencing tremendous grief. I knew that I

would deal with this grief on an energetic level

as I had counselling in the past for relationship

problems, and I knew that for me it wasn’t the


''Things are so much more effective when you have a connection with

your patient. You know you can feel what they are going through.

You have been there, and you have come out of it.''



When you train as an Acupuncturist, you are told that grief stays in the lungs – that’s a well-known thing in Chinese medicine –

and so I thought I would deal with this energetically. So, I saw an Acupuncturist, a Kinesiologist, and I saw Les for Pranic Healing

treatments. About a year later, I said to Les, “I can’t believe how good I feel!”. My partner was the love of my life. It was a really

special relationship, and I am amazed at how you can move grief out of the body as we can. I am just constantly amazed by it –

because it’s so painful.

Do you combine your practices of being an Acupuncturist as well as a Pranic Healer?

Yes, I do. But it took me a while to do it because it takes longer – I basically have 20 minutes from when the needles are in where I

can do Pranic Healing on the patient. So generally, I do Psychotherapy, then if they want more of it, we can continue it outside of

the Acupuncture treatment. I find that because most of the patients have quite complex conditions, there is quite a lot that we can

do with Pranic Healing. However, if they come to me for Acupuncture, then this is what I focus on. I explain to them about Pranic

Healing and I find that some are open to it for subsequent treatments.

Do you notice a difference in the results because of the

combined treatments?

It’s difficult to say because everyone is obviously different.

However, I think it makes the treatments more powerful, and

the results last longer. I have been an acupuncturist for 20

years, and I see a variety of patients – some have an amazing

recovery like you have in Pranic Healing as well, and others

who take much longer. But in general, I would agree that the

results are more lasting.

What do you love the most about what you do now?

I absolutely love what I do. I have always loved acupuncture

and I think I’ll always do acupuncture as well as Pranic


Healing. I love the fact that everyone is different, and that I'm always doing different treatments. I’m also about to start putting

together a package that just focuses on grief and bereavement, and that combines my skills and training as an acupuncturist

and as a Pranic Healer. It also includes some coursework that people can do at home.

I can say from a place of certainty, that I feel fine about the passing of my partner. I would not have been able to accept this six

months afterwards, but I feel at peace now. It was his path and I don’t feel sad anymore, but just happy that I had him in my life.

Karen Proudfoot


+44(0)7960 966 020

Acupuncture in Woodley



"Being spiritual

means having a

loving heart,

a powerful will

and an

intelligent mind."

~ L E S F L I T C R O F T


nusha has been a spiritual seeker for nearly her entire lifetime.

Over 11 years, she has also extensively studied areas of

ANutrition, gggggga Ayurveda, AREAS Naturopathy, reas EFT Matrix Re-imprinting, Feng

Shui, Vedic Astrology, Chinese Astrology, I Ching, Reiki and Pranic

Healing. But life wasn't always wonderful. Anusha battled crippling

health for almost 20 years, whilst working in finance and the

corporate world. Her life was on hold, with chronic physical pain and

frequent hospitalisations, leaving her with feelings of hopelessness

and isolation. However, now in her 40s, she has reversed three

health conditions by natural means and finally enjoys physical and

emotional health. Anusha is passionate about guiding others to their

maximum health and wellbeing, showing them that with the right

tools, this gift can totally be achieved naturally by everyone.

accessing deeper

How did your spiritual search begin?

My mother always had a spiritual yearning and when I was very

young, she took courses with José Silva. José is the creator of The

Silva Method, a self-help and meditation program that claims to

increase an individual's intuition and natural psychic abilities, such

as clairvoyance. This is done through accessing deeper states of mind and from the development of higher brain functions.

Back then, she had no child support and so had to take me with her to the sessions. As a six-year-old, I recall that they used to

let me sit at the back of the class, colouring-in and reading; not knowing what I was actually listening to at the time. The Silva

Method teachers began to notice that I was picking up core concepts and began to ask me questions; they were then inspired

to start a children’s program in the UK. I was in the first children's UK cohort and subjected to hours of vigorous meditation

methods. I was given incredible understandings of accessing my consciousness, brain re-wiring and up-levelling techniques.

As a six-year-old, I found it incredibly challenging though, to sit and focus for hours. I do recall a huge amount of fidgeting whilst

they put me through their programs! The other children were a few years older, 10 to 13 years old, and seemed to sit effortlessly

or fall asleep soundly whilst I was itching to move around and play. I trained with them for years, in a couple of countries, until I

was around ten years old. And it is only now that I can truly comprehend the immense gifts this gave me.

This is a very unique experience for a child. Did it affect your schooling at all? Or with making friends?

Despite an extremely abusive and toxic household, I was able to tap into higher brain functions, psychic abilities, fearlessness,

creativity and problem solving and went on to win the academic award of the year of the entire school! Now, to be clear - I was

never the traditional academic, and rarely got a string of A grades. I was the B grader on most days. But my dear mentor and

headteacher was able to see something beyond grades, which genuinely surprised us all! I remember going up to collect the

award and looking around thinking, "They must have made a mistake here!".

With all of my subconscious training, I was able to perform activities with relative ease and I had a particular awareness within

my dreams, such as the ability to heal others, whilst astral travelling. As an only child, I recall being excited to discuss with the

other children at school their astral experiences. But it felt starkly lonely to find that the other children found my stories





So, I learned very quickly that it was not something we were

supposed to talk about. I lost my ability as I grew older. I've now

learned that so many children possess this also, but their

abilities are suppressed.

During my university years, I did very little academic study. I

was busy seeped in spiritual knowledge and practice. I can

only explain it as a deep hunger and I embarked on a journey to

study Buddhism, Sufism, Islam, Hinduism, Christianity, Hare

Krishna, Raja Yoga, Rosicrucianism, Theosophy and the

Kabbalah. I attended study circles, reading numerous religious

and spiritual texts and partook in their practices to feel if they

aligned with my inner self. I found myself completely enchanted

by all things spiritual. Nearly every time I walked into a place of

spirituality, the lead was absolutely convinced that I would be

joining them for good; as I was genuinely and fully engaged in

all practices, knowledge and activities during my


It was a lonely and bumpy ride, leading me into valuable

insights into my own blindnesses, that hindered my

perception of reality. It was a really painful experience to

acknowledge - my blindness or ‘shadows'. When struggle

became more bearable, there was clarity and a curiosity to

understand the purpose of the existence of my shadows. If

we do not, what we cannot accept we repress or shove

under the carpet of our shadow. And that can get real ugly.

We don’t even know we are doing it.

Did you ever find what you were looking for?

Master Choa Kok Sui of Pranic Healing developed a practical

system that leads to greater soul and self-realisation. His

genius is that through decades of research, he synthesised all

religions and various spiritual disciplines to accelerate spiritual

growth and healing. If I had discovered it sooner, it may have

saved me years of seeking! Led by my incredible teacher Les

Flitcroft in the UK, this has been life-changing and I am deeply

grateful for these teachers. In my years of seeking, I also

discovered that no amount of spiritual knowledge I devoured

mattered much; only what I am and what I have realised counts.

We don’t see things as they are; we see them as we are.

Nobody can claim to be a Christian or Hindu just by reciting

prayers every day, unless he is able to be like Christ. Until then,

what Krishna, Buddha or Mohammed did is of no value to us,

unless we do it for ourselves, too.

My discovery was to find my own light, just as they found theirs.

You have to become the Bhagavad Gita instead of just reading

it. In my spiritual journey, I have discovered huge lessons from

my own sufferings and failures, as well as from teachers,

clients, friends and fellow classmates.

We jeopardise our abilities when we cannot hold onto the

light that the universe has given us - when we allow that

energy to be drained by outbursts of anger, pride, jealousy,

criticism, intolerance and irritation. The universe wants to

give us more light and energy, but our cosmic bank cannot

lend us more energy if there is no space due to these

clogged emotions. Through my seeking, I found that the

secret lies in healing the heart. The heart is the most

important energy centre of the body. Isn't it amazing how

oxygenated blood from our lungs is pumped by the heart to

our entire body? Similarly, the energy we receive from Spirit

passes through our heart centre before it moves on to

nourish the other chakras and systems of our body. As

energy passes through our heart, it takes on its imprint - the

unique vibration and quality of our heart. That imprint, for

better or worse, affects everything we say or do.

The Upanishads describe the heart as the doorway to

cosmic dimensions; "space within the heart is as great as

the vast universe".


I have healed myself through my heart and empower women

to do the same. I guess, in answer to your question, yes, I did

discover what I was looking for: how to tap into my own inner

teacher, the spark of divinity that we all possess, then

aligning the heart and the soul for an extraordinary life.

"As a wo/man thinketh in his heart, so is he."

~ Proverbs 23:7

You mentioned that you were suffering from physical

health issues. Can you describe that in more detail and

how did you manage to resolve that?

When I was 18 years old, I began to get abdominal pains,

and the doctors continually dismissed it as period pains.

They were giving me pain killers, but as time went on, the

pain became progressively worse, until eventually, it was


They finally diagnosed me 17 years later with severe

endometriosis, fibroids and adenomyosis. A part of me felt

relieved to have a name to my pain; as I had long felt like a

weak and incapable woman. Anyone who has suffered from

chronic endometriosis will know that it is like semipermanent

labour pains, which is the best way to describe it.

A friend who had cancer and was suffering beside me at the

time said that she was better off than me, with her team of

supporters and at the ready medical aid. She commented

that endometriosis is a silent killer. It is not understood, you

become increasingly isolated, you get close to no support,

there is no medicine for it and sick leave is tricky as

diagnosis takes on average 7 years. It definitely hit home. I

recall before diagnosis, a female manager telling me to get

on with my period like other women. The reality was I was

unable to withstand a period like normal women, was sacked

from a couple of jobs due to sick days, never knew when the

pain and vomiting would start and I was branded as the

difficult one around my time of the month. It is no wonder

why my relationship with my womb took years to heal!

After final diagnoses, I was told that I needed to be operated

on and that the conditions would not improve without

extensive surgery.

Coming from nine generations of Ayurvedic doctors, my

intuition felt like there was another way. I had inherited my

grandfather's old books when he passed. He was a superb

astrologer and Ayurvedic practitioner. Back then, every

Ayurvedic doctor learned astrology in unison, to enhance

consciousness, identify weak emotions and weak organs -

as a tool for preventative medicine - an ingenious system

when used in its truest form! His esoteric books and handwritten

notes are my most prized possessions. I knew from

reading these, just how much power we all possess within

ourselves, and how my grandfather had healed others of

many ailments and himself of a stroke.

Even my house was leaking, I had four unusual leaks

where plumbers could only fix one. I was later told by my

Feng Shui teacher that the house was mimicking my own

emotions; it was crying just as my heart was. I decided to

embark on a deep healing journey, to heal my mind, body,

heart, ancestry, spirit and space: Ayurveda, Emotional

Freedom Technique, Nutrition, Bioresonance, Natural

Medicine, Esoteric Teachings, Reiki, Pranic Healing, Feng

Shui, Vedic Astrology, Chinese Astrology and I Ching.

Whatever I learned was applied to myself. I became

increasingly in awe of how healing my childhood

subconscious, karmic healing, forgiveness, ancestral

healing, emotional healing, home, nutrition, stress and

lifestyle healing could fast forward my life and heal me in

positive ways that I could not dream of.



astrology and your

life's purpose


Astrology is an age-old practice that has been used for

thousands of years, and by many cultures and civilisations

throughout the world. An astrological chart of a person is

generated using their date and time of birth, which then

helps the Astrologer to determine and interpret the

individual's nature, strengths and weaknesses - all to help

make predictions about the future events in their life. With

my in-depth knowledge and study of various modalities

and within Astrology, I take a unique stance to guide

people from their inner to release their shadows. This

enables me to signpost exactly where we need to go and

the inner work that needs to be done.

The details that it reveals can fast track physical,

emotional, mental and spiritual work together with my

clients. It allows access to their Higher Self, unique talents

and how they are best suited to serve humanity. Astrology

unveils a person's shadows, karmic lessons, purpose,

success codes and can even reveal marketing strategies

for businesses.

It really can provide a road map to the most embodied

version of the self. This information is often useless,

however, if you cannot assist a client to get out of their

own way to reach that full potential. Getting to assist

change-makers and lightworkers is deep and rewarding




j u s t

r e t h e . . .

Aimee suffered from asthma as a young child, as well as having a severe


episode of croup. It wasn't until later in life that she discovered how learning to

breathe properly could significantly improve anxiety along with so many other

scientifically-proven benefits such as increasing focus, improving sleep and

even reducing the symptoms of depression. She now feels passionate about

teaching breathwork to children and teachers in schools, resulting in her

becoming the Founder of The Breathing Room, the School Breathe programme,

and the author of Breathe Well.

What did you do before training in breathwork?

Before coming across breathwork, I had trained as a yoga

teacher so naturally thought I was breathing well. However it

wasn’t until a breath coach pointed out to me that I was not

using my diaphragm fully; they were analysing my ‘breath

pattern’ questioning whether I found it hard to be in the present

moment, whether I struggled to feel fully relaxed or whether I

was an over-thinker and always on the go (of which I answered

yes to every question). I suddenly had the realisation that I was

living in a constant low-level anxious state for as long as I could

remember - simply because I wasn’t breathing deeply enough.

I had asthma as a child and would sometimes wake up in the

middle of the night gasping for breath and feeling really panicky

without really knowing why. After further investigation (and a lot

of breathwork practice), it was discovered that this feeling of

breathlessness and panic was down to having a severe episode

of croup - I was two years old and had to be hospitalised which

was obviously traumatic for my mum and me. I always had this

feeling of not being able to breathe deeply enough, until I found

natural ways to deepen my breath.

However, I never intended to teach – I put myself on the course

as a way to heal, and further delve into natural ways of feeling

great. One thing led to another and after completing a two-year

course in the UK, I enrolled on a full-time professional yoga

course in Sydney and enjoyed ten months of learning and

practising yoga. Within the course, we were introduced to a

plethora of ancient yoga pranayamas and encouraged to explore

the breath which I found fascinating. However, it wasn't until I

came across conscious breathwork that my eyes turned to look at

‘unique breath patterns' (we all breathe in completely unique

ways) and how we should be breathing in a healthy way.

Fast forward a few years and I was then teaching yoga, with the

certified eye of a breath coach, noticing that although everyone

was in a yoga pose, absolutely no one was breathing well. So,

feeling that I was merely teaching people to stretch, I turned my

attention to teaching people to breathe well on a full-time basis.

Yoga helped me immensely in the early days and helped me to

reach a sense of peace and calm. This further made me realise

that the anxiety was like white noise, and I only ever noticed that

it was constantly there when it was finally gone. My love of

feeling anxious-free led me to become a professional yoga




When did you decide to help children in schools?

When my son first started school, some parents were invited into

the classroom to help the children settle in for the first couple of

weeks. I suddenly realised how stressful the start of school can be

for young children and teachers alike. We were in a small

classroom, full of 30 children, and there were not enough hands to

comfort the upset few. With my knowledge of breathwork and

understanding how a short practice can help calm the nervous

system, I couldn’t help feeling that learning breathwork in schools

schools vv

would be very helpful for both pupil and teacher. This insight ran parallel with many clients I was seeing in the City at the time asking

me, “Why don’t we learn this at school?” As I would commute from dropping my son off at school, to seeing clients in The Breathing

Room, I started to ask myself ,“Why don’t we learn breathwork in schools?”

From that day, I slowly spent the next three years formulating a programme for primary school teachers to help teach simple yet highly

effective breathwork techniques in schools. I, along with a team of breath coaches, taught live classes and programmes in primary

schools for the first few months with some incredible results. We then realised it wasn't going to be sustainable long term and also


how much learning could be conducted online, so I formulated the School Breathe online programme for more schools and children to

access. This now reaches over 3,000 school children across the UK. We have also launched a School Breathe breath coach training


for primary schools to delve deeper into breathwork and to allow

teachers to teach a combination of scientifically proven breathfocused

techniques for children to feel calmer, more focused and

more present – all essential components for being able to learn


My time teaching in schools also opened my eyes and I noted that

some of us lose this vital connection with a ‘healthy breath’ from a

very young age. Children as young as 6 and 7 years old were

breathing only with their upper chest, which can cause feelings of

stress and anxiety. This further propelled my mission to teach

children and teachers the importance of how to breathe well – and

this is now the foundation of the School Breathe programme.

In addition to the school programs, breathwork sessions extend to

benefit individuals, corporates, as well as holding workshops,

events and retreats.

“I would love to see the next generation being

introduced to breathwork as soon as they start school.

It’s paramount we don’t lose our connection with the

innate healing qualities that our very own

breathing system can bring to our

physical, emotional and mental wellbeing.

Conscious breathwork has changed my life so

profoundly; I feel passionate about sharing my

knowledge and experience to create simple and

accessible ways for everyone to feel the benefits of a

full, healthy breath.”

You can find out more by visiting www.schoolbreathe.com and

www.thebreathingroom.co.uk, where you can also purchase Aimee's latest book.

Aimee Hartley

www.schoolbreathe.com & www.thebreathingroom.co.uk


@breathe.well & @aimeebreathing


Share Your Story

How can you inspire others?

Become a

PŪR Storyteller!



We are so excited to share our latest

initiative with you that’s all about


What inspired me to introduce the Pūr Energy Life Magazine Website was so that people could learn more about our

wonderful world of energy, and find ways to improve their physical health, emotional and mental wellbeing,

relationships and ultimately their lives. So far, the launch has consisted of the eMagazine’s first Winter and Spring

Editions, with articles including topics on Mindset and Limiting Beliefs, Dreams, Positive Affirmations, Yoga for a

Healthy Life, and also individuals and businesses that strive to Make a Difference. We’ve also had Inspirational Stories

of people who have transformed their Pain into Passion with Purpose.

I’ve decided that this is a good start, but it’s not enough.

I’ve realised that in order to reach and attract a wider audience, it’s not about articles – it’s about Connection. I want to help YOU

to connect with others so that more people can transform their lives by learning about the many tools, techniques and modalities

that exist today.

We all have unique personalities and experiences

that help to shape the way we think, feel and behave –

all according to our personal values and belief systems.

Therefore, YOU will attract others who resonate with

YOUR personality, YOUR experiences, and ultimately



There are too many people out there who are going

through difficult times – and sometimes it feels so

overwhelming that it feels impossible to live a

normal life again. But what if there is a way to

understand that you’re not alone, and just hearing

about how someone has gotten through the pain

can help you to find hope to get through yours?

What if you are the one who has gotten

through it, and now want to inspire

others to learn how to do the same?

If you have a story that you wish to share, please submit your own Personal Story for others to benefit from. I believe that when you

share your passion from the heart, then your connection to others will grow, as will the impact you can have on many more lives. It’s

time to make your connections and help people to see that they, too, can improve their lives. It’s time to live a more conscious life and

understand that you can fulfil your potential to live a healthier, happier and more meaningful life.

Who Can Be A Storyteller?

You have a strong desire to share your message with a wider audience;

You want to inspire and help others to transform their lives;

You have transformed your own life, either physically or through a change in mindset, that has brought to you a

significantly improved circumstance in one or more areas of your life;

You have had a drastic change in the direction of your life that now provides you more meaning, fulfilment and purpose;

You currently have a business where you help others to improve at least one area of their lives;

You incorporate energy into your current work.

Some examples of energy work include, but are not limited to:

Energy healing modalities

Breathing, meditation and yoga

Therapies involving sound, music, colour and other sensory treatments

Nutrition to naturally boost energy levels and improve health

Mindset coaching and counselling

Charity work or businesses that make a difference to the community,

and to the world



Share your passion






www.emagazine.purenergylife.com to Share Your Story and make a difference.

You can find the simple guidelines for submitting your Personal Story,

and also find my easy-to-use form for submission.

Or you can email editor@purenergylife.com for further details.


m y p e r s o n a l

s t o r y

My background is completely different from holistic healing and wellbeing. I studied Finance graduating

with a Master’s in Business Administration and pursuing a career as a Finance Business Partner in global

corporations. However, giving up work to raise my family was as much a blessing as it was a curse,

resulting in my loss of identity and feelings of worthlessness. But this was only the start of my journey to selfdiscovery

and it enabled me to find my true passion in life – helping others to improve their lives for better

health, happiness and fulfilment!

hen I was 11 years old, my dream was to become a Chartered

Accountant. Not the typical dream for a child to have - like a

Wtireteacher, teacher, a firefighter, or a firefighter, veterinarian - but it was my dream. I was good at

numbers and enjoyed maths at school – some could have even called me a bit

‘nerdy’ with my head often buried in books. Then when I got older, I had bigger

dreams – I decided that I wanted to become an investment banker, or even a

stockbroker and work on Wall Street in New York. Even the sound of it excited

me – my eyes would light up just thinking about it! It was a bit of a stretch and

moving away wasn’t going to be easy. But the goal was that I would make my

first million by the age of 30.

A search for more meaning

My life took a drastic turn when I was in high school – I discovered life outside

of books and learned that I didn’t always need to follow the rules. I became a bit

rebellious and found myself searching for an identity, as I never really felt like I

belonged anywhere, and I don’t think I ever felt comfortable in my own skin. I felt

lost – as if I was searching for something – or maybe I just wanted to belong

somewhere. I made some bad decisions and ended up being involved in a life

of partying, extensive alcohol use, as well as drug abuse. Although I was still

keeping up my grades through high school and into university, I was more

niversity, confused I than was ever more and confused

my vices as a way to fit in and numb the pain I often felt. But then I reached a bottom and found

myself struggling to find joy in my life. I would stare at photographs stuck on my bedroom wall and wondered what it felt like when I

used to smile – something that I hadn’t done for quite some time. I was eventually diagnosed with multiple conditions over the

years, including fibromyalgia, arthritis, and clinical depression. There was even a time when my doctor mentioned that I might

even have a mild form of manic depression. At this point, I was just relieved to finally get prescribed medication – I wanted to feel

normal like everyone else seemed to do so easily.


Repeating patterns and unlearned lessons

Somehow, I managed to get through my twenties alive, and

things slowed down a bit. I went through many relationships

and didn’t understand why they would all end up in the same

way - my lack of self-respect and self-love would cause people

to treat me worse and worse. My friends and family wondered

why I tolerated such treatments from others, but deep inside I

knew it was because I ultimately didn’t feel that I deserved love.

Only today I know that I had to accept and love myself before

anyone could give me the feeling of love that I needed so much.

But as it happens, when lessons are presented to you and you

refuse to learn them, your experiences will reach a point where

you will have no other choice. And so, I finally decided to do

something for myself for a change. Something that would not

be to please anyone else – but only for my own benefit. And, as

soon as I took that step out of self-loathing, my life quickly

accelerated towards a brand-new start.

Loss of ego and entering the dark night of the soul

The first thing I want to be clear about is that my family is the

most important thing in my life and every decision that I ever

made was for them. But ironically, giving up work impacted me

far more than I could have ever imagined. I lost my confidence as

I related my self-worth to my success. I wasn’t earning an income

anymore so I had to depend on someone else, something that I

wasn’t used to. And my lower self-esteem fuelled my thoughts - I

didn’t think I was a good mother or even a good wife. But

something much deeper was happening – something that I still

can’t fully explain today. But what had happened during those

years left me spiralling downwards with extreme feelings of

unworthiness, betrayal, anxiety and anger.

''It's only today I know

that I had to accept

and love myself

before anyone could

give me the feeling of love

that I needed so much.''

Was this finally the perfect life?

I finally reached a point where it was hard not to enjoy being

me. I had just completed my Master’s in Business program, met

my husband-to-be during an exchange program in Shanghai,

and moved to England. My career was taking off and I quickly

got promotion after promotion – life was great, and I felt that I

was finally getting the life I knew I could have. It still wasn’t

enough for me though, and I knew that I would be able to

achieve much more. But time doesn't slow down for anyone and

I was ready to settle down to start a family. As much as I loved

working, I decided to temporarily become a full-time mother – it

was all-or-nothing for me and I didn’t want to juggle between

work and family life. At first, things were quite exciting, and I

was enjoying every single new experience of being a mum.

However, as rewarding as it was, what I didn’t realise was that

I gave up much more than just my job.

''I remember sitting in the corner of my

living room,

and I couldn’t stop crying.

How did I end up here?

I felt like I had lost everything and

absolutely no one understood me,

as if I was going crazy.

I could hear myself shouting out loud,

“Please make this stop!

I promise that I’ll learn

what I need to learn…

I just want to have a

normal life again!”


This pit of darkness lasted for several years and strange

messages were presenting themselves to me everywhere I

turned. Friends, acquaintances and even strangers would

approach me to tell me things, almost as if they all conspired

together. Although there were varying messages, the one that

was the clearest to me was that I needed to forgive. Hints

weren't working for me, so signs were hitting me directly over

the head - even unrelated people were just walking up to me

for the sole purpose of telling me a story of how forgiveness

was the key to setting yourself free. With the added paranoia, I

just felt that I just couldn’t go on any longer, and I knew that if it

wasn’t for my family, this feeling might have become a tragic


this, and so I kept on going, getting positive results, one after the

other. I was also completely fascinated about what had

happened over the past years – I was reading book after book

on various topics from various globally renowned authors. I was

interested in how the mind works and these so-called spiritual

awakenings, and I was most inspired by the works of Eckhart

Tolle, Dr Joe Dispenza, Eric Pepin, Oliver Niño, Vishen Lahkiani

of Mindvalley, as well as the Dalai Lama, Paramahansa

Yogananda and Sadhguru. And obviously, with my new-found

passion for healing and the energy world, I just couldn’t put

down my new books on Pranic Healing and Spiritual Growth by

Master Choa Kok Sui.

But this was also the moment when everything started to

change in my life, almost like whoever (or whatever) that I was

shouting to was listening to me and answering to my cries of


New beginnings and synchronicities

I’m not going to lie and tell you that my life suddenly became

wonderful again. It took awhile, but at the same time, I knew

that something was different. I started to volunteer at a friend’s

charity and just kept my head down and blocked out the world

around me the best I could.

One day, I decided to attend a seminar that was being held by

an organisation that had donated a generous amount of

money to the charity. I figured that it was worth finding out

more as I had never heard of this foundation before. The

seminar was about ‘energy’ and how you could remove stress

and anxiety (amongst other emotions) from your body

energetically using a non-touch system. I volunteered to have

a try and stood up in front of the attendees. In my mind, I knew

that nothing would happen, and before I could finish that

thought, I felt a surge of energy that started from the pit of my

stomach and quickly rose up to my throat. Before I knew it, I

was sobbing uncontrollably – utterly confused at this terrifying,

yet incredible release. I was intrigued despite not fully

understanding what had happened, but this was the

beginning of my new-found passion for Pranic Healing. I took

the first course, and small miracles were happening right in

front of my very eyes. My logical Finance brain couldn’t accept


Living my passion

My passion hasn’t stopped growing – in fact, I feel like my

mission is to help others discover that their lives, too, can be so

full of passion, meaning and ultimate fulfilment. I now work as a

full-time Pranic Healer and I incorporate Mindset Coaching into

my work for true and sustainable transformation. I’ve also

launched this online magazine to serve as a platform for others

to come together to share their stories and create connections.

Hopefully, this will enable us all to reach out to anyone who is

going through a difficult time – to show them that sometimes

there is more to life than meets the eye, and those life situations

are so much more than the traumas and disasters that we

sometimes are conditioned to only see. And although we are all

different, this is what makes each and every one of us unique,

which is truly a gift to embrace. The possibilities are limitless

and we can truly create a life of good health, happiness and

fulfilment in this wonderful world of energy.


The latest research supports the notion

that we have a natural ability

to change the brain and body

by thought alone, so that

it looks biologically like some

future event has already happened.

Because you can make thought

more real than anything else,

you can change who you are

from brain cell to gene.

~ D R . J O E D I S P E N Z A





Have you heard of people who claim you can transform your life by

re-wiring your mind? Is this even safe? Find out for yourself by

reading my personal experience in a 28-day program with Vishen

Lakhiani at Mindvalley – with The Silva Ultramind Method.

Have you ever wondered why so many people are now

teaching ways in which you can re-wire, or even


re-program your mind? If you haven’t tried this for yourself, then

you may be intrigued by the concept, but perhaps are unwilling

to take the risk. I used to think that all of this was for ‘weakminded’

individuals and that my mind was ‘strong’ and not

susceptible to the powers of suggestion. But, what I didn’t

realise was the fact that my life sucked at the time, and so,

however ‘strong’ my mind was, it wasn’t serving me well.

So many teachers – so who’s right?

If you have already read my Personal Story, you know that I’m a

Seeker – always curious about what I don’t know, and what I

can’t see. I am fascinated with energy and the possibilities that

come along with it – something that many people aren’t even

aware of. Aside from all of the books that I’ve read to feed this

curiosity, I’ve also watched countless seminars, webinars,

freebies, and have even taken many courses from various

teachers of energy. What I have realised very quickly, is that

although there are so many people trying to impart their

knowledge and experiences – sometimes using very different


techniques – the ultimate goal is the same. I see these as

types of training programs or ways in which you can

improve your energy levels and discover innate skills you

might not know exist. This can even be perceived as a form

of spiritual growth and development, or from the human

level as the evolution of mankind.

What I love the most is that these teachers provide

materials and courses in a form that is unique to each of

them. For example, Dr Joe Dispenza is a Chiropractor who

subsequently trained in neurology, neuroscience, brain

function, cellular biology and other related fields. It was

only after a traumatic accident leading to the shattering of

his spine, that he managed to heal himself and discovered

just how powerful the mind really is. Now his teachings,

along with his personal story, attract millions of people who

are interested and drawn towards a more scientific

approach to energy. On the other hand, we have other

teachers like Eckhart Tolle who had a spiritual awakening

following long periods of depression. He speaks and

teaches millions of people about inner




transformation and how he started off with the realisation

that there is no self, and our mind-made self is what

prevents us from being present in the now, or from being at


So, who’s right? In my opinion, they all are - I’m not talking

about some people who are frauds and are obviously out

just to make money or take advantage of others’

vulnerabilities. They are all trying to convey their ideas

using the resources they have, meaning their personalities,

their experiences and their realisations. Just as there is no

single book or film that will appeal to all audiences, there is

no single teacher of life that will appeal to all Seekers. And

so, what a Divine plan it is that allows every Seeker to learn

and absorb teachings that match their frequencies. All

human beings have the opportunity to enrol in this 'school of

life’ and be drawn to the teachers that best suit their

individual needs.

deeper into their work (should you wish so), then concepts

including psychic abilities start to come up for all of these.

Oliver Niño, the Spiritual Activator, dives straight into his

courses with these concepts, and even offers freebies to

explain the various types of psychic abilities – clairvoyance,

clairaudience, clairsentience, and all the rest. But obviously,

as the Spiritual Activator, he is drawing an audience that

already has spiritual awareness and that may already

possess one or more of these abilities.

What is this ‘school of energy’?

What does it teach?

From my experience, all schools are essentially teaching the

same thing at the broadest level – but again, I emphasise

that I am not including individuals or groups that are out for

selfish needs and manipulating intentions. The schools are

all about our energy and the one of everything that

surrounds us. In fact, everything is energy. You may know

that even the word energy is known by various terms - like

prana, chi, ki and life’s force - from different countries,

cultures, civilisations and throughout time. So, while Eric

Pepin of the Higher Balance Institute might use words like

‘white cells’ and call the Seeker a Navigator, you have others

who also adopt their own terminology and phrases. I have

taken quite a few courses over the years, and I often see the

similarities between things and not the differences. All of

them include breathwork and meditation, with the goals to

still the mind and increase awareness, amongst others. Dr

Joe Dispenza talks about heart and brain coherence, as

does Vishen Lakhiani, Deepak Chopra and Lynne

McTaggart, to name a few. Similarly, Pranic Healing goes to

the energetic level with the Heart and Crown chakras

playing a key role in achieving inner peace. As you go

deeper into their

The 28-day Silva Ultramind System

Back to my original reason for writing this article – I have

very recently completed The Silva Ultramind Method, led by

Vishen Lakhiani from Mindvalley. I hadn’t heard of José Silva

before (to my surprise), but had received an email from

Mindvalley about the upcoming course. I was intrigued

because it offered to teach you to tap into altered states of

mind, where ultimately you could access higher intuition,

creativity and problem-solving. I knew from my courses with

Dr Joe Dispenza, that the science was sound and that

reaching the Alpha, Theta and even Gamma levels would

lead you to higher brain function. In fact, it’s scientifically

proven that doing regular meditation will increase your

Gamma Wave levels – the same waves that are accessed by

athletes at peak performance levels.

Even more strange was the fact that just a few days later,

and within the first five minutes of my interview with Anusha

for her Personal Story article, she informed me that she was

José s


José Silva's first child student! From not hearing about it

before, enrolling onto the course, and then speaking to

Anusha who had met the Silva family in person – what a


The 28-day program is a version of the original 2-day

seminar that was offered by José Silva himself. However,

Vishen has adapted it so that each day, you only need to

spend between 15 to 40 minutes of practice depending on

the exercises required for the day - and this is clever

because it takes time to train the mind, so doing shorter

exercises for a longer period of time would ultimately

enhance the results.

I was actually quite surprised when the concept of psychic

abilities was presented so early in the program. By Day 2, he

was already talking about ESP (extra-sensory perception)

and even the concept of mind-reading. On Day 4, we did

the Mental Video exercise, not dissimilar at all to Dr Joe

Dispenza’s ‘mind movie’ technique. The similarities were

actually jumping out at me and I’m sure many other schools

also utilise these powerful visualisation techniques for

similar purposes.

Do you need basic knowledge of energy, or does

having prior knowledge reduce the effects?

I found that because I am already a Pranic Healer with the

routine of doing daily meditations and other practices, I

was able to access these deeper states of mind very quickly

and with ease.

However, I’m sure that even if you aren’t a regular meditator,

you could also access these states with practice, which is

why he asks you to commit to daily short exercises

throughout the duration of the course. I love that none of the

exercises take a long time, and even a person with a busy

schedule could manage to complete this.

More than just coincidences!

On Day 4, we were asked to think of a problem we wanted to

find a solution to. The visualisation exercise during the Alpha

state was meant to tap into your intuition, with the ability for

you to receive the answer to your question within a few days.

This doesn’t mean that in that state, you would hear a voice

telling you the answer necessarily (although this is also a

possibility!) but that the answer would come to you in a

possibly unexpected way. So, I asked my question and to my

complete surprise, the answer popped up on Day 7, three

days later. Now, to the sceptic, this could be seen as a

coincidence. But once you understand the world of energy,

practising this skill will actually help you to tap into your

intuition more frequently for problem-solving, and even hone

your ability to manifest, or materialise what you want. Even as

a sceptic, I believe this is appealing enough to entertain the

possibility, no matter how great your disbelief!

For me, the answer came from speaking to someone on a

Zoom call. I didn’t even tell her about my experience nor my

question, but suddenly she gave me advice about how I had




to wait and not rush into anything that I was perhaps planning to do. She was quite specific and spoke as if she knew what my

question was, and we weren’t even speaking about anything in particular at the time. In fact, then I recalled another

conversation I had the day before, and the same thing happened where a different person suddenly decided to offer me advice

about the question I hadn’t even mentioned. This advice was the same – she said that I should wait and not move forward on a

project that I had been thinking about – not yet anyway.

As I said, I used to be an extreme sceptic and I would dismiss any of these ideas. Instead, I would say that they are only

coincidences and that people will interpret things the way they want to. But despite having my analytical finance brain, I’ve

found real proof that some things are beyond coincidence. And once you start to notice this, you will in fact get more and more of

them. These can also be called synchronicities and practising this method will fine-tune your ability to obtain answers, however

bizarre they may seem to appear.

But it didn't stop there. The program continued with practising various visualisation techniques, including projection exercises

into objects and even living things. The purposes varied from being able to use your ESP to ‘mind read’, to understanding the

history of an object, all the way to healing the body. The latter is a concept I know well and therefore it was wonderful to learn yet

a different way of healing, which even further reinforced my understanding of it.

But is this all safe to do, or is this a form of


I was reassured to also hear, that within the guided

relaxation exercises, positive phrases would be stated to

be absorbed by your subconscious mind whilst in the

deeper states. I don’t see the harm in this if you are

informed and aware of what is happening and if the ideas

being programmed into your mind are of the highest good

and to your benefit. Phrases like, “Every day, in every way


I am getting better, better and better”, or even ones that are for attuning your intelligence and sense faculties to benefit

humanity with good, honest and pure intentions – not using these levels of mind to harm any other human being. But be aware

that Vishen also uses phrases that infer that your awareness can be projected beyond the earth, solar system, galaxies and even

universes. If these unearthly concepts ‘freak you out’, then just ignore them for now, but also keep an open mind. There’s far more

happening ‘out there’ that we are not even aware of. We all know of the great discoveries that have enabled us to leap forward

into the future – inventions such as electricity, modern medicine, the telephone, the internet and countless other discoveries that

would have been perceived as unfathomable prior to their discoveries. And even concepts such as the earth being round is still

something that a few believe to be false today!

I know that not everyone believes in psychic abilities or having something invisible and unknown that governs your very being.

But considering the fact that there are so many different variations of the same thing that has existed for thousands of years,

maybe there’s a possibility that something else is at play beyond our five senses? And if so, many people (and it seems that even

more are following suit) are claiming to find inner peace, meaning in their lives, upgrading their brain to enable a clearer mind

for better decision making, less clutter of emotions and enhanced abilities. Wouldn’t you want to entertain this possibility for



I can say that I thoroughly enjoyed my journey with The Silva Ultramind Method. It brought to me, and reinforced my knowledge

of energy, and how to access it for higher intuition. And although the aspired results aren’t all quite there yet, I know that it has

exercised and trained my spiritual muscles that are in preparation for further growth and development.

The universe is far more clever than we can comprehend, and I am finally able to enjoy every moment of my life. But it wasn’t

until I opened my eyes, my mind and my belief to the possibilities, that I began my journey to a more meaningful life in this

exciting world of energy.

''I think gone are the days where higher abilities are seen as mystical,

or even as witchcraft. There have been enough cases and scientific

developments all around the world that have proven that we are far more

capable than our minds limit us to – and that we have only scratched the

surface of what possibilities there are yet to discover.''

Is this something that everyone should do?

Based on my own experiences and knowledge, I would recommend that if you’re seeking to learn more, you should pursue the

ideas and methodologies that interest you. Not everyone wants to hear about mystical experiences, just as some are not

interested in scientific facts about heart and brain coherence. But also, don’t be fooled that two different methodologies will

necessarily get you to the same result, either. Some focus more on psychic abilities, and others on healing or manifestation, for

example. The Silva Ultramind System is only one of the many offerings that exist within the Silva System (keep in mind that it’s an

introductory 28-day course where healing is only discussed and practised towards the end) which is obviously not nearly

enough if you are interested in becoming a serious healer. Saying that, I’m sure there are many more Silva courses and modules

that are offered that can help for specific areas.



And this is done in a very simple and easy-to-follow way that is both logical and scientific.

I created this platform where people come together and connect to share their stories, inspire others, and help people to

understand that there’s far more that influences our lives then what we can see, smell, hear, taste and feel. Once you learn how

to access and tap into this unseen force, then everything becomes much easier and you can become the creator of your own life.

But with everything, you need practice in order to improve your skills for consistent results. It definitely serves as a good

introduction and shows some basic principles of how things can work, and even extraordinary things can happen in just a few

days. In particular, I think this course helps you to access the Alpha and Theta levels of mind and introduces you to the concept

of what you can achieve when provided with some simple visualisation techniques. You need no background in other modalities

- just an open mind - and the results can be pretty incredible.








Maria Elena Luciani is an independent

artist who uses her passion to raise

awareness about the endangerment

of wildlife species ebbb throughout the world by means of her

artwork. She is inspired by learning about the many

problems that animals face that are not only harmful to

them, but to the survival of their species.

I had the absolute privilege of speaking to Mary about

her experiences and I found her to be both humbling

with her work, and full of passion and conviction to fulfil

her mission, which is clearly seen and felt when

admiring her inspiring artwork.


How did your career begin as an artist and where

did your inspiration come from?

I was always attracted by the idea of doing something

creative. As a child, I enjoyed art and painting, but I

wouldn't say that I was especially talented. It wasn't until I

was 19 years old that I decided to study at the Academy of

Fine Arts in Venice. There, I found that my colleagues were

extremely talented in their styles and techniques, and I

knew I needed to practice to make my skills better and

better. I was unsure of how to specialise my skills to set

myself apart from others, although I didn't really see my

colleagues as competitors. Everybody is different and has

their own style, and everyone is unique in how they do

things, how they study and how they are inspired. I

discovered that my inspiration comes from nature and

wildlife. And, I realised that I could be of help to make

some of the problems known to people through my


This is also when I decided to devote my creativity to

issues relating to the loss of natural habitats of many

animal species and the phenomenon of having wild

animals as pets. So, I started to convey these happenings

as artistic messages on canvas. In the beginning I used

more an indirect way, but later, I decided to paint the

actual issues, like elephants struggling and dying because

of the trade of ivory. The first problem I put my attention

towards was the domestication of wild animals.

In certain parts of the world, people love to own exotic pets

at home, allowing them to take on our habits and lifestyle.

However, not only is this illegal for many cases, but it is also

unnatural and causes tremendous suffering to these animals

that are unsuited for life in captivity.

''Experience is capable of

changing us deeply,

as we humans are capable of

changing the world.''

When I travelled to different parts of the world, I found that

these types of issues weren't conveyed artistically, which

reinforced my reason to continue to spread my message

through my art - I started to see it as a mission. And after

becoming aware of thousands of such problems, I decided

to share the need to raise awareness of animal cruelty and

endangerment worldwide.

Can you describe some of your experiences abroad?

My travels abroad inspired me to create several collections

of paintings and works of engraving techniques.

Between 2017 and 2018 I travelled across the globe from

Mongolia to Australia, becoming more aware of the

problems of fragile ecosystems, rainforests threatened by

intensive agriculture, poaching and overpopulation. During

this time, I visited jungles and some wildlife conservation

centres, where animals were rescued from poachers, or

from illegal trading of endangered species. These centres

would rescue the animals, care for and heal them, and then

ideally release them back into the wild, if this was possible.

But unfortunately, it's not always the case because some

animals are really injured, so releasing them into the wild is

not an option. So they have to spend the rest of their lives in

cages - and this is really sad.




The Urban Jungle Collection was inspired by Mary's first works to portray the issue of the domestication of wild animals, leading


to negative impacts not only on animal conservation but also on the environment and the balance of our ecosystem.

How have you helped to fundraise for

wildlife causes?

My Urban Jungle collection was created to help

raise awareness for animal cruelty and

domestication, whilst collecting funds for the

wildlife conservation centres. After witnessing

the incredible work being done to help wild

animals in Asia, I travelled to Australia and

started to create prints of the animal portraits I

painted onto t-shirts to be sold in the city

markets. This was really satisfying because

even though it was a small contribution, it really

meant a lot to me. I also aim to improve and

create possibilities for future collaborations

with more wildlife conservation programs.

But for the moment, I work independently and continue to support various

wildlife conservation groups, Greenpeace and Four Paws, a global animal

welfare organisation based in Vienna.

And recently, I have become patronage of Pro Wildlife, a German

Association that combines nature and animal species protection with the

goal to preserve biodiversity and save animals. The particular program

that I'm supporting is for the protection of baby elephants that are often

orphans orphaned because the parents

are killed from poaching. The

baby elephants are then rescued

and rehabilitated, and when

reaching adulthood, they can be

returned to the wild.

Engraving Techniques

What other inspiration have you had for your more recent


I feel inspired by animals that are really endangered. I feel the urge to

paint these pieces so that people can become aware of their issues.

Many of these species are unknown to many people, and so the first

step is to speak about them - or in my case, paint. This is the reason I

was inspired to create one of my paintings dedicated to the Atlantic

Rainforest in Brazil.

I wasn't even aware of this habitat before, and so I decided to learn

more about it until it became a source of inspiration to paint some of

the habitats. This new project aimed to create artwork to represent

species of these forests, where many endemic ones live, and also some

that are not very well-known - I figured that sometimes if an animal is

unknown, it's a good start point and more of a reason to represent it in

my paintings.

After working on the Urban Jungle collection, I focused more on

endangered habitats and species because I visited many of these

places in person. I went to the Sumatra rain forest to create much of my

work. I also dedicated a big project to the bushfires in Australia last

year, because I was myself in Australia visiting a few years ago. I feel

much more inspired by personal experiences and therefore I connect

deeper with my art.

Maria Elena Luciani's wildlife paintings

displayed in European Art Exhibitions,

including Milan, Venice, Rome, Turin,

Berlin, Vienna:

2019: ARTMUC - Isarforum, Munich (GER)

2017: ART is NOW - Basilica Sant’Ambrogio,

Milano (IT); Performance “Pray for

Elephants” - Vienna (AT); Oltre i confini:

dalla realtà al sogno - Museo MIIT, Torino

(IT); Art’è Donna - Galleria Civica, Bolzano


2016: Sperimentazioni - Elle Galleria,

Preganziol (IT)

2015: Animalia - The Gallery Steiner-Art &

Wine, Vienna (AT)

2014: Wild City - Forum Factory, Berlino

2013: Il sogno è l’infinita ombra del vero –

Omaggio a Federico Fellini - Galleria

Civica, Bolzano (IT); Art’è Donna - Centro

Claudio Trevi, Bolzano (IT)

2012: Frames of Life / Nomadic / 100 -

RossoCinabro Gallery, Rome; Tra Umano e

Animale - Grand Hotel di Alassio, Alassio


2011: Genius Loci - Magazzini del Sale,

Venice (IT); In divenire - Padiglione

Palmanova, Forte Marghera, Venice (IT)

''Getting into painting is like going on a long

journey. It is exciting, it has great surprises and

pleasures to offer. But like every long journey,

it also tests and forces you to confront yourself

with your own limits. And how many are there,

especially at the beginning! Anyone who

decides to dedicate themselves to painting in a

lasting way, as a passion, will notice.''

Not only do I love Mary's work, but I believe that her passion is what

really allows her messages to shine through. Even her words are poetic

and you can just feel what she has to say is genuine and from the heart.

And when you create from the heart, this is where the magic happens.

Maria Elena Luciani



+49 163 1642542





you've got some spare time, come and join us in creating this


platform to connect people together.


doesn't matter how much or how little you do,


would love to hear from you.


Join Our Team

Would you like to help us to build a community?

So please get in touch by emailing


if you have any of the following skills, or

just want to see how you can get involved:

proofreading and editing

creativity (layouts and design)

website skills (Wordpress or PHP coding)




we are faced with circumstances where we need to help others. This may be


a family member, a close friend, a colleague, or even someone who is part of


community. Most of the time, they are a significant part of our lives which compels


to reach out, take action and to help in any way that we can.


we also see the people who spread out to greater causes and choose to sacrifice


time, their money and their resources - they give their hearts to help people who


inspiring story is about a person who is helping to save the lives of a family in


India - the community in which she grew up. Not only has she decided to help


raise funds for Mani's critically- needed kidney transplant, she is sending her heartfelt


of healing through the power of kindness.


The power of


By Allison Cairns

Where does inspiration come from?

are not even a part of their immediate circle, and sometimes even to strangers.



might feel


this year, but


thing will stay the


the people, and


moments of


are what


kindness is more


than ever.





Aalam Grewal

matter most.

Mani Ram, father of two, was diagnosed

with both his kidneys failing in 2010. His

wife Shoba has very bravely

offered to donate one of her kidneys so

that they can see their children grow up


Apart from struggling to pay the medical

bills, the family of four will be left with no

income, as both parents will be bedridden

for at least six months.

Being a mother herself, Aalam felt

compelled to help this family as they have

no alternate support. And being fortunate

to be in the position to help, she feels a

responsibility to help others who are less

fortunate and going through a difficult



When Aalam approached me with her

mission, as many others would, I felt deeply

saddened. I, too, am fortunate to be blessed

with a healthy family, a comfortable lifestyle

and am full of gratitude to wake up each

day filled with love, laughter and meaning.

But sometimes, even having a life that most

could ever dream of, there is still a void.

Not one that will necessarily cause

unhappiness and despair; but one that pulls

you towards a purpose beyond yourself or

even your loved ones.

For years, I had struggled with my own

mind-created suffering. And this isn't to

belittle what had happened, and what may

be happening in many people's lives. The

situations are real. The confusion, the

torment and the pain are all real to the

person experiencing them. But I managed

to find a way back to happiness and

beyond, and this has come with a


Aside from transforming my life and

completely changing careers to help others,

there was still something I knew that I could

do - and in a greater capacity. However, I

was struggling to find the compelling

reason to do so. What cause would I give

to? What greater purpose could I serve?

And how would this all be done?

It wasn't until my conversation with Aalam,

about her burning desire to help Mani and

his family, that I realised that all of my

questions don't really matter. I realised

that it's not about giving to the right

cause, or for the right reason and at the

right time. It's about giving because you


If you can give,

then you must.

And so I've decided to join together with

Aalam, to do what I can. And if I can reach

out to others, to spread awareness, to help

with this fundraising, or even to inspire

you to help others, then this is the start

that I've been looking for. And I know that

by doing so, it will lead to many more

causes that will help others.

Sometimes, just making a start is what's

needed. It doesn't matter what, how,

where or any of the other reasons that can

cause you to delay to serve a greater

purpose. You just need to take the first

step, however small, and then greater

things can be accomplished.

If you would like to support Aalam's

mission to help raise funds for Mani's

kidney transplant, and you live in the

surrounding areas of Camberley, Ascot,

Windlesham, Virginia Water, you can find

the details of her menu here Or you can

make a direct contribution by donating




on my menu to view my home-cooked meat and








has been a passion of mine for years. And raising


for this cause has given me the reason to start


I have challenged myself to cook at least 400


to reach our target. All of the proceeds will be given


promise to you is the taste and the quality of my homecooked


food. I will not put anything on.your table that



The Lost Cookhouse


to the family in need.

wouldn't belong on mine.

So, here is a delicious way to show some love to our cause.

How you can help...and get a delicious home-cooked meal


Choose from one of the following packages:

meal for two


meal for four to five (3 dishes of your choice, including rice and naan bread)

Call or text your order to 07730 533 559.

Make your payment/donation via PayPal to aalamg@icloud.com.

Get your food delivered at the pre-arranged date....and enjoy!

Let me cook my heart out for you!

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