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Detail Incident Report for 190818226 Page 21 of 21

I was then advised by Deputy Dittmer that it was possible Megan had taken other

items in a large black bag, but those were not located. Deputy A. Vazquez #9045

then went back over to the Whataburger and searched the area and eventually was

able to locate a large purse in the women's restroom that had multiple stolen

items in it which later were determined to have been stolen by Megan. I made

contact with Megan once again and she advised me that she did in fact steal the

gourds and also later admitted to stealing the beauty products that were in the

purse that was located in the Whataburger.

It was around this time that all the warrants were confirmed and Megan was also

advised that she was going to be placed under arrest for a shoplifting charge.

Megan then was searched incident to arrest with negative findings of any illegal

items on her person. She was then placed in the back seat of my patrol vehicle,

properly seatbelted in, and transported to Pre-Trial Services, at which point

she was escorted inside and then provided with a new court date. Once that court

date had been given her she then cleared from the Pre-Trial Services building,

at which point I cleared as well.

This concludes my involvement.

NFI Transcribed by #7634 on Sun Nov 08 23:20:42 MST 2020.

Narrative copied over from C/U Case 201108222 on Sun Nov 08 23:22:02 MST 2020.

rplwdir.x9 10/12/21


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