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Jerry Welch

We never know the journey God has for us. We may think

we do, but we don’t. The Bible says His ways are higher than

our ways, and His thoughts are higher than our thoughts

(Isaiah 55:8-9). I’m glad they are. I’m glad He has better plans

than I do.

Our adoption journey began with a pull, an emotional tug

at the heart. Adoption is a good idea. A nice thing for someone

to do. Little did we know God was beginning a process

of calling us to adopt. Three times He called us to adopt.

Three times we obeyed.

We considered adopting again. We prayed about it. We

were open, and our “yes” was on the table. But we sensed

that God was moving slowly. So, we waited.

Meanwhile, God was calling someone else to adopt. He

placed the call on the heart of a child who shared that call

with her family. They answered with a “yes,” but adoption

is expensive. After years of trying, they hit what seemed to be

the final wall. In a tearful post, the mom shared the greatest

burden of her heart. They would have to abandon the adoption

process for lack of funding. They just kept hitting dead ends.

But thankfully, a friend read her post. A friend from church

who had been praying about how God wanted her family

to invest in the kingdom of God. A friend who had not been

called to adopt, but who suddenly felt the undeniable call

to help.

No one whom God calls to adopt should have to abandon

that call for lack of funds, not when the family of God can help.

That’s when it happened. A phone call between two women,

my wife and the woman who read the post, connected

their hearts’ desire to do something about adoption– first and

foremost to do something to help this family to continue

their journey.

What happened next was the birth of an organization

called Hearts of Compassion, the orphan care and adoption

ministry of Colonial Heights Baptist Church. The goal was to

help bring awareness to the plight of 147 million orphans

around the world and to help fund adoptions by Christian

families. The gospel of Jesus Christ is the hope of the world.

It’s not enough that children be adopted into earthly families,

we long for them to be adopted into God’s family as well.

How do you take the gospel to all nations? Sometimes,

one child at a time.

The two women, with the help of their church family, were

able to help the tearful mom at the end of her rope. That

family did adopt a little girl from China. We call her our first

Hearts of Compassion kid. That was almost eleven years ago.

But one child was not enough. God began to stir the heart

of a congregation to get behind the idea of adoption. Some

were called to adopt. Others were called to help families

adopt. Through the help of ministry partner, Lifesong for

Orphans, the Hearts of Compassion team found like-minded

believers who provided exceptional administrative help to

36 • NOVEMBER 2021

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