Hiccup the Wonder Pig

Hiccup the Wonder Pig by Enley Ploeger of Kingsley-Pierson Elementary School Illustrated by Jalyn Lockett This book was the 2021 elementary division winner of the A Bushel of Stories writing contest. This contest was made possible by the Iowa Agriculture Literacy Foundation and the National Agriculture in the Classroom Organization.

Hiccup the Wonder Pig
by Enley Ploeger
of Kingsley-Pierson Elementary School
Illustrated by Jalyn Lockett

This book was the 2021 elementary division winner of the A Bushel of Stories writing contest. This contest was made possible by the Iowa Agriculture Literacy Foundation and the National Agriculture in the Classroom Organization.


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Hiccup the

Wonder Pig

By Enley Ploeger

Illustrated by Jalyn Lockett


Hiccup the Wonder Pig

by Enley Ploeger

of Kingsley-Pierson Elementary School

Illustrated by Jalyn Lockett

Special thanks to Enley’s sister, the real Farmer Elle, who cared for

Hiccup and taught Enley about pigs.

This book was the 2021 elementary division winner of the A Bushel of

Stories writing contest. This contest was made possible by the Iowa

Agriculture Literacy Foundation and the National Agriculture in the

Classroom Organization.

Special congratulations to second place elementary division A Bushel

of Stories winner Asher Keene and third place winner Maddie Pralle.

Shaker Pigs

Shaker pigs or dancing pigs suffer from a virus from the pestivirus

family. It infects young pigs and can cause them to shake involuntarily,

which can prevent them from nursing in severe cases.

The disease is relatively uncommon, and the tremors decrease

with age. Affected piglets usually survive with careful care and

management. Researchers are working to develop a vaccine to

combat the virus.


Iowa Agriculture Literacy Foundation

P.O. Box 14458 - West Des Moines, Iowa 50306-3458

Hey! My name is Hiccup! But you can call me

The Wonder Pig! This is the true, real-life story of my

crazy, shaky, piggy life. So, let’s get Oink Oinking!


I was born on a chilly winter day in a nice

warm barn. My momma had lots of piglets.

Sometimes it’s hard to just have one

sister or brother, but I had 15 siblings!

Yes! My momma had 16 piglets.

But right away I knew I was a special piglet.


I was cold

and shaky when I was born. The

farmer had to put me in a warm bucket

under a nice warm heat lamp to warm me up.

I wondered what was wrong with me?


Once I got out of the warm bucket, I started to walk

around. But there was something wrong.

I couldn’t stop shaking my head. It went back and

forth and back and forth until I got dizzy!

And I couldn’t help it.

I wasn’t doing it on purpose! I couldn’t stop.

None of the other piglets did this!


All of a sudden, I felt two warm hands pick me up. I

was so scared I squealed!

But then the warm hands wrapped me in a blanket

and held me close. The hands and the blanket were

so warm. My eyes were getting droopier and droopier

until I fell asleep.


I blinked my eyes awake. My tummy was rumbling,

and I was shivering and shaking a lot.

The warm hands picked me up again, and I saw Farmer

Elle looking back at me.

“I’m going to help you, Hiccup.” Her voice was so

soothing. And that is how I got my name, Hiccup.


I heard the barn door open again and Farmer Lonnie

came into the barn. Farmer Elle told Farmer Lonnie

that I was a Shaker pig. She said I would need lots of

help if I was going to grow up like all the other piglets.

Farmer Lonnie agreed.


He said to Farmer Elle, “Shaker pigs are born with the

shaking condition. They cannot help it. Poor thing is

going to need lots of care.”

It made sense now why I was getting so dizzy.


After my first day alive, things start to get easier.

Farmer Elle came to the barn every day with a warm

blanket for me to snuggle with. She would help me

drink from my momma.


I noticed that all the siblings were starting to get

bigger and bigger.

I was still shaking my head, but not as much anymore.

It was happening only when I was scared, hungry, cold,

or upset.


By the time I was a week old, I started to get too big to

cuddle in a blanket anymore.

That made Farmer Elle really sad. But she was also

happy because she knew that meant I was getting

bigger and doing well.

I could drink by myself now. My head didn’t shake

when I was drinking.


I began to feel better and better.

I overheard Farmer Elle tell Farmer Lonnie that she

knew she could save me. I am so glad that she did. I

knew without her love and care, I would never be as

big as the other pigs.


Soon it was my four-week birthday! It was also Farmer

Elle’s birthday.

I got to leave the barn and go into the farmhouse to


This was very special because pigs never go into the



Then the day came that I was old enough to leave

the crate.

I said goodbye to my momma and moved into a new

huge barn with all my siblings.


Moving to a new place was really cool but really scary.

I missed my momma and was scared that the other

pigs would make fun of me.

My head started to shake some more. I was swinging

it back and forth and back and forth until I got dizzy.


I was so worried that all the other pigs would think I was

weird and different because I was a Shaker pig.

But they did the opposite. They thought it was so cool

that I was unique. They loved to play with me.

I kept growing and growing and having fun in my new

barn. Farmer Elle would still visit me and tell me how

proud she was of me!


I learned love and care can really help you in the


Without Farmer Elle’s love and care for me, I wouldn’t

have been able to beat my Shaker pig disease. So,

there is the story of my crazy, shaky, piggy life. I hope

you enjoyed it!



Iowa Agriculture

Literacy Foundation



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