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6 John Jackson Miller

And then, finally, he dared hope he would become a Jedi Master like

Obi- Wan— accepted while still young as one of the wise sages of the

Order. Then he’d really do some great feats. He’d lead the valiant battle

against the Sith, the legendary evil counterpart to the Jedi.

Of course, the Sith hadn’t been seen in a thousand years, and he

knew of no shadow of their return. But in his ambitions Caleb was no

different from the younglings around him, whatever the gender, whatever

the species. The adolescent imagination knew no bounds.

The sandy- haired Jedi Master touched the panel again. “It’s just in

test mode now,” Obi- Wan said. “No one will respond. But were there a

true emergency, Jedi could receive the message in several ways.” He

glanced down at his listeners. “There is the basic alert signal. And then

there are other components, in which you might find more detailed text

and holographic messages. No matter the format, the basic purpose

should be clear— ”

“Go home!” the collected students shouted.

Obi- Wan nodded. Then he saw a hand being raised. “The student in

the back,” he said, fishing for a name. “Caleb Dume, right?”

“Yes, Master.”

Obi- Wan smiled. “I’m learning, too.” The students giggled. “You

have a question, Caleb?”

“Yes.” The boy took a breath. “Where?”

“Where what?”

The other pupils laughed again, a little louder this time.

“Where’s home? Where do we go?”

Obi- Wan smiled. “To Coruscant, of course. Here, to the Jedi Temple.

The recall is exactly what it sounds like.”

The teacher started to turn back to the beacon when he spotted

Caleb Dume jabbing his hand in the air again. Caleb wasn’t one to sit in

front for every lesson— no one respected a teacher’s pet— but shyness

had never been one of his afflictions.

“Yes, Caleb?”

“Why—” The boy’s voice cracked, to mild chuckles from his com-

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