2021 / 5782 High Holy Days Guide

Pasadena Jewish Temple and Center's guide to a fulfilling High Holy Days in person and virtual experience in 2021.

Pasadena Jewish Temple and Center's guide to a fulfilling High Holy Days in person and virtual experience in 2021.


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Tips For



Whether in person or at home...

Get ready. No matter how and where you choose to pray, we highly

recommend spending Elul, the month before Rosh Hashanah, taking advantage of all

the “Getting Ready For the Holidays” programming PJTC is providing, described on pages 8-9.

Dress for the occasion. While many of us have become accustomed to attending online

services in our pajamas, occasions like the High Holy Days feel more special if you are able

to wear something that honors the holiness of the day. On Yom Kippur you might want to

wear white and non-leather shoes as a sign of purity. Wearing a tallit and your kippah will

engage you in the service even more. Helping any youth in your home plan ahead for what

they will wear for the High Holy Days, and explaining the importance of dressing up or why

we wear white, can be a meaningful way to prepare for services as a family.

Participate! That might mean singing your heart out (even to the screen!), clapping/tapping

to the beat, or it might mean closing your eyes for a moment of personal meditation. There is

no right or wrong way to pray.

Explore the machzor. If the Hebrew gets to be too much, there are many additional English

explanations and readings to look through on each page. Don’t hesitate to explore.

If you have children, take a look at our High Holy Day Youth & Family Programming on page 16

and make a plan to ensure that your whole family makes the most of their High Holy Days

experience. It is more important than ever for reservations to be made for youth programming.


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