Whirlwind 2021

Longfellow Middle School's Literary Magazine

Longfellow Middle School's Literary Magazine


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I Thought That I Loved Rain

The cold rain falls on a dark afternoon

The small black umbrella protecting me

I hope that I will get to my home soon

But for now, my home is too far to see

I usually love it when it rains

But today it’s colder than usual

Wind, rain reminiscent of hurricanes

It’s miserable but it’s beautiful

I’m unsure of how I feel about it

It is cold, dreary, sad and depressing

The cold rain hurts me, it’s hard to


The rain today is far from a blessing

I usually love the falling rain

But today as I walk it causes pain

~Hannah Lee


Very late at night

5 stops left for the west side train

1 for the east

2 for the south

1 for the north

Mice crawling

People waiting

Now the stops are done

The people made it

As the moon shined

The later it got

The train station is open again at 7am

~Henok T.


I want to be the pavement of the city

Unnoticed by most

Soaked in rain and the dreams of those that walk upon me

Stained with the sorrows that have been dragged over my rough surface

Cracking and crumbling with the weight of all this knowledge

The thoughts stored in every grain of my surface

Unable to share anything with anyone

So, I listen to what’s around me and hope the city lights have seen all that I know

Watching from a distance I’ll never be able to reach

An unspoken friendship that neither of us are able to communicate

One friend in this melancholy world

I want to be the pavement of the city

~Skye M.

Transformation Drawing ~Virginia I.


Wonders Of Rain:

I sit in silence

As soaked trees dance in the wind

Fresh rain coats their leaves

~Madison K.

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