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The caterpillar, when it goes into its chrysalis, becomes a mass of goo.

Over five weeks it dissolves, but not completely. Martha Weiss, Associate

Professor of Biology at Georgetown University was interested in

studying the function of memory and the brain in the transformation

of caterpillars to butterflies. In her study she had two groups of caterpillars.

One was a control and the other was conditioned to have

an aversion to a specific scent by exposing them to the scent, followed

immediately by an electric shock. She watched and waited as they went

through their process of transformation. When they finally emerged,

she found that the control group had no aversion to the scent, while the

test subjects hated the smell. This means memory sustained through the

cataclysmic change they had just endured. A memory made it through

the mess.

Meaning right now, in this moment of massive change, there exists the

skeleton of the new world. Hidden somewhere in the goo of our collapsing

society, resides a memory. The memory of systems, the memory of

our belonging, the structures of reciprocity and the inherent dignity in

the animacy of the nonhuman world.

All we have to do is remember.

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