Memorial Day 2021-05-30

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Gwen Hickford Hi Auntie Susan and HoneyBun, Pumpkin races over. I have the

grilled chicken with potato salad and the shrimp and bacon right here for you and

the R, W & B cocktail and a nipped vanilla shake with bacon straws too.

Gwen Hickford Gramma Lilie and SiSi come outside and take seats at a table. Pumpkin

races over and sets a plate of grilled chicken and a grilled steak on the table. Muffin and

the youngsters join them with more food and drinks. This is really nice, Gramma sighs. I

love sitting outdoors and having a meal.

Buck ST (He takes a serving of the t-Bone Troll steaks.) Dis iz kooed to purrfekshun,

Creamy. Yumme!

Wormhole Bistro

Frums da Creamy's Gwill der awl sews bes Burgas wiff Taties Salad or Chips, Stakes

wiff Bloo Cheezie sauce, da Mixed Gwill plates, ans da bbqed chicken wings wiff lots ob


Pookie, Troubardix, Starlight & Dusty Oh, YUMMIE...!

Gwen Hickford Hi Pookie, Starlie, Troubie and Dusty, Muffin and Pumpkin come

running. Everything is so good we can't make up our minds what to have. We

brought you guys full menus and Jake is taking the same to Auntie Johanna and

Uncle Big Bear with some R< W & B cocktails. We have some of those for you too.

Pookie, Troubardix, Starlight & Dusty Oh, dank ya so mutsh, Guyz!

Yeah, it reellee be too hard ta pick tshuss WUN ding...!


Gwen Hickford You're welcome guys, we're having the same trouble choosing what

to have ourselves so we keep going back for more, Pumpkin chuckles.

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