Pebblebeach Fundraising and Consultancy for Charities

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Anita Dob

Thames Ho

Please, give your support today and help us create a new home for hospice care; a

home that is worthy of every mother, father, son or daughter that will come here.

Return address

The Clock Tower Sanctuary

Wenlock House

41-43 North Street



The total build cost is £22 million – and our charity must fund every penny of this.

Now, with the hospice under construction – and ‘only’ the last £3 million to raise –

we are turning to you, our community to help fund building the new patient

bedrooms and family rooms.

Registered Charity No. 1146777

What do young homeless people

in Brighton and Hove really

need this winter?

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I have been a nurse for 32 years. In that time, I have never found a more inspirational

place to care for people than Thames Hospice. Our staff and volunteers demonstrate

unequalled passion and commitment to their work. Every patient, every family

member who comes here is treated as an individual – and is given the care, attention

and respect that we would all wish for our own loved ones.




The Snowman Spectacular Appeal 2019

for Chestnut Tree House

We are building your brand-new

Thames Hospice – a new home for

end-of-life care in our community.

But we need your help today to

complete the building of the most

important rooms – the patient

bedrooms and family rooms.

Thames Hos

in East Berks

nursing team

the most vu


But our Hospice building is now over 30 years old – and can no longer keep up with

the care needs of our community. We need a new, modern hospice that will be able

to provide the very best care for local people for generations to come.

Debbie Raven

Chief Executive

The Snowman © Snowman Enterprises Ltd 2019


hestnut’s care is offered completely free. It costs over £4

Cmillion each year to care for all the children they support;

yet they receive less than six per cent of their care costs from

central government. And, this Christmas, Chestnut Tree

House needs £116,450 to keep the hospice open over the

Christmas holidays – that’s £6,850 per day – to provide care

to the 300 children and families they support across Sussex

and South East Hampshire.

There are two important ways you can help local life-limited

children this Christmas. Firstly, please will you make a

donation to help pay for the care the children and their

families need over the holidays. For example, one hour of

specialist nursing care at the hospice costs £35.70. A two-hour

home visit (and Chestnut nurses will be on the road every day

over Christmas) costs £71.40. A generous gift of £285 would pay for

all of Chestnut’s care services for a whole hour.

The second way to help is by sending a message of love and support to all the children and

families at Chestnut on the back of the Snowman tag that’s included with my letter. Raymond

Briggs is a Patron of Chestnut Tree House and he is helping to make this year a Snowman

Spectacular Christmas at Chestnut. The Snowman will be making a personal appearance at the

House – and we’d like as many Snowman tags returned as possible to help decorate the hospice.

Help us Raise the Walls of our patients’

bedrooms at the new Thames Hospice

To say ‘thank you’, Chestnut will be sending you a special Christmas card designed by Raymond

Briggs, along with a personal message from the artist himself. The team at Chestnut will send

one to each person who is kind enough to respond to this appeal.

Please support Chestnut if you can. Your donation will help to care for other children like Theo –

and provide a lifetime of memories for other families like us.

Thank you. With love and best Christmas wishes to you and your family.


Note from Chestnut Tree House:

This Christmas appeal will be delivered to

many households across Sussex and South East

Hampshire. But, because it’s not personally

addressed (to save money), we are unable to

know if you are already a Chestnut supporter. So,

if you have already responded, please accept our

heartfelt thanks and feel free to pass this on to

someone you think might also want to support lifelimited

children this Christmas.


Our lovely family


The Snowman Spectacular Appeal 2019

for Chestnut Tree House

This Christmas please help Raymond Briggs’ beloved creation,

The Snowman, to bring care, joy and wonder to children at

Chestnut Tree House children’s hospice.

Dear Friend,

ur son Theo lived for six weeks and two days. The

Olast four weeks and two days were spent at Chestnut

Tree House, your local children’s hospice. I’m Chantelle,

Theo’s mum, and I’d like to tell you about the incredible,

passionate care Chestnut gave to my son and ask for

your help in bringing a spectacular, magical, Snowman

Christmas to every child cared for at your local children’s

hospice this year.

Theo was our first child and everything was fine until the day

before he was born. There was a problem with the umbilical

cord, which meant he was starved of oxygen. I was rushed in for

a caesarean, but it was too late. The doctors told me and my husband

Lewis that his brain had been severely damaged, that he wouldn’t survive.

I asked, “How long will he live?”. They said, “We don’t know.”

Our precious baby, Theo

Theo was in the hospital, but not responding to outside stimulation,

only breathing with the help of a machine. After one week we

decided to withdraw his breathing tube and let him slip away. But

incredibly, Theo began breathing on his own.

We had no idea what to do. We couldn’t take Theo home – so Lewis

and I were stuck in hospital, in Theo’s little room, for hours at a


That was when one of the nurses told us about Chestnut Tree House

and suggested we go and have a look. I remember driving there with

Theo and being amazed to find this huge house tucked away in the

trees (we live locally – I must have driven past

Chestnut hundreds of times and never

realised it was there).

It felt like a home. There were no sterilised corridors, no tubes, no

machines beeping. We were greeted by a lovely nurse with a smile

and shown to what would become Theo’s room – the ‘Hedgehog’


Chestnut gave Theo a brand-new cot and a teddy bear to put

next to him (we’ve still got the bear!) The nurses came and

tucked him in, talked to us about Theo, how we wanted to care

for him. They gave Lewis and me a room upstairs, but there

was a sofa-bed in Hedgehog that we could use whenever

we wanted.

If undelivered, please return to: Chestnut Tree House, 2 Titnore Lane,

Goring-by-Sea, Worthing, West Sussex, BN12 6NZ

Registered charity number 256789

The Snowman © Snowman Enterprises Ltd 2019

hello@pebblebeachfundraising.com www.pebblebeachfundraising.com


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