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again, too,” she said. “And alone,” she added.

“And you have that summer art class


He winced. That art class had come up so

fast he hadn’t had time to nix it.

“I want to get us out of here safely, you

know?” her voice was dull.

“Yes mom,” he said, not knowing what else

to say. He imagined the grasses on fire from a

spark off the hot car engine. The idea of a brush

fire dawned on him in a more real sense. He had

seen a grass fire burning a prairie on TV. The

quick-moving, earth-scorching swiftness scared


“What do you think?”

“Uh, ok….” he said, hearing the growling

machine noise of the jeeps recede gradually up

ahead. The others were going on and they were

being left behind.

“That guy!” she was talking to herself.

“He’s so disorganized! He could have seen this

coming,” her voice had a note of hysteria. She

meant Chris, their trip organizer. “He knows

what I’m driving. I ought to have known better

than to trust him.”

“Yes, mom,” he said.

“We’re stopping for a while….”

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