EKG Week 1

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• Cardiac action potential

• Depolarization cycle

• Refractory periods

• Conduction system

Properties of Cardiac Cells

Automaticity (electrical event)

• Ability to spontaneously initiate an electrical


Excitability (electrical event)

• Ability to respond to an electrical stimulus

Conductivity (electrical event)

• Ability to receive & conduct an electrical


Contractility (mechanical event)

• Ability to shorten or contract

Cardiac Action Potential

• Electrical impulses are a result of rapid flow of

ions back & forth across cell membrane

• Ion exchange/movement (K, Na, Ca) in heart

cells creates electrical activity that appears on

the EKG as waveforms

• Major electrolytes (ions) affecting cardiac


– Potassium (K), Sodium (Na), Calcium (Ca)

• Ü K, Ca = Û automaticity

• Û K, Ca = Ü automaticity

Refractory Periods

Absolute Refractory Period (ARP)

• From onset of QRS to approximate

peak of T wave

• Cells are depolarized & can’t be stimulated to conduct

an impulse no matter how strong the stimulus

Relative Refractory Period (RRP)

• Known as the “Vulnerable Period”

• Corresponds with the downslope of T wave

• Cells can be stimulated if stimulus is strong enough

• Can result in ventricular chaos (VT, VF)

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