Apeiron 2021[Final]

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keep the cost-effective methodologies in practice in attempts to avoid any loss under any

circumstance. This is essential to keep our ideals in practicality. Aperion is set to be a self-sustained

settlement. It is realistically attainable, the considerable utility of solar energy as a primary source, to

be reliant on for a period of time, till a combination of utility of several sources, to increase its


Solar Energy

Solar energy is a form of energy currently in use by the International Space Station (ISS). To get this

energy, photovoltaic panels have been efficient up till now. These cells are basically semiconductor

diodes writ infrared (IR) or ultraviolet (UV) radiations into electricity. To provide a whole settlement

with solar energy we will need more advanced and larger solar systems with way better photovoltaic

cells but given the rapid advancements in technology that will be manageable. The solar energy the

Earth receives is around 175,000 terawatts, however, due to reflection from the clouds and absorption

of light waves by the atmosphere, this amount is reduced substantially. In space however, this is a

completely different story as there is no atmosphere to cause these hindrances. For example, on the

moon a solar power system can capture hundreds of times the energy that system would capture on

the Earth. This shows us that solar power is indeed a very viable way to produce our energy.

Solar energy also has many other advantages, it does not produce any hazardous waste that needs to

be stored safely and monitored properly for hundreds of years and also has already a deep amount of

research gone into it. The ISS uses solar energy as well, they have eight wings each with around

33,000 solar cells on them.

A run down of how this works is that solar cells are made up of solar arrays which convert energy to

electricity on the space station. The solar cells are made of the material silicon from purified chunks.

These cells use a method called photovoltaics to directly transform light to electricity.

Photovoltaics is the conversion of light energy into electricity due to some materials having the

photoelectric effect. This is when they absorb photons of light and release electrons which can then

be captured to provide an electric current which can be used as electricity.

We will aim to fit the solar panels on the sides of our settlement. Solar panels need to be pivoted

towards the sun and our solar panels will be pivoted in such a way that they can always be pointing

towards the sun no matter which way the spacecraft is moving in. however there will also be an

option to move the solar panels out of the sun’s direction for when they are fully charged with electric

current or some maintenance is needed. For this there will be a positional tracking machine which

will follow the movements of the solar panels to ensure maximum efficiency from them. Relative to

the structure, we will fit two sets of solar arrays (2 solar arrays for each set) on the back of the

settlement as extensions which can be moved about using the aforementioned system. This will be

around 750 square metres in area for each set (this is taking into account only the pure area of the

solar panels). They will each contain around 79,000 solar cells and each set will produce a maximum

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