The Edinburgh Reporter April 2022

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Beach robots

Mystery robot maker supports

Ukraine orphan charity

Pass or fail? Save our Souls Roseburn reborn

End of term councillors’ report

card marked up

Old Town residents put out

distress signal

Traders upbeat and ready to

welcome shoppers to city village

Rivals square up

Hibs and Hearts toe to toe in

semi-final clash

Page 3 Page 4 Page 8 Page 12

Page 22

April 2022



traffic stops

for play street


Martin P McAdam

Tarn (9), Lyra (9),

Yasmin (10) and Tilly (9)

A PLAY STREET was set up where local

children played with bubbles, skipping

ropes and roller blades in space usually

used for cars and other vehicles.

Ewen Maclean of Blackford Safe Routes

said: “We used the council’s play street

scheme to apply for a temporary road

closure of the junction on

Spottiswoode Road. This allowed

locals to enjoy the space free from

vehicular traffic. The event allowed

people to see how much of our public

realm is given over to vehicles. This

junction is wide, but between two

residential streets where only local access

is necessary. We encouraged local kids to

use chalk to redesign what they would

like to see at the junction, and the result

was joyful and spontaneous.

“This is a route to and from school for

hundreds of school children from James

Gillespie’s Primary and High Schools and

yet is a long crossing with poor sightlines.

With political will and courage there is

the opportunity to redesign such spaces

with parklets, trees which provide

sustainable drainage, and play-making

spaces to enhance the local community.

Liveable spaces promote well-being not

only through greater safety, reduced

noise and localised pollution but also

through promoting connectedness

for all members of the community.

By deprioritising vehicular traffic, but

maintaining access for those that require

it, everyone in the community can

benefit, and play streets such as this are

an opportunity to show what is possible

throughout our city if we value liveability

and social connectedness above car use.”


Planning News


IN THE MIDST of all the bad news, there

was one truly good news story during the

last month which brought a happy tear to

many eyes.

The release of Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe

after six long years of imprisonment and

house arrest in Iran was a bright light in the

darkness of other recent world affairs. The

separation of a mother from her young

daughter was heartbreaking, the hunger

strikes by her and her husband Richard

impossibly brave, and the apparent blunder

by the then Foreign Secretary, Boris

Johnson, who told a committee at the

Commons that she was “simply teaching

people journalism” was unforgivable.

Words matter particularly when it comes

to politicians. As we went to press the

council had entered purdah, and

electioneering has begun in earnest.

There will be 63 councillors elected on 5

May, with most wards electing three or more

councillors, often from different political

parties. There is no such thing as a protest

vote in local elections since the votes are

counted according to the Single Transferable

Vote system and not first past the post as

they are in Westminster elections, or the

partial proportional representation as they

are in Scottish Parliament elections. So

when you cast your vote you will rank them

in order of preference rather than voting for

one single candidate. It is key to know who

is standing in your Ward, and of course

to register to vote if you wish to have your

say. Read our candidate profiles online from

1 April.

We look back over the past five years of

the coalition between SNP and Labour

which has run the council on page 4.

Cllrs Adam McVey and Cammy Day -

were instrumental in ensuring the

Ukrainian president and the Mayor of Kyiv

our twin city will receive Edinburgh’s

highest honour, the Freedom of the City.

There are five living Freemen of the City:

HM The Queen (1947), Sir Chris Hoy

(2012), Professor Peter Higgs (2014)

Squadron 603 of the Royal Auxiliary Air

Force granted in 2018 and the Scottish and

North Irish Yeomanry (2 April 2022).

Phyllis Stephen, Editor

A NEW PassivHaus school - Scotland’s first

- will be built as plans for Currie Community

High School have been given the go ahead.

Construction is expected to begin this

summer and the school will be ready for

pupils in 2024. The energy consumption for

heating will be reduced by around 90% on a

traditional building - and overall energy

consumption is said to be reduced by 70%

and minimises carbon emissions.

The school will have a series of learning

zones for pupils with breakout areas, a strong

emphasis on outdoor learning and a special

terrace on the second floor which will give

access to outside teaching spaces.

Councillor Neil Gardiner, Planning

Convener for the City of Edinburgh Council,

said: “I welcome the decision taken today in

approving the planning application for the

new Currie Community High School. This will

provide the community with a state-of-theart

sustainable high school, sports and

community facilities which will meet both

future educational and environmental needs.

“It’s great to see such a strong emphasis on

outdoor learning with the creation of a

special terrace and how the outdoor spaces

will promote sustainability for the school and

local community.”

Councillor Ian Perry, Education, Children

and Families Convener for the City of

Edinburgh Council, said: “The pioneering

designs that have been approved today really

are the blueprint for the schools of the future.

There are many innovative elements to the

plans with energy efficiency at its centre. This

will make the new campus the first high

school in Scotland to meet Passivhaus

standards and supports Edinburgh’s aim of

net zero emissions by 2030.

“The new Currie Community High School

will provide a first-class learning environment

and an exciting, inspirational and creative

hub for the whole community.”




The new Currie Community

High School

A PLANNING application has been made

by house builder CALA for 267 houses on

land to the south west of Meadowfield Farm.

This site - plots 6, 7 and 8 - lies between

Turnhouse Road and the railway line and

particular attention has been given to

transport matters including electric vehicle

charging spaces. There are plans for 56 of

these and 263 parking spaces and 272 cycle

parking spaces. Two new bus stops are

included in the plans and a toucan signalised

crossing at the main access to the

development. There will also be a new bridge

over the railway with connection to the trams

and Edinburgh Gateway.

CHANGE OF USE and alterations has been

sought for current Hollister and Amor

Cashmere and Tweed units at 80 George

Street, converting them for occupation by

Norwegian social gaming brand Oche, which

is a darts-themed bar and restaurant with

sites in Oslo, Brisbane, Gothenburg,

Amsterdam and Miami.

THE COUNCIL granted permission for a

residential redevelopment of the former

Lismore Primary School site in Duddingston

as part of the council’s 21st Century Homes


THERE ARE 6,000 copies of the Edinburgh Reporter distributed through a

network of city businesses and public buildings.

The paper is also distributed at Stockbridge Market on the first weekend

of the month. You will find copies at Farmer Autocare, Summerhall, Art &

Craft Collective, EICC, LifeCare on Cheyne Street, Coffee Angels, Rose

Theatre Café, the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh and Western General

Hospital, and some city supermarkets.

If you can, then please subscribe to have your copy delivered to you

each month. It helps us to cover the overheads of bringing the news to you

in print and online. We distribute door to door on some selected streets. If

you would like us to include your street then please suggest it to us.


For advertising and

editorial enquiries

please email:



reporter.co.uk Donate anchor.fm YouTube

programme with 40 homes in four blocks in

2019. That development at Bingham Avenue

has now been shortlisted for this year’s Homes

for Scotland Awards. There are one, two, three

bedroom homes in a mix of flats, cottage flats

and colony style houses. The “ecologyfocused”

landscaping includes an abundance

of private and communal greenspace.

EDIBLE ESTATES has lodged an

application for a proposed community farm

in Niddrie Mill Grove. This will include work to

put up a six feet high perimeter mesh fence

and three polytunnels with a wooden shed

and raised beds to grow fruit and vegetables.

CHANGE OF USE has been applied for for

a row of three shops on Multrees Walk to

become a car showroom. The units formerly

occupied by Castle Fine Art, The Pen Shop &

North America Travel Service would be

converted into a single unit for Korean luxury

car brand Genesis which is the luxe division of

Hyundai. The brand’s first “immersive studio”

opened in London last year, with other

branches in Munich and Zurich. Prices are

generally around ten per cent cheaper than

their rivals including Mercedes and BMW. The

brand also includes three electric models.


About us...

We write about news relating to the Edinburgh area. If you

have any news, or if you would like to submit an article or

photograph for publication then please contact us

Editor: Phyllis Stephen

Designer: Felipe Perez

Photos: Martin P McAdam





07791 406 498



Portobello bots

Porty Robot Maker aids Ukrainian kids charity

Jackie Stark of Dnipro Kids

accepts cheque from Karen

Mackay of Cahoots


THE SUM OF £6,545 was handed over to

charity Dnipro Kids to help them resettle

Ukrainian orphans they have brought from the

war zone to temporary refuge in Scotland.

The money was raised by people buying Porty

Robots specially decorated in Ukrainian

colours. The Porty Robot Maker prefers to

remain anonymous and so the sales were

coordinated through Portobello art collective,

Cahoots. One hundred percent of the proceeds

has been handed over to the charity.

Karen Mackay from Cahoots asked people to

sponsor a robot to give to Ukrainian children

who arrived in Scotland last month. Karen said:

“Thank you to the Porty Robot Maker. I

thought they had put a ceiling on how many


into Easter

at Craigie’s


Craigie’s this Easter weekend for

an interactive event helping Little

Bo Peep solve the clues to find

her mischievous missing sheep.

Kirsteen Sinclair,owner of Craigie’s

told us about an orphan lamb

rejected by its mother.

Kirsteen said: “The mother was

early having her lamb, so she

lambed in the field rather than

indoors. One of the other sheep

tried to pinch the lamb from her.

robots they would make at about 20 or 30, but

so far we have sold 300 and the Robot Maker is

happy to keep producing them as long as people

want them. It will only be the Ukrainian robots

they will make for now, and the Robot Maker

will continue their magic hiding amongst us.

“When Dnipro Kids first heard of the Porty

Robots, Steven Carr from the charity asked if he

could buy some for the children, but I put a

shout out for people to sponsor a robot for

each child.

“People were allocated a name with the age of

the child and they are making up a gift bag for

“their” child, and in each one there will be a

Ukrainian robot. So hopefully when they go

home to Ukraine in the future their robots will

go with them.”

Jackie Stark, fundraising coordinator for

By the time we got out the

mother thought she only had one

lamb and she won’t accept this

one. We will bottle feed it until we

get a mother with a single lamb

and we will try and make her

adopt it if we can.”

Noah Osborough (5) from

Kirkliston and Jessica Anderson

(4) from Dalmeny pictured

above gave the newly born

lamb a warm welcome.

Book tickets which include:

• 1 hour play session in Little

Farmers adventure play area

Dnipro Kids, set up by a group of Hibs

supporters in 2005 said: “There are 50 children

and 9 adults who have arrived in Scotland. The

plan is that they stay in Callander for 12 weeks.

“We have been donated huge things like bunk

beds and food, but all of this money will go

towards helping them settle in Edinburgh and

in Scotland. This is massive for them. None of

these kids had left Ukraine before, none of them

had passports and had not ever left Dnipro.

“So this feels like a huge adventure for them

but I am sure in a couple of weeks time they

may realise they are missing home.

“This money will be used to take them on

great experiences and lots of trips while they

are here.

“They still have to do school work but this

will help a lot. Thank you so much everyone.”

• Craigie’s Easter Egg

• Breakfast or lunch platter at

Craigie’s Cafe

• Creative Easter activities

with the Easter Bunny

• £14.99 for adults and £19.99

for children, with children 0-12

months free

Martin P McAdam

Martin P McAdam

Flats plan

raise the Eyre

of residents


PEOPLE LIVING near Eyre Place

submitted a formal response to the

consultation by CA Student Living who

plan to build a six storey block of 210

student flats on a gap site there.

The pre planning consultation has now

ended and the Eyre Place residents say

that nearly all residents are either

opposed or strongly opposed to the

development. Their comments to the

developers say that building 200 student

flats on this site would have a “disastrous”

effect on their living environment, local

amenities, public transport, traffic and

primary healthcare facilities.

They point out that while they realised

the former Jewsons site would be

developed they had envisaged

sustainable family housing would be built

there, and that they would welcome new

permanent neighbours joining the

community. Locals have also explained to

The Edinburgh Reporter that with four

student developments in the area - where

there are no universities or colleges within

a 20 minute walk - it is difficult to

understand the need.

A spokesperson said: “As a longestablished

community, we are aggrieved

that no representative of CA Ventures

communicated with the Canonmills

residents about the proposal of student

flats before preparing the Public

Consultation Document showing bed

numbers, architectural drawings,

and landscape proposals. Had the

developer, or its representative,

met with the community they would

have understood the breadth of anger

and resistance throughout Canonmills

that the proposal has generated.

Fundamentally, the majority of the

community in Canonmills does not want

200+ beds of student accommodation

built on 72-72 Eyre Place.”


End of term


Leaders who have run council in tandem

for five years claim some key successes


(SNP), and Depute Leader, Cllr Cammy Day

(Labour), were both very upbeat about their “end

of term report” marking the end of a five year

coalition, and both are determined to be

re-elected. Whether or not that will result in a

further five years of SNP and Labour running

Edinburgh remains to be seen and of course

depends on the result of the election on 5 May.

The way councillors are elected means that

at least three, if not four, councillors represent

each ward. It is unusual, but not unheard of,

for two members of the same political group to

represent one area. There can be a rainbow of

parties representing a ward, and then it is for the

largest single political group - or groups - to run

the council.

Cllr Day said that the success of the coalition

which began in 2017 is underlined by the fact that

the parties have not once had to use the dispute

procedure in their coalition agreement.


Cammy Day

A few councillors from the two main parties

resigned the party whip, becoming independent.

One Conservative councillor also became

independent, but the coalition remained in power

throughout. The coalition agreement made 52

commitments, forming the council business plan,

and the document has been used to drive

progress during the SNP/Labour administration.

In many people’s eyes the rollout of the Spaces

for People measures led to the administration

losing credibility, in spite of the fact that many

citizens recognise the need for alternative modes

of transport both during the pandemic and

beyond, partly to meet the needs of the climate

emergency. And there was much discussion over

the use of Princes Street Gardens as a venue for

festivals which critics said only filled the pockets

of a London based production company.

Continuing to fulfil their initial pledges to the city

during the pandemic has also been challenging.

Cllr McVey said: “As leader I have had to deal

with what nobody saw coming - a global

pandemic. Everyone has had to adapt and change

their approach, and it has been incredibly

demanding. I have tried hard to be honest, direct,

open and transparent throughout that time, and

hopefully people will recognise that. Even if they

have not agreed with me on every decision I hope

people will respect how much I have given to

the role.”

Of course not everyone does, as is testified by

the often very personal social media comments

about both council leaders, but McVey said he

just ignores any abuse.

He said: “Nobody wins a popularity contest by

becoming leader of the city council. It is not

particularly hard for me as I just don’t engage

with it. What still motivates me most in public

office is the ability to find the solutions and work

with council officers to break through all the red

tape and get them a positive outcome. When

people are just rude there is no point in the

punchbag talking back. If you are in a senior role

then you have to expect some of this. Some of

this has got better and some has got worse

Cllr Adam McVey

particularly for female councillors.

“But having said that our list of candidates is

gender balanced. We’ve got this fantastically

talented, diverse group of people. I am

determined that we stand as a team against this

kind of behaviour.”

He noted a couple of high points - keeping the

tram project on time and on budget is a major

achievement for him. He said: “It has been largely

due to setting up an experienced team of

contractors as one unit with an external scrutiny

body. I think, to be on the cusp of completing

construction this year, within budget, is an

enormous achievement. For young people we are

swimming against the tide of UK benefit changes

as well as a cost of living crisis, but we have tried

to provide even more support within our

classrooms. And that has meant building amazing

new schools and believe it or not we have closed

the gap in spending on roads.”

And with regard to the festivals and their future

McVey admitted that “it has been a difficult

debate”. More than 8,000 people responded to the

council consultation. He thinks changes will be

made. He said: “I expect there to be less reliance

on green public space and a shift towards hard

standing public spaces and making that work.”

There are many opportunities to create

in-house services, saving millions of

pounds and creating apprenticeships

What motivates me the most is finding

solutions and working with council

officers to break through red tape



It took several weeks in 2017 for the SNP and

Edinburgh Labour groups to agree the contents of

their coalition agreement. Cammy Day was

remarkably frank about the birth of the

administration, saying this was one of the most

difficult things he had ever had to do.

But he said: “Ultimately we got all of our

manifesto agreed as part of the coalition and got

some influential positions in the council to ensure

that we could deliver what Edinburgh Labour

wanted. The alternative could have been a

Conservative/LibDem pact so I am very pleased

we were part of the decision making process for

the last five years.

“I am proud of the work of the Poverty

Commission. The city has never had one - we had

a social exclusion programme under the former

Lord Provost Eric Milligan - but there has never

been an independent public commission. I think

the outcome of that was bold.”

The other highlights for him (and you can read

more in our full length interviews online) are the

Climate Commission and also the development

of the Waterfront is in his own Forth ward - again

something which he is proud of.

Cllr Day said: “”We have turned our backs on

the shorefront for decades and now we need to

open it up. We have just put contracts out to

tender for the next development phase and I am

sure we will attract great interest in what is a ten

year project with really exciting opportunities for

the north of the city.

“If I am re-elected then the top three things I

would like to address (apart from climate change

of course) includes the regeneration of the

Granton Waterfront, continuing to fight the battle

against poverty and bringing more council

services back in-house. There are many

opportunities to create in-house services, saving

millions of pounds and creating apprenticeships

on good terms and conditions.”


Sparks fly

in New Town

Bid to unplug electric chargers

Walking for Ukraine

THE PUPILS AND staff of Towerbank Primary School in Portobello responded to

the crisis in Ukraine, by undertaking fundraising walks.

Primary 7 children and House Captains suggested the plan and older children will

walk 1800 km which is the distance from Towerbank to the Ukraine border.

Any monies raised will be handed over to the Disasters Emergency Committee which

is a coalition of 15 UK aid charities. The school has set up a Just Giving page.


Local Democracy Reporter

NEW TOWN residents complained that

electric chargers planned for India Street would

attract unwanted traffic to the area.

It comes amid a £2.2 million roll out of 81

new on-street chargers from The City of

Edinburgh Council serving 141 parking bays

across the capital.

This programme includes 21 already

operational at Ingliston Park and Ride and a

further 19 at Hermiston Park and Ride,which

will soon be ready for drivers to start using.

Electric car power points will also be set up

on city streets including Maxwell Street,

Thirlestane Road, Stewart Terrace, Comely

Bank Terrace/Avenue, Sheriff Brae, King’s

Road, Montgomery Street, Fettes Avenue, East

London Street and Heriot Row.

However, two chargers previously approved

by councillors to be installed on India Street

could be reassigned to another location after a

Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) was met with

15 objections.

Residents called for the New Town street to

be removed from plans and raised concerns

about the potential increase in vehicles the

chargers would attract, loss of permit parking

spaces for those who live there and late night

visits from taxi drivers.

One objector wrote: “The cul-de-sac is

frequently used by many local residents,

including children, dogs, and the elderly,

to walk across the road to the gardens

and beyond.

“This end of India Street is mostly made up

of flats, 12 with no private gardens. This will

greatly impede access to India Street Gardens

including for my own primary aged daughters.”

Another said: “The proposal will encourage

significant numbers of extra vehicles in search

of charging points thereby having an adverse

effect on the nature of the street.”

In addition to the objections, transport

officers said site investigations found there

would be “significant challenges” installing

charging points on India Street.

They noted in a report to councillors that

due to the street’s distance from the nearest

substation, 140 metres of track would then

have to be excavated across two roads.

This would require diversion routes in place

causing “significant disruption.”

They added that would risk “significant

financial cost and negative impacts to delivery

timescales for the broader electric vehicle

project programme”.

A Movement for Good

AS PART OF their commitment

to keeping people active and well,

Edinburgh’s leading sport and

physical activity charity,

Edinburgh Leisure, is launching a

new month-long physical activity

challenge that aims to inspire

people to get active every day

this May.

The Movement for Good

challenge is aimed at everyone,

not just their members. It’s

well-evidenced that moving and

being physically active benefits

our overall health and wellbeing,

but putting it into practice can be

hard, with family life, work

commitments and household

chores often taking precedence

over exercise.

Helen Macfarlane, in the newly

created role as Edinburgh Leisure’s

Director of Wellbeing explains:

“Whether people are new to

physical activity or need a helping

hand to get back into the swing of

things, then our new Movement

for Good challenge is for them.

“It’s designed to give

participants a period of focus

when they start to make small

consistent changes by being

active every day. This is the start of

forming healthy habits so that

regular activity becomes part of

their daily routine, and they build

the motivation to stay active

because they feel good.”

Participants signing up to the

month-long Movement for Good

Challenge, will receive a pack full

of useful resources, along with

hints and tips on how to get the

most out of your challenge. This

will help ensure participants have

fun, keep motivated and

experience the health and

wellbeing benefits of becoming

more physically active.

Sign up today to join the May

Movement for Good Challenge

and reap the benefits of an active

life - www.edinburghleisure.co.


Join together for refugees

AS WE LOOK at events unfolding in

Eastern Europe, it becomes

increasingly clear that we are

watching a massive humanitarian

crisis take place. And in the face of

such a crisis, those of us who are

fortunate enough not to be directly

affected by the conflict should do all

we can to help those who are losing

their homes, families, and

livelihoods. At time of writing, over

8,600 Scots have offered to host

refugees from Ukraine alongside The

Scottish Government’s commitment

to sponsor an additional 3,000. This

is an amazing example of the public

working alongside Scotland’s two

governments for the good of those

who need help and I look forward to

supporting this constructive


It should be remembered though

that the process is not over yet and

welcoming in refugees is only the

first phase. Questions must now be

answered by The Scottish

Government as to how they plan to

house, feed, and educate those

whom they have welcomed.

In Edinburgh alone, we are already

experiencing a shortage of housing

and many schools are already at

capacity. This is going to have to be a

concerted, joint effort between the

Scottish Government and local

authorities to make sure that we are

not only allowing refugees in, but we

are also ensuring that they are

looked after and cared for.

Jeremy Balfour MSP


Hotspot for



holiday home







DENIS DUNCAN HOUSE, a fully accessible

holiday cottage in Dirleton, East Lothian, is

now under the ownership of North Berwickbased

charity, Leuchie House.

The self-catering cottage sleeps six including

two fully accessible beds, and will offer people

living with disabilities and their families or

carers to spend quality time together.

The holiday home is based only four miles

away from Leuchie, Scotland’s National Respite

Centre, which provides short holiday breaks of

between 4 and 11 nights to people living with

neurological conditions such as multiple

sclerosis, stroke and MND.

Taking over the holiday home – previously

owned and operated for more than 20 years by

the Lin Berwick Trust - is particularly exciting

for the charity. The cottage was named after

the late Rev Dr Denis Duncan - a devoted

member of the Church of Scotland who served

in Edinburgh, as well as London and Glasgow.

Leuchie CEO, Mark Bevan, said: “We are

determined to do more for more people, not

only within Leuchie, but beyond our walls and

CEO Mark Bevan

Denis Duncan House gives us that opportunity

to allow families to enjoy some quality time

and independence.

“We are especially pleased to have received

the incredibly generous donation from the Lin

Berwick Trust of Denis Duncan House. This

purpose-built house is accessible and equipped

to the highest standards. It will enable disabled

people to have a break with family and friends

and provide a gentle introduction to Leuchie

House, just a few miles down the road.

“It is a new venture for Leuchie and we are

so pleased to be storming out of the pandemic

with new ideas to deliver more care and

support, in more ways, for more people in

need. We can thank our supporters enough for

all that they have done to help our ambitions to

come true.”

Holiday breaks at Denis Duncan House are

available from £582-a-week, and can be

booked at www.denisducanhouse.co.uk or

by calling the Leuchie bookings team on

01620 892 864

Giraffes About Town


shared pictures of artist David Fleck

painting the first sculpture in preparation

for Edinburgh Zoo’s upcoming Giraffe

About Town trail.

Sponsored by the trail’s official media

partner, JPI Media, David’s design is

inspired by his own experience discovering

new inspirations for his illustrations from

iconic landmarks throughout Scotland. He

previously designed the artwork for The

Scotsman 200 years anniversary


In partnership with Wild in Art, Giraffe

About Town will see more than 40

eight-foot-tall giraffe sculptures go on

display across Edinburgh in summer 2022.

Each model will be designed and decorated

by local artists and community groups,

later being auctioned to raise vital funds to

support RZSS wildlife conservation work in

Scotland and around the world.

Sculptures are due to hit streets from 1 July.

For more information, please visit



Sweet smell of success

Bakers to get a slice of the action

Rise to the challenge

THE ROYAL Highland Show is calling upon

producers from across Scotland to apply for the

2022 Scottish Handcrafts, Bread, Honey, and

Dairy Championships.

Entries are open now. The Championships

are judged across an extensive range of

categories and recognise excellence in Scottish

produce. They are judged in advance by a panel

of experienced industry experts and displayed

at the Royal Highland Show, taking place from

the 23-26 June 2022.

The Scottish Championships attract

producers and crafters of the highest

quality and are recognised as respected

industry accolades, and are of great value

to successful entrants.

The Dairy Championships comprise

competitions for cheese, ice cream, yoghurt

and butter, with classes including those for

specialty cheese, frozen yoghurt and flavoured

butter. The Dairy Championships will be

showcased in a new and improved area on the

Showground this year.

A showcase of creativity, the Handcrafts

Championships include a variety of art forms,

from porcelain and beadwork to baskets and

walking sticks, with the theme for entries being

“Celebration of the Countryside”. This year,

Handcrafts will be moving to a brand-new

marquee in the Craft Zone.

Each year the Bread Championships, held in

association with Scotland the Bread, attract a

high calibre of entries.

Celebrating “real” bread made without

additives or preservatives, there are classes for

everything from sourdough to loaves made

especially by small producers.

The Honey Championships, feature several

classes for all things honey related - including

raw honey, honey cocktails, artwork related to

beekeeping and photography featuring bees.


Helping hand

Edinburgh group sending aid to Ukraine

VOLUNTEERS at Sunflower Scotland have

sent 100 tonnes of aid from Edinburgh direct

to Ukraine. Many have families in the country,

and are sons and daughters helping

cousins, mothers, grandparents, nieces and

nephews. Local communities from all

over Scotland have responded to their

call very generously. Many families donated

food and essentials, and loaded up the

lorries with items to go to those in need

in Ukraine.

Sunflower is unique as they send lorries

with aid to Lviv in Ukraine, rather than to

Poland just over the border. Roads further east

are unsafe for lorries, so the aid is reloaded

onto smaller vans and then distributed to the

cities that need it most. Since Sunflower is a

volunteer association, there are no

administration fees. All donations are used

either to fuel the lorries, or to buy food.

A spokesperson for Sunflower said:

“The humanitarian crisis is escalating at

an unprecedented pace, and shops have

either been emptied or obliterated. People

who are stranded in Ukraine’s cities urgently

need food.

"While Ukraine is fighting for its survival, it is

our moral duty to support innocent people.

Sunflower collects food in bulk to meet the

increased demand. We have sent a call to

British food businesses to donate (or sell at a

generous discount) various types of food and

ask any companies to get in touch with us."

The foods which are needed are:

• Dry food: pasta, rice, flour,

cereals, dry soup, etc.

• Canned food

• Dehydrated food

• Camping food

• Baby formula, infant and kids food

• Gluten free and lactose free food.

Get in touch with Sunflower if you can

donate or sell a pallet or more of any goods to


You can buy a t-shirt at Tesco Musselburgh

where you can also leave donations.

Though they prefer physical aid, you can send

money to: www.gofund.me/7bcf6dda

15% discount on all shipping and packing materials when quoting code PS101


SOS Cockburn St

Old town residents signal for help to help tackle traffic chaos

ANYONE WATCHING Twitter and this

particularly local campaign @sos_street will

know that much work keeps the social media

feed alive with photos and videos of heavy goods

vehicles and cars travelling up and down the

pedestrianised street, and parking on pavements.

“Pedestrianised” Cockburn Street


We are a group of Cockburn Street residents

(mainly) and businesses.


We want Cockburn Street returned to a street

worthy of World Heritage status. When Covid

arrived, the street was “pedestrianised” apart

from a small window in the morning to allow for

deliveries to local businesses. Residents with a

parking permit lost the ability to park, the

disabled spaces disappeared, but

pedestrianisation made up for the inconvenience.

Then the Council allowed ugly huts to be built

– seven in all – and all without planning consent.

This was a Covid measure allowing businesses to

trade and maintain social distancing. They were

also allowed to set up pavement cafés. These

sheds and cafés created bottlenecks on the

pavement and made social distancing impossible

for pedestrians. The traffic, which is allowed in

during pedestrian hours now parks on the

pavement so as not to block the road. Most

recently followers brought to our attention that

planning, licensing and other rules are being

flouted. The Council website is not user-friendly

so it is hard to understand what the status is for

various applications, but it would appear that

there are no consents in place for the tables and

chairs in Cockburn Street.

So it would appear either that the Council

website is incorrect, or that these businesses are

Caring for city’s heritage

Number of buildings on At Risk Register has decreased in a decade

ACCORDING TO figures released

by The City of Edinburgh Council,

only two Category ‘A’ listed

buildings will remain ‘at risk’ in the

World Heritage Site once current

or planned restoration work is

complete which they say is down

14 from a decade ago.

In 2012, there were 16 Category

‘A’ listed buildings on the Buildings

at Risk Register (BARR), which has

been maintained by Historic

Environment Scotland (HES)

since 1990.

The buildings, which are deemed

to be of ‘international significance’

and include Riddle’s Court,

Acheson House and the former

Donaldson’s School for the Deaf,

operating many more covers without any

consent. Many are using barriers to define their

seating areas but have advertising banners which

is in contravention of the rules). All advertising is

for alcohol. Some businesses opposite the City

Chambers are doing this too.


The sheds attract vermin and night time revellers

who keep residents awake. They have created a

pavement parking problem, which damages

pavements. We love how the street used to look,

but these unsightly huts have ruined a once

beautiful street. Most are not even in use, and

while all have been denied planning consent, the

Council has no plans to take enforcement action.

This street is a public space and the council has

given it away free of charge to private business –

have been repaired, refurbished

and brought back into public use,

following long periods lying vacant.

The Virgin Hotel development in

the Old Town, which is due for

completion in the spring, will

remove four buildings from the

register, including the landmark

India Buildings and the 160 year

old Cowgatehead Free Church,

while the globally renowned Old

Royal High School on Regent

Terrace has planning permission in

place to bring it back into use as a

music school, saving five buildings

in the process.

Planning Convener Neil Gardiner

said: “We work extremely hard with

our partners, including Edinburgh

World Heritage and Historic

Environment Scotland to protect

our historic built environment,

and with owners to support them

to find the best outcome for

their properties.

“Over the last ten years, we’ve

helped developers make the best

and most sympathetic use of many

of our globally significant and

architecturally stunning buildings

so they can be enjoyed now and

for future generations to come.

“You only have to walk around

the centre of our beautiful Capital

city to see the progress being

made and restoration works

completed on the ground to

breathe new life into these

and lost parking revenue that would have been

spent on vital public services. Bins have been left

unemptied and seagulls have started to get

aggressive. The stress is a mess and it breaks

our hearts.


We are a group of people who love the street,

coalescing around the Twitter account sharing

photos and concerns. We support each other

in trying to get things improved for the

greater good.


Follow us on Twitter, write to those in power,

take photos and record your concerns on social

media. Tag us please. This is the only way we can

bring about change.

historic and iconic buildings.

“The plan for the Old Royal High

School is a fantastic example of

this, restoring it to its original glory

as a place of learning for our young

people. And, I’ve been very

impressed by work on the upper

floors of 30 Princes Street as a hotel

with restoration of the gilded globe

roof sculpture on the corner of the

former Forsyth’s department store.

“It’s also good to see several

properties in central Edinburgh

restored to residential use and that

Scottish Historic Buildings Trust is

using the picturesque Category ‘A’

listed merchant’s tenement,

Riddle’s Court, in the Lawnmarket

as their headquarters.”

Treasure on the

Quiet Route



established a new Quiet Route from

Greenbank to the Meadows. Quiet Routes

are developed by councils to make it easier

to walk, wheel and cycle by reducing

traffic, usually with the use of “modal

filters” (planters and the like).

The Greenbank Meadows route includes

several parks, as well as schools, nurseries,

and residential areas. The route is popular

with families walking and cycling to

school, as well as those accessing green

spaces, shopping areas, and the city

centre, by bike.

While the route is now an important

active travel corridor, it also has an

interesting past. It loosely follows the first

piped public water supply to Edinburgh’s

Old Town. At the end of the 17th century,

fresh spring water was supplied via lead

and wooden pipes northwards from

Comiston to Edinburgh Castle with the

help of gravity and the high altitude of the

springs. You will find evidence of the water

supply on marker stones along the route

which have the numbers 5 and 7 engraved

on them. These numbers indicated the

diameter of the pipes as they crossed

property boundaries.

To celebrate the opening of the Quiet

Route, and to encourage people to try it

out, the Friends of the Quiet Route have

organised a spring Treasure Hunt. If you

complete it by 20 April, you can enter the

prize draw for vouchers to spend at the

Edinburgh Bike Co-op.

I cycled the route to try my hand,

following the golden hares (with their QR

codes) and pondering the clues. Where

was the thoroughfare for the crème de la

crème? How old is Comiston Spring

House? What did Ben Wade draw a picture

of? Would anyone laugh if I played Pooh

sticks on my own?

I got off my bike several times to admire

the spring daffodils, to examine historic

buildings and walls I hadn’t noticed before,

and to enjoy the views. It was a peaceful,

informative, and fun cycle. And that’s what

makes the Quiet Route so special. You can

relax and enjoy the ride or the walk.


Low Traffic


Safer streets, less vehicle pollution and better

access to shops is campaign ambition



Low Traffic Corstorphine is a group of

Corstorphine residents and local businesses

who share a vision for an improved,

healthier and more inclusive environment:

a neighbourhood with quiet streets for

playing, for socialising, thriving local shops

and businesses, traffic-free zones around all

schools, less polluted, cleaner air for everyone,

and many more routes for safe walking

and cycling.

We are a diverse group with lots of ideas that

we want to collaborate on to improve the

places we live, work, travel through and enjoy

for leisure in our community. Importantly, we

believe that working together, sharing our

ideas and using our different strengths to

campaign can help speed along changes to

benefit everyone who lives and works in


Low Traffic Corstorphine is a constituted

voluntary association. Our co-chairs are Janis

Ross-Williamson and Chris Young.


We have identified a number of key aims that

we support by:

• Promoting facts and evidence-based benefits

of a more equitable balance between the

needs of pedestrians, wheelers, cyclists and


• Responding to The City of Edinburgh

Council consultations to help ensure walking,

wheeling and cycling are given priority in our


• Encouraging local residents/businesses to

respond to consultations to make their

concerns known to The City of Edinburgh

councillors, MSPs and Corstorphine

Community Council.

We aim to provide a focus and support

for residents, school children, parents

and carers, business owners, people who

work in the area and regular visitors who

want safer, healthier, less congested

streets. We want to see traffic free

streets around all local schools,

safer and connected walking

cycling and wheeling friendly

streets, much improved air

quality, a 20mph default

speed limit throughout

Corstorphine and low

traffic neighbourhoods

for all residential streets.


More people walking and wheeling around

Corstorphine would have great physical and

mental health benefits through exercise and

reduced pollution from vehicles. It would also

mean that people are more likely to use local

businesses and have improved connection with

each other through incidental meetings and

more opportunities for social engagement.

Poor air quality has been proven to have

many detrimental health impacts and

disproportionately impacts the very young, the

elderly and those with pre-existing medical

conditions and disabilities. We want

Corstorphine to be a neighbourhood that

ensures a healthy environment, especially for

our more vulnerable people.

We would like to see the streets surrounding

all schools open for walking, cycling, wheeling

and residents vehicles only to allow safe and

healthy journeys to schools for all pupils,

parents, carers and staff.

Quiet residential streets filtered to allow only

people walking, wheeling and cycling along

with good cycling infrastructure on arterial

routes would encourage many more people to

choose to walk or cycle the many short

journeys that are currently taken by car. This is

important not only for everyone’s’ health but

also for the environment when we know we are

in a climate crisis.

Arterial routes such as Glasgow Road,

Corstorphine Road, Drum Brae with fast and

busy traffic, create a disjointed neighbourhood

and make it difficult for those walking,

wheeling and cycling to visit friends, amenities

and workplaces. Reducing the speed limit to

20mph on all Corstorphine streets would

create safer, calmer and more pleasant

environments for people using the pavements

as well as those using the roads.



We choose to be a positive voice for

change in Corstorphine.

Corstorphine has a great community

spirit and we want to nourish that

community and help to challenge

the vehicle domination that

fractures our area.

As with many, due to

the pandemic our

meetings have been


Chris Young

predominantly online

but we have more

recently met with


Janis Ross-Williamson

our local MSP as well as other groups who

share some of our aims face to face. As

restrictions ease we intend to do more in

person community meetings and activities.

One project we are we are currently working

on is with the Cargo Bike Movement to create

an event where people can try out different

types of cargo bikes, trailers and other

equipment so that they can see how they might

be able to undertake different types of journeys

like the school run or shopping trips without

having to use a car. That will be held on

We also help to promote ‘Playing Out’ and

similar intergenerational community events

where people can see the benefit of having

informal outdoor spaces to meet and connect

with neighbours and friends.



Join us in whatever way you can. Share your

ideas, however big or small, if you are

interested in reducing motor traffic in

Corstorphine to improve the area for our

health, our community and the adverse effects

of climate change.

We are a friendly bunch and always very

keen to hear new ideas and positive

contributions. Look out for our latest news

updates or sign up for our newsletter for

prompts on how you can help.

You can get in touch at


Mast plans

taken down


Morningside Community Council and Cllr

Mandy Watt attended a site meeting with

Cornerstone and Galliford Try, agents for

Vodafone to discuss the proposal to put

up a 20 metre high mast.

Two possible alternative sites were

discussed and the agents said that they

were minded to withdraw their application

whilst they investigated the viability of any

other suitable locations.

The planning status of 22/00407/FUL is

therefore Withdrawn, not Refused,

meaning that Vodafone would be able to

make another application for the same

site, if the alternatives are not viable.

Local councillor Mandy Watt said: “It’s

excellent news that Vodafone have

withdrawn their application to put a huge

mast and telecoms equipment right

beside the iconic Morningside Clock. Their

decision to consider alternative sites is

very welcome; however they have not

ruled out the possibility of reapplying. I

made it clear to the agents that a further

application would not be well received by

local residents and urged them to find a

way to make one of the alternatives work.”

Lothians MSP Miles Briggs said he was

pleased to hear that plans for the 5G mast

next to the clock had been scrapped.

Demand for

path pledge

EAST LOTHIAN campaigners are calling

on political parties contesting May’s

council elections to include a manifesto

pledge to build a cycle and walking path

between Drem and Gullane.

The resident led campaign is now in

its 17th year making it the longest

running of its kind in Scotland for an

active travel route.

In the run up to the election,

candidates are being asked to commit to

funding and building the path so as to

provide a safe and green route for all

ages between the two villages.

Drem-Gullane Path Campaign

spokesperson Iain V Monk said:

“We challenge all political parties to

include a manifesto commitment to fund

building of the Drem-Gullane path.

“In midst of a climate emergency, and

as East Lothian recovers from the impact

of a Covid pandemic, it is important that

politicians lead a cycling and walking

revolution in the county.

“Residents in our coastal communities,

and visitors to the area, deserve a safe

cycling and walking path that will

connect not only these villages but also

link a rail station to the coast and

enhance the existing network of green

routes across the county.”


Eric Liddell

legacy still


New name promotes community hub


Edinburgh-based charity and

community hub, has changed its


The organisation will now be called

the Eric Liddell Community, but the

work it does as a specialist dementia

day care provider, services helping

carers and the wide range of activities

which take place in their building at

Holy Corner will not change.

The rebrand and name change is an

ongoing tribute to Eric Liddell, an

inspirational Scotsman whose short

life is remembered and renowned

nationally and internationally for his

accomplishments in many different


Eric is well known for his abilities

as a sporting champion and was

capped for the Scotland international

rugby team seven times. He is one of

a rare few who has had his “lost”

international cap reissued and was

inducted into the Scottish Rugby Hall

of Fame in January 2022, on the

centenary of his first international


John MacMillan, CEO of the Eric

Liddell Community, said: “The

former Eric Liddell Centre was set up

in Edinburgh in 1980 to support the

L to R, Julie Carter (Building Operations Manager), John MacMillan (CEO),

Bernadette Morrison (Café Volunteer), Lynda Hay (Volunteer)

local community and vulnerable

individuals. Soon after its

establishment, Eric’s daughters gave

permission to use their father’s name,

to honour Eric’s belief in community

service whilst he lived and studied in

Edinburgh and dedicated it to

inspiring, empowering, and

supporting people of all ages, cultures

and abilities.”

“Eric is remembered in many ways

to different people – as a sportsman, a

husband and father, a devout soul

who lived his life according to his

beliefs, a graduate of Edinburgh

University and a missionary in China

who refused to leave those he looked

after during the Second World War. If

he had lived longer than his fortythree

years, who knows what more he

could have achieved.

“The Eric Liddell Community

reflects Eric’s values and principles to

help and support those who need it

and the people who look after them

in a spirit of community, inclusivity,

diversity and generosity. His legacy is

strong and we are now connected to a

number of international communities

which celebrate Eric and we wanted

to recognise and embrace their

worldwide connectivity to our own


“It is in celebration of Eric’s

centenary of winning his 440 yards

gold medal at the Paris Olympics in

1924 that the Eric Liddell Community

is planning a series of developments

and events to commemorate Eric’s life

and how he lived it, launching in the

lead up to 2024 and with the

intention of establishing a continuing

and international celebration of his

legacy thereafter.

“The change of name and the

rebrand will be exciting and new but

the caring services we provide will

not be affected at all.”







Debbie Anderson invites you to take

yourself back to your childhood with

all the traditional jars of sweets in her

shop. Chewits and fudge will take you

back a decade or two. Open from

10am except Mondays.

102 Leith Walk EH16 5DT

0131 554 1401

Newly established gallery in the New

Town art district which will feature

curated group shows and solo shows.

The owners promise it will be

”challenging and compelling art”.

Innovative new works and a collection

of art books to buy.


Very reasonable rates allow start-ups

to use this small pop-up space as the

first rung on the ladder. From food to

political parties and all manner of

organisations in between. Have a look

at their pop-up garden when you visit.

Croall Place EH7 4LT


Love Your Business networking club is

relaxed, informal and good fun, and is

currently online on the last Thursday

of the month with a host of inspiring

speakers sharing their entrepreneurial

journeys and invaluable business tips.



Donate unwanted items to the shop

on Gilmore Place knowing that they

will find a new home. Very little ever

goes to landfill. Visit the shop to pick

up a copy of our latest paper and also

to admire their innovative and

ever-changing window displays.







Subscribe today and have your own

copy of The Edinburgh Reporter

delivered to your front door from next

month. - in a compostable envelope. A

payment of £30 a year will help to

support local independent news.


Di Giorgio’s have lots of cakes and

slices, coffee with a smile and pasta

and lasagne to go. Morning rolls and

ciabattas are also available, but this is

brownie heaven and do ask about

their birthday cakes.

Open 7 days 10-4pm

1 Brandon Terrace EH3 5EA

The charity rescues reunites and

rehomes any animal in need, and

works tirelessly to secure happy and

loving forever homes. New trustees

include David Field CEO of Edinburgh

Zoo and Matt Smith of THINK.

0131 669 5331


Bespoke tailoring for men. Craig’s

focus is on making the highest quality

personally tailored attire that others

will aspire to. His pyjamas and dressing

gowns will make your video calls or

working from home very stylish.

0131 226 7775 • 45 Thistle Street

EH2 1DY • craigbankstailoring.com

Beautiful wee shop on Dundas Street

packed to the gunwales with lovely

Italian goods all handmade. Lynne

parcels them with great care in the

shop’s trademark turquoise tissue and

ribbons. New must see website is

online now.







Vlad and Scott have a unique style at

48 Thistle Street with great coffee and

above average chat. The pair have now

celebrated a year in business at their

city centre micro roastery. Coffee also

available to order online if you are

working from home.


A specialist importer of boutique fine

wines from Italy. Carefully hand-picked

award-winning wines of premium

quality sourced direct from the

winemakers. Oleg and Elvira visit every

vineyard personally. Free UK delivery

- same day delivery to Edinburgh

available. www.independent.wine

The gallery focuses on original

paintings, prints and fine crafts

inspired by nature. Wide price range to

accommodate various budgets.

Jurgita warmly welcomes you to

Dundas Street. Open Tuesday to

Saturday 11am-4pm.


A unique gallery and gift shop in

Edinburgh’s Southside - a cornucopia

of all forms of art. Buy handmade art

and craft from independent artists.

Linsay says: “If we don’t have it, we can

probably find it for you.”


0131 629 9123

Same location. Same facilities.

Great new name. The Eric Liddell

Community welcomes you.

Rooms for hire and office space for

registered charities.

0131 447 4520

15 Morningside Road EH10 4DP







For the whisky lovers among you, buy

award-winning Ardgowan Shipwright

online - described by whiskymaker

,Max McFarlane, as “a sumptuous

dram”. Special offer includes free

shipping and a slate coaster while

stocks last .


A luxurious, elegant salon with a very

happy and friendly atmosphere where

the aim is to make your experience

relaxing, enjoyable and glamorous.

Appointments essential.

Tel 0131 556 4478

2a Broughton Place EH1 3RX


The floating café with outdoor seating

is owned and run by Lindsay and sits

just next to the Leamington Lift Bridge

on the canal. With their range of

smoothies and coffees accompanied

by macarons and a host of other treats,

it is not to be missed.


You may know about Leith (Saturdays)

and Stockbridge (Sundays) Markets

but did you know that you can order

online and pick up all of your shopping

at once? Using the NeighbourFood

site you simply choose what you want,

pay and then collect your shopping.


The Torrance Gallery on Dundas Street

will be offering a varied programme as

ever. There will be an Andy Cross Solo

Exhibition until 16 April and the new

Spring Exhibition from 23 April. Join

the gallery’s mailing list to be kept up

to date with details of each show.




Roll on

down to...

Roseburnone of

Phyllis Stephen meets some of the

independent businesses in Roseburn –

Edinburgh’s little town centres





know this area of town quite well. It’s where I

went to school playing hockey at Roseburn

Park, buying sweets at the corner shop,

waiting for a bus to get to Haymarket. There

is a wide variety of independent shops. We

highlight them here to tempt you into

Roseburn next time you venture along the

walking and cycle path from the north, or the

Water of Leith from the Modern Art Gallery or by

jumping on a bus or a tram to explore the area.


Roseburn Shoe Repairs

36 Roseburn Terrace EH12 6AW • 0131 337 2147

NIALL MENZIES has an interesting shop where

he will cut your new set of keys, make your shoes look

like new while you wait allowing you to admire his

sporting memorabilia.

The business has been a cobblers for twenty years, and

when Neill took it over five years ago, he added extra

services like watch repairs and engraving. He now

supplies local sports clubs with their trophies.

Replacing zips on boots and shoes, carrying out small

leather repairs and fixing any hand stitching - no

challenge is too great. Niall said: “If you ever have a pair

of shoes that you love and you don’t want to throw them

out then bring them to me. I can breathe life into your

old shoes.”

He learned the skills “a long time ago”, after working as

an apprentice in the oil industry. He said: “I set up on my

own in Aboyne outside Aberdeen. It is a beautiful place

but my wife is a professionally trained ballet dancer who

also teaches tango, and there was more scope for her to

work here in the capital. I found out that Ernie, the

previous owner, was thinking about retiring. We did the

deal, and now we love living in this part of Edinburgh.


Claire Doig Hairdressing

15 Roseburn Terrace EH12 5NG • 0131 337 7788

CLAIRE DOIG-POLLOCK has been in business in

Roseburn for about five years, and qualified as a

hairdresser some 23 years ago. She loves dressing up

the shop window to reflect the seasons, birthdays and

1. Claire Doig Hairdressing

2. Roseburn Shoe Repairs

3. NEYO’s men’s fine grooming

4. Thallon Soulis Hairdressing

5. Karina and Mandy at Ikina

of course created a beautiful rainbow in the window

during the lockdown.

The small bright salon offers appointments for

colours and cuts with popular services including

ladies haircut and blow dry for £39. Their opening

hours from Wednesday to Saturday include a late

night on Wednesday.

A Treatwell review said that one customer “always

leaves Claire’s with a smile and a skip in my step”.

The salon has a Facebook page where we found out

that Claire forgot to tell us about the most exciting event

of this past year - Ronnie James Doig-Pollock who was

born in August last year.

Claire took a short time off work before heading

straight back to the salon to keep her customers happy.


Ikina Hair Studio

35 Roseburn Terrace EH12 5NQ • 0131 313 3337

KARINA CAMERON and Mandy Wong of Ikina Hair

Studio are both experienced hairdressers who, according

to one online review “know what they are doing” and

that what matters is good old fashioned service.

Mandy has been in business in Roseburn for more

than three decades and now has an established clientele.

The salon offers appointments for gents, ladies and

children’s hairstyling. This business is all about the

personal touch, and Karina thinks the clients really like

Our business is very much all

about the personal touch. I really

enjoy forging close relationships

with our clients over time



“their” hairdressers, forging a personal relationship with

them over time.

She particularly likes to do restyles and would very

happily chop your long hair off and style it into a chic

shorter face-framing style, possibly with a new colour, in

a total makeover.


Neyo’s Mens Fine Grooming

22 Roseburn Terrace EH12 6AW • 07528963209

CIHAN CAN who has been a barber since he was

14-years-old learned his trade from his parents.

He now helps his uncle run the Turkish barber’s shop

which promises men’s fine grooming with some

traditional twists.

He said that many customers like the way that the

barbers spend time on the different treatments that are

on offer: “People come here before they go to their

weddings or birthday parties and many come here for

the banter of course.”

The business specialises in washing and cutting hair,

carrying out that tricky and delicate process of burning

the hairs off men’s ears, nose waxing and all kinds of slick

hair styles, with hot shaves a speciality.

Can offers styles such as a “skin fade” which is a

dramatic look which he sports himself. It is a way of

blending the hair on the back and sides of the head with

the longer hair on top. It begins with really short hair

around the back of the neck graduating to a longer style.

If the customer prefers they can use the cut throat

razor and can also design zig zag or other patterns as

part of the hairstyle.


House of Hound

43 Roseburn Terrace EH12 5NQ • 0131 467 6834

DARREN DONALDSON is sole proprietor of House of

Hound which is of course all about dogs. One black lab

dragged its owner off the street and into the shop, while I

visited, clearly knowing the treat it was looking for.

Darren is a dog lover and has just adopted another

wee pet. He said: “Very recently we lost a member of our

community, Bett. She was a lovely woman, and she was

survived by her little dog a Schnauzer. I have known him



If you ever have a pair of shoes

that you love and you don’t want

to throw them out then bring

them to me. I can breathe life into

your old shoes!

since he was eight weeks old and since there was no

family to take him he is coming to live with me.”

Darren has 25 years retail experience mostly in the

luxury world. He said: “I worked for Cruise, Harvey

Nichols and wanted to translate that into having my own

shop. For my 30th birthday I went to New York where I

saw amazing dog boutiques and I opened my shop in 2014.

“It is about ensuring owners give their pets the best. It

is about a full care package and so we recommend good

vets, groomers, and our biggest focus is about ensuring

that we sell the best food. Our shop is for personal

shoppers only, although we invite email inquiries.”


Ruby Rose

28 Rosebrun Terrace EH12 6AW • 0131 305 2188

CATHIE PURVES is so passionate about her shop that

she is going to give up her day job.

She opened Ruby Rose two and a half years ago in the

former bank building selling UK brand Frenchic paints,

and up cycling furniture, with the mantra that she wants

“to give second hand furniture a second chance”.

She runs workshops for those who want to upcycle

their own items, with only two people spending a whole

day with her learning the process from prepping to

painting. And free advice is all a part of Cathie’s very

personal service.

She also undertakes commissions. Asked to renovate

a 100-year-old mahogany piano for a client, which

had been painted bottle green in the fifties and white

in the seventies with acrylic paint which had turned

yellow, she used the water-based paints she sells which

are safe for both animals and children. She advised the

client on the best shade of white to repaint it in a

sympathetic restoration.

Cathie particularly likes decoupage, saying: “It adds a

bit of character to the piece and gives it a third

dimension. But apart from that we save people -

including the council - money as we reduce the amount


6. Darren Donaldson of House

of Hound

7. Vigo Deli

8. Ruby Rose for upcycling

9. The Murrayfield

10. Eva and Umit of

Roseburn Café


of second hand goods which go to landfill. During

lockdown we were allowed to deliver paint so people

could undertake projects at home helping their self

esteem and their mental health.”

The crafty Cathie currently works in a law firm as a

law accountant, but will be finishing up soon to make her

hobby into a full-time business.


Vigo Delicatessen

2a Roseburn Terrace EH12 • 6AW Tel 0131 467 5589

NAZIM TEK AND his son Ali run the established

business of Vigo Delicatessen in Roseburn. Ali told us

this is really an old place with about a decade of business

but they are putting their own stamp on it.

The café’s reputation for a good value lunch has

continued making it a great lunch stop on the way from

Water of Leith Visitors Centre to Stockbridge. The Spicy

Mexican Chicken Wrap with Cheese Salsa Chicken

Bacon Pesto Wrap with Tomato & Mozarella is a

favourite order.

Vigo are famed for their wraps, baked potatoes and

freshly home made soups as well as “one of Edinburgh’s

finest coffees”. Everything is fresh and the welcome from

the Tek family and their three members of staff is always

a friendly one.

The Chatter ‘n Natter table is Table 2 where people

who are dining alone, but who might like to have a chat

can sit down and enjoy a conversation with whoever is

sitting there or anyone who joins them afterwards.


The Murrayfield Bar & Kitchen

57-59 Roseburn Terrace EH12 5NQ • 0131 281 2639

DAMIAN OKRAGLY, manager of The Murrayfield Bar &

Kitchen says the best thing about the bar and restaurant

is their location which is handy for locals and also all the

sport fans going to BT Murrayfield.

This is the main spot for people on match days when

customers come from all over to enjoy their “relaxed

menu of sharing plates” which change according to the

seasons. The restaurant is beginning to notice a marked

increase in customer numbers now that the weather is

better and Covid restrictions have relaxed.

During December 2020 owner Chris Doherty took

over and then spent about seven months revamping the

premises. The Murrayfield then opened in the summer of

2021 to welcome their first customers.

Damian who has managed the restaurant for a year

just loves the Chicken Balmoral with Whisky sauce

which is a firm favourite on the menu, but many

customers order their signature fish and chips. But for

the meat lover the 21-day Dry-hung Beef Cheek &

Stilton Pie with creamy mash sounds delicious.

There will be a separate menu offering deals for local

residents and some further renovations with new tables

and chairs are planned.



Roseburn Café

8 Roseburn Terrace EH12 6AW • 0131 313 0331

EVA PAPADAKI who is Greek has run the Roseburn

Café along with her business partner Umit Celik who is

from Turkey since December last year. Eva laughed as

she told me about their nationalities but it is clearly a

partnership that works from the number of customers

enjoying brunch during our visit. Although their venture

is new, they both previously worked at the Roseburn and

the café has been a fixture for three decades.

Their clientele is one where people who began as

customers now bring their children and grandchildren.

The menu has remained largely unchanged maintaining

their high quality of food and service.

Asked what the best thing on the menu is, Eva has no

doubt - it is the Roseburn special Scottish breakfast,with

two fried eggs, sausages, beans and chips.

The café is known for its generously sized portions all

served on platters. Eva said their fish and chips is

popular at other times of the day and they have a

children’s menu. Their takeaways are very popular and

orders can be phoned ahead.


Thallon Soulis Hairdressing

21 Roseburn Terrace, EH12 5NG • 0131 337 1760

Thallon Soulis has owned and run his shop on Roseburn

Terrace for 49 years, and moved to live locally a few

years ago.

After completing his apprenticeship at André Bernard

on Rose Street during its heyday, Thallon left there at

18 reckoning that he had learned enough to open his

own shop.

He explained that hairdressing was the perfect

profession for him as he could hardly read and write

when he left school. His friend who worked part time at

Salon Henry had a scooter with all the mirrors that

Thallon admired very much. So it was as a result of that

friendship that he took his first steps in the business.

He found the ideal spot on Roseburn Terrace, and still

trades there decades later. He said: “It was a slow start,

but halfway through my career I had seven people

working for me for about twenty years. I love cutting and

perming hair. I do have the skills to colour hair but it is

just not my thing.”

Ricky (pictured) enjoys colouring hair as well as

styling, and he is the one to ask for if you need an updo

for something special.

Thallon said: “Ricky and I have complementary skills,

but I guess my clients are now a little older. They were all

about 40 or so when we started out.. “We are a longestablished

reliable business with good service and good

value for money. We like to attract the client back again.”

It is clear that having worked here for so long he

knows most people passing by - many shouting hello as

we had a chat outside his salon.





Food for thought

Ian Georgeson

Treasure awaits as Porty’s foodie heroes are mapped out



independent food outlets and suppliers have

been put on the map in a fund raising initiative

in support of the former Town Hall.

Porty Food Map features 21 traders who

tell their stories and provide recipes, and is

brought to life with illustrations by local artist

Barbara Hilliam and images by photographer

Jon Davey.

The project was cooked up by local resident

and foodie Jo Turbitt and Porty Central trustee

Jen Elliot, with proceeds going to support the

rebirth of Portobello Town Hall.

Jo Turbitt said: “It is a real community

endeavour celebrating the food community,

encouraging people to buy local produce, to

chat to traders and showcase what we have on

our doorstep.

“We can see other high streets devastated

by online shopping, but the pride and buzz

in Porty’s thriving high street and promenade

is so evident.

“It's a book that we hope will inspire people

to try new recipes, to shop local, support their

local traders, to visit Portobello and experience

the foodie haven we have here.”

Porty Food Map features long established

traders such as Findlay’s the Butcher,

Williamson Fishmonger, Spanish restaurant

Malvarosa and The Espy, alongside newcomers

like pasta specialists Aemilia, pizzeria Civerinos

and Promenade neighbours Shrimp Wreck.

Jo added: “Buying Porty Food Map is one

way of supporting the fundraising campaign to

Some of the 21 traders who are taking part (clockwise

from top left) Billy Hoy, Vidya Sarjoo, Paul Marsden and

Kirstin Bold, Kirstin Norrie, James Bonthrone, Harem and

Mohammed Murdochy, Louise Gladstone with Lucy

Gladstone-Wallace and Derek Wallace, Jennifer Elliot and

Jo Turbitt and (centre) Louise Reid

bring the Town Hall back into action for the

community and also having a beautiful and

useful book at the same time. It is also a ‘thank

you’ to the individuals who have kept us fed,

watered and supported over the years and most

importantly over the last two years.”

The full list of traders featured are: Root

Down, Findlay’s of Portobello, The Fine Wine

Company, The Mouse Hole Deli, Popeye's,

Williamson Fishmonger, Gogo Beets, Aemilia,

Deli 194, Harry's Gourmet Treats, Miro's

Pantry, Reds, Malvarosa, Passey's, The

Boathouse, Crumbs, Shrimp Wreck, Civerinos,

Miro’s, The Espy and The Little Green Van.

The Porty Food Map, priced £15, will be

available from 23 April. Order online


Two new directors at city surveyors

SAVILLS HAS expanded its

Edinburgh residential sales team

with the appointment of two new

Associate Directors. Laura

Mathieson joins Savills after five

years working in the prime city

market with Rettie & Co. Tom

Edwards has a strong track record

selling homes in the capital,

previously working with Coulters

and Strutt & Parker.

Ben Fox, Savills Head of

Residential said: “We’re delighted

to welcome these two property

professionals to the Edinburgh

team: between them they bring a

wealth of experience and are able

to hit the ground running. They

understand how to give the best

advice to buyers and sellers in this

fast-paced market, where high

levels of demand for city properties

are outpacing supply.”

As a result of competitive

bidding and strong premiums,

prime Edinburgh town values are

8.6% higher than a year ago, the

highest annual growth figure since

2007, according to Savills index.

Laura said: “I am delighted to

join Savills during such an active

time in the Edinburgh market,

working with buyers from all over

Scotland, as well as much further

afield. Currently, would-be sellers

are hesitant because they see a lack

of property options for their next

move. However the demand/

supply imbalance means there are

some good prices being achieved

for those who come to the market,

and they are in a better position

when bidding than buyers who

have not yet begun marketing their

existing property.”

Tom adds: “It is great to be part

of Savills, working with a fantastic

team and some of the finest

properties in Edinburgh, although

few are currently staying on the

market for very long. Having Savills

Lettings under the same roof is

really benefiting buyers: many are

deciding to rent until they find

exactly what they want, whereas in

other instances we can put clients

in touch with those selling

privately, or whose homes are not

yet on the open market.”

Ben Fox said: “Looking ahead,

activity in the city and its suburbs is

intensifying, as office workers

progressively return. Our survey

reveals more commitment to move

at some point during the next 18

months, and there will continue to

be a strong core of unsatisfied

demand. We’re seeing fierce

competition for properties of all

types but particularly larger homes

and those with access to

outdoor space. “

Edinburgh lawyer

takes on global

litigation role

EDINBURGH-BASED solicitor advocate

Jim Cormack, QC, has been appointed

Global Head of Pinsent Masons’

Litigation, Regulatory and Tax

(LRT) team.

The role involves leading the law firm’s

265-strong LRT offering, which covers

common law and civil law jurisdictions,

with staff based in seven UK offices and

in Dublin, Dubai, Madrid, Munich, Paris

and Singapore.

The core services provided by the

team are corporate and commercial

litigation, civil fraud litigation,

contentious tax, forensic accounting

services, health & safety, professional

and financial services litigation,

regulatory and investigations (including

a white collar crime practice), energy

disputes, international arbitration, and

administrative and public law.

Jim, who joined Pinsent Masons in

2001, is dual qualified to practice in

Scotland and England & Wales and was

appointed Queen’s Counsel in 2018, a

year after becoming a Fellow of the

Chartered Institute of Arbitrators.

He said: “I am privileged to have

the opportunity to be lead the firm’s

LRT team which boasts a fantastic

group of partners and legal directors

along with our senior finance, HR,

Practice Development Lawyers and

technology colleagues.

“Our LRT practice is successful and

thriving, which is ultimately down to the

skill, commitment, hard work and

enthusiasm of my colleagues, and

having a collegiate and supportive

environment within our team.

“I have been a dispute resolution

lawyer for close to 30 years now and it is

still a job I love doing. There is a thrill in

picking up a client’s problem and

analysing and deploying a position and

to ultimately deliver a solution.”

When not travelling in his global role,

Jim will be based at Pinsent Masons’ new

offices at Capital Square in the heart of

Edinburgh’s financial district.


Dine plates up

for charity

Restaurant serves £60,000 in good causes


DINE Restaurant on Cambridge Street hosted

the Elsie Inglis campaign fundraising Gala

Dinner raising almost £1,000 for the charity.

As well as entertaining all the guests who

bought tickets to attend, the restaurant also

donated a dining experience for 10 guests at

their newest venue which will open this month

in Canonmills. In all £33,000 has been raised

for an Elsie Inglis statue planned for the

Royal Mile.

This is just the tip of the iceberg as far as the

restaurant's charitable giving is concerned. In

the last seven years the owners have provided

donations which have raised more than

£60,000 for local charities, causes and

community services.

Restaurateur Paul Brennan founded Dine

with chef Stuart Muir in 2015. Since then they

have branched out to Murrayfield, and are

about to open a third spot in Canonmills in a

newly created restaurant space for 50 covers by

the Water of Leith. There is also a cantilevered

terrace for pre dinner and post dinner drinks.

Recognising very well that their place on the

Edinburgh dining scene is as a local business,

they try very hard to get involved with the

community and pay back the loyalty of their

customers who are mainly locals.

The connection with the ladies who

organised the fundraising campaign for the

Elsie Inglis statue began with another

fundraiser for Alzheimer Scotland in January

2020 just before lockdown, and Dine will also

be contributing a prize for the Maggie's

Edinburgh Ladies Love Lunch at the Sheraton

Grand on 22 April 2022.

What Stuart and Paul have now decided is

that it is better for them to focus on two or

three charities such as Lynne McNicol’s ‘Its

Good 2 Give’ charity, the British Red Cross, the

Esk Valley Rotary Club, Beatson Cancer

Charity, and of course Elsie Inglis rather than

giving a little to many charities.

Paul said: "Stuart and I both come from fairly

humble backgrounds and the way we were

brought up was to help other people. My dad

Paul Brennan

was a butcher and my mum a dinner lady.

"When we first opened the business we

struggled a bit, but we made sure that we

supported local fundraisers. We are a

local restaurant relying on local people to

support us.

"We are now recovering after the pandemic,

finding our feet again, and feel it is only right to

keep up our charitable support for people who

are having a tough time. Esk Valley Rotary

Club told us they raised £6,066 most of which

is going to Ukraine. We donated two gift

vouchers for that, and we donated a table for

eight to the Rob Roy Foundation and that

raised £3,500 for the charity.

"We decided that we would concentrate on a

few charities and you know it is not a big ask

for us to give a table of four away as a fundraising


"When we first started we did not know

much about marketing and didn't know how to

reach our target audience, but now we have a

name so we can help much more as people are

prepared to pay for a meal here.”

Parabola: A forward

thinking place

to live and work

New business park is a milestone development

ONE OF THE first office buildings in

the Parabola development at

Edinburgh Park has been completed

by contractors Sir Robert McAlpine.

The building at 1 New Park Square is

a milestone in the development of

the new business park hailed as a

forward thinking place to live and

work. Sustainability is at the core of

the project with renewable energy

and exemplary transport links. The

building sits in a civic square with

adjoining garden, multi-use games

area, car park and Padel Tennis

courts. Designed by architects

AHMM it has a reception area with

terrazzo flooring and timber lining

as well as an oak desk. A tapestry

was created for the reception by

Dovecot Studios. The commission is

inspired by Leon Kossoff’s study of

the painting ‘Minerva Protects Pax

from Mars by Rubens’ and will

become Dovecot’s first public

artwork for Edinburgh in a decade.

Founder and Chairman of

Parabola, Peter Millican said:

“Firstly, we should like to thank

the terrific team at Sir Robert

McAlpine who have delivered

exemplary space and a landmark

building to the optimum quality

with a finish and attention to detail

that we were seeking during a

significantly challenging time.

“Parabola is proud to be creating

a new sustainable urban quarter,

cultural destination and creative

campus with sustainability at its

heart. This new Edinburgh

neighbourhood brings stunning

architecture, inspirational

workplaces, affordable homes, a

civic square and its own arts

programme to a sublime setting.”

Parabola MD, Tony Hordon, said:

“1 New Park Square is the first of

seven net zero carbon new office

buildings at Edinburgh Park. The

location and connection of 1 New

Park Square is exceptional and its

facilities, such as the new bakery,

bar restaurant, sports and

performance space set it apart.

“1 New Park Square is a building

that makes you smile – and has

been designed with wellness at its

heart, representing some 85,000 sq.

ft. The pioneering building is

leading the way for a net-zero future

with all-electric infrastructure, PV

arrays on the roof, high ceilings,

openable windows, and double

height balconies providing

exceptional fresh-air circulation.

Views from 1 New Park Square to

the Pentlands are as stunning as the

public realm which is also peppered

with world-class sculpture, some of

which were specially commissioned

for the site.”


Café review: TANIFIKI

By Charlie Ellis


Compiled by David Albury

Raising the standard

PORTOBELLO, long an attractive

location, is an increasingly fashionable

spot with a lively cultural scene.

Tanifiki, at the Figgate Burn end of the

town, is a great new addition to the

range of cafés and eateries in the town.

Along with the popular Greek Artisan

Pastries and the independent

Portobello Bookshop, this is clearly

an area of Portobello that is seeing

more and more footfall.

Tanifiki’s team of young baristas give

the place an energetic and welcoming

character. Typical of the independent

coffee scene more generally, the place

has a mildly industrial aesthetic but

with a warm and comfortable feel.

The place is wonderfully spacious,

with a mezzanine area at the back.

The soft back chairs are ideal for those

wanting to slowly savour their coffees

and conversation, or their literary

purchases from the bookshop

next door.

The place is dog friendly. There was

a good humoured notice for dog

owners asking them to be “mindful of

other customers” and, if the dogs are

“a bit wet, smelly, or sandy from the

beach”, they should try and clean

up before entering. In return, Tanifiki.

promise “water, good vibes, and

great aromas”.

These aromas are provided by what

is oozing from the coffee machines

and by the Air Motion roaster sitting

near the front of the café. This means

that their Rwandan coffee beans are

roasted on site, providing great

freshness. At present, they are

generally using the house roast in

their espresso-based drinks but intend

to increase their range in the near

future. They plan to offer four

carefully selected coffees from various

parts of Africa - and give customers a

range of flavours and coffee types.

We tasted their house roast and

decaf and were impressed by the ultra

smooth honey-like character of both.

The coffees were made with skill and

precision but without pretension.

The staff were clearly enthusiastic

and passionate about the coffee they

were roasting and serving. Tanifiki

also serve baking and savoury food,

as well as hosting art and and other

cultural events.

Late on a sunny Saturday, the place

was buzzing. Excited chatting and

chilled reading were both in evidence.

Opened in 2021, the place has clearly

already established itself in the area.

Tanifiki typifies the way in which

specialty coffee is becoming much

more mainstream and raising the

general standard of coffee available.

Pre or post beach walk, Tanifiki is

strongly recommended.

Tanifiki. 44 Portobello High Street,

Portobello, Edinburgh, EH15 1DA


1 Piece of land equal to 4840 square

yards (4)

3 Place selling drinks to take away


10 Flying insect with brightly coloured

wings, or a 1930s biplane (5-4)

11 Entertain (5)

12 Welcome somebody (5)

13 The act of one country entering

another in a hostile manner (8)

15 Knocking lightly (7)

17 Unpleasant sight (7)

19 Put into code (7)

21 Hunting cry (5-2)

22 Not moving (8)

24 Body of people, especially

military (5)

27 Compare (5)

28 Shop selling writing materials (9)

29 Filmed audition (6,4)

30 Lethargic (4)


1 Completely (10)

2 Villain (5)

4 Moving like a river (7)

5 French port in Normandy (2,5)

6 Outer garments (5)

7 The study of the central

nervous system (9)

8 Female sheep (4)

9 A tip (8)

14 People lacking character, of little

substance (3,2,5)

16 Artificial aid to keep the heart

beating (9)

18 Varied collection from a wide range

of sources (8)

20 Matching sweater and cardigan

worn by some women (7)

21 Top parts of the front of shoes (7)

23 Small weight (5)

25 Relating to the kidneys (5)

26 Money given to the poor

as charity (4)


Across: 1 Acre, 3 Off-licence, 10 Tiger-moth, 11 Amuse, 12 Greet, 13 Invasion, 15 Tapping, 17 Eyesore,

19 Encrypt, 21 Tally-ho, 22 Immobile, 24 Corps, 27 Liken, 28 Stationer, 29 Screen test, 30 Slow.

Down: 1 Altogether, 2 Rogue, 4 Flowing, 5 Le Havre, 6 Coats, 7 Neurology, 8 Ewes, 9 Gratuity, 14 Men

of straw, 16 Pacemaker, 18 Eclectic, 20 Twinset, 21 Toecaps, 23 Ounce, 25 Renal, 26 Alms.

Seeking charity partner

SCOTMID IS looking for an

organisation that shares its

values and passion for

supporting local communities

and would like to build a creative

and fun partnership to

encourage participation and

fundraising from staff, members

and customers alike.

John Brodie, Chief Executive of

Scotmid, said: “Our Charity

Partnerships are incredibly

important to us. Partners benefit

from both an exceptional level of

fundraising and extended

support in their cause from our

colleagues and communities. We

are excited to hear about

projects that can benefit our

communities from new potential

charity partners.”

Scotmid’s current Charity

Partner is Children’s Hospice

Association Scotland, better

known as CHAS. Funds raised

through the partnership have

supported the vital development

and expansion of CHAS’s

outreach service, CHAS at Home,

helping to reach every child and

family that needs their help in

communities across Scotland.


Food fit for

a King

Johnnie Walker lords it over city

I RECENTLY enjoyed the

company of a sharply

dressed man. Well nearly,

I actually spent a splendid

evening in the new home of

Johnnie Walker taking in the

fabulous Princes Street and

Edinburgh Castle views

from their rooftop bar, the

exquisite setting of the

Explorer’s Bothy and

sampling some astonishing

food and whisky pairings.

If you haven’t ventured in

there yet then, as they say,

“keep walking” until you get

there. The tour is innovative

and exciting but the

transformation of the drab

old House of Fraser store

into an utter jewel is a sight

to behold.

At their Flavours From

The Four Corners of

Scotland dinner hosted by

the charming Global Brand

Ambassador, Tim Philips-

Johansson, Diageo Head

Chef in Residence Mark

Moriarty’s attention to

detail was remarkable.

Although I don’t have a

sweet tooth, my favourite

pairing of the evening was a

Honey Vanilla Caramel

Custard with Redcurrant,

Hazelnut and Sorrel,

matched with Glenkinchie

12, Wild Elderberry,

Guinness Reduction topped

with a Lagavoulin Ice Cream.

Boozy heaven from Head

Bartender, Miran Chauhan.

The Man in the Top Hat

tells me that the views from

the spectacular rooftop bar

are enjoyed all day with

many retired locals

partaking of their morning

coffee and newspaper.

Meeting under the old Binns

Clock, this would make the

ultimate date night venue.

Juliet Lawrence Wilson

Proprietors Rachel and Graham Bucknall

Kiddywinks guide

THE BRIDGE INN at Ratho has deservedly

won many accolades over the years, including

Gastropub of the Year at this year’s STLN

awards. Situated on the bank of the Union

Canal, the setting is glorious in the summer

and reminiscent of a cosy hug in chillier

climes. I recently attended a dinner to

welcome Michelin trained chef Tyler King,

who at the tender age of 28 has already

worked as senior sous chef at German

Michelin starred restaurant Prism, after

honing his skills at Number One at the

Balmoral and Castle Terrace. Launching

Bridge 15, a new evening menu,

Tyler will be creating an

evolving array of dishes

inspired by his international

travels and the finest

Scottish ingredients. I can

attest that the menu was

utterly delectable, two

highlights for me

being the canapé of

Arbroath Smokie

Doughnut and the Venison Tartare, Buckwheat

Cracker, Furikake and Blackcurrant Gel. The

boy can cook. Tyler will also oversee the bar

menu including its daily changing pie and their

famous Sunday Roasts. However, Dionysus

himself could be cooking and it would mean

nowt to me without a warm and

welcoming atmosphere. Proprietors

Rachel and Graham Bucknall

certainly bring a joie de vivre to the

Bridge Inn and their other venues,

The Inns in Elie and Lower Largo.

They certainly understand that

whether they serve pub menus

or fine cuisine, enjoying

yourself is an essential

part of eating out.

Tyler King

Bridge 15 at

The Bridge Inn is

open Tuesday to

Saturday 6-9pm.



THE SCOTTISH Government have

updated the the kiddywinks’ nutritional

requirement guidance and would like

to reduce the amount of sugar the little

tykes are consuming in school. Parent

Councils across the land are rather

concerned this may mean the end of

the Bake Sale. I haven’t encountered so

much horror since it was muted in our

school that alcohol could be banned

from parent and child social events.

My daughter recently baked for a

fundraiser at Stockbridge Primary

School that was incredibly successful,

raising £1302.30 for wearelumos.org

with all the money going to

Ukrainian children.

Note that bake sales in Edinburgh

generally happen when school closes at

Friday lunchtime so parents have to

deal with their children’s sugar rush

themselves. Schools can be benevolent

but they’re not stupid.

Toast Gaia with

clever cocktails

IF YOU WERE a schoolchild like me who

tended to take your afternoon nap in

science class you may be intrigued to hear

that The Edinburgh Science Festival is

featuring cocktails this year. Pass the

Periodic Table, Miss! Simply download the

Toast To Gaia trail map and you’ll find a

community of independent bars and

restaurants offering climate friendly and

sustainable drinkypoos, including a couple

of my favourite haunts Nauticus on Duke

Street and Smoke and Mirrors on

Constitution Street. Your bartender will be

able to tell you the story and provenance

of their concoctions. Top marks all round.




Bringing the

world’s cultures

back together

Edinburgh International Festival returns in its full glory

THE WIDE and varied programme of the

Edinburgh International Festival (EIF) is not

grouped according to a theme this year,

rather it reflects the way that EIF has

brought many world cultures together over

the decades. But, the festival will celebrate

a relationship with Australia in the biggest

programme of artists from Oz in the UK/

Australia season.

There will be 160 performances by 2,300

artists, and 87 events at 14 venues

including opera, dance, music and theatre

in the last of Fergus Linehan’s festivals

before he steps down as Festival Director.

Linehan is rightly praised with the

rejuvenation of the festival in his seven year

term, introducing large scale events with

light projections and contemporary

musicians never before included, making it

more accessible to all.

EIF will open with a free performance at

BT Murrayfield featuring Australian

contemporary circus company, Gravity &

Other Myths, First Nations dance company

Djuki Male, the National Youth Choir of

Scotland and Scottish musicians including

Aidan O’Rourke, Brighde Chambeul and

Kathleen Macinnes.

More detail of what to expect at the event

will be released on 27 June, but it looks like

a spectacular to rival the opening event at

Tynecastle with the LA Philharmonic at the

last festival held in 2019.

The programme highlights will of course

depend on individual taste but here are just

a few which might catch your eye...

• The Philharmonia Orchestra in a concert

performance of Fidelio conducted by Sir

Donald Runnicles

• World premiere of Scottish Ballet’s

Coppélia with a blend of location and real

time filming as well as projection and

live performance.

• Herbie Hancock appearing at the festival

for the first time

• Jungle Book Reimagined by Akram Khan

reinventing Mowgli’s journey through the

eyes of a climate refugee

• Morning recitals at The Queen’s Hall

will be broadcast on Radio 3 and will

include chamber music from Chineke!

Chamber Ensemble.

• New York born Afro-Puerto Rican rapper

Princess Nokia

• The Philadelphia Orchestra is in residence

with four concerts along with Karen

Cargill, Angel Blue and the Festival Chorus.

• The first screening of The Ballad of a

Great Disordered Heart investigating

Edinburgh’s Little Ireland by fiddler

Aidan O’Rourke

• If you cannot get to Edinburgh then

the Festival’s digital programme At Home

will keep you entertained with behind

the scenes interviews and exclusive

music sessions

General booking for the EIF opens on

8 April. For more information, please visit:


Cadenza adds flourish to centenary concert

Tam O’Shanter,

Tales & Whisky

set to run for

three dates

TAM O’SHANTER, Tales & Whisky is

the hottest ticket in town this spring.

Premiering at Assembly Roxy in

Edinburgh on Friday 15 April this is a

contemporary take on the gothic

Edinburgh of Rabbie Burns combining

Scottish folklore, iconic poetry, and live

music, all washed down with a wee

dram of the good stuff.

Running for three dates - Friday 15,

22 and 29 April - Tam O’Shanter, Tales

& Whisky is a Stolen Elephant Theatre

production created by Artistic Director


John Preece

Left, Douglas Robertson of

Soundhouse Organisation

producers of Tradfest introduced

musicians at festival launch

Tune up for Tradfest

Big names line up for culture festival of music, dance and storytelling

Gravity & Other


TRADFEST IS back from 23 April to 9 May

with a selection of traditional live music,

talks, podcasts, storytelling, ceilidhs, dance,

workshops and new commissions taking

place at various venues across the city.

There are big names from the trad scene

with Phil Alexander of Moishe’s Bagel

performing his new commission Come All

Ye celebrating the impact that many

immigrants have made in Scotland.

Mercury Music Prize nominee and

multiple-award winner at the BBC Radio

Two Folk awards Eliza Carthy will be

performing with her legendary father

Martin Carthy.

In partnership with the University of

Edinburgh Celtic and Scottish Studies, the

festival will present their second Rebellious

Truth talk which will address gender

inequality in traditional music with

Úna Monaghan (harper, composer,

researcher and sound artist from Belfast);

and, in partnership with the Scottish

Storytelling Centre various live

storytelling events.

Ros Rigby, Chair of The Soundhouse

Organisation, producers of Edinburgh

Tradfest said: “We’re thrilled to be

announcing this year’s line-up and full

programme for the festival thanks to

continued support from Creative Scotland

and our many funders and supporters.

The Soundhouse Trustees have been

highly impressed with the way Douglas and

Jane-Ann have managed to adapt to

presenting some events online over the past

two years, but we have all really missed being

able to watch live performances in venues

and can’t wait to welcome back audiences

from all over the UK and overseas to this

year’s festival.”

“Siobhan Anderson, Music Officer at

Creative Scotland said: “This year’s

programme is a real celebration of the best of

Scotland’s traditional talent, the rising stars

of the future and the incredible musicians

and storytellers that we are thrilled to see

returning to Edinburgh.”

Daniel Abercrombie, Programme &

Events Manager at Scottish Storytelling

Centre said:

“We are delighted to be presenting a rich

programme of in person storytelling, music

and dance events and workshops as part of

this year’s Edinburgh Tradfest. Spring is in

the air and there is many a tale to tell."


Andy Dickinson, featuring three of the

bards most famous gothic poems, two

reworked traditional Scottish folk

tales, some Burns ballads, and of

course, a dram of one of Scotland’s

finest single malts.

Featuring ‘Death and Dr Hornbook’,

‘Address to the Deil’ and of course,

‘Tam O’ Shanter’, Tam O’Shanter, Tales

& Whisky is performed by Fiona

Herbert, an award-winning storyteller

widely accepted as one of Scotland’s

finest, Shian Denovan, an awardwinning

actress who has worked

across film, TV and theatre (nominated

for Best Actress by The Stage for her

Theatre work) and writer and

performer Andy Dickinson.

Audiences will also enjoy some

toe-tapping tunes courtesy The Court

Of Equity, an ensemble formed to

celebrate Burns’ songs and comprising

musicians Douglas McQueen Hunter

and Douglas Caird who are perhaps

better known as members of Scotland’s

leading folk rock band, The Picts.

Andy Dickinson, Artistic Director at

Stolen Elephant Theatre Company,

said: “After a slight delay with dates due

to you know what, we are over the

moon to be bringing Tam O’Shanter,

Tales & Whisky to Edinburgh this

spring! Featuring arguably Scotland’s

most famous ‘lad’, the one and only

Rabbie Burns, with 2 Lassies Replies in

the Tales audiences can expect lots of

laughs and a little bit of the scary stuff,

with a wee nip of the water of life to

help take the edge off.”


The first modern murder

Ruxton true crime thriller could be heading for television screens


Jim Mackintosh

AUTHOR AND retired police chief Tom Wood’s

book on a barbaric murder which shocked the

nation is to made into a podcast and could he

heading for a limited television series.

Ruxton: The First Modern Murder is said to

be the case which laid down the foundations for

forensic science which to this day still influence

police investigations around the world.

The book, published by Ringwood

Publishing, has been snapped up by US

multimedia production company Paperclip who

are to produce an unscripted podcast and

limited scripted (television) series.

Paperclip was founded by actress Yeardley

Smith – the voice of The Simpsons middle

daughter Lisa – and film producer Ben

Cornwall, and whose flagship true-crime

podcast Small Town Dicks, about big time crime

in small town America, nets 1 million

downloads per month.

Smith and Cornwall will executive-produce

the podcast with the former Depute Chief

Constable of Lothian and Borders Police,

whose other books include the infamous

World’s End Murders.

Yeardley Smith said: “Tom is a master

Dr Buck




storyteller and with Ruxton he’s deftly made the

history of modern forensics read like a

true-crime thriller. I can’t wait for audiences to

hear the podcast.”

Tom Wood added: “I am delighted to be

working with Yeardley, Ben and the team at

Paperclip in the development of Ruxton. This is

an important story which it has been my

privilege to tell. It deserves the widest audience,

and a podcast with the team that brought the

world Small Town Dicks is a great place to start.”

Ruxton charts the brutal 1935 murder of

Isabella Buxton and her maid Mary Rogerson by

Bella’s GP husband Dr Buck Ruxton, who used

his medical knowledge to dismember his

victims and later discarded the body parts 100

miles away from the crime scene in a tranquil

part of the Scottish Borders.

Only the brilliance of Scottish scientists and

determined police officers brought Ruxton to

trial and led him to the gallows in a case which

established many ground-breaking forensic

techniques which are still in common use today

in criminal investigations.

Ruxton: The First Modern Murder by

Tom Wood is available from Ringwood

Publishing and Amazon



Tom Wood





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We’re up for the Cup

Derby rivals

lock horns in

Hampden semi

final thriller, but

all to play for to

bag capital

bragging rights


HIBS AND HEARTS fans will flock to

Hampden this month for Scottish Cup


This will be the fourth meeting of the clubs

at the National Stadium this century and

no-one at Easter Road needs reminded that

Hearts have taken the honours on the last

three occasions.

With Robbie Neilson’s men all but

guaranteed third place they go into the game

as favourites but the Hibs players believe that

they are turning a corner under new boss

Shaun Maloney.

Influential defender Ryan Porteous has been

a stalwart at the heart of the Hibs defence in

the absence of Club captain Paul Hanlon and

the centre-half has relished shouldering more

responsibility both on and off the park.

He said: “We are in a good place defensively;

I feel the structure of the team is really good.

We are clearly trying to build something, and it

is coming together.

“You can see the rewards in the last month

with the clean sheets and our defensive


“When you aren’t on a good run of form

everyone needs to shoulder the responsibility.

I might not be the oldest in the squad, but I

have played in a lot of games, a lot of big games

for the Club.

“I feel like I’ve needed to take a bit more

responsibility on the park and especially

around the place as well. We have a good team

and a young team too, so if I can pass on any

experience to the younger boys and help lead

them on and off the park I will try and do that.

“These are the games you want to play in.

Two games against Hearts in a week – it is

brilliant for the fans, its brilliant for the players

and the city as well.

“At the moment, the mood is up, the spirit is

up and we are all focused on reaching another

final and finishing in fourth place.”

Team mate Joe Newell has returned from

injury and his record in both cup competitions

since signing for Hibs has been remarkable,

reaching at least the semi-finals of one of the

cups in each of his three seasons, making it

five in total so far.

He did however feature the last time the

teams met in front of an empty Hampden

Park.“I’ve been lucky since I’ve been here. I’ve

been to Hampden in every cup competition.

And with the fans there it should feel a bit

extra special.

“The place will hopefully be rocking. That

Hearts game feels a while ago now. The way

that panned out, that was a shame.

Hibs defender

Ryan Porteous

“When the draw was made I just knew we’d

get Hearts and to play them obviously the week

after Tynecastle, it’s hopefully going to be a

really good week.

“Do we owe Hearts one? Maybe. That was a

good cup tie. Most of the games we have played

against Hearts I have played in since I have

been here have been quite tight, cagey affairs.

“Hopefully, with a sell-out crowd, the

atmosphere will be good and it will go

our way.”

Ian Jacobs


prize awaits



WITH HEARTS now well clear of fourth

placed Dundee United in the cinch

Premiership, third place seems a

certainty for the Tynecastle side.

Therefore, attention - at least for the

supporters - has now turned to the

Scottish Cup Semi-Final with rivals

Hibernian on 16 April.

History was made in the semi-final

draw this year, as it was the first time

Hearts, Hibs, Celtic and Rangers had

made up the last four teams in the


The outcome of that draw means that

there will be no Edinburgh Derby final as

there was in 2012 and instead the sides

will meet in the semi-finals as they did in

a repetition of 2006 and 2020.

Hearts are expected to go into the

clash as favourites, and rightly so.

The likelihood is that Hearts will have

mathematically secured third spot by

the time the semi-final comes around.

This means n if the Jambos get the better

of Hibs on the 16th, it would guarantee

European football until at least

this December.

Due to the recent successes of the

Scottish sides competing in Europe and

the creation of the Europa Conference

League, Scotland’s co-efficient has

improved. This effectively means the

rewards for winning the Scottish Cup or

finishing third in the Premiership have

significantly increased.

The financial gains that European

football brings should not be

underestimated. If Hearts receive those

financial benefits, with shrewd

recruitment under sporting director,

Joe Savage, you would expect them to

go some way to bridging the gap on the

Old Firm, and establish themselves as

the third biggest club in the country in

the process.

The Hearts fans that are travelling

west for the 12:15 kick off on the 16th

will rightly be in good spirits - nervous,

but confident.

After all, Hearts do have a strong

record against their Easter Road rivals,

especially at Hampden Park, and unlike

in the 2020 semi-final when no

supporters were present to watch Liam

Boyce’s extra time penalty see off Hibs,

this time there will be fans inside

Hampden Park, and it promises to be a

fantastic atmosphere.

There have been squabbles over ticket

prices and kick off times, but with 20,000

draped in maroon and the other 20,000

turned out in green and white head ing

along the M8 to cheer on their teams in a

packed Hampden.

This is Scottish football at its best.


Anglers at

Jim McComb with a quality

trout landed at Harlaw

the ready

The new season begins at Harlaw


FISHING AT HARLAW Reservoir opened on

1 April for the new season and it offers superb

fly fishing for trout, only a short distance from

Balerno, Currie, Juniper Green, Baberton

and Colinton.

Harlaw is accessible by car, bicycle and on

foot and the bank fishing extends to all of

Harlaw and a large section of the North and

East bank of Threipmuir, from the boathouse

to Black Springs.

Harlaw is a deep water with a depth of about

18 to 20 meters but Threipmuir is much

shallower with a depth of around seven meters.

Both waters are stocked on a regular basis

with hard-fighting rainbow, blue and brown

trout with Threipmuir housing mostly brown

trout whereas Harlaw is mostly rainbow trout

with some brown and blue trout.

Fishing is by permit only and day permits are

available online at https://mallenyangling.com

and day permit holders can fish from 7am until

one hour after sunset, normally about 10pm.

A day permit is £25 with a three fish kill

limit then catch and return with barbless

hooks only, a catch and release only permit

is £20 using barbless hooks only and an

evening permit (from 5pm to one hour after

dusk) is £20 with a two fish kill limit then catch

and release only with barbless hooks.

Season permits are also available to buy

online for £250 and this gives the angler

unlimited daily access from April 1 to October

30. Season ticket holders can kill three fish

per day.

Memberships are available but applicants

must be proposed by a member and receive

committee member approval. The normal

route to membership is from a season permit

holder or a regular day permit visitor or

volunteer bailiff.

Information about catches and patterns and

useful videos to help anglers catch more fish

are regularly posted on the Malleny Angling

Facebook page.

Robert Ross, company secretary for Malleny

Angling, who administer Harlaw and part of

Threipmuir, confirmed that fishing is fly only

and he stressed: "Spinning tackle of any type is

not permitted. There is no bait fishing."

The waters, he said, provide superb top-ofthe-water

angling on dry flies and nymphs and

equally successful fishing for the angler who

prefers wet flies, buzzers and lures.

Robert added: "Every year, specimen

rainbow and brown trout are caught, with fish

of 5Kg or more recorded.

"Although some larger fish are caught, the

average size of fish in Harlaw is 1 to 4kg with

Threipmuir fish around 1 kg."

More details are also available by calling at

the Bailiff Bothy next to Harlaw House or visit

the Malleny Angling web page.

Nigel Duncan

Peak ping-pong performance


THE EDINBURGH & Lothians table

tennis team had a superb weekend at

the recent Inter-League competition

in Perth.

The tournament, run by Table

Tennis Scotland, pits representative

teams from the local leagues across

Scotland. It took place at the main

arena at Bell's Sports Centre with

action across 22 tables. Teams

competed in 14 different age-group

categories, hoping to win the overall

Stewart McGowan Trophy. It was the

first time that Edinburgh & Lothians

had won the event since 2016. Having

not taken place since 2019, it was

encouraging to see a well-attended

event, with well-contested matches

during the weekend. representatives,

including victories in four categories

and runner-up spots in a further five

events. There were 37 players in the

Edinburgh & Lothians squad, from ten

different clubs. The results they

achieved illustrated the strength in

depth, with all players contributing to

the overall victory. This was over a

number of strong sides including

West of Scotland (who dominated the

event between 2008 and 2018),

Dundee and Aberdeen, the defending

champions. These Edinburgh &

Lothians victories included impressive

wins for the Men's and Women's

A teams.

In the final of the men's event, Team

A (Chongzhi Wang, Danilo Celli,

Gordon Muir) overcame a strong West

of Scotland side featuring the talented

French player Malo Le Gall. Chongzhi

Wang led the way with two good

victories, and was especially

impressive against Le Gall. Wang was

1-0 down in quick succession with the

Frenchman hitting some blistering

counter topspins. Wang responded

well and came out fighting in the

second set and overpowered Le Gall

in a 3-1 victory. Despite Le Gall’s

equally impressive victory over Danilo

Celli, the Italian clinched the match

defeating North Ayrshire's Ryan Henry

3-1. This final match sealed the overall

trophy for Edinburgh & Lothians.

Edinburgh University pair Mae Ng

and recently crowned Scottish

women's champion Faye Leggett led

the way in the women's event, though

The Edinburgh & Lothians

table tennis team in Perth

were pushed all the way by the strong

Edinburgh & Lothians B team of

Emma Qu and Lydia Fu. A hardearned

3-2 victory for Faye Leggett

over Emma Qu was vital to the overall

result. Their singles match attracted a

big crowd as it reached a thrilling

finish with some ferocious and

fast rallies.

The Edinburgh & Lothians squad

also dominated the Veterans' event

with their A team (Charlie Ellis, Colin

Green, Peter Aird) winning all their

matches, including in a testing final

match versus their B team (Keith

Dingwall, Geoff Hunter, Greig

McDonnell). The Cadet Girls team

(Nichole Lee, Peony Cheng) also

finished top in their category,

continuing a run of excellent results

this season for Lee.

Other notable performances

included that of the Junior (under 18)

Boys A side (Charlie McGowan, Jamie

Toner, Haydn Jackson), who finished

runners up to a strong West of

Scotland side led by national junior

boys champion Jamie Johnson. Junior

Girls (Hannah McDonnell, Hannah

Smith) achieved a creditable 3rd place

finish. The Minor Boys A team (Fergus

Randall, Blair Randall, Rory Thomson)

were runners-up in their event with

impressive play from each member

of the team.

Key to the success were also the

non-playing captains (Dave Fairholm,

Shital Zaveri, Jeff Clark and Lindsay

Muir), plus Gordon Muir who led with

the organisation of the squads. The

final big Scottish table tennis event of

the season is the Topspin Sports

Edinburgh Open 2022, which takes

place on 7 and 8 May in Bathgate.

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