June 2021 Female Tech Leaders Magazine

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Historically organisations have engaged in bias training. But this has backfired in some cases

as the white male majority felt that they were positioned as evil or to blame. It also isn’t very

action orientated. Plus, often it is mandated which shifts the motivation and engagement of

the participants.

I believe we need to take a different approach which is why Diversily have developed The

Diversily Inclusive Leadership Workshop Series. We need to develop people’s inclusive

thinking skills and shift minds to think in different ways. There are two key factors that drive

real change.

The first is perspective taking. When people are able to see the world through other people’s

eyes, they start to see inequalities they were blind to in the past and they start to question

their role in driving change.

The second factor is action. People need tangible ideas for steps they can personally take. By

focusing on these two key factors participants of our workshops emerge, not just with a new

way of seeing the world but with concrete actions they can take.

The Diversily Inclusive Leadership model defines nine core behaviours that inspire inclusive

action in terms of leading self, leading individuals and leading groups. We help to give people

a common language and a way to self-assess themselves to identify areas to work on. It is

hugely empowering and motivating to seed this kind of change.

Building inclusive workplaces, products and services is one of the most pressing challenges of

our time. To do this we need inclusive thinkers leading the charge.

The important aspect is listening by seeking to understand vs. to be understood. An I&D ally’s

words and actions must always be in sync. They can ensure the organization’s culture is

continually underpinned by embracing diversity and respectful behaviours, encouraging two-way

communication between leaders and employees.

Priya Guliani, Head of Operations, GBA-UK and WBAF Senator-UK

Historically communicating inside a company used to be about “spin” and “polish”. What

leaders need now is authenticity, transparency, and a very clear way forward. People want to

work in an environment where they are treated as human beings, not resources or numbers

on a spreadsheet.

Once you become a leader. Your job is no longer to be great at doing the work. Your job is to

serve the people who are doing the work. We get lots of training on how to do the work but

not so much on leadership.

Leadership is a choice. It happens when someone steps up and causes a change to happen. It

happens when someone enrols other people to help them make that change. Irrespective of

your seniority or role you can influence the behaviour and attitudes of others around you and

be a part of driving a transformational change for good.

How often do people in your team say things like ‘I am worried’. ‘I made a mistake’. ‘I need

help’. ‘I don’t understand’. Then ask yourself, is it because they don’t feel these things or

because they don’t feel safe sharing. Might sharing put a target on their head? The Google

Aristotle project showed that phycological safely is the number one factor for great team

work. If you want to increase performance you need to connect with people’s thoughts and

feelings. You need to see people as individuals and you need to think inclusively.

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