A Year Like No Other – C-Change Annual Report 2020-2021

We are delighted to release our annual report 2020-2021 titled ‘A Year Like No Other’ Our report is a mix of both Video and Audio + PDF version to view and download We thought it was important to acknowledge that the year 2020/2021 was nothing like any other we have experienced. The impact of a global pandemic was not something we had planned for. We had to adapt and change as circumstances evolved rapidly around us. And so, in recognition that it was not business as usual, we have produced a not business as usual annual report. Instead this report takes the form of a reflection, appreciation and offer of thanks for all those who helped us make it through the most difficult time.

We are delighted to release our annual report 2020-2021 titled ‘A Year Like No Other’

Our report is a mix of both Video and Audio
+ PDF version to view and download

We thought it was important to acknowledge that the year 2020/2021 was nothing like any other we have experienced. The impact of a global pandemic was not something we had planned for. We had to adapt and change as circumstances evolved rapidly around us.

And so, in recognition that it was not business as usual, we have produced a not business as usual annual report. Instead this report takes the form of a reflection, appreciation and offer of thanks for all those who helped us make it through the most difficult time.


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A Parent’s Perspective

Sarah and Stephen Ward’s Story

We first dealt with C-Change when our 16 year old daughter, who who was diagnosed as

autistic and having a borderline personality disorder (EUPD), was getting ready to leave an

adolescent psychiatric ward that had been home to her for over two years. We were full of fear

and apprehensive about the future. We knew we couldn't manage to keep her safe by

ourselves and we needed help, but how do you trust strangers to look after your daughter? It

was a slow process for us all getting to know and trust each other, as my daughter was moving

into our self contained annexe which was beside our house. We hoped for the best and

worried that Covid would add more anxiety to an already big life transition for our daughter.

We have to say, for us, it has been life saving for our

daughter. The entire team have worked hard to get to

know her ways, in sometimes very trying conditions. We

have had many obstacles to come through, with positive

COVID tests, self-isolation and admission into hospital

for a short stay which have all been very challenging.

Our daughter is thankfully doing better in a more

challenging world than the one she knew before

hospital. She is now beginning to realise that ‘having

a life’ is possible.

It has been

life saving for

our daughter

We all have more hope and if anyone had told me a year ago that this was even possible, I

would have struggled to believe it. So, although the world seems to have turned upside

down and crazy this year, for us, it has also made progress for our girl, who

struggled to think there was any life waiting for her.

In a ‘year like no other’, we give thanks and recognition to the amazing team

who have been looking after our daughter. We all work well together and

that’s what makes it work so well.

6 A Year Like No Other

C-Change Scotland

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