Apeiron 2021[Final]

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List Of Figures

Contributors’ Note of Appreciation

All figures that have been enlisted alongside their credits respectively are the works/property(s) of

other artists, that have been used in this report for diagrammatic/presentation purposes of this

research. However, images ​without credits​ that have been displayed are the artistic works of a

member of our team, Giller Jess Flores Gandia, who has contributed essentially towards the

expressive details of this report.

I Apeiron - The Overview

Fig. 1.1 ​- Anaximander

Fig. 1.2 ​- Lagrange Points, L1, L2, L3, L4, L5


Structural Analysis & Operating Apeiron

Fig. 2.1 ​- Anaximander’s idea behind the structure of the Earth

Fig. 2.2 ​- Anaximander’s celestial sphere/vertical diagram representing his universe

Fig. 2.3 ​- Anaximander’s universe in summer, by day and universe in winter, by night

Fig. 2.4 ​- Apeiron, viewed from x-axis

Fig. 2.5 ​- Apeiron, viewed from y-axis

Fig. 2.6 ​- Apeiron, viewed from z-axis, complementing the Celestial Sphere of Anaximander

Fig. 2.7a ​- Truss 1, identical to other trusses

Fig. 2.7b ​- Channel 1, identical to other channels

Fig. 2.8a ​- The 4 tori in view, x-axis

Fig. 2.9 ​- Central Cylinder, y-axis view

Fig. 2.10 ​- Docking Station, x-axis view of Apeiron

Fig. 2.11 ​- Inspiration for the interior of the Residential Module in RT1 and RT2

Fig. 2.12 ​- Residential Module on Apeiron (inspired)

Fig. 2.13 ​- Hospital in RT2

Fig. 2.14 ​-A classroom in Apeiron Academy, RT1

Fig. 2.15 ​- Retail Stores in Apeiron, for the growing economy

Fig. 2.16 ​- Agriculture Module on Apeiron

Fig. 2.17 ​- Concept of Specialized Barns for Livestock

Fig. 2.18 ​- Concept of Specialized Aquariums for Fish

Fig. 2.19 ​- Concept of In-Vitro Fertilization Laboratory

Fig. 2.20 ​- Industrial Module Model Picture (Inspired)

Fig. 2.21​ - Czochralski process

Fig. 2.22a ​ - ISRU Unit on Moon and Mars

Fig. 2.22b​ - Mining on Moon, extractor in view, and sintered regolith moon-base constructed on lunar


Fig. 2.22c​ - Extractor of Regolith (Ilmenite Ore)

Fig. 2.23 ​- hGCV geodesic tube

Fig. 2.24 ​- hGCV in view, made of laminated glass

Fig. 2.25 ​- Sulfur concentration in the upper few decimeters of the Martian surface, as mapped by the

Mars Odyssey Gamma Ray Spectrometer. Regions of very high hydrogen content are not shown (grey)

due to the presence of abundant subsurface ice. Viking (V-1, V-2), Pathfinder (PF), Spirit (MER-A),

and Opportunity (MER-B) landing sites plotted

Fig. 2.26a​ - FSR Reactor

Fig. 2.26b​ - FSR, Aerial View

Fig. 2.27 ​- Mechanism of the G_S Process, Individual Pillar

Pristine Private School ​ ​ 6

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