June 2021 Female Tech Leaders Magazine

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Do you think there is a diversity issue in the tech sector? How the lack of women in

technology has affected you?

Do I think there is a diversity issue in the tech sector? Yes I do and Yes there is ; ) .

I can only go to our own company where we, of course, have a mission to be a well diversified

company. It is harder to find female developers, as there are fewer of them already at the

University level, there is definitely a supply shortage. This clearly affects our ability to reach

50/50 gender equality amongst developers, but it is no excuse. But I am proud to say that

overall in the company, we do reach gender equality. From diversity you gain so much in

creativity and productivity, there is no other way.

Technology is a male-dominated field. How could the tech industry be more inclusive for


In many aspects, the technology sector resembles what the financial sector looked like and in

many ways still looks like, including at a senior and management level it becomes harder to

retain the few women that do join. I think that the way you become a more inclusive

employer is by demonstrating that you do not have to become somebody else to succeed.

You can be you and although we might have different ways we communicate or deal with

things it is the end results that counts. I also think that female role models are a good way to

lead the way. I also believe you have to start where it all begins, at School. We need to ensure

that we break through those mis- and preconceptions about gender stereotypes already at a

young age. Furthermore, the technology sector would benefit if the financial markets

become better in allocating capital to female lead (technology) companies, then hopefully we

will see more female led success stories. Another opportunity is to widen the perception and

the stereotyping that working in tech equals ‘just’ coding as it entails many different aspects

for example, problem solving and designing.

Did you encounter any problems returning to work following having children/maternity

leave in terms of work/life balance, childcare, flexibility?

Would you ask a man this question?

I have three children who were little at the time we lived in Hong Kong and I was fortunate to

have a set up that worked very well for our family. We had great help and support with both

childcare and household work. I also have a very supporting husband with whom I have

always shared childcare and household chores with. I also had a job that was flexible, which

was a necessity to make it work, as I travelled extensively for work.

What are your suggestions to encourage more young women to pursue careers in Tech?

I have three daughters and I try to get them interested in Tech. I do think it starts early.

Drawing the parallel to the Finance sector I notice boys and then men typically take a greater

interest in personal finance and investment. This is a real issue, as this is part of gender

equality when it comes to ownership of assets and capital allocation later in life. It also creates

in-equality when it comes to raising money. Look at how little VC funding is allocated to

female lead startups, all sectors included. I think creating networks and mentor programs

help and is one way forward. But I also think that women should be very clear with their

employers what it takes for them to succeed and flourish. Let us, together, as employer and

employee, find an environment that women in tech can and will thrive in.

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