A Year Like No Other – C-Change Annual Report 2020-2021

We are delighted to release our annual report 2020-2021 titled ‘A Year Like No Other’ Our report is a mix of both Video and Audio + PDF version to view and download We thought it was important to acknowledge that the year 2020/2021 was nothing like any other we have experienced. The impact of a global pandemic was not something we had planned for. We had to adapt and change as circumstances evolved rapidly around us. And so, in recognition that it was not business as usual, we have produced a not business as usual annual report. Instead this report takes the form of a reflection, appreciation and offer of thanks for all those who helped us make it through the most difficult time.

We are delighted to release our annual report 2020-2021 titled ‘A Year Like No Other’

Our report is a mix of both Video and Audio
+ PDF version to view and download

We thought it was important to acknowledge that the year 2020/2021 was nothing like any other we have experienced. The impact of a global pandemic was not something we had planned for. We had to adapt and change as circumstances evolved rapidly around us.

And so, in recognition that it was not business as usual, we have produced a not business as usual annual report. Instead this report takes the form of a reflection, appreciation and offer of thanks for all those who helped us make it through the most difficult time.


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Thanks And Recognition

To The People We Work For

Caroline’s COVID-19 Story

By Margaret Pickering - Support Advisor

The team had been vigilant for symptoms in following all the guidance being shared across

Yammer (internal communications platform) so they knew the things to look out for and had

been regularly checking temperatures. So, when Caroline became lethargic and had a cough, the

team knew to support her to get a test. When the result came back positive, everything all

happened so fast.

Getting additional PPE, full gowns, masks, visors and reaching out for additional advice from

Heath Protection Scotland. The advice and guidelines were all really helpful and needed, but we

were still scared; it was a really scary time. We all knew it could be potentially life-threatening for

Caroline and team members, but that didn't stop everyone from going in each day to provide

the daily support. Her specific requirements mean at regular points throughout the day, the 2

metres rule made it really challenging to support her to eat, wash and dress. There was a slight

panic in the beginning as we all faced the unknown together. I took calls from the team, day and

night and at weekends.

It’s me that has the relationship with Caroline and every team member, so I didn’t want it going

to the on-call Support Advisor or Area Lead. I know the team felt more at ease opening up about

their anxieties to me than to the on-call rep. Caroline needed her team more than ever and I

think the team needed the support from me and my managers more than ever.

That’s how we got through it, supporting each other. Giving reassurance when it was needed,

lending a listening ear when it was needed. When the team had questions I didn’t know the

answers for, I raised them with my area team, of other Support Advisors, our Area Lead Anita

and Gina our link from the senior management team. I think it’s fair to say that we didn’t always

have the answers, but Gina would go off, perhaps contact Health Protection Scotland or our link

commissioner and come back promptly with information we needed - that Caroline’s team


It was a really difficult time for everyone, through people testing positive, isolating,

shielding; I was living alone and unable to see my grandson. At times life was

miserable but there were always moments to be thankful for.

In the end, Caroline’s tremendous inner strength shone through.

4 A Year Like No Other

C-Change Scotland

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