Memorial Day 2021-05-30

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Wormhole Bistro Garcon has Monika help Madam Eileen with her choices for

Snacks, a plate of the Biscuits and a glass of Ice Tea and then holds open the door

for her.

Eileen Murphy Thank you both so much

Audra Gednalske Goes in gets to go bag fills it

Goes to fountain gets nipsi cola..

Goodnight sweet dreams Bistro family

See ya tomorrow

Wormhole Bistro Garcon is waiting at the door for Madam Audra with another Take

out Bag with JD and a container of ice for her while he holds the door open for her.

Audra Gednalske Thank you Garçon

Nods head toward Garçon

Johanna Duffek-Kowal & Big Bear> (very quietly) Come on, kids - time to scoop

up the pillow with Zippo and Nitey and go upstairs for snacks, snuggles and some

sleep! - Good night, friends, sleep well and have wonderful dreams, and a

constructive silent night shift to your family and you, Garcon! HUGS!

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