YSM Issue 94.2

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group is searching

for axion frequencies at around

four or five gigahertz, but the axion

could be hiding anywhere on the range

of hertz to terahertz—where a frequency of

one hertz is one cycle per second, and one

terahertz is a trillion times that.

Though the range Backes and her

colleagues are investigating is small relative

to the orders of magnitude of potential

frequencies that surround it, it is strongly

grounded in theory. Some groups of

theorists have done large-scale calculations

that indicate that the axion’s location is

likely around the range they are exploring.

Experimentally, this range is favorable

because the low gigahertz range makes

for a nicely sized detector: resonator size

is proportional to desired frequency, so a

much lower frequency would require an

inconveniently large detector. A higher

frequency, conversely, would necessitate an

exceptionally smaller one.

The Coolest Part: Vacuum Squeezing

The vacuums physicists use are nothing

like the loud cleaning appliances with

which most people are familiar. In physics,

a vacuum is the absence of matter and

energy. It is the ground state of all fields

in quantum mechanics, and its energy

fluctuates in quantum fluctuations, creating

temporary random changes of energy

in a point in space. Vacuum squeezing

redistributes these fluctuations, enhancing

or repressing them along different time

intervals. “I think I’m biased, but this is the

coolest part of what I’ve done,” Backes said.

When conducting any experiment,

data is likely to come with noise, which

is a result of random variations that

interfere with the signal. Like radio

static, the electronic noise in axion



h a v e

any specific frequency or phase

preference. Since that noise is made of

components with different phases, one

could mathematically decompose it into

terms of more traditional sine and cosine

wave patterns. The amplitudes of these

sine- and cosine-like components of these

fluctuations don’t commute, which is why

the noise exists in the first place. “Like

the traditional uncertainty relationship

between position and momentum, you

can't measure all fluctuations at once

without adding noise to your system,”

Backes explained. “That's where these

quantum vacuum fluctuations come in.”

However, it does not matter whether all

the phases can be precisely measured in the

detector—the way that axion signals are

measured does not necessitate it. Instead,

physicists squeeze the noise into one

“quadrature,” like position and momentum

in the previous example, meaning that the

sine- and cosine-like fluctuations would be

two measurement quadratures.

If we were to think of noise as a malleable

ball, squeezing it would involve taking a

round noise state that lacks phase preference

and processing it with an amplifier so that

it is squeezed into an oblong blob of a noise

state—one that has a phase preference. The

resonator’s power has no phase preference,

so when the newly squeezed state is guided

into its cavity, the axion is measured until

it no longer has a phase preference either.

Essentially, one axion arrives, displacing

the squeezed state in one direction, and

another follows, displacing it in a different

direction. This process molds the squeezed

state, and the pattern continues until it is

broadened by the displacement.

Once the squeezed state is slightly

fattened, it is read out of the microwave

cavity and squeezed in the opposite

direction. Flattening the squeezed state

amplifies the hypothetical axion signal


The upper plates of the experiment's dilution

refrigerator at the Lamoreaux Group.

along the newly shaped quadrature,

which is the same quadrature that

originally had the squeezed noise.

Ultimately, this allows Backes and her

team to measure an amplified signal

against subquantum limited noise,

making it easier to detect axions.

This work is revolutionizing the field,

which should make the search for axions

more efficient. “I think the big impact of

this specific paper and this work is it shows

for the first time that quantum squeezing

can be used as a tool to speed up a fullscale

fundamental particle search,” Backes

said. As the first experiment to show that

one can look for new fundamental particles

against a noise background that is below

the standard quantum limit, this work is at

the forefront of the search for dark matter.

Dark matter has eluded physicists for

decades, but Backes and her team might

have unearthed a faster path to find it

with their novel approach to detecting

the axion. They have not had luck

yet, but their research takes time.

For now, they can only continue

flipping through galactic radio

channels, hoping to find the

station at the end of the

universe. ■


BRIANNA FERNANDEZ is a sophomore in Pierson College studying astrophysics. In addition

to writing for YSM, she is one of the magazine’s copy editors. Outside of YSM, she researches

exoplanets with Professor Debra Fischer and advocates for free prison phone calls with the

Yale Undergraduate Prison Project.

THE AUTHOR WOULD LIKE TO THANK Kelly Backes for her time and enthusiasm to share her research.


Backes, K. M., Palken, D. A., Al Kenany, S., Brubaker, B. M., Cahn, S. B., Droster, A., ... & Wang, H. (2021). A

quantum enhanced search for dark matter axions. Nature, 590(7845), 238-242.e

24 Yale Scientific Magazine May 2021 www.yalescientific.org

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