The Edinburgh Reporter December 2021
A monthly look at the Edinburgh news that matters
A monthly look at the Edinburgh news that matters
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Book worms
City turns page with
Little Free Libraries
Firm foundation Captured Picture this
Charity matching donors
celebrates 25 years
Looking back on 2021
in pictures
Botanists leap from
page to canvas
Best of the rest
Easter Road 1980s
highs and lows
Page 3 Page 6 Page 12 Page 22
Page 23
December 2021
Christmas is...
The city lights up and
prepares to enjoy
festive season
in fine style
Ian Georgeson
Letters to the editor
Change endangering Common Good land
IN EDINBURGH, Christmas already began
revving up in November, and just a little
before Remembrance Sunday, the Christmas
Wheel was already taking shape. There is a
new look for The Mound with Hannah Ayre’s
geometric snowflakes and a new look on the
road where red and white wands have given
way to black and white “defenders”. Parts of
the cycle lane are no longer segregated,
except for a painted line, to allow buses more
room while North Bridge is closed. Some
regard this as a backward step in a year when
so much has been done to improve active
travel. But there is also talk of reintroducing
zebra crossings in Edinburgh to make it safer
for pedestrians. Back to the future?
This is the final year of the council’s
arrangement with Underbelly who produce
the Christmas and Hogmanay events. The
council will put new festive season contracts
out for tender soon. The results of a survey, to
which 8,600 people responded, show that
there is “overwhelming support” for the
winter celebrations in Edinburgh to continue
- but in a revised format. One person or
organisation will become Winter Festivals
Director with responsibility for a programme
including lighting installations and fireworks.
Covid-19 has been mentioned in most of
our stories both this year and the last. The
pandemic is not over yet, and the
government continues to monitor case
numbers and transmission. The R rate
is just over 1, which means that care
remains essential.
The best stories usually involve meeting
interesting people, and I have met many over
the last eighteen months who are caring for
those in Edinburgh who are in great need.
There are people all over the city who have
volunteered their time to distribute food and
meals. Foodbanks are called upon more and
more to fill the gap. Some of these
community-based organisations would
love to have more volunteers, and most
would readily accept donations of items or
funding. Christmas is perhaps a good time for
anyone who can to start thinking of how to
help them.
I wish you all a happy and peaceful time
this Christmas.
Phyllis Stephen, Editor
Dear Editor,
As citizens of Edinburgh, we all
inherit common good assets
bequeathed long ago to us, and to
future generations. The
Community Empowerment Act
(2015) requires public consultation
if there is a change of use on
common good land, yet such
privatisation is being facilitated
by the City Council, without
such consultation.
The streets of the Old and New
Towns, and of Leith, are Common
Good land. Last summer, while
indoor numbers were restricted by
social distancing rules, bars and
restaurants fronting these streets
were allowed to build “temporary”
outhouse decks and shacks. Now,
with higher vaccination rates and
more relaxed rules, there is a push
to make such street incursions
What’s wrong with that? Don’t
we all enjoy al fresco eating and
drinking? Shouldn’t Edinburgh
prioritise economic recovery?
I have no problems with café
culture or chairs on the pavement
adjacent to the frontage of a café.
But a permanent structure beyond
the pavement is a different
proposition. In practical terms it
means that the café/bar extends
across the pavement and to the far
side of the decking. Staff shuttle
across to serve and to clear.
Yes, pedestrians can still
thread their way through without
being customers, but it feels like
being a trespasser in a private
space. And for how long? Once
“temporary” becomes permanent,
the logical next step is to close the
gap and control entry to the space
as a whole.
The concerns are not just
abstract. Residents in some streets
have contacted The Cockburn
THE EDINBURGH Reporter is distributed through a network of city
businesses and arts venues like Summerhall and Dovecot Gallery.
The paper is also distributed at Stockbridge and Castle Terrace
Markets on the first weekend of the month, and sometimes at
Portobello Market. If you visit any branch of Farmer Autocare then
there are also papers available there.
If you can, then please subscribe to have your copy delivered to
you each month. It helps us to cover the overheads of bringing the
news to you in print and online. And if you have any suggestions as
to places where it could be distributed from then please let us know.
Association in desperation.
Decking creates an ideal habitat for
rats. The seating is used for loud
drinking sessions in the early hours,
creating disturbance to those living
in flats overlooking the street and
litter piles up. The road is blocked
forcing heavy delivery vehicles to
park on pavements, damaging the
surface and blocking footpaths and
amenity and ambience are lost.
Precedents are being set. Never
waste a good crisis! A World
Heritage Site is being trashed with
planning rules suspended.
Covid-19: the numbers
WHILE OTHER countries on the
continent experience an increase
in positive cases and some have
entered another lockdown -
mainly as a result of people
choosing not to be vaccinated - our
numbers remain relatively static.
The number of people who have
had their booster dose is now
heading towards two million.
Cases in Edinburgh have been
much the same in recent weeks
with around 400 cases per day
reported, and the number of
people in hospital is just
under 1,000 and has been for
some weeks.
The number of people who have
died since the beginning of the
pandemic is now approximately
10,000 a figure which hides a great
deal of heartbreak.
The First Minister briefed MSPs
and rather than announcing an
extension of the Covid certification
scheme to pubs and cinemas, the
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Common Good land effectively is
being privatised, without the
required public consultation.
The future of the heart of our
city, and of our public assets, is at
stake. The city centre is being
emptied of people, as affordable
rented flats have been bought by
investors to use as short-term
holiday lets, and over-tourism has
made life a misery for many residents.
Before it’s too late and we lose
our unique residential city centre,
will somebody say that enough is
enough? A balance needs to be
struck between the rights of
residents, the claims of business,
and care for the environments that
make this city special. Legal
requirements to consult must be
met. Is anybody in the City
Chambers listening?
Emeritus Professor
Cliff Hague, OBE,
Chair, Cockburn Association
Cabinet had agreed (by a thin
margin it appears) to introduce
another option instead. As an
alternative to the Covid Passport a
recent negative lateral flow test
can be produced instead.
Ms Sturgeon said: “This change
makes it possible for people who
cannot be vaccinated, or who are
not yet fully protected, to make
use of the scheme. The new rule
will also, we hope, encourage the
greater use of regular lateral flow
testing and it will still meet our
aim of reducing the risk of
transmission, within higher
risk venues.
“We encourage everyone to
continue to test themselves
regularly and particularly before
you meet up with people from
outside your household, whether
you are meeting in your home or
public place. If you test positive
stay home, isolate and take a
PCR test.”
About us...
We write about news relating to the Edinburgh area. If you
have any news, or if you would like to submit an article or
photograph for publication then please contact us
Editor: Phyllis Stephen
Designer: Felipe Perez
Photos: Martin P McAdam
07791 406 498
Booklovers’ bonus
Word on the street is two new city libraries have opened
Somewhere over the rainbow
there are free books
Stocking up
the library
The Dunard Centre
Enter stage left
- first concert
hall in 100 years
YOUNG EDINBURGH book lovers can now
turn the page with the opening of two new
Little Free Libraries at Pilton Youth &
Children’s Project (PYCP) and at FetLor in
Crewe Road South.
Little Free Libraries (LFL) was started in
Hudson, Wisconsin, with a mission to expand
global access to books and there are now
100,000 volunteer-led free libraries in more
than 100 countries, which share 42 million
books annually.
The new libraries are the result of a
collaboration with Alison McLuckie, a
Consultant Paediatrician with NHS Lothian,
and Western General Hospital research doctor
Mark Stares. Alison and Mark, along with
PYCP Youth Workers Aga, Caryn, Adrianna,
Adele and other volunteers worked with young
people aged 8 to 12 to take the project from the
idea stage to building both libraries.
Alison said: “It is a people-led movement, so
anyone anywhere can pop one up if they have
the motivation to. We were inspired by what
one of my GP colleagues in Wester Hailes had
done. Dr Nora Murray-Cavanagh
commissioned the Edinburgh Tool Library to
make two Little Free Libraries for Wester
Hailes, which are sited at WHALE Arts and at
Clovenstone Community Centre.
“Early literacy is very important and it is
much easier for some families to come by
books than it is for others. I’m a paediatrician,
so my interest is in childhood development,
and I guess I understand, as Nora does, the
importance of being read to as a child and the
importance of early literacy.
“It came from a conversation with my
colleague Mark and Nora about how lovely it
would be to put little libraries in North
Edinburgh in a way that children and young
people had a say in the design and making of
them. I am keen that the libraries are ‘owned’
by their communities. PYCP were really
welcoming of that idea where we supported the
young people who did it themselves.”
Laura McLaren, Project Manager at PYCP,
said: “Our Adventurers group do all sorts of
outdoor activities and learn how to use tools
safely, so this was the ideal project for them.
Our two Little Free Libraries have been really
well used since they opened in summer and it’s
been fantastic to watch children and families
taking books out and returning every week for
more. It’s also been a brilliant project for our
young people to get involved in and they are
really proud stewards of the libraries.”
Scotland’s oldest youth club, FetLor in Crewe
Road South, is the location of the second
library. Although it was not possible during
lockdown for children to be involved in the
design process, there is now a library with
books for pre-school children.
FetLor chief executive, Richie Adams, said:
“I think the community really like the idea of
free libraries, free education and free books
for young people and the community see this
as a good resource. They are outside and free
for everyone to come in and use. We are
incredibly grateful to Alison and Mark and
all the colleagues at NHS Lothian who made
this happen.”
Books in LFLs are free for anyone to pick up,
Library at
although users are encouraged to put books
into the library when they can. Other LFLs in
Edinburgh can be found at Leith Walk Police
Box, Starbank Park, Scotland Street, Dublin
Street, and Leith’s “Banana Flats”. Some of these
have been constructed by Edinburgh Tool
Library, whose first library still stands in
Stockbridge Colonies.
PLANNERS HAVE granted planning
permission to the first concert hall to be
built in Edinburgh for a century.
According to IMPACT Scotland the body
which is delivering the new cultural
venue, the £75 million Dunard Centre
“will fill a recognised gap in the region’s
cultural infrastructure and provide a
platform for local, national and
international musicians to perform to
audiences in the very best environment”.
Part of the funding for the new concert
hall is to be sourced from the City Region
Deal, and some of the funding is from the
Dunard Fund, a major philanthropic
donor in the city under the direction of
Carol Grigor.
The new building will be the
permanent home of the Scottish
Chamber Orchestra, and will also be used
by the Edinburgh International Festival.
The promise is that a new building like
this will strengthen Edinburgh as a
festival city and it will also be the main
location for National Youth Choir Of
Scotland as well as an educational hub.
The building will have a 1000 capacity
auditorium with the capacity for live
streaming, digital capture and
broadcasting, flexible multi-purpose
rooms for education, conferencing and
hospitality, a foyer with informal
opportunity for performance and a café/
bar with indoor and outdoor seating.
Fergus Linehan, Festival Director and
CEO of Edinburgh International Festival
and co-chair of IMPACT Scotland,
said:“The Council’s decision is fantastic
news for the city and for music in
Scotland. Edinburgh is a city famous for
its cultural life and home to worldrenowned
arts festivals which generate
over £300 million for the Scottish
economy, but it lags behind many other
cities in its provision of cultural
infrastructure which currently deters
some artists from choosing to perform in
the city.
“By creating a modern hall with
outstanding facilities and acoustics, we
are closing the recognised gap in the
region’s cultural infrastructure and
helping to sustain Edinburgh’s position
as a leading cultural city against national
and international competition.”
The ‘New Normal’
Our Letter from Scotland columnist looks back over the last year
WE HAVE COME a long way since Christmas
2020 and we now find ourselves in a new world
of vaccinations, cautious meetings, face masks
and worries about our future on the planet.
Looking back on December last year, I can
hardly believe I was there. Christmas was in
hiding. No concerts, no cinema, no parties, only
outdoor meetings with a few friends. My treat
on Christmas Day was to climb Arthur’s Seat.
We were entering our third Lockdown and
the second year of the pandemic. 73,500 people
had died of Covid across the UK, over 6,000 of
them in Scotland. (Now it’s over 125,000 and
nearly 10,000 in Scotland). Then came the
miracle of the vaccines and the military-style
inoculation programme.
The government’s furlough scheme kept
175,000 Scottish jobs alive (it had been nearly a
million the year before). Government debt rose
to 14 per cent of our national income, just short
of the 15 per cent at the end of the Second
World War.
The weather too was blowing between
extremes. We had snow and ice at New Year. In
February temperatures were down to minus
23°C in Braemar. Then we had our fourth
hottest summer since records began in 1844. In
Tyndrum the thermometer reached 27°C.
Abroad, forest fires were raging in California,
Australia and Greece. More of Africa was
turning into desert. Floods in Germany and the
Netherlands killed 180 people, many more in
India and Bangladesh. The scene was set for the
Westminster funding is the answer
pressing need for investment in
Edinburgh to ensure that the city
can bounce back to better than
pre-Covid levels of prosperity.
The UK Government has recently
announced an extensive package
of funding for Edinburgh and the
South East of Scotland that includes
a variety of different sectors.
£9.5 million will be going to
UN’s latest climate change conference, in
Glasgow, where yet again our leaders failed to
notice there was an emergency on.
We have been getting used to a new normal
in politics too. We are living with the damaging
consequences of Brexit and “Boris being Boris”
at Westminster. The SNP held onto power in
the Scottish elections in May, in large measure
because of Nicola Sturgeon’s steady handling of
the Covid crisis.
schools for state-of-the-art
systems that will monitor
temperature, CO2 levels, and
humidity among other metrics.
This will be used to teach children
how to deal with data and
statistics in real world contexts.
The UK Government is investing
over £270 million across the city to
promote Edinburgh as a Data
Powerhouse. Investing in 5 Data
Driven Innovation (DDI) hubs
across the City and the South East
will not only help a range of other
sectors, it will also bring good
quality jobs to the area.
Over £16 million will be
earmarked for the Granton Gas
Holder, which will aid the
waterfront renovation that is
taking place in the area. It is
hoped that the funding will help
And on the sporting field, we have a new
normal too. Scotland qualified for the football
World Cup for the first time in over 20 years.
Our men’s rugby team beat England, France and
Australia. Rangers FC are back on top of the
Premier League, but plucky little St Johnstone
from Perth snatched The Scottish Cup from
them in an extraordinary penalty shootout.
To sum up this uncertain year in just one
word, it has to be “timorous”.
to make it one of the most
sustainable new neighbourhoods
in Scotland by securing further
public and private sector
investment of around £1.2 billion.
This is just a small snapshot of
the suite of funding that is being
delivered to Edinburgh from the
UK Government. It will be a lifeline
to many areas and sectors and is
something to be celebrated and
Jeremy Balfour MSP
Leith’s clean
green energy
IF YOU ARE feeling disheartened by the
UK’s lack of commitment to net zero
targets, never fear. UK Minister of State for
Energy, Greg Hands MP, apparently has the
solution to the climate crisis with a cunning
plan to get the UK to net zero emissions. Yes,
it’s back to the future with nuclear power.
The UK Government has just announced
a £210 million contract for Rolls-Royce as
part of the Advanced Nuclear Fund they’re
throwing money at, just a few weeks after
they decided not to invest in the Carbon
Capture and Storage project at St Fergus
in Aberdeenshire.
The Tory government promised a North
East of Scotland carbon capture project
back in 2014, and St Fergus was the most
cost-effective and shovel ready of all the
bids but it lost out to projects in Teeside
and the Humber. I’m furious on behalf of
the oil workers that have helped the oil
industry contribute over £350 billion in
revenues and are now being passed over
for up to 15,000 jobs that would have come
Aberdeenshire’s way. The Scottish
Government created the Just Transition
Commission years ago and is investing
£500 million towards a Just Transition in
the North East and Moray, but the extra
boost from the UK Government would
have made a big difference in getting
Scotland and the rest of the UK to net zero.
I’m glad to say there are some great
clean green energy projects right here in
my constituency that give me hope for the
future though. I recently visited Nova
Innovation’s Leith factory where they
produce tidal energy turbines and are
creating excellent prospects for export.
These schemes will provide constant
reliable energy - and Nova has recently
developed a new turbine that slashes the
cost of tidal energy by a third - while
leaving no costly nuclear waste dumps for
us and future generations to deal with. It’s
heartening to see these kinds of projects
making big strides in Scotland, and we’ll
keep working towards our ambitious
climate change targets, despite the UK
Government’s lackadaisical approach.
Deidre Brock MP
Plaque unveiling in Roseburn Park
The Edinburgh Reporter
Message from
the Moderator
Lord Wallace
Engraved in memory
New plaque commemorating ‘Murrayfield’s Artist’ Charles H Mackie
A NEW PLAQUE has been unveiled in
Roseburn Park commemorating the artist,
Charles H Mackie, RSA, RSW, who died in
Murrayfield in 1920. Mackie, the only Scottish
artist of that period who actually met French
artist, Gauguin and who was taken round his
studio was called “Murrayfield’s artist” by John
Yellowlees, Chair of Murrayfield Community
Council at a short ceremony in the park.
Inspired by the recent exhibition at the City
Art Centre, the community council provided
the plaque which is now sited on the northern
side of the shared path. Mackie rented a studio
on Murrayfield Road from 1896 on the bottom
floor of the old Roseburn Primary School. The
building was demolished by the council in the
1960s and replaced by a modern office building
and the plaque is on the opposite bank of the
Water of Leith directly opposite.
Dr Helen Scott, Curator at the City Art
Centre, and Pat Clark, author of the Mackie
biography unveiled the plaque, and are pictured
above with community councillors and a photo
of Mackie’s work, ‘There were Three Maidens
pu’d a Flower (By the Bonnie Banks o’ Fordie)’
c.1897, part of the City Art Centre collection.
Pat Clark, the self-declared “world authority”
on the artist, told The Edinburgh Reporter that
Mackie used to watch polo matches on the
pitches which now lie between the Water of
Leith and BT Murrayfield, and that he painted
the Pentlands from his deathbed in the house/
studio on the bank of the Water of Leith. Ms
Clark’s book about Mackie (‘People, Places and
Piazzas. The Life and Art of Charles H. Mackie’)
was a work which she explained was “many
years in the making”.
Pat said: “I went to Australia, I went to France
and I tried to follow in Charles Mackie’s
footsteps. I encountered his last living relatives
who live out in Melbourne, Australia, and I
tracked down many of his paintings although I
have to admit that some are lost to posterity.
“But many of the best paintings he ever
created were actually executed here in
Murrayfield. He was born in Aldershot where
his father was a serving soldier, and then
attended George Watson’s College in Edinburgh.
He made his home and studio here.
“He was a unique artist influenced by a group
of artists in France called Les Symbolistes. He
met Vuillard and brought the first Vuillard work
back to Scotland. His art grew out of his Scottish
roots, but it also reacted to the influences of the
Nabis in Paris. They in turn had been influenced
by Gauguin. Charles Mackie is the only Scottish
artist of that period who actually met Gauguin
and who was taken round his studio.”
Mackie is buried in Warriston Cemetery. In
the 1890s he was commissioned by Patrick
Geddes to produce murals for Ramsay Garden
in Edinburgh’s Old Town, as well as illustrations
for the pioneering journal The Evergreen.
Despite his many achievements, he has always
been treated as a peripheral figure in the story of
Scottish art. As a mature artist, Mackie worked
with an impressive range of media, not only
producing oil paintings and watercolours, but
also murals, woodblock prints, book
illustrations and sculpture. His influences were
quite diverse, drawing inspiration from French
Symbolism, the Celtic Revival movement and
the landscapes of his European travels.
Rail investment needs to be on track
COP26 IN Glasgow delivered a
pact which represents a new
chapter in our global fight against
the climate crisis.
In Scotland, having led the way
on climate legislation following
Scottish Labour’s cross-party
push for radical targets, we’ve not
seen enough action from The
Scottish Government with targets
on emissions, renewable heat,
and biodiversity all being missed.
There’s no meaningful plan for a
jobs-first transition, and public
transport routes are being cut. We
need a just transition which
creates high-quality, green jobs
and ensures that no community is
left behind.
The climate crisis is the greatest
threat facing our world with low
income countries already
experiencing the devastating
impacts of flooding and droughts.
Scottish Labour has launched
Green Labour as an optimistic,
alternative vision of the greener
Scotland we want to build. In the
Scottish Parliament as we build
recovery from COVID we need
joined-up action on fuel poverty,
new community heat and
renewables that are affordable for
consumers, and a focus on new
jobs and training.
We also need more affordable
transport in communities across
Scotland. We need investment in
new rail services, support for new,
locally owned bus services like
Lothian Buses, safe, properly
planned active travel routes, and
EV charging points: an expansion
of low carbon transport that
meets people’s needs.
We all need to work together
to make the changes our
communities need to cope
with the climate and nature
The agreement reached at
COP26 is just a starting point
and our communities must be
at the heart of the just transition
we need.
Sarah Boyack MSP
OFTEN, AROUND this time of year, when
you’re out shopping and paying for
something, the person on the checkout
hands you your receipt, and says “Merry
Christmas” or possibly “Compliments of
the season”.
I hope increasing age hasn’t made me
too cynical, but sometimes the thought
flits through my mind that the greeting is
not always motivated by the person having
a genuine interest in whether or not I have
a merry Christmas. Could they be saying
this because they’ve been told to? I conjure
up an image of a memo from supermarket
headquarters directing those on the
checkout to give customers a cheery
seasonal greeting on the assumption that
this will somehow help cement a bond
between the shop and the customer.
Even if age breeds some cynicism, I
believe my suspicions are outweighed by
the experience that more often than not,
the person saying,“Merry Christmas” really
means it. Invariably it lifts my spirits.
There actually is something genuine to
this whole idea of Christmas cheer. As
December 25th draws near, people do
seem to warm up just a bit.
Recalling the Christ child’s birth, they do
make an extra effort to practice the virtues
the angels sing of - “peace on earth,
goodwill towards all people.” But why do
we notice this at Christmas? Why does this
surge in warm-heartedness stand out?
Is it because, despite our best intentions,
good will towards all people so easily
becomes a seasonal event rather than a
standing policy?
When Christ entered our world, He
didn’t come to brighten our Decembers,
but to transform our lives. It can be hard
work to practice good will towards one
another. But John the Baptist’s message
was that, as we prepare for Christ to come
into our lives, we can change our ways.
Jesus’ ministry provides the blueprint
for loving our neighbour in a busy and
complicated community. Christ made a
point of seeking out the broken and
outcast people of His day - He saw the
value in each one of them. And by doing
so, He helped them recognise the value
in themselves.
This Christmas season, let us recognise
that just as faith is a decision, good will
towards people is a series of decisions that
work themselves out not in temporary
Christmas cheer, but in the details of life all
year round.
Lord Wallace, Moderator of the General
Assembly of the Church of Scotland
Strong foundation
The Foundation Scotland charity celebrates a quarter of a century of matching corporate
and personal donors with worthy causes and social enterprises across the country
riginally established in
1996 as "Scotland's
Foundation", the
major funding body
Foundation Scotland
brings together
communities and funders. Since its
launch a quarter of a century ago the
foundation has distributed more than
£130 million to charitable organisations,
social enterprises, and community groups
in Scotland. While Foundation Scotland
is also a charity, the body exists to
provide a simpler way for funds to be
managed and awarded to the charities
which will use them.
With an experienced team and a Board
of Trustees, the Foundation has its own
strategies guiding its funding decisions.
Their main income comes from
donations, and every time a donor gives
to a charitable grant or programme
which Foundation Scotland manage,
a donation is made to the
Since March 2020 Foundation
Scotland has distributed more
than £32 million. The
foundation specialises in
supporting charitable initiatives
within local communities, from
local food banks to
counselling services, to
youth groups and
education and
training funds. Set
up with an initial group of three staff, the
Edinburgh-based foundation now has
over 30 managing around 100 different
national and local funding programmes
each year. Earlier this year the
foundation began offering investment for
social enterprises following integration
with Resilient Scotland, further
expanding the breadth of financial
support offered to charitable groups
and enterprises.
Through the pandemic, Foundation
Scotland awarded over £1.1 million in
crisis support grants to 268 Edinburghbased
projects. Those supported included
The Eric Liddell Centre, East Lothian
Roots and Fruits, Sikh Sanjog, Bridgend
Farmhouse and The Edinburgh Tool
Library. Groups can often be eligible for
more than one source of funding from
the foundation, and some organisations
have received ongoing support from
Foundation Scotland for many years. The
team pride themselves in getting to
know and understand funded
groups, supporting them with
essential finances and vital
advice to help them to develop
and sustain their services.
Giles Ruck, Chief Executive
at Foundation Scotland, said:
“We are proud to be Scotland’s
community foundation.
For 25 years, we’ve
Giles Ruck, CEO,
Foundation Scotland
maintained the vision
of supporting
confident, thriving,
resilient communities across Scotland.
And for every community to thrive, it
should be resourced to match its vision
and powered by transformative funding.
That's where we come in. Over the last
quarter of a century, we have connected
the generosity of donors, corporates and
individuals, to enable and empower vital
projects and grassroot-led change.
“As we look ahead, we will continue
to work hard to reach and connect
with new donors keen to distribute
funds effectively at a local level so that
together we can continue to deliver
extraordinary support.”
Foundation Scotland is an independent
charity. The funds awarded to projects
within Scotland’s communities are the
result of the generosity of donors who
support the foundation's work. The
breadth of donors includes individuals,
families, companies, community bodies
and other charities who distribute funds.
The foundation connects donors' funds
with community organisations working
on the ground, ensuring their support
stays relevant to local circumstances and
delivers real impact. Even throughout the
pandemic, new donors have come on
board, and new funds have opened to
help support communities through the
crisis and beyond.
Last year, Edinburgh-based investment
management company, Martin Currie,
asked Foundation Scotland to design and
Flying the flag for
Foundation Scotland
An Indian dance group
(below) at Eric Liddell
Centre - a foundation
brand a new fund to help them support
charities and community groups in
Edinburgh.Their priorities were to
address inequality and support initiatives
that improved social and environmental
sustainability. The Martin Currie
Community Partnership Programme
(MCCPP) launched in September, and to
date has awarded almost £44,000 among
eight organisations Recent grantees
include The Edinburgh Remakery, The
Venchie Children and Youth Project and
The Salisbury Centre.
Rosslyn McDonald, Head of
Distribution Operations for Martin
Cleaning up in Calders
Above – Claire Carpenter
of The Melting Pot
Right - The Melting Pot’s new
front door on Calton Road
Below - Happy faces at
Edinburgh Tool Library
working hard on the paperwork
to advance a community asset
transfer of the former janitor’s
house in the grounds of
Sighthill Primary School.
There had been some months
since the group applied to the
council, but as we went to press
CRA was about to have a
meeting with council officers to
discuss the next stage.
The residents obtained
£12,000 of feasibility funding
from the Scottish Land Fund at
the end of 2020 for a business
plan. They appointed Lee Boyd
Architects to draft up new plans
for a community hub which
show how the residents would
reuse an existing building for
local organisations to use. Inside
it would be a flexible space and
the grounds outside would
become a community garden.
The CRA’s five year business
plan also shows opportunities
Big hopes for a new
community hub
for new jobs for locals.
Caroline Bruce, Secretary of
CRA, said: “During the pandemic
volunteers distributed food
parcels and meals to local
people from the community
flat. Our community centre at
the back of the Calders shops
was taken away about eight
years ago.
“It was well laid out and had
everything we needed but we
have had nothing since - even
Gate 55 has been a Covid test
centre. We really need
something in the community.
CRA Chair Michelle Robson and
I have spoken about this for a
few years now.
“Now with a meeting
planned we can move to the
next stage and find out what
the council want to do with
the building. We heard before
that they planned to turn it into
a car park.”
Cllr Neil Gardiner said: “This is
an interesting initiative from the
local community using SNP
government legislation to
support community
Cllr Ricky Henderson said:
“I am aware of the community
asset transfer for the former
janitor’s house, and I am very
supportive in principle of this
taking place.”
Currie said “The MCCPP is delighted to
partner with Foundation Scotland to
support local charities that promote
diversity and inclusion, or social and
environmental sustainability. The
programme was established in 2020 and
focuses on the communities where we
live and work by partnering with and
building deep and lasting relationships
with organisations who are well placed to
help us deliver Martin Currie’s goal to
improve lives.”
The Melting Pot is Scotland’s Centre for
Social Innovation. Based in Edinburgh’s
city centre on Calton Road, the
organisation runs a large co-working
hub, meeting venue and events
programme for charities, social
businesses, campaigners, and freelancers.
Foundation Scotland has supported
The Melting Pot for over 15 years.
The organisation received its first award
back in 2006, and has received £120,000
from a number of different funds to
support their growth and development
since then.
Claire Carpenter, Founder and CEO of
The Melting Pot, said: “Foundation
Scotland have been an instrumental
investor for me and The Melting Pot.
They’ve been part of the birthing story
- twice now! Back in the 2000s when
“co-working” wasn’t a thing you could
Google, they saw the potential in my big,
novel and very practical idea to better
support our sector, in all its diversity.
Then, due to Covid, the landscape
changed once again – for good. We’ve
been able to play to each other’s strengths
to help #BuildBackBetter. I’m looking
forward to seeing how together we
co-create the conditions for social
innovators to thrive in the years ahead.”
From grantmaking to social
investment opportunities, legacies to
bursaries, Foundation Scotland is
continually developing innovative and
effective ways for donors to help
Scotland’s communities thrive.
Polish piano
comes back to
square one
International politicians at the Botanics
Delegates dig in
World leaders promote biodiversity at Royal Botanic Garden
DURING COP26, while the eyes of the world
were on Glasgow, international delegations from
Nepal, Malawi and the Ivory Coast were also
addressing the impact of the biodiversity crisis
and climate emergency at the Royal Botanic
Garden Edinburgh (RBGE).
Welcomed by Simon Milne, MBE, Regius
Keeper and teams of scientists and
horticulturists, the global leaders planted trees,
symbolising the development and growth of
these important global partnerships.
Returning from the World Leaders Summit in
Glasgow, Nepal’s Prime Minister Sher Bahadur
Deuba and the Minister for Forests and
Environment Ramsahay Prasad Yadav, met with
Simon Milne MBE, Regius Keeper and Dominic
Fry, Chair of the Board of Trustees.
At the centre of the Himalaya, Nepal is classed
as a Global Biodiversity Hotspot. Home to a
third of all Himalayan species, its ecosystems are
crucial to all life across Asia and sustain the
everyday needs of Nepal’s largely rural
population. However, the country is experiencing
alarmingly rapid melting of glaciers and snow
cover of the Himalayan mountains as part of the
increasing frequency of extreme weather events.
Having worked in the region for more than
200 years, over the last two decades, RBGE has
become a yet closer partner of the Nepal
government and its key environmental agencies.
The quest is to help Nepali partners build their
own ability to undertake plant biodiversity
research and to scientifically document the
natural capital of their country. The Flora of
Nepal is the first comprehensive record of the
estimated 7,000 species of flowering plants and
ferns found in Nepal.
The Garden also welcomed His Excellency,
President Lazarus Chakwera, President of the
Republic of Malawi in a celebration of the
long-standing friendship between the country
and RBGE.
During their visit, the President and First
Lady Mrs Monica Chakwera planted a
Widdringtonia whytei or Mlanje cedar, a species
of conifer found only in Malawi. Now critically
endangered in the wild, the cedar was grown
from seed collected in 2019 as part of RBGE’s
International Conifer Conservation Programme.
Ivory Coast delegation
Historic preserved specimens of the species
Aframomum, originally from the Ivory Coast,
helped to illustrate the work of the Herbarium
when the Honourable Mr Alan Donwahi,
Minister of Water and Forests, Republic of the
Ivory Coast and Her Excellency, Madame Sara
Amani, Ambassador of the Ivory Coast in the
United Kingdom, visited RBGE.
On their first visit to the Garden, the
delegation discussed possible projects and hopes
for the creation of a new partnership between
RBGE and the Ivory Coast.
At RBGE, scientists and horticulturists are
building a global network of people to help
conserve the planet’s natural capital and enable
the sustainable use of plants. Visits by leaders
during COP26 help to strengthen these crucial
international collaborations.
The President and
First Lady of Malawi
A SQUARE piano owned by musician Felix
Yaniewicz has been restored and brought
home to Edinburgh to the Polish Ex-
Combatants House on Drummond Place.
Yaniewicz lived nearby on Great King
Street until he died in 1848.
Yaniewicz is credited with founding the
first Edinburgh Music Festival in 1815. He
led the orchestra in an ambitious
programme featuring Haydn’s Creation,
Handel’s Messiah, and symphonies and
concertos by Mozart and Beethoven.
Later he was Edinburgh’s chief concert
promoter, establishing a series of morning
chamber music concerts. Today,
Yaniewicz’s music is little known outside
Poland, despite his impact on British
musical life – his numerous compositions,
most notably the 5 violin concertos,
significantly contributed to the repertoire
of the Georgian period.
The piano dates from around 1810.
Above the keyboard, a cartouche with
painted flowers and musical instruments
bears the label Yaniewicz and Green with
the addresses of premises in fashionable
areas of London and Liverpool.
Inside the piano, a signature in Indian
ink has been matched with those on the
marriage certificate and surviving letters of
Felix Yaniewicz.
The piano was found by a descendant of
the musician, Josie Dixon, who noticed an
advert for the newly restored piano which
had turned up 20 years earlier in a private
house in Snowdonia. Then in a dilapidated
condition, it was bought by the early
keyboard expert Douglas Hollick, who
painstakingly restored it to its former glory.
Yaniewicz’s style was a unique fusion of
classical influences from Haydn and
Mozart, with elements of Polish folk music.
His early career took him all over Europe to
Paris, but he was forced to flee because of
the French Revolution. He sought refuge in
Britain and began performing in
Edinburgh in 1804.
The project to bring the piano back to
the capital has been paid for by The
Friends of Felix Yaniewicz in partnership
with the Scottish Polish Cultural
Association. Music and Migration in
Georgian Edinburgh: The Story of Felix
Yaniewicz is planned for summer 2022.The
piano will be the centrepiece of this
exhibition at the Georgian House.
Light up the night cycle ride
Cycling without fear is priority for campaign group
JL Preece
I LOVE CYCLING. It is a fantastic way to get
about. It’s fast, clean, and good for my mental
and physical health. Most importantly, my
cycling is good for Edinburgh. Cities with a
high proportion of trips made by cycles have
cleaner air, safer streets for children, quieter
residential areas, and thriving local high
streets. Edinburgh has ambitious plans to
improve cycling infrastructure to make
it easier and safer for everyone who wants to
cycle to be able to do so.
However, current infrastructure is poor and
not fit for purpose, particularly for women.
Many women say they would cycle but they are
afraid of traffic, and they fear the off-road
routes in the dark. Some women cycle to work
regularly, and when the clocks change in the
winter they stop cycling and start driving or
taking the bus. Many of us talk of the dilemmas
we face trying to choose the safest route as the
Kirsty Lewin hopes many people
will join the ride on 10 December
days get shorter. Do we risk a dangerous
junction, and roads renown for speeding and
close-passing drivers? Or do we use an off-road
isolated path that has no escape routes and
reports of anti-social behaviour, abuse, and
even assault? As transport expert, Dr Caroline
Brown said: “Male violence doesn’t just affect
the women victims, it affects the behaviour of
all women who weigh the risk of every decision
they make. Off-road paths shouldn’t count as
cycle infrastructure if they’re not safe for
everyone every time.”
We must reshape our city so that women and
girls can cycle without fear. On 10 December at
7.30pm, people from across the city will gather
at Middle Meadow Walk to cycle around
Edinburgh’s city centre. The date is significant.
The Light Up The Night Cycle Ride is on the
last day of the UN’s 16 Days of Activism against
Gender-Based Violence. The ride will highlight
the urgent need for night-time cycling
infrastructure that is safe for women. We are
calling on the council to prioritise safe and
comfortable protected or off-carriage way cycle
infrastructure on well-lit routes; provide
well-signed routes that are permeable and
always have a way out, and to develop routes
which use natural surveillance where possible,
for example streets with high footfall.
Search for Light Up the Night Cycle Ride on
Facebook for joining details or turn up on the
night. All welcome.
Have a greener Christmas... help cut impact on the environment – says Cllr Adam McVey
THE COUNCIL’S NEW Green Christmas
campaign encourages Edinburgh folk to
consider their impact on the environment by
having a less wasteful Christmas.
The recent COP26 climate conference in
Glasgow brought to our attention just how
much of an impact the climate crisis will
have on our everyday lives– from the food
we eat and the buildings we use, to our
health and wellbeing.
Our new ‘Green Christmas’ campaign will
build on the interest in climate action and
momentum gathered by COP26 by
encouraging people in every part of
Edinburgh to buy more responsibly and
avoid waste where possible over the
festive season.
And, with four out of five people in
Edinburgh agreeing that we all have a
responsibility to cut down on waste this
Christmas, there’s lots we can all do to make
a difference from choosing local suppliers
and products, asking for pre-loved or
homemade gifts and cutting down
on food waste.
The Edinburgh Reuse Map, which was
developed in partnership with Changeworks
is also a fantastic way to discover where
items can be sourced second hand, or for
free, fixed, donated or even upcycled –
helping to cut down on waste.
And then there’s the questions we can all
stop and ask ourselves such as; How
sustainable is this item? Can I find this
second hand? How long will it be loved for?
And, do I really need it? All of which will help
to make sure that any purchase we make is
good for the planet.
These changes do add up, and, as well as
being good for the environment, can often
save you time and money too. For example,
planning your meals ahead of time, so you
only buy the food you need can help save
you up to £437 a year.
Cllr Adam
McVey, Leader
of The City of
Edinburgh Council
So why is this important to the city?
Edinburgh was the first city in Scotland to
declare a climate emergency in 2019, and
has set a goal to become net zero by 2030.
It’s a really ambitious target, and one which
will benefit our health and wellbeing, reduce
the impact that our every day actions have
on the environment and help us play our
part in tackling the climate crisis. And the
message is clear – there’s lots to do and we
all have a part to play in helping create a
cleaner, greener city for future generations.
Look out for the billboards, the bus shelter
ads, the Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and
Nextdoor content about this – there will be
lots to see in the next few weeks.
There’s also helpful information and tips
available on our website including details on
recycling and Christmas tree uplifts, plastic
free and second-hand shops across the city
and inspiration on how to buy less, choose
well and make things last. And, to all of you
who do choose to make these positive
changes and cut down on your waste over
the Christmas period, thank you. Together
we can make a difference.
Debbie Anderson invites you to take
yourself back to your childhood with
all the traditional jars of sweets in her
shop. Chewits and fudge will take you
back a decade or two. Open from
10am except Mondays.
102 Leith Walk EH16 5DT
0131 554 1401
Buy the 2022 calendar by Edinburghbased
photographer Tom Duffin.
Included are 13 unique images of
Edinburgh, the Forth Bridges and East
Lothian in all seasons to interest you
throughout the year. Calendars mailed
Very reasonable rates allow start-ups
to use this small pop-up space as the
first rung on the ladder. From food to
political parties and all manner of
organisations in between. Have a look
at their pop-up garden when you visit.
Croall Place EH7 4LT
Love Your Business networking club is
relaxed, informal and good fun, and is
now online on the last Thursday of the
month with a host of inspiring
speakers sharing their entrepreneurial
journeys and invaluable business tips.
Donate unwanted items to the shop
on Gilmore Place knowing that they
will find a new home. Very little ever
goes to landfill. Visit the shop to pick
up a copy of our latest paper and also
to admire their innovative and
ever-changing window displays.
Subscribe today and have your own
copy of The Edinburgh Reporter
delivered to your front door from next
month. - in a compostable envelope. A
payment of £30 a year will help to
support local independent news.
Di Giorgio’s have lots of cakes and
slices, coffee with a smile and pasta
and lasagne to go. Morning rolls and
ciabattas are also available, but this is
brownie heaven and do ask about
their birthday cakes.
Open 7 days 10-4pm
1 Brandon Terrace EH3 5EA
This is an easy, convenient and
eco-friendly alternative to a supermarket
shop. Working in partnership
with independent retailers, Tim at
Schop offers to deliver a huge range of
great quality food and drink straight to
your door - saving you the journey.
Bespoke tailoring for men. Craig’s
focus is on making the highest quality
personally tailored attire that others
will aspire to. His pyjamas and dressing
gowns will make your video calls or
working from home very stylish.
0131 226 7775 • 45 Thistle Street
EH2 1DY •
This Midlothian charity is urgently in
need of supplies to keep their food
bank going as well as a new van to
collect much-needed supplies. A
Christmas toy appeal has also just
been launched to help those who
have been most affected by Covid-19.
Independent fishmonger, Daniel,
provides quality fresh and cured fish.
Last year there was some question
over availability - but this wee shop
has kept going. Use Schop to have
your fish delivered.
16a Broughton Street EH1 3RH
0131 556 7614
A specialist importer of boutique fine
wines from Italy. Carefully hand-picked
award-winning wines of premium
quality sourced direct from the
winemakers. Oleg and Elvira visit every
vineyard personally. Free UK delivery
- same day delivery to Edinburgh
The Sketcher’s style of painting the
world around him captures more than
the view. Catching a moment in time
that evokes memories of a place, the
movement, noises, smells, and a
fondness for a location. A commission
creates a unique image and ideal gift.
A unique gallery and gift shop in
Edinburgh’s Southside - a cornucopia
of all forms of art. Buy handmade art
and craft from independent artists.
Linsay says: “If we don’t have it, we can
probably find it for you.”
0131 629 9123
Vlad and Scott have a unique style at
48 Thistle Street with great coffee and
above average chat. The pair celebrate
a year in business on 18 December at
their city centre micro roastery. Coffee
also available to order online if you are
working from home.
Get ahead with Christmas shopping.
Buy Ardgowan Shipwright online -
described by whiskymaker Max
McFarlane as “a sumptuous dram”.
Special offer includes free Glencairn
glass and a either whisky marmalade
or a slate coaster while stocks last .
A luxurious, elegant salon with a very
happy and friendly atmosphere where
the aim is to make your experience
relaxing, enjoyable and glamorous.
Appointment essential.
0131 556 4478
2a Broughton Place EH1 3RX
The floating café with outdoor seating
is owned and run by Lindsay and sits
just next to the Leamington Lift Bridge
on the canal. With their range of
smoothies and coffees accompanied
by macarons and a host of other treats,
it is not to be missed.
You may know about Leith (Saturdays)
and Stockbridge (Sundays) Markets
but did you know that you can order
online and pick up all of your shopping
at once? Using the NeighbourFood
site you simply choose what you want,
pay and then collect your shopping.
“It’s as if mousse and marshmallow
had a baby and then you dipped it in
Belgian chocolate.” For a special gift
choose from the delicious selection of
fresh, artisan MallowMousse treats. A
variety of mouth-watering flavours
dipped in Belgian chocolate.
Roll back the y
LOOKING BACK over the year, it really has
been a year like no other. Usually every
weekend holds photo opportunities of all
kinds. This last twelve months they have been
few and far between, but when we got the
chance it was very much worth it. The most
colourful display at Edinburgh Diwali was a
tonic in November, and we have to hope that the glorious
sights and sounds of the Sir Walter Scott Pageant to mark
250 years since his birth will be repeated.
At The Royal Scots Club they closed the street allowing the Band of
the Royal Regiment of Scotland to perform a Beating The Retreat
which is a military ceremony dating back to the 16th century.
Hundreds of cyclists set off from Edinburgh to cycle in the rain to COP26
in Glasgow. It appears the message from Earley Panda got through.
Scott Williams , left, and business
partner Vladimir Zadyraka
opened their micro
roastery in the middle
of the pandemic. A
year on and people
on Thistle Street
still wake up
and smell the
The Global Rainbow lit up the skies
captured the seven parallel horizon
Yvette Mattern’s installation has pr
The Edinburgh Reporter revisits the
last twelve months in pictures...
Photographer Tom Duffin captured
this marvellous Edinburgh image of
the Badger Moon behind a purplehued
Balmoral Hotel.
The city centre was lit up by the sights and sounds of Edinburgh
Diwali in November. The festival is open and free to all with its
procession along George Street, performances at the Ross
Bandstand and a fireworks finale in West Princes Street Gardens.
The Scottish and North Irish Yeomanry
based at Redford Barracks are to receive
the Freedom of the City. The soldiers
marched in the Sir Walter Scott pageant.
Historic Old Town - empty of people.
above Calton Hill in March and photographer Tom Duffin
tal rays of high specification laser light quite perfectly.
eviously been shown around the world, spreading the word.
Izzy Campbell, Hannah Keenan, Olga Wawrzynczak, all BSc Graduates from the University of
Edinburgh who had organised their own graduation celebration, and had hired academic
gowns. Since the summer, universities have begun holding formal ceremonies once again.
High fives for zoo
Fibre company stick their neck out supporting Giraffe About Town trail
CITYFIBRE, the UK’s largest independent full
fibre platform, has partnered with the Royal
Zoological Society of Scotland’s (RZSS)
Edinburgh Zoo as community outreach partner
for the charity’s Giraffe About Town trail.
The public art event will include more than
40 eight-foot-tall giraffe sculptures go on display
across Edinburgh next summer, with each
model designed and decorated by local artists
and community groups. After the trail, the
sculptures will be auctioned off to raise funds to
support RZSS wildlife conservation projects in
Scotland and across the world.
Activities with the community groups will
include an inclusive creativity workshop with the
zoo’s outreach team. The groups will also receive
free access to the Giraffe About Town activity
portal, an inclusive digital resource supporting
the trail. Meanwhile, CityFibre and Edinburgh
Zoo will work together in spring 2022 to identify
the potential community groups.
The wildlife conservation charity partnered
with the Giraffe Conservation Foundation
(GCF) and Glenmorangie Single Malt Scotch
Whisky to bring giraffes back to the capital in
May for the first time in over 15 years and
support vital work to protect the species in
the wild.
The five giraffes at Edinburgh Zoo, Ronnie,
Arrow, Gerald, Fennessy and Gilbert are all
Nubian giraffes (also known as Rothschild) and
live at the top of the hill in a newly built £2. 8
million giraffe house with high level walkways.
CityFibre’s support of the trail comes as it is
investing £100 million to roll out a full fibre
network within reach of almost every home and
business across the city. As community outreach
partner, CityFibre will have its very own giraffe
sculpture as part of the herd, and its vital
support will allow RZSS to work with seven
community groups across the city to decorate
their own small giraffe sculptures as part of the
Paul Wakefield, CityFibre’s City
Manager for Edinburgh and David
Field, chief executive at RZSS
schools and communities trail.
Paul Wakefield, CityFibre’s City Manager for
Edinburgh, said: “We are working across the city
to deliver our Full Fibre network to homes and
businesses, ensuring that communities across
Edinburgh can access the fastest, most reliable
broadband available. As part of this, we are
getting the chance to meet so many of
Edinburgh’s fantastic community groups – a
number of which we will be able to support
through this fantastic partnership.
“Improving social inclusion is something we
are passionate about, and this theme is at the
heart of the Giraffe About Town trail.
“Technology is a key enabler here, so we are
really excited to be working with an artist on our
own giraffe and being a key part of this trail,
which I’m sure will capture the hearts and minds
of both locals and visitors to our capital. You
could even say that, through this project, our
Full Fibre rollout programme will reach new
David Field, Chief Executive at RZSS, added:
“We are thrilled to have CityFibre on board as
community outreach partner for Giraffe About
Town, giving us an opportunity to support vital
community work across the capital.
“It is particularly exciting to partner
with an organisation working to connect
communities. Fast, reliable full fibre broadband
will open up a whole new world for many of
Edinburgh’s residents.
“The past 18 months have been incredibly
challenging but they have shown us what can be
achieved when we pull together.
“Our tall trail is set to transform our city and
encourage our communities to get out and about
and fall in love with Edinburgh all over again.”
Paper Tiger
earns stripes
WEST END BASED business, Paper
Tiger, has won the RETAS award for
Best Independent Greeting Card Retailer
in Scotland.
Now in their 17th year, the RETAS are
the industry awards dedicated to greeting
card retailers of all shapes and sizes. With
one in six shops in the UK selling cards, to
win an award is a notable achievement.
The awards are decided following a poll
of greeting card suppliers, sales reps and
agents, which is then verified by a panel
of experts.
Paper Tiger owner, Michael Apter,
attended the awards lunch at the
Grosvenor House Hotel in London where
the ceremony was hosted by actor and
comedian Stuart Goldsmith. Michael said:
“I am absolutely delighted to be
recognised as the Best Independent
Greeting Card Retailer in Scotland. Being
nominated amongst so many great
independents is an honour, and
winning is heartwarming recognition of
the efforts that the whole Paper Tiger
team has made to ensure we have
maintained our standards throughout the
last difficult year.”
Progressive Greeting Magazine’s
co-owner, Jakki Brown, paid tribute to The
RETAS finalists and winners, highlighting
that in one of the most torrid times for
retailers ever, “so many showed their true
grit and determination, learning new
skills and instigating initiatives to enable
them to nurture their customers’ loyalty.”
Hidden stories behind The George
Edinburgh The George has
commissioned historians from
the University of Edinburgh to
explore the hidden stories
behind the building and
local area.
The tour is part of
InterContinental Hotels &
Resorts 75th anniversary
celebrations, in which the
world’s largest luxury hotel
brand marks special moments
that have taken place within
the walls of its hotels across
the world and looks forward
to continuing its journey of
innovation in the luxury
travel space.
To share these stories,
Take a picnic on the trail
InterContinental Edinburgh
The George has partnered
with VoiceMap to develop an
exclusive audio walking tour
guide for guests and visitors
to the city. Developed and
17 Heriot Row
narrated by Dr Esther Mijers
and Professor Ewen Cameron,
historians from the University
of Edinburgh, the tour
unlocks Edinburgh’s hidden
history, showcasing the
lesser-known stories of city.
Starting at The George, the
audio tour tells the lesser
known stories behind the
renowned hotel. During the
19th Century the hotel was a
collection of five prestigious
townhouses and home to the
well-known Ferrier family,
who boast a historical
connection to Scotland’s
literature scene
Sir Walter Scott and Robert
Burns were frequent guests,
while their daughter and
novelist, Susan Ferrier -
commonly referred to as
“Scotland’s Jane Austen”- was
somewhat of an unsung hero
in Scottish literature.
Café review: Amarelo
Compiled by David Albury
Coffee stop at
Amarelo stirs things up on the Southside of Edinburgh
SINCE OPENING at the start of
2018, Amarelo (102 Causewayside)
has quickly established itself as a
popular destination for coffee
drinkers and hungry lunchers in
Causewayside and surrounding areas.
Hayley Clarke and Ali Everitt built up
a loyal fanbase with their varied range
of freshly made salads, sandwiches
and wraps, as well as delicious soups.
Now under new management, the
place has maintained its standards.
Their pizza wraps are particularly
scrumptious, while their sandwiches
include classic combinations (tuna
crunch) and some more unusual
ones (such as coronation chickpea,
brie & crispy bacon). There are a
plethora of great veggie, vegan and
gluten free options. Gluten free
and vegan tray-bakes also feature
in their tempting baking section.
Look out for their red velvet cake,
Portuguese custard tarts and yummy
doughnut bites!
Amarelo’s excellent custom blend
coffee comes from local roasters Forth
(based in Newbridge). The idea was to
have “something original that you
can’t get elsewhere, something a bit
different”. Described as “sweet, cedar,
chocolate and spicy” it certainly
produces a consistently flavoursome
espresso. Their smooth and rich
cortado is particularly good. Also
popular is their flavoursome turmeric
latte. Amarelo also serve Shibui
leaf teas.
Though primarily a takeaway they
do have window seats from which
you can enjoy your food and drink
surrounded by lovely William Morris
wallpaper. Along with the Art & Craft
Collective and August 21 over the
road, Amarelo is part of a hub of
excellent local businesses in this part
of Causewayside. Less than five
minutes from the East end of the
Meadows, Amarelo is an ideal place
to pick up a tasty and healthy lunch
to take to the park.
Custom has picked up in
recent months as more people
return to the various offices
nearby and more tourists arrive.
The busyness of the place reflects
their fresh, tasty food and coffee and
good customer service.
7 Royal horse meeting (5)
8 Requiring much work (9)
10 Two-piece swimsuit (6)
11 One who tends a flock
of sheep (8)
12 Neutral, not showing favour (8)
13 Unlit or mysterious (4)
15 Extreme feelings of pain (7)
17 Liquid metal and name
of a planet (7)
20 Detergent, cleansing agent (4)
22 Person who checks eyes and
dispenses spectacles (8)
25 The time by which something
must be completed (8)
26 False, a lie (6)
27 Tuneful (9)
28 Machine that gives off a loud,
wailing sound as a warning (5)
1 The activity of spying (9)
2 Country ruled by a single person
or government (8)
3 The edge of a road (7)
4 Extremely lazy (4-4)
5 Code (6)
6 Hot Indian food (5)
9 Assists (4)
14 Club member in charge
of money (9)
16 Very open or clear in
explanation (8)
18 Drink made of various
ingredients (8)
19 Conceal, especially a mistake (5-2)
21 Very likely to win, better chance
than evens (4-2)
23 Vicious hooligan (4)
24 Put off, discourage (5)
Across: 7 Ascot, 8 Laborious, 10 Bikini, 11 Shepherd, 12 Unbiased, 13 Dark, 15 Agonies, 17
Mercury, 20 Soap, 22 Optician, 25 Deadline, 26 Untrue, 27 Melodious, 28 Siren.
Down: 1 Espionage, 2 Dominion, 3 Wayside, 4 Bone-idle, 5 Cipher, 6 Curry, 9 Aids, 14 Treasurer,
16 Explicit, 18 Cocktail, 19 Cover-up, 21 Odds-on, 23 Thug, 24 Deter.
Have you had your fill?
THE REFILLERY - a plastic free
grocery and ethical goods store
has opened its third branch at
Waverley Market. Edinburgh’s
largest plastic free grocery store,
sells an extensive range of
wholefoods, herbs and spices,
detergents and bathroom
essentials that can be refilled in
existing packaging or in basically
anything you can carry it home in.
And they have organic fruit and
vegetables, delicious locally
baked bread, fresh milk in
returnable glass bottles and a
range of non-plastic grocery
items and ethical gifts.
In just under three years, The
Refillery’s customers have saved
over half a million pieces of
plastic by offering a range of
plastic free alternatives.
Founder of The Refillery, Kelly
Wright, said: “Waverley Market is
such a great location for us to
continue our mission to make
plastic free shopping accessible
to more people. I’m really
looking forward to opening
our latest store.”
Juliet’s food diary
Whisky wonderland
Naughty but nice festive experiences which should top your Christmas wishlist
CONTRARY TO SANTA, you’re far more
likely to get a cracking gift if you’re on my
naughty list. What does make me feel like a
good woman, is when I’ve really nailed it
present-wise. Whisky lovers in my life may
find a Woven Tasting Trio under the tree
this year. Featuring three exquisite and
characterful blends, or “experiences”, as
they call them, it feels altruistic to support a
new and innovative Edinburgh business.
Based at The Biscuit Factory, their blending
studio has certainly been busy. Co-founder
and Blender, Peter Allison tells me that
their experiences stand out because they’re
sourcing much higher quality malt and
grain whiskies.
“We’re making very small batches, only
400 bottles at a time,” he said. “It’s about
paying more care and attention and
marrying the spirit for extended periods
of time.”
Here’s the science according to Woven:
the fats and acids in whisky take time to
fuse together. The longer the marrying
process is given, the more harmonious
the result and it creates “better mouth
feel”. Hmm, entirely like traditional
marriage then?
Excitingly, despite the Woven collective’s
extensive experience in the industry,
Pete tells me that although they follow a
process in blending, he’s entirely selftaught:
“You have to trust your own palate
and be prepared to write the story you
want to read.”
The impressive results aside, one thing
that makes the brand stand out for me is
(Top left) Woven
Whisky blends
(Top right) sweet treats
from Ptasie Mleczko
(Above) Carlo and Katia
of East Coast
(Above right) fruits
of the sea
that they’ll never try to make the same
blend twice. It’s certainly an initiative that’s
looking forward. “We want to build a
community around our products,” Pete
enthuses. “Whisky shouldn’t be
intimidating, it’s about bringing people in
so they can enjoy it as much as we do.”
The modern and minimalist packaging is
also appealing and the initial sample set
features three experiences. A keen cook,
Pete said that Experience 1 is brilliantly
suited to pair with stilton, as the smoky and
sweet notes cut through the acidity of the
cheese beautifully. Experience 2 is the
perfect accompaniment to a mince pie, and
Experience 3 is fantastic in a hot toddy.
When I first nosed Experience 3 my initial
thought was, it’s beginning to smell a lot
like Christmas, and can see how this would
work with honey, lemon and spices.
Although I’m a whisky lover, I’m by no
means an expert but I would attest that
these alchemistic concoctions are the
perfect tipple to broaden your palate and
appreciate for pure pleasure.
Santa may be making a longer stop off at
Chez Juliet this Christmas Eve. Woven’s
3x10cl Tasting Pack Trio costs £35. To
purchase visit
On the subject of Christmas sweet treats
it can be annoying that most are so heavy.
Step forward Ptasie Mleczko Edinburgh –
try saying that after a few drams. These are
small batch, artisan, chocolate-coated
Mallow Mousse and are utterly exquisite.
As beautiful to look at as they taste, they
come in a variety of flavours and there are
also vegetarian and vegan options. Made by
Ed Janusz from Ed’s Supper club, who I
mentioned in our last issue, these would
make a perfect gift for the sweet-toothed.
Visit to order.
I’ve been fortunate enough to be invited
to a few Scotch Malt Whisky Society events
including the beautiful Queen Street
Garden Party and the decadent and full-on
glam Great Gatsby Evening. One of the
membership benefits is access to the
gorgeous Leith Vaults membership room.
Perfect for enjoying a few cosy evenings in
the winter chill. Membership costs £65 and
can be bought at
With more people moving out of
town, this has been good news for the
culinary offerings outside the city centre.
I recently enjoyed the fabulous seafood
restaurant East Coast in Musselburgh. The
contemporary space is warm, inviting and
reassuringly attached to a chippy that’s been
in owners Carlo and Katia’s family since the
1970s. We enjoyed some zingingly fresh
dressed crab on sourdough toast followed
by lobster and chips, both cooked to
perfection, and a sumptuous saffron risotto
with Parma ham rolled monkfish and a red
wine jus. You can always judge a restaurant
by its risotto and this was spectacular
Rounding off with a delicate tiramisu, it
was a generously portioned and delicious
meal. The service is friendly and personal
and the atmosphere buzzing. It’s certainly
worth heading out of town for. Carlo and
Katia also run East Coast Fish and Chip
shop next door. Please visit eastcoast for more information.
New arrivals
Landmark exhibition spanning 110 years at Modern One
Top right, Marc
Chagall, L’Écuyère
Dali’s 1938 Lobster
Telephone, above
Far Left, France-Lise
McGurn’s Bachelorette
Left, Damien Hirst’s
Wretched War
Right, collage by
Wangechi Mutu
A NEW EXHIBITION at Modern One will run until
spring 2023, and will show off the gallery’s acquisitions
over the last five years. Some of these have been made
possible by bequests and gifts by supporters. Others
have come to the gallery through the Arts Council’s
Acceptance-in-Lieu and Cultural Gifts schemes, which
enabled the acquisition of Damien Hirst’s life-size
bronze sculpture Wretched War (2004); the first portrait
Oskar Kokoschka painted in Britain after arriving as a
refugee in 1939, and a remarkable set of 21 monotypes
by the great Russian Constructivist artist Naum Gabo.
Along with a Picasso, there are other works by
contemporary artists and new exhibits will be
introduced during the run of this important display
which will take up the entire ground floor.
Highlights of the exhibition will include striking and
vibrant woodcuts by Alberta Whittle, who will
represent Scotland at the 59th International Venice
Biennale; a large-scale diptych by France-Lise McGurn,
the Glasgow-based artist renowned for paintings
comprised of intuitive brushstrokes, and a painting by
the acclaimed Scottish painter and printmaker, Barbara
New Arrivals: From Salvador Dalí to Jenny Saville
27 November 2021 – Spring 2023.
Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art (Modern One),
75 Belford Road, Edinburgh, EH4 3DR
0131 624 6200 /
Admission free, but advance booking recommended
‘A New
Exhibition at
Howardena Pindell’s first
solo exhibition in a public
organisation in the UK
LANGUAGE is the artist’s first solo
institutional exhibition in the UK and
the second exhibition to take place in
the new Fruitmarket. It will run until
May 2022.
The artist has had a six decade long
career and showing her multifaceted
talents, some of her writings are
included in the exhibitor along with
works on paper, video and a
publication with her writing sitting
alongside newly commissioned essays
about her art.
Fiona Bradley, Director,
Fruitmarket, said: “It is exciting to be
able to bring an extensive selection of
Pindell’s work to the UK for the first
time, and to present her way of
thinking, art making and writing to
our audience. Working with
Howardena, looking at her work, and
reading her writing has been inspiring
and enlightening for me, and I cannot
wait to share her vision more widely”.
The exhibition is being staged in
collaboration with Kettle's Yard in
Cambridge and Spike Island in Bristol
and will tour to both of these galleries
in 2022.
Andrew Nairne, Director, Kettle’s
Yard, said: “We are delighted to be able
to work with Fruitmarket and Spike
Island to present the remarkable work
of Howardena Pindell at Kettle’s Yard.”
Robert Leckie, Director, Spike
Island, said: “For the last six decades,
Pindell’s fiercely experimental
approach to art-making has tested the
formal boundaries of art as much as
the structural inequities of the field. I
am thrilled that this collaboration
between Spike Island, Fruitmarket and
Kettle’s Yard will enable her potent
work and ideas to become more widely
known throughout the UK.”
Howardena Pindell: A New Language
Fruitmarket, Edinburgh, until 2 May
2022. Open 7 days.
Gallery spaces 11am–6pm
Bookshop and Café 10am–6pm
It’s a spectacle of light
Magical woodlands at Dalkeith Country Park shine bright for children’s charity CHAS
DALKEITH COUNTRY Park’s Spectacle of
Light and Santa Fun Run is an opportunity to
raise vital funds for Children’s Hospices Across
Scotland (CHAS) this month.
The park has been in a charity partnership
with CHAS since May 2019 raising money for
children with life limiting conditions through a
series of events and donations from across the
business. The partnership draws to a close on 31
December, allowing Dalkeith Country Park to
create opportunities with a different charity
next year, and the team at the park is determined
to raise as much as possible before the end of
the year.
The Park’s Santa Fun Run and the Rainbow’s
End feature within Spectacle of Light will be the
last two major fundraising drives when people
can help raise money for CHAS children and
Stephen Begg, sales and events manager at
Dalkeith Country Park, said: “We know from
our colleagues at CHAS that the last year and a
half has been an incredibly difficult time for
CHAS families. Even more than in normal
times. To be able to raise money for CHAS
children through family focussed events like
Spectacle of Light and our Santa Fun Run brings
an extra dimension of meaning to Christmas at
Dalkeith Country Park.”
HERE IS A selection of what is on in
Edinburgh this month. (Look for
further details on Facebook before
finalising your plans). Remember the
year-round markets at Leith on
Saturdays, Stockbridge on Sundays,
the original Farmers’ Market at Castle
Terrace on Saturdays and the market
at Portobello on the first Saturday of
each month.
Inverleith St Serf's from 1 - 4
December 2021 with the St Serf's
Usher Hall on 2 December.
3 December 7.30pm at St Giles
Saturday 4 and 11 December, from
11am - 5pm, £2/£1 Artwork and
crafts for sale direct from the artists in
the relaxed atmosphere of OOTB.
Over the two dates, more than 100
artists and makers will be selling their
work, ranging from paintings, prints
and photography through fashion ,
jewellery and textiles to ceramics,
soft furnishings and design . The
licensed Drill Hall cafe will be open,
serving delicious and wholesome
meals, snacks and refreshments.
At Dovecot, 4 and 5 December.
Celebrating the best in local design,
GLOW is back again this December. A
curated selling event, GLOW is
brought to you by the producers of
CLOTH. This is the perfect
opportunity to support local makers,
take part in a creative workshop, and
pick up festive gifts, accessories, and
homeware. GLOW takes place on the
Tapestry Studio Viewing Balcony.
Admission: £3
Dalkeith Country Park returns from 4
December and runs until 2 January.
4 and 5 December £33 per car
Christmas is upon us, and we can’t
wait to showcase some of the best
festive hits, coming to a location near
you! Come and join us for a night of
quizzes, comedy and film! Our
contactless experience is seamless
enough for you to enjoy from the
comfort and safety of your car.
At Summerhall there are online
and in person events this year. Either
browse the Online Christmas Market
on their website, or head to
Summerhall on Sunday 5 December
for this year’s in-person market. This
year, Summerhall is offering you the
best of both worlds,
They have hand-picked 50 of their
favourite independent Scottish
sellers and makers, and will be
celebrating the local businesses
throughout the festive season. All
stallholders will keep 100% of their
Support the Makers, 5 and 19
December at Old Dr Bell’s Baths
A huge line up of super talented
Makers will attend the Christmas
Market from 10am - 4pm.
Showcasing a beautiful selection of
locally curated handmade products,
ranging from food, home wear,
jewellery, art, accessories & textiles.
Advance Tickets are on sale now.
Tickets also available at the door.
Children under 16 are free.
(And on 19 December at Bellfield
Porty. Search for Support the Makers
Christmas Market on Facebook.)
5, 12, 19 and 23 December. Santa's
Grotto and a makers’ market with
handcrafted gifts on the ground floor.
6 December Usher Hall. The film is
screened with live orchestra playing.
Ticketmaster to book.
10-12 December. The annual
Christmas Shopping Fair with
Afternoon Tea will return to
Hopetoun House on Friday 10th,
Saturday 11th and Sunday 12th
December from 10am – 4.30pm.
Tickets must be pre booked online
and in advance. All visitors will be
required to show a Covid passport in
order to gain entry to the event.
Online booking for Afternoon Tea in
the Carriage Room is now open and
you can book below. Make sure
you pre-book both the fair and
afternoon tea.
The U.K.’s largest charity Christmas
card retailer, is now open at St John's
Episcopal Church, Princes Street until
18 December.
From 1 - 23 December with Christmas
Zoo illuminations
Costumes plucked from the most
gorgeous chocolate box, and
Tchaikovsky’s score to transport you
to a land of dreams, with a story lifted
straight from the pages of a classic
fairy tale.
You could have your own Royal
Christmas. Britannia is a magical
venue during the festive season and
is a stunning setting for dinners and
evening receptions, for either a
corporate celebration or private
occasion. They will serve traditional
Christmas Dinner for 40+ guests.
For the more modest enjoy a scone
and a cup of tea in their Tea Room
with your admission. Or try their sister
ship Fingal for breakfast afternoon tea
or dinner.
A longer comprehensive set of
listings can be viewed online at
2 December • 7.30pm
The glistening minimalism of Adams; the
grand invention of Mozart; and the captivating
entertainment of Bach. Maxim Emelyanychev
showcases the exceptional talents of the SCO’s
string and wind players – both separately and
together – in this striking concert bringing
together ancient and modern.
10 December • 8pm
Above - Phil’s
Songbook is
usually a sell-out
3 December • 8pm
Ross Wilson returns to The Queen’s Hall with
his Blue Rose Code and, for all of us, too long
in exile from each other, we mark the end of
what has been a period of extraordinary
tumult and disconnection by coming together,
one more time for a communion of love and
light. The show will open with Fat Suit, a
genre-defying collective from Glasgow, whose
multi-disciplined cast of musicians from jazz,
folk, rock, and electronic worlds embrace a
seamless mix of musical styles.
9 December • 7.30pm
Vibrant Portuguese conductor Joana Carneiro
mixes together Ravel and Mahler in a glittering
storybook of musical fantasy: From ‘Sleeping
Beauty’ and ‘Tom Thumb’ to ghostly lovers and
St Anthony preaching to the fish.
Sweet will bring their ‘Hellraiser’ tour to
Edinburgh, with special guests, the popular
Thin Lizzy tribute band, Limehouse Lizzy. By
the early 70’s The Sweet were arguably the
hottest ticket in town with a string of top ten
records in the UK and Europe including
Blockbuster, Hellraiser, Ballroom Blitz, Teenage
Rampage’and The Sixteens. (Vaccine passport
/ exemption required)
12 December • 7pm
To mark his 20 year anniversary as a flamenco
guitarist, the award winning musician and
composer Daniel Martinez presents a truly
special flamenco guitar concert in Edinburgh’s
iconic Queen’s Hall.
17 December • 4pm
Fun for all the family is guaranteed in our
interactive 45-minute concerts specifically
devised for children which will include all the
Rick Wakeman
(right ) promising
not to be too
best tunes from Handel’s ‘Messiah’. You can
even expect an appearance from Handel
himself to introduce his most famous
melodies…! Free to adults with tickets for the
evening event.
17 December • 7pm
This extraordinary and enduring work has
become a staple of the Christmas season, with
its glorious arias and choruses ringing out in
concert halls around the world. But with
Dunedin Consort it never loses its magic.
Christmas just wouldn’t be complete without
AS LAST CHRISTMAS (almost sold out)
18 December • 7.30pm
Expect spellbinding piano music, side-splitting
stories and revealing insights into Rick’s
lengthy and varied career with an evening of
superb musicianship.
20 - 21 December • 7.30pm
Teeming with jovial anecdotes, modern and
traditional Christmas music and exquisite
musicianship that will tug at ones heartstrings.
Phil will be joined by some of the finest
musicians on the Scottish folk scene including:
Eddi Reader, Karen Matheson, John McCusker,
Kris Drever, Ian Carr and Kevin McGuire along
with a special guest Brass Band.
A weekend gig for jazz aficionados
will run from 10 to 12 December
and includes acts such as Criss
Cross Europe, the guitarist Nathan
Somevi, a bit of funk, soul and
R&B from Aki Remally, a jaunt
through the southern states with
Ali Affleck and a super group
formed by alto saxophonist,
Martin Kershaw, and trumpeter,
Colin Steele, playing the music of
Cannonball and Nat Adderley.
And a heads up that there will be
more music in February with The
Scottish Blues Weekend.
A digital weekend pass costs
£10 and you can watch the
concerts online as many times as
you like.
Some concerts during the
weekend will take place in person
at Assembly Roxy and others will
be available online.
To find out more visit:
For advertising and editorial
enquiries please email:
Blossoming Botanists
Fictional characters Elizabeth and Belle come alive with Sophie’s paintings
THE TWO MAIN characters in author Sara
Sheridan’s historical romantic novel, The Fair
Botanists, have been “brought to life” and
feature in a winter art exhibition
Set in Edinburgh in 1822 around the time of
King George IV’s visit to the city and when the
Royal Botanic Garden moved from its original
Leith home to Inverleith, the book’s main
protagonists are widow and botanical
draughtswoman Elizabeth Rocheid and
vivacious and mysterious Belle Brodie.
The author’s friend and acclaimed artist
Sophie McKay Knight has translated Elizabeth
and Belle from the pages of The Fair Botanists
onto canvas, and they are on display at the
Velvet Easel Gallery in Portobello.
Velvet Easel owner, Jane Grant, said: “These
large canvases are painted in Sophie McKay
Knight’s distinctive style. The two paintings
are similar in their colour palate but both
very different in terms of the characters
they portray, and once you have read
the book you will understand what I
mean by that.
“It is fantastic to see art and
literature come together so wonderfully
in these evocative paintings, and
it was great to have a visit
from both the artist and the
author who came to see the
paintings in situ in
“It was unusual for
women to be interested
in botany at that time,
certainly very unusual
for them to get any
recognition, as it was a
very male dominated
profession. Both of these
paintings are available individually, or
as a pair, and I think they would
look stunning in an Edinburgh
Author Sara said: “‘I love
Sophie’s work - she is an artist
who truly makes magic. I
was blown away when she
decided to paint Belle and
Elizabeth, and she has
captured them so
beautifully. Belle is very
flirtatious - you can see
that straight away - and
Elizabeth is both vulnerable
and haughty. I love both paintings.
“Seeing them close up in the gallery was like
meeting these women, who exist in my
imagination, in real life. It's an honour that
they engaged the imagination of such a
talented artist.”
Artist Sophie revealed that Sara had no idea
she was creating the characters, which are
acrylic and screenprint on canvas.
She said: “I am often inspired by historical
and/or fictional characters, but my images are
usually fused with people I know or
developments from previous paintings.
“As soon as I 'met' Belle and Elizabeth in
Sara's book, they existed for me completely and
Walking in a Window Wanderland
Author Sara Sheridan
and her dog Dotty
with artist Sophie
McKay Knight
in a very real sense. The two women in Sara's
novel were so real to me that I absolutely had to
paint them as individuals.
“It is a credit to Sara's wonderful writing
and character conception that I was able to
do this. As soon as the paintings were 'born'
I had to show Sara, who had no idea I was
creating them.”
Elizabeth and Belle - and a wide range
of paintings, prints, ceramics, glass, jewellery
and gifts – feature in the Velvet Easel’s
winter exhibition until February. The gallery
at 298 Portobello High Street is open Thursday
to Sunday.
Doing Wheelies
RESIDENTS IN Portobello are
being asked to dress up their
windows to create a winter
Window Wanderland.
The initiative, by Action Porty,
is encouraging occupiers to
design a festive window, and
to display it by leaving their
curtains open, for locals to enjoy
while wandering around the
seaside town.
People are encouraged not to
buy new materials but to
creatively repurpose plastic
bottles, cartons, coloured paper
and similar items. A small
number of art packs are available
free of charge for those who can’t
access materials.
Portobello Window
Wanderland runs from Friday 10
December to Monday 13
December from 5.30pm to
8.30pm, during which residents
are asked to leave lights on and
curtains open.
This year’s theme is “Heart Talk”
– something close to your heart
– which could mean nature,
community, your pet, your
favourite charity, your family,
home, music, sport, hopes for the
future – pretty much anything
that matters to you.
Residents taking part are asked
to register (no charge) on the
event Facebook page so that
others know the locations of
festive windows, which will be
shown on a map.
The winter window display will
be preceded by a late night
festive shopping initiative on
Portobello High Street on
Thursday 9 December with many
local traders extending hours
and encouraging people to shop
local for Christmas gifts.
For more information visit
LOOK OUT for three newly unveiled
National Transport Trust Red Wheels. These
plaques denote a site of transport heritage.
Baroness Annabel Goldie performed the
official ceremonies at Claverhouse, and the
site of the former Madelvic Car Factory in
Granton, and also at Holyrood Distillery at
the end of the Innocent Railway Tunnel.
Claverhouse was the Duke of Buccleuch’s
railway hotel at the southern end of a ferry
which sailed to Burntisland. Founded in
1898 by city astronomer, William Peck,
Madelvic developed electric vehicles,
powered by an extra fifth wheel
underneath. The Post Office had three vans
ferrying mail from Waterloo Place to Leith.
Green and white
Ian Jacobs
knuckle ride
New book by super-fan Colin Leslie
takes us through the highs and lows
at Easter Road during the 1980s
STRUGGLING TO find a suitable
Christmas gift for the Hibs’ fan in
your life? Look no further. A new
book, Bestie to Beastie to Belgium,
is an absorbing account of a “green
and white knuckle ride” through
the 1980s, written by lifelong fan
Colin Leslie.
Why would any right-minded
Hibs’ supporter want to go and
dredge up the 1980s, asks the
author. No frills, no trophies,
precious few derby wins and
an alarming slide towards
near extinction.
That question is answered
in fine detail with tales of George
Best, arguably the finest footballer
to grace the beautiful game, the
golden generation of youngsters,
Collins, Weir, Hunter, Kane,
May, Roughie and Goram, and
Stevie Archibald who signed
from Barcelona after turning
down Liverpool.
The 1985 League Cup run
beating both sides of the Old Firm,
losing to Dundee United in the last
game of that season when a goal
60-miles away sparked mayhem in
the East Terracing, the battle of
Easter Road when Graeme
Souness’s multi-millionaires started
their journey, and European nights
returned to Leith.
The author has captured these
memorable days perfectly, and after
reading late into the night my
confused wife asked me in the
morning: “Who is Miller and why
must he go?”
Having watched Eric Stevenson,
Peter Cormack, Peter Marinello, Joe
McBride and Joe Baker grace the
Easter Road turf in the 60s and the
“best brand of football the world’s
ever seen” from the Tornadoes in
the 70s, then Keith, Franck and
Russell in the 90s, it’s easy to
dismiss the Trainspotting decade
but looking back, it wasn’t that bad.
As a football book aficionado
I am more than happy to
recommend this to fans of
all persuasions.
Colin told The Edinburgh
Reporter: “The Eighties may have
been tough to watch for Hibs fans,
particularly the derbies, but it was a
period of characters and characterbuilding.
I started off the decade
being lifted over the turnstiles at
Easter Road as a primary school kid
and finished the decade in my late
teens with a boozy trip to Belgium
following Hibs to Liège.
“There were plenty of great
memories, drama and classic
matches in between. It’s been a
pleasure to return to those
formative years and to speak to the
players who were my heroes, from
Gordon Rae to John Collins to
Mickey Weir. These guys gave their
all for Hibs and gladly gave their
time to contribute their insight to
this book.
“It’s also been a pleasure to
include so many stories from the
supporters - they were and continue
to be the lifeblood of Hibs and their
recollections prove that while the
Eighties were less than glorious,
they were rarely dull.”
Having lived through that decade
I have to agree - it was the
“George” Best of times, it was
the worst of times.
The book is available to pre-order
and order from the
Bestie2Beastie2Belgium website
and will be available in the
Hibernian Club Store from
Tuesday 14 December, when
the home fixture will be played
against Dundee.
Howzat! MES in UK cricket top 20
THE MARY Erskine School,
(MES) has been awarded a
place in the UK’s top 20
all-girls schools for cricket,
in The Cricketer Schools
Guide 2022.
The school has one of the
largest cricket programmes
for girls in Scotland, with over
160 girls playing the game.
It began in 2015 when PE
teacher, Pippa Johnston,
asked Cricket Scotland for
their help in starting a
sector-leading cricket
programme for girls in
the school.
Kirsty Nicholson, MES
Head, said: “We are
absolutely delighted. Cricket
is a popular sport among the
girls and our partnership of
dedicated staff and former
pupils has proved to be a
powerful one, giving every
girl the chance to learn and
enjoy cricket. We are deeply
proud of those pupils that
have represented their
country but the real success
is the sheer number of girls
who are now taking part in
this great sport.”
Extension for
Paul Hanlon
HIBS CAPTAIN Paul Hanlon has agreed a
contract extension that will run until the
summer of 2024.
The central defender is approaching
500 games for his boyhood favourites
after making his debut for the club on 12
January 2008, against Inverness
Caledonian Thistle in The Scottish Cup.
Signed from Hutchison Vale as an
attacking midfielder, he scored plenty of
goals in youth football, but he was
converted to a defender after he joined
His performances earned him 21 caps
for Scotland’s under-21 side and he was
named captain for the 2013 UEFA
European Under-21 Championship
In 2016 he scored “that” goal at
Tynecastle to secure a replay and went
on to help the club win The Scottish Cup
for the first time in 114 years.
Hanlon received his first call-up to the
senior Scotland squad in November
2017, for a friendly match with the
Netherlands and was recalled to the
squad in October 2020. He made his full
international debut in a 1–0 win against
the Czech Republic.
He was named club captain following
the retirement of “Sir” David Gray.
Hanlon said: “I’m absolutely delighted.
Talks moved forward when CEO, Ben
Kensell came in and I’m really glad it’s
over the line.
“When I was younger, my main aim
was to just play for Hibs, which I’ve
managed to do, and everything else has
been a bonus. I’m delighted to represent
and play for my boyhood club for a
number of years.
“I feel like I’m coming into my peak
years as a central defender, and hopefully
more is still to come. It’s an honour to be
captain of this club and hopefully I can
be a successful one.”
Head coach, Jack Ross added: “It’s clear
to everyone how much this football club
means to Paul and equally how
important he is to this team.
“Paul is an outstanding professional
and sets standards on a daily basis by
how he trains and conducts himself.
“He is continuing to develop his
leadership qualities by having the
responsibility of club captaincy and I am
delighted that he will remain part of our
continued future progress.”