Women & Politics in Botswana Situational Analysis of History and Current Perceptions

Before and after the Production of "Her Leadership" Docu-Series. This report reflects on perception of women and their role in the political space. Has anything changed since Botswana acquired its Independence?

Before and after the Production of "Her Leadership" Docu-Series. This report reflects on perception of women and their role in the political space. Has anything changed since Botswana acquired its Independence?


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One of the men who participated in the

survey shared the following opinion on why

a political career is a complicated journey

for a woman living in Botswana to pursue.

Based on the history and pattern regarding

women in Political Leadership over the past

50 years in Botswana; a mini-survey was

conducted to get an in-depth understanding

of what could be influencing this pattern of

participation by women.

The survey was created via the "Survey-

Heart" platform and the link was shared on

Social Media. 98 responses were received

and it was a mix of men and women with

84% respondents being women.

Through the survey, we managed to "get

inside the mind" of an average Motswana

man and his views on women entering the

Political SPace but most importantly, the

survey also managed to establish different

reasons why an average Motswana woman

would choose to- or, not to pursue a political


"I don't feel that women are backed

by their political parties as often as

men for positions of leadership, not sure

why exactly but this often the case,

maybe it's because of the gender bias

that we as a society have or the

tendency to still uphold traditional

gender roles whether subconsciously or


The survey however further revealed that a

lot of women have purposely chosen to steer

clear of career journeys in the Political

space, perhaps by choice or because of

thoughts shaped by society. More notable

opinions are quoted in the next section

where we share questions asked and the


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