2021 / 5782 High Holy Days Guide

Pasadena Jewish Temple and Center's guide to a fulfilling High Holy Days in person and virtual experience in 2021.

Pasadena Jewish Temple and Center's guide to a fulfilling High Holy Days in person and virtual experience in 2021.


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Everything you need to prepare for your High Holy Days experience.

L’shana Tovah Tikateyvu!

Happy New Year!

Dear PJTC Family,

As the 5782 High Holy Days approach, we hope that you and yours are healthy and safe. We are

excited to share our brochure for this year’s events.

After consulting with health experts and municipal authorities, listening to our members, and

much deliberation, PJTC decided on a “multi-access” approach for this holiday season. Those who

wish to attend in person may do so, while those who wish to Zoom in or livestream due to

distance, health reasons, or simply convenience may also do so. We are proud of the diversity of

our community, now in its centennial year, and are thrilled that more people than ever before will

have access to our uplifting services and programming.

We are delighted for you to join us! We have outlined the many opportunities, for all ages and

interests, during the Hebrew month of Elul to prepare your soul for the season ahead, as well as

the special moments we have in store during the holidays themselves. It is important that you

RSVP, no matter how you choose to join us, so that we may give you the most up-to-date

information on the best ways to connect.

And of course, all of this growth in opportunities to connect has benefitted from investment in

technology, time and training. If you believe in what we are doing, please consider supporting

PJTC as part of your High Holy Day commitment to community.

Thank you for being part of this holy community. We are excited to share this season with you!

With our blessings for a sweet and meaningful New Year,

Rabbi John Carrier, Cantor Ruth Berman Harris, and President Stacey Sharp



Sept. 6 | 7:30pm Erev Rosh Hashanah

Sept. 7 | 9:00am Rosh Hashanah Day 1

| 10:30am* Torah Service

| 4:00pm [ LBSRS families ] Tashlich

| 5:00pm [ entire community ] Tashlich

see page 13 for Tashlich


P. 2 Multi-Access High Holy Days

P. 4 Tips For Making Meaning

P. 6 Registration

P. 8 Getting Ready / Elul

P. 10 Pre-Holiday Events &


P. 12 Calendar of Events:

High Holy Days

P. 16 Youth & Family Activities

P. 18 Special Honors

P. 19 Community Support

P. 20 Calendar of Events:

Sukkot & Simchat Torah

P. 22 Leading With Gratitude

P. 24 Volunteers & Donors

Sept. 8 | 9:00am Rosh Hashanah Day 2

| 10:30am* Torah Service

Sept. 15 | 7:00pm Erev Yom Kippur [ Kol Nidre ]

Sept. 16 | 9:00am

Yom Kippur

| 11:00am* Torah Service

| 11:45am* Yizkor Service

| 2:00pm Meditation

| 4:00pm Rabbi’s Study Session

| 5:00pm Minchah

| 6:00pm Ne’ilah

| 7:30pm Havdalah

| 8:00pm Break-the-Fast

Sept. 21 | 9:30am Sukkot Services Day 1

Sept. 22 | 9:30am Sukkot Services Day 2

Sept. 28 | 9:30am

Sept. 29 | 9:30am

| 11:30am* Yizkor

see page 20 for add’l Sukkot social programming

Sh’mini Atzeret Services

| 5:30pm Community-Wide Simchat Torah Celebration

Simchat Torah Services

* These times are approximate.

For additional pre-High Holy Days programming, go to pages 10-11.

P. 1


High Holy Days

Choosing What’s Right For You

We know that the Days of Awe may look and

feel different this year. Our spiritual practice of

gratitude has prepared us for this moment and

we are excited to start new traditions while

bringing back tried and true standards. We are

blessed to have the technology needed to

bridge our spiritual home in Pasadena to our

individual homes. With options to access services

and some programming in person as well as

online this year, we’ll do our best to help you

understand what to expect and how to prepare.

Please note that reservations are required

regardless, using this link. If your plans change

after the RSVP deadline of August 15, please call

the office and we will update your reservation.

All in-person policies and procedures described

in this brochure are subject to change by the

PJTC Safety & Security Task Force. We are

publishing this in mid-July, while uncertainty

about Covid-19 still lingers. For the most up-todate

policies from our Safety & Security Task

Force, click HERE.

If High

Holy Days



in person services

will mean:

All seating will be assigned, with

a minimum of 3 feet distance

maintained between households.

We will do our best to honor Life

Seat holders while still following

distancing protocols.

Vaccinated households can

request to sit with other

households in their extended

family or pod without distancing;

please indicate your preference

when you RSVP using the High

Holy Days Registration Form HERE.


Attendees ages 2+ must wear

masks while on the PJTC property.

The clergy, davening team, and

those performing a singing or

speaking honor from the Bimah

may temporarily remove their

masks while performing their


Please bring your own kippot and

tallitot, if you can, so that we may

limit the sharing of these items.

A small supply will be provided for

those who need to borrow them.

To reduce indoor crowding, we

encourage you to congregate

outside before and after services

rather than in the aisles.

If you choose to attend


We want to make sure that you have what you

need in terms of technology/devices in order to

participate and to transform your home into a

spiritual space. You will have the option to

access services over Zoom, Facebook, Youtube

or Streamspot. Links will be sent once you’ve

registered by August 15.

It doesn’t have to be an


You can sign up for some services in person,

and attend others from home! You’ll be able

to indicate which services you plan to attend

in person using the High Holy Days

Registration Form so we can be sure to save

a seat for you.

P. 3

Tips For



Whether in person or at home...

Get ready. No matter how and where you choose to pray, we highly

recommend spending Elul, the month before Rosh Hashanah, taking advantage of all

the “Getting Ready For the Holidays” programming PJTC is providing, described on pages 8-9.

Dress for the occasion. While many of us have become accustomed to attending online

services in our pajamas, occasions like the High Holy Days feel more special if you are able

to wear something that honors the holiness of the day. On Yom Kippur you might want to

wear white and non-leather shoes as a sign of purity. Wearing a tallit and your kippah will

engage you in the service even more. Helping any youth in your home plan ahead for what

they will wear for the High Holy Days, and explaining the importance of dressing up or why

we wear white, can be a meaningful way to prepare for services as a family.

Participate! That might mean singing your heart out (even to the screen!), clapping/tapping

to the beat, or it might mean closing your eyes for a moment of personal meditation. There is

no right or wrong way to pray.

Explore the machzor. If the Hebrew gets to be too much, there are many additional English

explanations and readings to look through on each page. Don’t hesitate to explore.

If you have children, take a look at our High Holy Day Youth & Family Programming on page 16

and make a plan to ensure that your whole family makes the most of their High Holy Days

experience. It is more important than ever for reservations to be made for youth programming.



Additional tips for at home...

Check your technology ahead of time. All the links you will need to

connect will be provided in advance to those who RSVP using the High Holy

Days Registration Form. We advise you to“try out” - and even bookmark - your links

ahead of time, so you will be prepared.

Clear your calendar. Clear your work and other obligations. You might find it helpful to print

and post the schedule found on page 1 of this brochure in a prominent place. Create

expectations for yourself (and your family) regarding potential distractions like cell phones

or email.

Find your space. Create a place in the house that is comfortable for sitting and viewing your

computer or TV. If youth are present in your home, you can use them as “consultants” to help

you decide how to create the right space for prayer. Many congregants over the past 16 months

found it very helpful to cast services onto their TV for an optimal experience. We are happy to

provide you with information about how to access the services through streaming devices

(Roku, AppleTV, Amazon Firestick) and smart TVs. A PJTC staff member or volunteer is available

if you need technical assistance at 626-798-1161.

Ensure you have the supplies you need. PJTC will provide you with a kippah, tallit and Machzor

Lev Shalem, our High Holy Days prayer book, if you request them in advance through our High

Holy Day Registration Form. You can pick up your supplies during our official supply pick up

drive-through event August 29, from 9:30am to 12:30pm, or set a pick-up time during the

following week by calling the PJTC office at 626-798-1161.

P. 5


High Holy Days

Please RSVP by filling out the High Holy Days Registration Form

by August 15 in order to receive full access to the PJTC High Holy Day 5782 Experience

for both in-person and virtual participation. Members have full access to all services and

programming, but registration is required.

PJTC is providing

online access to

services free of charge,

but a suggested

donation of $180 is

welcome and


Click HERE to make a onetime

donation, and be sure

to mention in the comments

that it is meant to support

online access to services.

In-person tickets:

Life Seat Holders & Social Hall Seating

Members - $0

Reserved Sanctuary Seats

Member - $180

Guests - $350

Social Hall Seating

Guests - $180

Non Member - $375

See page 19 for parking information.

If you need to make special arrangements, please email beryl@pjtc.net


If you are new to the community, we encourage you to take advantage of our

Gift Membership Program--your membership dues are free for the first year, and that includes access

to High Holy Days at PJTC! For more information on our Gift Membership Program, contact

melissa@pjtc.net or beryl@pjtc.net.


High Holy Days in person this year will require

more volunteers than ever to ensure both a

welcoming campus and appropriate additional

health and safety measures. If you are interested

in helping us provide a wonderful experience for

other congregants, please indicate your interest

in ushering when you fill out your High Holy

Days Registration Form. You may also contact

Head Usher Phil Callahan with questions, at


We will also need a few volunteers to give congregants technical assistance during

services. If you are willing to be on-call as a “Tech Usher” please email beryl@pjtc.net.

P. 7

Getting Ready For

The High Holy Days


Elul, the month of the Hebrew calendar

that immediately precedes Rosh Hashanah,

presents us with an opportunity to reflect

on the year that has passed in order to have

the best possible experience in the year to


We do this through a spiritual technology

our Sages call Heshbon Hanefesh –

“accounting of the soul.”

All it requires is a little courage to take an honest inventory of what

went well for you over the last year, as well as ways in which you

might try to do better in the future. Every day in the month of Elul,

Rabbi Carrier will share a new question designed to help you in this

exploration, and over the course of four weeks we will focus on four

areas of responsibility:

- Your responsibility toward yourself

- Your responsibility toward your family and friends

- Your responsibility toward your community

- Your responsibility toward the broader world


This is important:

Elul@PJTC is not about making a list of errors and faults to beat

yourself up about; rather, it is about noticing with gratitude what

you have done well – and what has been done for you – as well as

discovering areas of improvement you can focus on in the coming

year. The work of this year is about refreshing your canvas and

choosing your colors for painting the masterpiece of your life.

We hope you will choose to join us on this journey!

Daily Elul Inspiration:

Receive a new message from Rabbi Carrier, daily for 30 days. Each message

contains a new question to help you look deep within, to gain a greater

understanding of who you are and what kind of person you want to be in the

new year. Sign up with the High Holy Days Registration Form.

Weekly Elul Sichot:

Join small group discussions, once per week, for the four weeks leading up to Rosh

Hashanah (August 9 through September 5). Imagine the whole community

having similar deep conversations to prepare ourselves for the holidays, just at

different days/times/locations. Both in-person and Zoom options will be available!

Sign up to meet new wonderful people, or get your friends together to join the

same group! Topics will complement the four weeks of Rabbi Carrier’s Daily Elul

Inspiration. Sign up with the High Holy Days Registration Form to see the

day/time/location options. Contact Director of Congregational Engagement

Melissa Levy, melissa@pjtc.net, with questions.

P. 9

Other Pre-Holiday

Events & Opportunities

Listen to the melodies of the season.

Cantor Ruth and the davening team will be recording a few of the prayers that we deeply

associate with the High Holy Days. Recordings will be accessible via the High Holy Day section

of the PJTC website soon. We encourage you to play these melodies in your home to begin

creating your spiritual space.

Judaism in the Home: High Holy Days Edition - August 29

Spend your morning at PJTC saying hello to friends old and new, participating in an art

project designed to help you reflect, grabbing a Kona Ice to start a sweet new year, getting

the supplies you need...and then stick around for some learning!

9:30AM to 12:30PM Pick up your High Holy Days Supply Kit

Contactless drive-through will be available, or you may stay and enjoy one of the many activities provided

for you at PJTC this morning!

- If you need a copy of the Machzor, a tallit, or a kippah be sure to indicate this on your High Holy Days

Registration Form.

- If you ordered additional supplies through our Judaism in the Home: High Holy Days Edition, this is your

opportunity to pick them up!

9:30AM to 11:30AM Express Yourself Through Art [Masks required]

Teshuva Rock Painting Project: Teshuva (repentance) is a big theme of the season. In a new tradition, we

invite the entire congregation to create their own Teshuva Painted Rock and be part of this beautiful,

community-building project. You can use words, symbols, colors, images - anything you feel represents

your wishes for the new year. We will place your inspirational rocks in Cindy’s Playground as a symbol that

we are all in this together. You can alternatively pick up your own personal supply kit on August 29,

between 9:30AM and 12:30PM, and complete your art project at home (just bring your painted rock back

any time before Yom Kippur), or attend our outdoor group rock painting session in person.


S’lichot: Saturday, August 28

at 8pm in Galpert Sanctuary

S’lichot are special late-night penitential

poems and prayers designed to help us get

into the mindspace of repentance and

forgiveness. Join us for a special evening of

music, inspiration and introspection.

9:30AM-11:30AM Continued More Art Projects!

Make “Happy New Year” greeting cards and/or decorate our Tree of Life Welcome Banner!

We will supply the greeting card materials and the names and addresses of congregants

who would love a card from another PJTC member/family...then pop your cards in the

mail. Add a handprint to our Welcome Banner, a leaf and/or words of inspiration. We will

hang this cheerful community project at the PJTC entrance this High Holy Day season!

10:30AM-12:30PM Kona Ice

The Kona Ice Truck will be back to wish you a sweet new year! Enjoy your favorite flavor of Hawaiian

shaved ice from our own private Kona Ice truck in the PJTC parking lot. Contactless drive-through

available, or sit at one of our designated tables.

11:30AM-12:30PM Learn and Share Stories

With every Judaism in the Home event, we always incorporate a group educational activity. These

have been solely over Zoom for the past year. We are thrilled to now offer both in-person and Zoom

learning! Our goal is to give you tips and tricks to further prepare for the High Holy Days, and to teach

you more about the how and why of what we do. You will have the opportunity to learn with Rabbi

Carrier, Cantor Ruth, Rabbi Aimee or Melissa Levy; choose a group based on demographics/

educational area of interest. RSVP online using our High Holy Days Registration Form.

This entire event is FREE for PJTC Members and is open to all ages, the entire extended

family! Contact Director of Congregational Engagement Melissa Levy, melissa@pjtc.net, with

questions or if you’d like to bring a prospective member to join us for the morning.

P. 11

Calendar of Events

High Holy Days

Rosh Hashanah

Sept. 6 | 7:30pm Erev Rosh Hashanah

Sept. 7 | 9:00am Rosh Hashanah Day 1

| 10:30am* Torah Service

| 4:00pm [ LBSRS families ] Tashlich

| 5:00pm [ entire community ] Tashlich

Sept. 8 | 9:00am Rosh Hashanah Day 2

| 10:30am* Torah Service

Sept. 6-23 | Foothill Unity Food Drive

Sept. 10 | Last Day To Submit Ne’ilah Prayers

* These times are approximate.



Tashlich, or “casting off,” is a ceremony usually performed on the afternoon of the first day of Rosh Hashanah. By

tossing breadcrumbs into a body of running water, we cast away the sins of our past as we strive to start anew.

While any running water will do (even a faucet at home!), it is PJTC’s tradition to come together as a community

for this ritual. Since Rosh Hashanah is so early this year, we will leverage the outdoor opportunity even further.

Religious school students and parents will meet at the LA Arboretum Zen Garden at 4pm for the first day of LBSRS in

the park! This will be an opportunity to get to know classmates and new teachers and enjoy some Rosh Hashanah

activities for students and parents alike. At 5pm, we invite the entire congregation to the Arboretum for

Tashlich-themed sessions led by Rabbi Carrier, Cantor Ruth, Melissa Levy and perhaps even a few USY leaders.

LBSRS students will continue with their teachers. At 5:30, we will all come together and perform the official Tashlich

ritual. Panko breadcrumbs will be provided.

Please note it is a 10-minute, flat walk from the parking lot to our meeting place inside the Arboretum. Arriving early

will help you make the most of your Tashlich experience. Let the PJTC office know if you need assistance.

Foothill Unity Food Drive

Please join us as we once again collect non-perishable items for Holiday Food Baskets for local families in need. If

you need a bag, you can pick one up at PJTC during the High Holy Days Drive Through on August 29, or after Rosh

Hashanah services. Please return your donations any time between Rosh Hashanah and September 23. If you wish to

make a tax deductible cash contribution, checks can be made out to Foothill Unity Center (Tax ID# 95-431817).

Thank you for helping those in need have a happy holiday season! And, thank you to Vicky Balmot for coordinating

the food drive!

Ne’ilah Prayers

Last year we began a new tradition: while the ark was open during the repetition of the Ne’ilah amidah, your

anonymous prayers for the coming year scrolled through on the screen. This year, we look forward to combining

this new virtual tradition with the long-beloved PJTC tradition of having your personal moment in front of the ark.

P. 13

Calendar of Events

High Holy Days

Yom Kippur

Sept. 15 | 7:00pm Erev Yom Kippur [ Kol Nidre ]

Sept. 16 | 9:00am Yom Kippur

| 11:00am* Torah Service

| 11:45am* Yizkor Service

| 2:00pm Meditation

| 4:00pm Rabbi’s Study Session

Sept. 16 | 5:00pm Minchah

| 6:00pm Ne’ilah

| 7:30pm Havdalah

| 8:00pm Break-the-Fast

* These times are approximate.


We begin our observance of Yom Kippur.

The holiest day of the calendar year begins with the Kol Nidre evening service, around sundown. Fasting for Yom

Kippur begins shortly before sundown and ends shortly after sundown the following night.

The Yom Kippur morning services include regular morning prayers, plus special prayers and additional services only

found on Yom Kippur. The Torah service will begin at approximately 11:00am, followed by the Yizkor memorial service

at approximately 11:45am.

At 2:00pm, join us for meditation in Knell Chapel. The meditation will also be accessible via Zoom. A Zoom link will

be sent out to those who register using the High Holy Days Registration Form. Contact Susan Auerbach,

sauerbach2063@sbcglobal.net, with questions.

Then, at 4:00pm, join Rabbi Carrier for an interactive hour of Torah study on the themes of Yom Kippur.

Our afternoon Minchah service includes a reading of the book of Jonah.

The final Yom Kippur service is Ne’ilah, meaning “locking” or “closing.” As we approach the final moments of this holy

day, the gates of heaven close, and we hope our prayers have reached God. PJTC is excited to resume our custom of

inviting each person or household to ascend to the open ark for a moment of personal prayer. As part of High Holy

Days Registration Form, all participants will have the opportunity to submit prayers beforehand, to be displayed

anonymously on our livestream.

It is PJTC’s tradition to conclude services with Havdalah, inviting our congregants (especially children) to wave

glow sticks as we celebrate together. Glow sticks will be provided to those attending services in person and will also

be available during High Holy Days Supply Pick Up on August 29 for those children who want to celebrate from home.

Immediately following Havdalah, those attending services in person are invited to break the fast, courtesy of PJTC

Sisterhood, outdoors on Katz Terrace at 8pm.

P. 15

Youth & Family


Options For Youth During

High Holy Days Services

We’re offering a variety of options for youth to choose their

own High Holy Day Services adventure. Do you want to stay and

pray with your kids, and have the flexibility to let them run around?

Try the Prayground. Want to have time to nurture your own spirituality?

We hope to provide babysitting (RSVP required). Need a quiet moment with your

infant? Try the quiet room. All snacks need to be brought from home and clearly labeled

with your child’s name. Please see elsewhere for service times (so you know what to pack).

For everyone’s safety, youth may not wander the grounds. See below for more details on

what they CAN do!

The Prayground:

We are thrilled to offer this new

opportunity in the Cindy’s

Playground area! Parents and kids

can participate in services via a

livestream screen on one side of

the prayground, while youth have

the freedom to move about, play

with holiday-friendly toys and

games, and even hop on the

playground itself. Supervision of

children 12 and under is a must; as

long as you have RSVP’d for inperson

services, you may visit the

Prayground anytime services are



We hope to make babysitting

available for pre-K - 6th grade

for Rosh Hashanah and Yom

Kippur, with the exception of

Yom Kippur afternoon/Ne’ilah

services. Children will remain

in small groups in classrooms,

supervised by vaccinated

LBSRS faculty, teen assistants,

and other staff. Sign-ups are

essential: please use the PJTC

High Holy Days Registration

Form HERE. In mid-August, we

will contact you about

availability of this option.

Quiet Room:

Right off the PJTC Social

Hall is the Lounge, where

parents/guardians with

babies who need to eat/


play quietly may do so

while also watching

services on a tv monitor.

This option is available

during all services, and

no reservations are

necessary. Two to three

families will be permitted

at a time, with masks

required for ages 2+.


Preparing For The High Holy Days

PJTC’s Judaism in the Home programming is a great way for families

to learn more about the holidays and help children of all ages feel connected.

Sign up when you register for PJTC High Holy Days online. More information

on pages 10-11.

USY & Kadima: Do you have children in grades 3-12? It’s time to register

them for USY & Kadima, our youth groups! Register HERE. USY is tentatively

planning a trip to Universal Studios right before Rosh Hashanah - register to

make sure you get on the email lists!

Louis B. Silver Religious School (LBSRS): registration for 2021-22 is

open and our first day of school for everyone is Tuesday, September 7th, (Day 1

of Rosh Hashanah!) when students and parents will have opportunities to

meet teachers, reconnect with one another, and do some Rosh Hashanah

learning with faculty and senior staff. Find more information and register

your child(ren) for LBSRS HERE!

We also encourage families to join us for Tashlich (see page 13),

participate in our mini Sukkah raffle (see page 20), and join us for our Simchat

Torah Party (see page 21).

P. 17

Special Honors




Memory is a core

value and


in Judaism.

When a loved one passes, we keep their memories

alive not only in our hearts, but with a permanent

commemoration in the form of a bronze plaque, next

to the entrance to Galpert Sanctuary. They are lit up

during Yom Kippur and the week of your loved one’s

Yahrzeit, the anniversary of their death. If you are

interested in purchasing a plaque for $450, please

indicate this on your High Holy Days Registration Form.

PJTC has a tradition of publishing a Book of

Remembrance in which we list the names of those

in our circle of family and friends who have died. If

PJTC sent out a condolences note on your family’s

behalf this last year, the name of your loved one

will be included in the Book of Remembrance

along with the names of past members of the PJTC

community who are on the Memorial Plaques at

the entrance to Galpert Sanctuary. If you would like

to include the names of additional loved ones who

have passed or receive a physical copy of the Book

of Remembrance, please make a donation

($36/each) when filling out your High Holy Days

Registration Form.

Book Of


On Yom Kippur, it is

customary to honor the

memory of our departed

loved ones.


Community Support

Sisterhood & Men’s Club

New Year Greetings & Membership Directory

Sisterhood’s New Year Greetings and Membership Directory offers an opportunity to share your good

wishes with our community as we enter into the new year 2021-22 / 5782!

This publication will include community greetings, business sponsors and a directory of current temple

membership. For a donation of as little as $18.00, you can be included in this annual tradition of sending

greetings to your synagogue community. Business ads start at $40.00. All proceeds fund Sisterhood’s

ability to provide financial support to PJTC programming and activities throughout the year.

By this time, you should have received order forms in the mail, or you can use the linked forms above.

Should you have any questions, contact Ruth Kaye at (626) 578-0415 or kayeruth10@gmail.com.

This publication will be available for pick up beginning with High Holy Day services, then in the PJTC office.

And, watch your mail and PJTC email blasts for information about Sisterhood's annual Challah Fundraiser!

Shuttle Service By Men’s Club / Accessible Parking

Those needing accessible parking may reserve a space in the PJTC lot by using the High Holy Days

Registration Form. All others will park in the surrounding neighborhood or in the St. James United

Methodist Church parking lot at 2033 E. Washington Blvd, where a private shuttle service, partially

underwritten by PJTC Men's Club, will take congregrants to and from the synagogue.

We hope you will support Sisterhood and Men’s Club by joining or renewing your membership.

To become a Sisterhood member or renew your membership, click HERE.

To become a Men's Club member or renew your Men's Club membership, click HERE.

P. 19

Calendar Of Events


Sept. 21 | 9:30am Sukkot Services Day 1 Sept. 22 | 9:30am Sukkot Services Day 2

Enjoy the PJTC Sukkah

Sukkot begins at sundown on Monday, September 20 and ends at sundown on Monday, September 27. During

the week of Sukkot, you may reserve a time for your family and friends to gather in the PJTC Sukkah. We also

invite you to join us for a BYO Shabbat Dinner in the Sukkah on Friday, September 24, before Shabbat services.

Lulav & Etrog Sets

Known as the “Festival of Tabernacles” or “Festival of Booths,” Sukkot

celebrates the end of the harvest and recalls the Israelites’ time

in the desert. It is customary to build an outdoor shelter or hut

and to hold and shake a Lulav (a combination of palm, myrtle and

willow) and Etrog (yellow citron fruit). We are offering Lulav & Etrog

sets for use in your daily Sukkot celebrations. You can order

through the High Holy Days Registration Form HERE.

$55 for the regular set and $60 for the deluxe set.

You will be notified when your order is ready for pick up at PJTC.

Invite Others To Join You!

Got a sukkah? It is a mitzvah to invite guests into it! Want to visit a sukkah and

meet other congregants? After so many months of separation, we want to encourage

congregants to focus on this particular mitzvah - it’s a Sukkah-Palooza! Use the High

Holy Days Registration Form to sign up to host a Sukkot meal at your residence. More

details for those wishing to visit a congregant’s sukkah for a meal will be coming soon.

Support The Sukkot Raffle

PJTC has five indoor, pop-up sukkot for children. We are raffling them off for tzedakah! Half of

the proceeds will go to PJTC USY’s Tzedakah Fund, and half to Union Station Homeless Services.

Donate in multiples of $18 for your chance to win! More info to come after Yom Kippur.


Simchat Torah

Sept. 28 | 9:30am Sh’mini Atzeret Services

| 11:30am* Yizkor

| 5:30pm Community-Wide Simchat Torah Celebration

Sept. 29 | 9:30am Simchat Torah Services

* These times are approximate.

On Simchat Torah, we complete the Torah cycle and begin again. PJTC has a

wonderful tradition of unrolling the entire Torah and having recent B’nai Mitzvah

students read part of their Torah portion. This year, on Erev Simchat Torah, we are

having an extra special Simchat Torah Party, with the opportunity for both

youth and adults who

became B’nai Mitzvah during the pandemic

to read in person, with

their peers and community for the

first time.

There will be dancing,

music, food - a party not to

be missed, and a great

way to show your support

for our newly-minted B’nai

Mitzvah. Mark your calendars

for 5:30 PM on September 28

and join our...

Simchat Torah Party!

P. 21

Leading With


We are so glad you are part of the

PJTC family.

The pandemic created many challenges for PJTC,

but we strive to rise to every occasion and bring you

more opportunities than ever to connect and find meaning.

Thank you for choosing to be a member of our congregation

and for your dedication to our synagogue and to Jewish life.

You sustain us - we would be nothing without you!

Membership and dues represent about 40% of our annual revenue. To keep our

doors open, the most important part of our budget comes from additional voluntary


We need your help.


As you know, we welcome all who walk

through our doors seeking a Jewish home

to pray, to learn, to connect and to celebrate

with us. Please contribute to our Annual

Appeal. Only through this additional giving

can we continue to function as a vital

synagogue community, welcoming to all.

So many of our families have been financially

impacted by the pandemic. Every gift - no matter the

amount - is needed, appreciated, and will be put to the

very best use. If you are feeling blessed and able,

consider joining our Guardians program (those who pledge

$750 or more over and above their dues).

See details about the Guardians on our website: www.pjtc.net.

Thank you so very much for your kind consideration.

We do hope we can count on you.

Please click here to make your gift online and let us know in the “comment” section what

aspect of the community most inspires your support.

P. 23

In Honor of


The PJTC community thrives on and is sustained by the dedication and

passion of congregants who give freely of their time, efforts and talents.

Thank you to our volunteers for giving so much of yourselves during the past year to various

congregational activities including but not limited to:

Board of Directors

PJTC Sisterhood

PJTC Men’s Club

Social Justice Committee

Adult Education Committee

Religious School Committee

Youth Programs Committee

USY Board & Kadima Committee

Interfaith Study Group

Religious Affairs Committee

Gabbaim, Torah Readers and Service Leaders

High Holy Day Ushers

Discussion Leaders for Rosh Hashanah, Elul,

Thanksgiving and Counting the Omer

PJTC Hiking Leaders

PJTC Davening Team

Social Hall Speakers and Hosts

Capital Campaign Construction Projects Task Force

Facilities Committee

Centennial Committees

Purim CARnival Volunteers

Reopening Task Force

Safety & Security Committee

Membership Committee

All those who sponsored and/or delivered

holiday and shiva meals, siddurim, greeting

cards, Purim gift baskets, holiday supplies and

more to those in need of support or a smile.

Office Volunteers

Shabbat Greeters, Oneg/Kiddush Volunteers

Budget Committee

Ohr Tamid Committee

Meditation Groups

Thinking Buddy Task Force

Listening Session Participants

Flame Volunteers

Kallah Planning Group

Second Night Seder Leaders

Union Station, Foothill Unity, Friends In Deed,

and Women’s Room Volunteers

We value your time and devotion. This is certainly not an exhaustive list of all the ways our

members contribute to the vibrancy of PJTC. We would not be the strong community we have

been, and we certainly would not have thrived during this most difficult year, without

everyone’s efforts.

If you wish to get more involved and give of your time and expertise in the coming year,

please contact Director of Congregational Engagement, Melissa Levy at melissa@pjtc.net.





PJTC also gratefully recognizes the financial contributions of our donors

who are so important to sustaining the congregation and community

activities now and into the future.

Shomrei Zahav


Michael & Mary Ann Bernath

Bonnie Buratti & Kai Lam

Ezra & Marisa Callahan

Jesse & Leah Duker

Steven & Sandy Hartford

Clark & Karen Linstone

Matt & Sara Michelson

Mickey & Lee Segal

Louise Wannier

Jonathon & Sarah Weisz

Alan & Sandy Whitman


Douglas & Keri Axel

Joseph & Rebecca Johnson


Nadav & Anat Bar-Chaim

Ira & Virginia Blitz

Phil & Judy Callahan

Geoffrey & Jennifer DeBoskey

David & Gail Snyder

Vance & Pearl Tyree


Bryan & Marina Jick

Cathy Krasner

Bryan Langholz & Susan Auerbach

David & Susan Lorin

Steven & Beth Roth

Erich Schlecht & Deborah Noble

Tammy & Michael Silver

Jack & Deborah Singer

Aaron & Valerie Weiss


Neil Brown & Karen Hochman Brown

Seth & Hadar Cohen

Michael Friedman & Elizabeth Short

Karen Gross

Arlene (Sue) Hogan

Rabbi Gilbert Kollin & Cynthia Cohen

Jeffrey & Anita Landau

Rabbi Joshua & Franci Levine Grater

Herbert & Karin Meiselman

Jerome Metivier & Julie Sonigo

Stuart & Stacy Miller

Michael Ostroff & Joanne Topol

Josh & Janice Pais

Friends Continued

Martha Ruffman

Elliot & Marcia Sainer

Todd & Stacey Sharp

Randy & Mona Shulman

Sandra Sonies & Harold Kern

Edie Taylor

Ohr Tamid Society

(PJTC’s Planned Giving)


Phil & Judy Callahan

Melvin & Barbara z"l Cohen

Steve & Sandy Hartford

Carolyn Kunin

Jeff & Anita Landau

Barbara Levinson

Clark & Karen Linstone

Brian & Andrea Mark

Susan McCoin

Josh & Jan Pais

Mickey & Lee Segal

Jack & Debby Singer

Art z"l & Connie Taus

Fred & Lori Rotenberg

If we missed your name, please let Beryl know (beryl@pjtc.com) so we can adjust our records.

P. 25








RSVPs are required to participate in PJTC’s High Holy Days services

and programming, by filling out the High Holy Days Registration

Form online HERE. Should you need assistance filling out the form,

please call the office at (626) 798-1161 and we will be happy to

assist you.

The High Holy Days Registration Form allows you to:

RSVP to attend any or all services, with options for in-person and online

Make a donation to our Annual Campaign

Reserve handicap parking

Upload a photo for added security

Sign up for daily Elul emails from Rabbi Carrier

Sign up for weekly Elul discussion groups

Sign up for Judaism in the Home: High Holy Days Edition

Indicate your need for a Machzor, kippah or tallit to make the most of services from home

Express interest in babysitting, if we are able to make it available

Order a Memorial Plaque

Order a copy of the Book of Remembrance / Ensure your loved one’s name is included

Express interest in being an usher

Share your Ne’ilah prayers

Order a lulav and etrog

Sign up to host a meal in your Sukkah

Looking to donate without filling out the rest of the registration information? Click HERE.

Registration for Sukkot & Simchat Torah services and programming will be made available later this summer.

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