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Chapter Two

“Look out, you big idiot!”

Seeing the bulky thorilide hauler coming right at him, Kanan Jarrus

forgot about talking and abruptly banked his freighter. He didn’t waste

time worrying whether the bigger vessel would veer in the same direction:

He took his chance while the choice was still his. He was rewarded

with survival— and an alarmingly up- close look at the underbelly of the

oncoming ship.

“Sorry,” crackled a voice over the comm system.

“You sure are,” Kanan said, blue eyes glaring from beneath dark eyebrows.

I see that guy in an alley tonight, he’d better watch out.

It was madness. Cynda’s elongated elliptical orbit meant that the distance

between the moon and Gorse changed daily. Close- approach days

like today made the region between the worlds a congested demolition

derby. But the appearance of the Star Destroyer and its destruction of

the cargo ship had created a stampede in space. A race with two terrified

groups bound in opposite directions, hurtling toward each other in the

same transit lanes.

Normally, Kanan would be the one pushing the limits to get where he

was going. That was what kept him in drinking money, the main reason

he had a job. But he also prided himself on keeping his cool when others

were panicking— and that was surely happening now. Kanan had seen a

Star Destroyer before, but he was pretty sure no one else around here had.

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