Memorial Day 2021-05-30

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Pookie, Troubardix, Starlight & Dusty (whisper) Yeah, it hab be da byootefull,

long daee... Hab da good nite, furends, an amaezin, kolorfull dreemz, an da

graet sailent nite shift ta ya an da familie, Garcon! HUGS! See ya


Susan Siefers Coffee please, Marie. I'll be right over to pick it up as soon as I get

HoneyBun and myself some snacks from the stasis thingy. HoneyBun would like a

bacon shake if it isn't too much trouble. Something to wash down the mini chickie

custard tarts she is piling onto our tray. I'm going for those barbequed chicken

calzones, and one or two of those taco boats.

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