Apeiron 2021[Final]

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7. Central cylinder

The central cylinder is the pivotal component to which every other component’s strength

and balance depends on. Its symmetrical structure and perfect mass distribution holds the

structure in place. The central cylinder in Apeiron has a radius of 8m and a height of 120m.

Being a non-rotating component, it has microgravity. The cylinder will be divided into 5

bases with an area of 201 sqm each; a microgravity hub, a recreational center, and

Apeiron’s control facilities; storage area, research facilities, and control center.

Volume of the central cylinder

πr​ 2​ h


π · 82 · 120 ≈ 24127 . 43 m​ 3

Surface area of central cylinder 2πrh + 2πr​ 2


= ​2 · π · 8 · 120 + 2 · π · 82 ≈ 6433.98 m​ 2

Base area πr​ 2


π · 82 ≈ 201 m​ 2

The Central cylinder also complements the shape of our Earth in Anaximander’s eyes. As

we noted, Anaximander’s Universe resembles the shape of our settlement viewed from

x-​axis. Careful correlation of these theories, and dotting the points to draw the lines

between these theories only suggests that Apeiron is as if a universe on its own; In space, it

will be the first living settlement, inhabiting 990 people, and 120 species.

8. Docking station

Docking station is the area where transportation and the import-export of goods,

industrial resources and other resources will take place. Located at the end of the Central

Cylinder, the docking station is a spherical shaped component with a diameter of 10m

having an overall volume of

(4/3 πr​ 3​ = 4/3 · π · 5​ 3​ ) ≈ 523.6 m​ 3

Pristine Private School ​ ​ 30

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