Grow Nt Mag -may 2021

In This edition CEO Update - Diversification the key to food futures Opportunities for farmers in Airbnb Workforce update affecting NT All about Food Fututres and much more

In This edition

CEO Update - Diversification the key to food futures
Opportunities for farmers in Airbnb
Workforce update affecting NT
All about Food Fututres
and much more


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www.ntfarmers.org.au 2021



The Association has focused on promoting

peanuts as an anchor crop for producers

in central Australia. Within a couple

of years, peanut production has grown

to 200 hectares in the region as of 2021.

Successful trials have prompted farmers

to purchase shelling equipment and significant

investors have been attracted to the

peanut opportunities in the region.


In 2021 rice cultivation will double as

farmers explore the possibilities of dryland

production methods. Rice currently under

production will support the cattle industry

in the form of stock feed. It is highly likely

that successful rice crops will result in the

establishment of a stock feed processing

facility in the NT. NT Farmers have consistently

supported rice farmers and attracted

interest in the sector.


NT Farmers extension staff provide high

level support to the fodder industry and

the association is actively exploring opportunities

to export fodder to key Asian



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