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The Brief

Durex want to show their support for pride with an integrated campaign.

The Solution

Instead of going down the rainbow washing route, we’re taking a stance that was against just using the rainbow to elevate brand status.

Durex has been an ally since the beginning.

Work involved

Concept boards to present to client. Design.

Durex Pride

We’re “over” the Rainbow

Durex are products designed to enhance your sexual experience and protect you against diseases and birth control. Durex aren’t

a brand that are jumping on the rainbow bandwagon, we have always been there with you since the beginning of your sexual

exploration and we will continue to do so. We are your number 1 supporter of your sexuality and we want to make it the best,

most comfortable and safe experience for you, not just for one month of the year but 365 days and beyond. You won’t see us

washing our products with the rainbow for profit and status, we vow to be do more behind the scenes for purpose.

Educational kits Still celebrate the Rainbow #1 Ally from the beginning

Let’s create kits/packs TO prepare people for sex 365

days of the year and educate people on the history and

importance of safe, enjoyable sex, regardless of

sexuality. Durex ambassadors will work with charity’s

and schools throughout the year. Tesco express is the

perfect station for people to get information / education

kits all year round. People might not be near big towns

with community’s they feel comfortable in.

We know the importance of the rainbow and what

it signifies, we aren’t dismissing it. We’re simply

saying actions speak louder than words, or colours

in this instance. Let’s celebrate what the rainbow

means and why it’s so important,

not virtue signalling for status.

We know from talking to people in the community

important Durex has been in their life’s,

literally saving their life’s. We aren’t just doing this

for one month nor have we been. Let’s donate and

work with foundations, nationwide and locally.

Let’s actively campaign and be a voice for people

who might be afraid to use their own.

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