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#WeAre<strong>Ascot</strong><br />
A S C O T U N I T E D F C<br /><br />
duarte SURPANU<br />
Tue 18 May 2021<br />
Cherry Red Records Combined Counties League Cup Semi Final<br />
Matchday<br />
Programme<br />
Season<br />
T H E Y E L L A M E N<br />
T H E B O R O<br />
Yellow <strong>and</strong> Blue<br />
Navy Blue<br /><strong>Ascot</strong>UnitedFC<br /><br />
Sam Gray (GK)<br />
Alex Sykes (GK)<br />
Sam Hayes (GK)<br />
Aaron Berry<br />
Aiden Higgs<br />
Ben Hodges<br />
Calum Ferguson<br />
Chris Ellis<br />
Dan Bailey<br />
Duarte Surpanu<br />
George Lock<br />
Harry Laflin<br />
Ian Davies<br />
James Haworth<br />
Jonny Denton<br />
Josh Masters<br />
Louis Bouwers<br />
Riccardo Andrady<br />
Rory Merrick<br />
Sam Evans<br />
Shaun Preddie<br />
Taylor Morgan<br />
Jamie Tompkins<br />
Dan Masters<br />
Jamie Ashdown<br />
Bjorn Dunkley<br />
Steve Quelch<br />
Georgia Buddin<br />
Manager<br />
Asst. Manager<br />
GK Coach<br />
Coach<br />
Coach<br />
Therapist<br />
Juan Federico (GK)<br />
Mohamed Turay<br />
Miguel Des Matos Lopes<br />
Shadrach Williams<br />
Sam Nana Marfo<br />
Adam Hamdi<br />
Joshua Chetwynd<br />
Josiah Valerie<br />
Jabir Lariba<br />
Eva Batousol<br />
Mohammed Belamouadden<br />
Terence Cariba<br />
Adam Nejjay<br />
Jahmal Edwards<br />
Gilbaut Batousol<br />
Ricardo Taylor<br />
Gilbaut Batousol & Mohammed Bakkali<br />
Jeff Clement<br />
Steve<br />
Hart<br />
Match Officials<br />
Adam<br />
Merchant<br />
Martin<br />
Etheridge<br />
Last Match:<br />
Frimley Green<br />
A<br />
Mon 3 May<br />
W 3-1<br />
FST<br />
Next Match: TBC TBC TBC<br />
Racecourse Ground, Winkfield Road, <strong>Ascot</strong>, SL5 7LJ<br />
Chairman: Simon Negus<br />
Club Secretary: Dan Birchmore<br />
Director of Football: Neil Richards<br />
1st Team Manager: Jamie Tompkins<br />
Assistant manager: Dan Masters<br />
Coaches: Bjorn Dunkley, Steve Quelch<br />
Goalkeeping Coach: Jamie Ashdown<br />
Allied U18 Manager: Josh Nice<br />
Therapist: Georgia Buddin<br />
Racecourse Facilities Manager: Jo Gavin<br />
Administration Manager: Emma Paton<br />
Bar Manager: Ellen Stearn<br />
Clubhouse Catering: Lisa Richards<br />
Reporting, Comms <strong>and</strong> Programme: Neal Jeffs<br />
Directors:<br />
Doug Page<br />
Mark Cooper<br />
Rob Jones<br />
Mike Harrison<br />
Phil Wray<br />
Zoe Reilly<br />
Chris Day<br />
<strong>Ascot</strong> United Football Club Limited. Registered in<br />
Engl<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> Wales. Registration No. 6883550<br />
Registered Office: Ternion Court, 264-268 Upper Fourth<br />
Street, Central Milton Keynes MK9 1DP.<br />
Affiliated to the Berks & Bucks F.A. No. Q-B&B0165<br />
with Simon Negus<br />
A warm welcome to <strong>Kensington</strong>/<strong>Ealing</strong><br />
<strong>Boro</strong>ugh for today's Cherry Red Records<br />
Combined Counties League Cup fixture.<br />
A warm welcome to you all <strong>and</strong> especially our visitors from<br />
West London for what feels like our first game of the season<br />
but in reality is our last home game!<br />
It’s been a two stage return to football for us at <strong>Ascot</strong> Utd. Our<br />
junior teams have been back playing for a few weeks, as have<br />
the senior teams but behind closed doors. It’s only now that it<br />
feels like we are properly back, <strong>and</strong> here’s hoping we get a full<br />
un-interrupted program next season. For now we’re delighted<br />
to have fans back at The Racecourse tonight, <strong>and</strong> look forward<br />
to seeing many of you back over the summer whether it’s to<br />
watch Euro 2020 matches on one of our big screens, or to<br />
support one of the many tournaments we will be hosting over<br />
the summer.<br />
It was with great sadness that we learned of the recent sudden<br />
death of Graham Poulter, Secretary at Virginia Water FC <strong>and</strong><br />
previous <strong>Ascot</strong> Utd stalwart. Previous Chairman Mike Harrison<br />
wrote this tribute:<br />
“Graham started his football career at <strong>Ascot</strong> United soon after<br />
I joined in 1998 <strong>and</strong> like so many of us he initially coached a<br />
junior team which included his younger son. The Royals<br />
progressed through the age groups <strong>and</strong> went on to win many<br />
trophies. In 2002 Graham agreed to help the club with the<br />
increasing workload caused by compliance <strong>and</strong> became our<br />
first Child Welfare Officer. His commitment <strong>and</strong> diligence<br />
made the club a better <strong>and</strong> safer place for children. Graham<br />
bought to the club was determination, integrity <strong>and</strong> honesty in<br />
abundance. If he didn’t agree with something he quickly made<br />
it clear what the correct thing to do <strong>and</strong> as a result gained<br />
everyone’s respect. <strong>Ascot</strong> United is indebted to Graham for the<br />
contribution he made but first <strong>and</strong> foremost he was a family<br />
man <strong>and</strong> our thoughts are with Wendy, their children <strong>and</strong> the<br />
many friends <strong>and</strong> colleagues he had both in <strong>and</strong> out of<br />
football. Rest in Peace Graham <strong>and</strong> thank you.”<br />
Ensuring the safety of all of our visitors on site, <strong>and</strong> to comply<br />
with all of the FA & Government guidelines, has required a<br />
monumental effort for us as it has for all grassroots football<br />
clubs… I’d like to say a massive thanks to all of our staff <strong>and</strong><br />
volunteers for all of their efforts on behalf of the club. Enjoy the<br />
game tonight! Simon.
Jamie Tompkins<br />
First Team Manager<br />
Welcome to the players, officials<br />
<strong>and</strong> supporters of<br />
<strong>Kensington</strong>/<strong>Ealing</strong> <strong>Boro</strong>ugh. Enjoy<br />
the game!<br />
Hello <strong>and</strong> welcome to <strong>Kensington</strong> & <strong>Ealing</strong> <strong>Boro</strong>ugh FC players, staff <strong>and</strong> club committee <strong>and</strong> to all supporters in<br />
attendance this evenings Combined Counties League Cup semi-final fixture.<br />
Our welcome extends to all supporters of non-league football as fans are permitted back into grounds. This evenings<br />
game will be an entertaining one to return too with a place in the final at stake.<br />
Since lockdown 3.0 ended, our playing squad <strong>and</strong> staff have been in good spirits <strong>and</strong> have been enjoying the return to<br />
football in the Fripp-Smith trophy, we thank the Combined Counties League for organising this competition which has<br />
given us a release from the outside pressures of the p<strong>and</strong>emic.<br />
This period has allowed us to experiment on new ideas <strong>and</strong> offer opportunities to our younger players in our U18<br />
squad. In our recent fixture away at Frimley Green, three players in Lawson Jones, Sam Evans <strong>and</strong> Tom Bailey, all<br />
featured for the first team having joined the club from the age of 5. Further demonstrating the pathway the club offers<br />
to local players.<br />
Back to the league cup, our route to the semi-final stage has seen us win <strong>and</strong> progress against Tooting Bec,<br />
Chessington & Hook, Badshot Lea <strong>and</strong> S<strong>and</strong>hurst Town (Bracknell Town), the last of those being a memorable night for<br />
the club versus our local rivals.<br />
Our opponents, <strong>Kensington</strong> & <strong>Ealing</strong> <strong>Boro</strong>ugh surprised the league with a 6-1 win in the quarter final away at Cobham,<br />
clearly a strong side who will travel with confidence <strong>and</strong> on good form.<br />
Thank you to our sponsors, club officials <strong>and</strong> volunteers for all the fantastic work <strong>and</strong> ongoing support towards our<br />
football club.<br />
Enjoy the game! Jamie.<br />
Dan Masters<br />
Assistant Manager<br />
Jamie Ashdown<br />
Goalkeeping Coach<br />
Bjorn Dunkley<br />
Coach<br />
Steve Quelch<br />
Coach<br />
Georgia Buddin<br />
ON COURSE!<br />
With Programme Editor Neal Jeffs<br />
Welcome to the players, officials <strong>and</strong><br />
supporters of <strong>Kensington</strong>/<strong>Ealing</strong> <strong>Boro</strong>ugh<br />
for this Cherry Red Records Combined<br />
Counties League Cup match.<br />
Happy<br />
reading, <strong>and</strong><br />
enjoy the<br />
game! Neal<br />
W E L C O M E T O T H E B O R O<br />
Well, a huge welcome back to The Racecourse to all supporters for tonight’s<br />
league cup semi final. I know it has been a huge wrench for many people for so<br />
long to go without their dose of live action so hopefully tonight’s action will make<br />
up for some of that absence. Being one of the club officials, I’ve been able to<br />
watch some of the recent games <strong>and</strong> it was a tragedy we didn’t have a crowd in<br />
for the quarter final performance against S<strong>and</strong>hurst “Bracknell” Town which was<br />
nothing short of stunning. The whole team raised their game to another level <strong>and</strong><br />
it was clear to see the impact new singing <strong>and</strong> ex-Harrow <strong>Boro</strong>ugh captain Shaun<br />
Preddie had; he was top drawer. I also can’t go without mentioning Binfield’s run<br />
to the FA vase final, which is on BT Sport this Saturday (12:15). All wins away from<br />
home, 4 penalty shoot outs, quite incredible <strong>and</strong> with former Yellamen Chris<br />
Grace <strong>and</strong> Dave Hancock in their side they have a really good chance this<br />
weekend.<br />
The Boy Done Good! Ex-<br />
Yellaman Luqman Kassim in<br />
action for VPS in the Finnish<br />
2nd tier having signed<br />
professional terms with the<br />
club last year.<br />
The season did, of course, get curtailed. However, some teams will be rewarded<br />
with promotion using an average points per game of the past 2 curtailed<br />
seasons. All I know is that our form this season didn’t match last season when we<br />
led the league <strong>and</strong> as such over the 2 campaigns we were behind Sutton<br />
Common Rovers <strong>and</strong> one other team, although I can’t remember if it is Southall or<br />
Spelthorne! In other news, Luqman Kassim (pictured) is now playing<br />
professionally for Vaasan Palloseura in the Finnish 2nd division, whereas James<br />
Richardson is trying out with Chesham United (Southern League South, step 3 of<br />
pyramid). Best wishes to both! Not much else to say, enjoy the game <strong>and</strong> stay<br />
safe. Make the most of the experience tonight, it’ll probably be another few<br />
months before we watch another first team game here! Neal<br />
Date Opposition<br />
H/A Comp Result Att<br />
Scorers<br />
01-Sep Christchurch<br />
A FAC XP L 1-1* 143 Higgs<br />
05-Sep Molesey<br />
A COCO W 7-1 60 Davies 3, Laflin 3, Hodges<br />
08-Sep Camberley Town<br />
A COCO L 0-1 60<br />
12-Sep Colliers Wood United H COCO W 5-2 70 Higgs 3, Laflin 2<br />
15-Sep Frimley Green<br />
H COCO W 6-0 112 Berry 2, Davies 2, Richardson, OG<br />
19-Sep Southall<br />
A COCO W 1-0 75 Bailey<br />
26-Sep Hanworth Villa<br />
A COCO L 0-3 116<br />
29-Sep Abbey Rangers<br />
H COCO L 0-4 93<br />
03-Oct Redhill<br />
A COCO W 4-3 68 Morgan (2), Higgs, Laflin<br />
06-Oct Tooting Bec<br />
A LC 1 W 1-0 55 Davies<br />
10-Oct Spelthorne Sports<br />
A COCO D 1-1 162 D. Bailey<br />
13-Oct Cobham<br />
H COCO D 1-1 68 Richardson<br />
20-Oct CB Hounslow United H COCO W 3-1 79 Laflin 2, Higgs<br />
24-Oct Knaphill<br />
H COCO D 1-1 297 Laflin<br />
31-Oct Newhaven<br />
A FAV 1 L 1-4 152 Richardson<br />
03-Nov Chessington / Hook Utd H LC 2 W 4-0 66 Davies 3, Surpanu<br />
05-Dec Egham Town<br />
A COCO A-A** n/a Laflin**<br />
12-Dec Frimley Green<br />
A COCO W 4-0 88 Laflin 2, Surpanu, Davies<br />
10-Apr Fleet Town<br />
H FST L 0-1 -<br />
13-Apr Badshot Lea<br />
H LC 3 W 2-1 - Higgs, OG<br />
17-Apr S<strong>and</strong>hurst Town<br />
H FST L 1-6 - Berry<br />
24-Apr Eversley & California A FST D 2-2 - Davies, Higgs<br />
27-Apr S<strong>and</strong>hurst Town<br />
H LC QF W 2-1 - Laflin 2<br />
01-May Ash United<br />
H FST L 4-5 - Higgs, Bailey, Davies, Morgan<br />
03-May Frimley Green<br />
A FST W 3-1 - Higgs, Bailey, Laflin<br />
18-May <strong>Kensington</strong>/<strong>Ealing</strong><br />
H LC SF<br />
TBC TBC<br />
TBC TBC<br />
For the record, we played 5 matches in the end of-season Fripp-Smith Trophy (marked "FST", above). The<br />
competition comprised four groups of five or six teams with the top 2 in each group advancing to a quarter<br />
final knockout. As we only took 4 points from 5 games, we didn’t advance from our group as S<strong>and</strong>hurst <strong>and</strong><br />
Fleet took the top spots! Last weekend the semi-finals were played; the results are shown on the fixtures <strong>and</strong><br />
results page.<br />
* Christchurch won 7-6 on penalties<br />
* Ab<strong>and</strong>oned at half time due to floodlight failure with <strong>Ascot</strong> leading 1-0 (goalscorer: Laflin, credited in AUFC stats)<br />
COCO - Cherry Red Records Combined Counties League Premier Division, FAV - Buildbase FA Vase, FAC - The Emirates FA<br />
Cup, BBT - Berks&Bucks Trophy, LC - Cherry Red Records Premier Challenge Cup, FST - Fripp-Smith Trophy
Weekend results:<br />
Badshot Lea 0-3 S<strong>and</strong>hurst Town Fripp-Smith Trophy<br />
Spelthorne Sports 1-1 (3p2) Abbey Rangers<br />
Fripp-Smith Trophy<br />
<strong>Kensington</strong> & <strong>Ealing</strong> <strong>Boro</strong>ugh 3-2 FC Deportivo Galicia MIDDX COUNTY CUP<br />
Tonight's fixtures:<br />
<strong>Ascot</strong> United v <strong>Kensington</strong> & <strong>Ealing</strong> <strong>Boro</strong>ugh LC SF<br />
Sheerwater v Abbey Rangers LC QF<br />
Chessington & Hook United v Godalming Town COCO DIV 1 CUP<br />
Obviously not too many results or fixtures to update you on but in addition to the<br />
above we know that in the other half of the league cup draw Sheerwater play<br />
Abbey Rangers in the quarter final (tonight). The winners of that tie will play<br />
Redhill in the semi final, so whoever wins tonight will play one of those three in<br />
the final, scheduled for Saturday 29th May at Cobham FC.<br />
Also note that whilst we've beaten Tooting Bec, Chessington/Hook Utd, Badshot<br />
Lea <strong>and</strong> S<strong>and</strong>hurst Town en route to the semi final, <strong>Kensington</strong>/<strong>Ealing</strong> <strong>Boro</strong>ugh<br />
have beaten Ash United (3-2, away) <strong>and</strong> Cobham (6-1, away) either side of a<br />
walkover awarded against Dorking W<strong>and</strong>erers Reserves.<br />
Cherry Red Records Combined Counties Premier Division Table (final, season curtailed)<br />
P W D L GD PTS<br />
1 Sutton Common Rovers 13 11 2 0 29 35<br />
2 Badshot Lea 14 10 1 3 13 31<br />
3 Spelthorne Sports 15 9 2 4 23 29<br />
4 Hanworth Villa 10 8 2 0 18 26<br />
5 Southall 12 8 1 3 19 25<br />
6 <strong>Ascot</strong> United 13 7 3 3 15 24<br />
7 Knaphill 14 7 3 4 6 24<br />
8 Banstead Athletic 14 5 5 4 3 20<br />
9 Abbey Rangers 12 5 2 5 7 17<br />
10 Sheerwater 13 5 2 6 2 17<br />
11 Cobham 12 5 2 5 -1 17<br />
12 Camberley Town 10 5 0 5 -4 15<br />
13 Egham Town 13 4 2 7 -7 14<br />
14 Redhill 13 4 2 7 -9 14<br />
15 Colliers Wood United 14 3 3 8 -14 12<br />
16 Frimley Green 13 3 2 8 -16 11<br />
17 Raynes Park Vale 11 3 1 7 -13 10<br />
18 CB Hounslow United 10 1 3 6 -13 6<br />
19 Guildford City 9 1 1 7 -12 4<br />
20 Molesey 15 1 1 13 -46 4
Below are the updated <strong>Ascot</strong> United appearance <strong>and</strong> scorers' records for<br />
this season's squad.<br />
2020-21 All-time<br />
App Goals App Goals<br />
R Andrady 18 18<br />
D Bailey 23 4 27 4<br />
T Bailey 4 4<br />
A Berry 13 3 21 6<br />
L Bouwers 17 145 11<br />
E Burden 1 32<br />
E Carey 9 50 4<br />
H Cliff 2 2<br />
I Davies 22 12 57 35<br />
J Denton 23 174 19<br />
C Ellis 3 56 1<br />
S Evans 13 15<br />
C Ferguson 4 20 1<br />
S Gray 23 84<br />
J Haworth 20 91 1<br />
S Hayes 1 2<br />
A Higgs 21 10 44 19<br />
B Hodges 17 1 112 10<br />
E Jabbari 3 3<br />
L Jones 3 3<br />
L Kassim 1 47 13<br />
H Laflin 22 15 107 50<br />
G Lock 22 122 5<br />
J Masters 7 8<br />
R Merrick 0 20<br />
T Morgan 14 3 14 3<br />
S Preddie 3 3<br />
J Richardson 15 3 64 12<br />
L Sankoh 1 23 1<br />
D Surpanu 5 2 5 2<br />
A Sykes 1 1<br />
331 53 1374 197<br />
Harry Laflin<br />
recently scored<br />
his 50th goal for<br />
the club in just<br />
107<br />
appearances.<br />
Louis Bouwers<br />
(145 apps) <strong>and</strong><br />
Aiden Higgs (44<br />
apps) are on<br />
course for<br />
milestone<br />
appearances,<br />
although Jonny<br />
Denton (174<br />
apps) still leads<br />
the way of the<br />
current crop.<br />
Remember Jon<br />
Bennett (262<br />
apps, 171 goals)<br />
leads the alltime<br />
appearance<br />
<strong>and</strong> scorers<br />
charts.<br />
Need a room for your<br />
function? The Clubhouse<br />
is a perfect choice for<br />
hosting work or leisure<br />
events, please email<br /><br />
to explore availability <strong>and</strong><br />
w:<br />
t: 01753 37 36 31<br />
Preddie good defending as <strong>Ascot</strong> win 2-1<br />
Saturday 27th April 2021 - Combined Counties League Cup Quarter Final - <strong>Ascot</strong><br />
United 2 - 1 S<strong>and</strong>hurst Town<br />
<strong>Ascot</strong> United produced a simply outst<strong>and</strong>ing team performance to beat S<strong>and</strong>hurst Town in the Combined<br />
Counties League Cup Quarter Final on Tuesday. Having been hammered by the same team just a week-<strong>and</strong>-ahalf<br />
earlier, Harry Laflin scored a brace to send his side through at the expense of a Fizzers side once again<br />
boasting a step four line-up.<br />
The visitors were 6-1 victors over <strong>Ascot</strong> in the Fripp-Smith trophy ten days earlier, so it would take a seismic<br />
shift if the Yellamen were to continue their love affair with league cup competitions of recent seasons.<br />
The first half was a brilliant advert for local non-league football. Full of endeavour <strong>and</strong> tasty challenges but<br />
light on clear-cut chances, both sides gave 100% <strong>and</strong> it was rightly all-square at half time. Home marksman<br />
Laflin had two sights of goal in the opening stages – one of them an audacious thunderbolt from at least 35<br />
yards – although his later reward would be a short spell of dazed recovery following a clash of heads just<br />
before half time. For S<strong>and</strong>hurst, Joe Grant showed great strength to wriggle clear of Louis Bouwers midway<br />
through the half but Max Herbert’s resultant first-time effort from Grant’s cut-back found the woods behind the<br />
far end of the ground. Seb Bowerman’s effort would meet a similar fate four minutes later <strong>and</strong> new home<br />
signing Shaun Preddie capped a fine half with a tremendous recovery challenge on Grant just when it looked<br />
as if he would escape into a goalscoring position moments before the break.<br />
The second half began with the home faithful – their committee well represented in the face of a ban on<br />
spectators – contemplating if their side would maintain the workrate against their opponents. And, that they<br />
did in fine style. Laflin had already tested Jason Matthews in the visiting goal before his 52nd minute opener –<br />
a well-taken finish at the second attempt after Matthews had done well to block his initial left-footed attempt.<br />
At the other end, Sam Gray’s moment of the match came with a splendid save to deny Grant when he was<br />
through on goal, but the visitors would level in the scrappiest of circumstances moments later when the ball<br />
trundled in following a corner.<br />
But The Yellamen dug deeper <strong>and</strong> scored what proved to be the winning goal in the 67th minute. This time,<br />
Taylor Morgan looked to have over-played with unnecessary trickery – although credit to him the ball found its<br />
way to James Haworth on the left wing, Haworth surged into the box <strong>and</strong> cut the ball back for Laflin who<br />
fashioned the ball into a shooting position before drilling low across Matthews <strong>and</strong> into the bottom right.<br />
By this point it was the home faithful in a daze, <strong>and</strong> they looked on as S<strong>and</strong>hurst sought another leveller;<br />
Herbert’s direct free kick up <strong>and</strong> over the wall missed by inches <strong>and</strong> Preddie was on h<strong>and</strong> once again to deny<br />
Grant – himself only just back on the field after an earlier stint in the sin-bin. The Yellamen then survived five<br />
minutes of stoppage time to record arguably the result of their season – <strong>and</strong> definitely the performance of it.<br />
<strong>Ascot</strong> United: Gray, Lock, Haworth, Evans, Bouwers (Surpanu 79’), D. Bailey, Preddie, Denton, Davies (Higgs 62’),<br />
Laflin, Morgan. Subs unused: Andrady, Berry, Surpanu
A selection of photos from our last game - a win at Frimley Green on Bank Holiday Monday<br />
(<br />
Clockwise from top left: (1) Laffers<br />
bags the 50th goal of his <strong>Ascot</strong><br />
career, (2) Riccardo Andrady on the<br />
attack, (3) Sam Evans with Lawson<br />
Jones <strong>and</strong> Tom Bailey - 3 players<br />
who have played together at <strong>Ascot</strong><br />
since the age of 5, (4) The Gaffer's<br />
generous response when asked<br />
"who is buying the drinks tonight?"
A selection of photos from various matches played behind closed doors since April<br />
(<br />
Clockwise from top left: Taylor<br />
Morgan scores vs. Ash United, Sam<br />
Gray remains alert vs. Fleet Town,<br />
James Haworth clears vs. Fleet<br />
Town, Aiden Higgs celebrates<br />
scoring against Badshot Lea, Aaron<br />
Berry heads home against<br />
S<strong>and</strong>hurst Town in the Fripp-Smith<br />
<strong>Ascot</strong> United Ladies play in the Southern Region Women's’ Football League – the highest level at which they<br />
have competed. The Ladies’ section starts down at the junior level with a host of teams – beginning with<br />
mixed teams at U7 - rising through girls’ sides from U10 up to a senior Development (reserve) side playing<br />
in the Thames Valley League. The junior sides operate on Saturdays or Sundays, with the Seniors (First <strong>and</strong><br />
Development) playing on Sunday afternoon. The first team are managed by Darrel Evans <strong>and</strong> coached by<br />
Stephen Jeffery. The reserve team is managed by Jon Swallow. Find out more on our website. Sponsorship<br />
packages now available - ask a member of the committee!<br />
Amy Woollard Hannah Swallow Georgia Bowers<br />
Lisa Phillips<br />
Darcy Young<br />
Kelly Rideout<br />
Freya Johnson<br />
Isabel Woods<br />
Nicole Brown
<strong>Ascot</strong> United Ladies' season was curtailed back in December having played five matches <strong>and</strong> won<br />
three. Sadly, as Warsash Wasps resigned from the league, <strong>Ascot</strong>'s victory against them was expunged<br />
leaving them with two wins from four games. For the record, they were in 5th place (out of 9 teams)<br />
when the season ended. In April, the SRWFL introduced an end of season cup competition, which has<br />
seen the ladies back on the pitch after four months' away <strong>and</strong> they have recorded a win, draw <strong>and</strong> loss<br />
from their three games.<br />
Meanwhile, the <strong>Ascot</strong> Ladies Reserves have been in brilliant form as the Thames Valley League<br />
m<strong>and</strong>ated the restart of their league. As such, they have been in frantic action each weekend <strong>and</strong> last<br />
weekend they played a DOUBLE HEADER at Slough Town - two back to back games on the same<br />
afternoon - <strong>and</strong> won both of them against a team who had previously only lost once all season (table<br />
below). They've now won SIX games on the trot since the April restart <strong>and</strong> have one league game in<br />
Division 3 (East) remaining on Sunday 23rd May at The Racecourse vs Bessingby Park, who are bottom<br />
of the league. A tremendous effort from them after a slow start to the season!
Ian is a Biomechanics coach, supporting players returning from injury <strong>and</strong><br />
improving strength <strong>and</strong> conditioning.
Sam Gray – goalkeeper<br />
Solid goalkeeper, confident with the<br />
ball at his feet. Established first<br />
teamer since 18/19 <strong>and</strong> was players’<br />
player of the year in 19/20 when he<br />
appeared in every league game.<br />
Sponsors: Gorilla Hub <strong>and</strong> Westcott<br />
Building Services<br />
Josh Masters - defence<br />
Sponsor: Carrier<br />
Sam Hayes – goalkeeper<br />
Talented Youth Team ‘keeper who<br />
made his debut in a league cup win<br />
over Balham in 19/20. Sponsor: FJ Lane<br />
& Son<br />
James Haworth – defence<br />
Winger who joined in 18/19 from Fleet<br />
Town, having previously played for<br />
Aldershot Town. Likes to get forward.<br />
Sponsor: <strong>Ascot</strong> United Ultras<br />
Louis Bouwers – defence<br />
A physical <strong>and</strong> dominant centre half<br />
<strong>and</strong> a leader on the pitch. Signed from<br />
Faringdon Town FC in 16/17 <strong>and</strong> now<br />
well-established as club captain.<br />
Sponsors: Just Mortgages <strong>and</strong> <strong>Ascot</strong><br />
United U18 Racing<br />
Chris Ellis – defence<br />
Signed for 18/19, a strong <strong>and</strong><br />
dominant defender. Vastly<br />
experienced having played for<br />
Camberley Town, Egham Town <strong>and</strong><br />
Chipstead.<br />
George Lock – defence<br />
A fearless right back previously with<br />
Binfield <strong>and</strong> Bracknell. Technically<br />
strong <strong>and</strong> a consistently high<br />
performer. Supporters POY in 18/19,<br />
part of a select few who have made<br />
100 appearances. Sponsors: Dave<br />
Bucktrout <strong>and</strong> Total Market Solutions<br />
Dan Bailey – defence<br />
Experienced centre back who<br />
skippered Flackwell Heath in 19/20.<br />
Previously played at a higher level<br />
with Marlow <strong>and</strong> has a level 2<br />
coaching qualification. Sponsor: Total<br />
Market Solutions<br />
Jonny Denton – midfield<br />
Former <strong>Ascot</strong> Youth team star who<br />
returned in 17/18 after a scholarship in<br />
the U.S. A dead ball specialist with<br />
over 150 appearances, he has twice<br />
won the player of the year award.<br />
Sponsors: Darcliffe Homes <strong>and</strong><br />
Westcott Building Services<br />
Calum Ferguson – midfield<br />
Signed in 19/20 having previously<br />
starred for a National League youth<br />
side. Also had a spell with Highworth<br />
Town. Sponsor: <strong>Ascot</strong> United<br />
Foundation Academy<br />
Ben Hodges – midfield<br />
A talented player previously with<br />
Holmer Green. Very committed, Ben<br />
has great composure <strong>and</strong> an eye for a<br />
killer pass. Sponsor: P&P Litho<br />
Sam Evans – midfield<br />
Played for the U16s <strong>and</strong> U18s in 19/20<br />
before making his first team debut in<br />
the same season. Exciting prospect<br />
having been with the club since his<br />
debut for the U8s. Sponsor: SL4<br />
Vintage H<strong>and</strong>picked Clothing
Shaun Preddie - defence<br />
Signed for the end of 20/21 campaign <strong>and</strong><br />
brings quality <strong>and</strong> experience having most<br />
recently captained Harrow <strong>Boro</strong>ugh at Step 3.<br />
Previously with Chipstead <strong>and</strong> Hanworth Villa<br />
<strong>and</strong> has played in the US. Weighs in with<br />
occasional goals; a top signing for the club.<br />
Duarte Surpanu - forward<br />
Skilful winger wit lighting quick feet, signed<br />
midway through in the 20/21 season <strong>and</strong> has<br />
the potential to cause problems for any<br />
defence.<br />
Taylor Morgan - Forward<br />
Pacey forward who impressed whilst playing<br />
against us for Fleet Town during pre-season.<br />
Has played at a higher level including<br />
several seasons in the US Major League.<br />
Previous clubs include Toronto, Ostersunds<br />
(Sweden), Falkirk, Airdrie <strong>and</strong> Whitehawk.<br />
Aiden Higgs – forward<br />
Energetic forward who always gives 100%.<br />
Signed from Burnham during 19/20 <strong>and</strong> was<br />
in excellent form just before the season<br />
ended. Sponsor: Terry's Badges<br />
Rory Merrick – forward<br />
Signed for 19/20 <strong>and</strong> continues to improve.<br />
Calm <strong>and</strong> composed figure on the pitch <strong>and</strong><br />
has great technical ability. Sponsor: Fitness<br />
Clinic<br />
Ian Davies – forward<br />
Prolific goalscorer who scored 25 goals for<br />
Binfield in 18/19 before top scoring for <strong>Ascot</strong><br />
with 23 goals in the curtailed 19/20<br />
campaign. Sponsor: Zipcar UK<br />
Harry Laflin – forward<br />
Laffers joined in 18/19 when he scored 13<br />
goals. Added another 22 goals in 19/20<br />
despite often playing out of position, earning<br />
him the supporters’ player of the season<br />
award. Sponsor: Cameron Webb<br />
Aaron Berry – forward<br />
Returned in 19/20 for his second spell at the<br />
club. Strong <strong>and</strong> leads the line well.<br />
Previously with Burnham.<br />
Riccardo Andrady – forward<br />
Signed from Basingstoke Town for 20/21.<br />
Pacey <strong>and</strong> skilful wide player. Sponsor: Omni<br />
Plastering, <strong>Ascot</strong><br />
Jamie Tompkins – manager<br />
Highly respected throughout the club who<br />
guided the team to league cup glory in 18/19<br />
before taking the team to top of the league<br />
before the 19/20 campaign was curtailed.<br />
Football Development manager at Brentford<br />
FC. Sponsors: <strong>Ascot</strong> United U16 Youth <strong>and</strong><br />
<strong>Ascot</strong> United U12 Youth<br />
Jamie Ashdown - goalkeeping coach<br />
Needs little introduction, former professional<br />
Jamie began his career with Reading before<br />
making over 100 appearances for<br />
Portsmouth between 2004-2012. A huge<br />
asset to the club where he coaches at all<br />
levels. Sponsor: <strong>Ascot</strong> United FC Veterans<br />
Dan Masters – asst. manager<br />
Dan is in his third season with <strong>Ascot</strong> Utd <strong>and</strong><br />
is a crucial part of the coaching staff.<br />
Sponsor: <strong>Ascot</strong> United U12 Youth<br />
Georgia Buddin - Therapist<br />
Stepped up to be the lead therapist at <strong>Ascot</strong><br />
United in 19/20, supporting the fitness <strong>and</strong><br />
recovery of the squad
<strong>Ascot</strong> United as we know it, was founded in 1965 by a men’s team who played their games at Sunninghill with “after<br />
match meetings” in The Wells in Cheapside village (now Mikado’s). teams playing as long ago as 1928 under the name<br />
<strong>Ascot</strong> United but nothing to link them directly to the current club. In 1965, the club had gained permission from the<br />
<strong>Ascot</strong> Racecourse Trustees to convert the l<strong>and</strong> east of coach park 10 into a football pitch. A wooden clubhouse was built<br />
<strong>and</strong> this team went on to win many prestigious trophies in the years that followed.<br />
Various youth teams represented <strong>Ascot</strong> United over the years up to 1988, <strong>and</strong> 1992 the East Berks 7-a-side Association<br />
was formed by our then Chairman Keith Wicks introducing small-sided junior games <strong>and</strong> having disb<strong>and</strong>ed in 1980 the<br />
men’s team also reformed. The club continued to grow, entering into partnership with Charters School <strong>and</strong> being<br />
awarded FA Charter St<strong>and</strong>ard status in 2004. The men’s senior team enjoyed early success through the East Berks<br />
League gaining continued promotions to the Senior division <strong>and</strong> winning various Cups including the Fielden Charity<br />
Cup in 1996/7. 2001 saw the 1st team join the Reading Senior League <strong>and</strong> winning the Evening Post Senior Cup at the<br />
Madejski Stadium in 2006. Promotion to the Hellenic League soon followed in 2007, followed by promotion to the<br />
Hellenic Premier Division in 2009. The club today has grown to become one of the largest Community football clubs in<br />
the UK with over 1000 registered players <strong>and</strong> over 70 teams playing every weekend embracing all ages <strong>and</strong> abilities<br />
from 5 year olds through to Vets. A new clubhouse opened in September 2010, together with an improved main pitch,<br />
floodlights <strong>and</strong> a st<strong>and</strong>.<br />
The club has enjoyed much success at all levels particularly in the Ladies <strong>and</strong> Girls Section where they are regularly<br />
winners of leagues <strong>and</strong> county Cups. Our senior Ladies won promotion to the Premier Division of the Southern Region<br />
Women’s’ Football League in 2017-18 <strong>and</strong> consolidated their position with a mid-table finish in 2018-19. Meanwhile, 2018-<br />
19 was an outst<strong>and</strong>ing one for our junior Boys’ teams who won an array of county cups at various age groups, a feat<br />
we’ve rarely previously achieved.<br />
The past decade has been hugely successful for our first team; our debut in the FA Cup in 2011 attracted 1,149 people to<br />
the Racecourse on a Friday evening where the famous trophy itself was on display <strong>and</strong> the match was streamed live on<br />
Facebook. Between 2012-13 <strong>and</strong> 2015-16 we reached the Quarter Final of the FA Vase twice, enjoyed two top-three<br />
finishes in the Uhlsport Hellenic League Premier Division, <strong>and</strong> won both the Bluefin Sport Challenge Cup <strong>and</strong> Perpetua<br />
Press Floodlit Cup. More recently, our players’ development took the spotlight, as a host of Yellamen have enjoyed<br />
success with other local sides <strong>and</strong> many of our talented development players stepped up into the first team. After<br />
finishing 2017-18 in style, in 2018-19 new manager Jamie Tompkins led his side to the top of the table for long spells,<br />
winning two team-of-the-month awards, <strong>and</strong> finishing with league cup glory once again by defeating Windsor 3-1 on 6th<br />
May.<br />
We were transferred into the Combined Counties League for the 2019-20 season, playing on our new 3G pitch facility,<br />
which transformed the club by facilitating more of our teams’ matches <strong>and</strong> training at The Racecourse. The stronger<br />
platform facilitated further player development, <strong>and</strong> Jamie’s young side would lead the table for long periods before<br />
establishing what looked like a title-winning margin at the top shortly before the league was aborted due to the global<br />
virus p<strong>and</strong>emic.<br />
Jamie has retained most of his squad for the 2020-21 season <strong>and</strong> they are eager to make another attempt at winning the<br />
title. One of the benefits of not winning promotion last season is that we will re-acquaint with some of the new friends<br />
we made along the way! But most importantly, the club is committed to ensuring the health <strong>and</strong> safety of players,<br />
officials <strong>and</strong> supporters so that grassroots football can continue to thrive in the way that it should.
Established as A.F.C. Hillgate in 2012, the club joined the<br />
Middlesex County League. In 2013–14 they finished third in<br />
Division Two, earning promotion to Division One Central<br />
<strong>and</strong> East. After finishing sixth in Division One Central <strong>and</strong><br />
East in 2014–15, they switched to Division Two of the<br />
Spartan South Midl<strong>and</strong>s League. A fifth-place finish in<br />
2015–16 saw them promoted to Division One. In the<br />
summer of 2016 they were renamed <strong>Kensington</strong> <strong>Boro</strong>ugh.<br />
At the end of the 2016–17 season the club were moved to<br />
Division One of the Combined Counties League. At the end<br />
of the 2018–19 season, the club was renamed <strong>Kensington</strong><br />
& <strong>Ealing</strong> <strong>Boro</strong>ugh.<br />
Tonight's visitors<br />
were eighth in<br />
Division One when<br />
the campaign was<br />
suspended back in<br />
December.<br />
Recently they've been in good form,<br />
winning four end-of-season cup<br />
matches on the trot (below).