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10 John Jackson Miller

“Await orders.” Caleb gazed at the floor, and then up at her. “What

if orders never come? I won’t know what to do.”

“Maybe you will.”

“Maybe I won’t.”

She watched him, thoughtful. “All right, maybe you won’t. But anything

is possible,” she said, putting her arm on his shoulder as the door

opened. “Perhaps the answer will come to you in another form.”

Caleb didn’t know what that meant. But then it was Master Billaba’s

way to speak in riddles, and, as always, he forgot about them as soon as

he stepped out onto the floor where the young Jedi trained. On any

given day, room after room would see the mightiest warriors in the galaxy

teaching the next generation in lightsaber combat, acrobatics, handto-

hand fighting— even starship piloting, using simulators. Every

discipline imaginable where a kinship with the mystical Force, the energy

field all Jedi drew upon for strength, could come in handy.

And those he saw were just a tiny fraction of the Jedi Order, which

had outposts and operatives throughout the known galaxy. True, the

Galactic Republic was at war now with the Separatists, but the Jedi had

thwarted threats for a thousand generations. How could anyone or anything

challenge them?

Caleb arrived in front of a room where his classmates were already at

work, sparring with wooden staffs. One of his regular dueling partners,

a red- skinned humanoid boy, met him in the doorway, training weapon

in hand. He had also attended the lecture. “Welcome, Young Master

Serious,” he said, smirking. “What was all that back there with Master


“Forget it,” Caleb said, pushing past him into the room and reaching

for his own training weapon. “It’s nothing.”

“But wait!” The other boy’s free hand shot up into the air, mimicking

Caleb’s questioning. “Ooh! Ooh! Call on me!”

“Yeah, you’re going to want to focus, buddy, because I’m going to

whip your tail.” Caleb smiled and went to work.

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