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Around the turn of the millennium, Dr. Phillips was one of several

researchers who helped figure out that leucine was the star of the musclebuilding

show, because of its stimulating effect on protein synthesis.1-4

When his and other studies were published, people in the muscle-building

universe got excited.

Their thinking went like this

But hold up, muscle-building universe—don’t get too excited…Do BCAAs


Probably not—for many reasons. Here we go into just three of them.

Reason #1: Leucine can’t build muscle without other

amino acids.

Here’s an analogy: Think of muscle as a brick wall. Granted, this will be an

unusual wall that someone builds and destroys over and over again—but

visualize a wall nonetheless.

When it comes to building that wall, leucine is the most important brick.

The wall doesn’t get built without it.

But leucine can’t finish the job all by itself. You also need histidine bricks,

lysine bricks, methionine bricks, and many other amino acid bricks

If you only have a pile of leucine bricks? No wall.

If you have a pile of leucine, isoleucine, and valine (the BCAAs)? Still no


You need bricks from all 20 amino acids.

Bottom line: To build muscle, you need all the amino acids, not just


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