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It all started when one day Lavin called me and asked me to be a part

of this platform. I was so busy at the moment and I didn’t listen to her

carefully but as I trusted her vision and thoughts, I didn’t hesitate to

say yes. She wanted to create a world where people can reach out to

each other, learn from each other and be in communication. It was also

a great way to make new friends. As we collaborate with people, we

make new friends and we socialize with them unintentionally. I really

had the chance to talk with a lot of people. When they followed our

instagram account, they knew that it was ruled by me, Öykü and Lavin.

Even though we have approximately 400 followers, it is good for us. For

now, 400 is a good number. We are not very active these days and it is

a miracle that people still keep following us. When I get together with

some of my friends, they tend to ask me about when we will launch

the new copy. When I sense that people are curious about what we’re

doing, it makes me really happy because it proves that we’re doing something

cool and we should continue.


The story of ‘‘Müsaade’’ began spontaneously. As I said earlier, we are a

team of three. Lavin, Öykü and me. Lavin is the founder of Müsaade. She

is my dearest and bestest friend since

kindergarten. She graduated from Galileo Galilei di Istanbul, which is

an italian high school. With the freedom and the opportunities that her

school offered her, Lavin found her interest and her love for fashion

during high school years and she decided to pursue her dreams in the

heart of fashion Milan. Lavin studies fashion design in NABA, Nuova Accademia

di Belle Arti. It’s a Fine Arts Academy which is one of the most

prestigious universities in Italy. NABA offers an open- minded education

for its students. Lavin is well educated in digital media and it is very beneficial

for us as we create an online platform. She is the heart of Müsaade.

She is responsible for the design part. She brings up the interviews,

photos and other findings together and turns them into a magazine

form. Her passion for fashion and arts in general forms the vision of

Müsaade. She collects images from other online platforms and magazines

which then becomes a part of our magazine. She turns hers and

also our thoughts into paper and then the design of Müsaade emerges.

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