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Journal by Jenn, a member for the Sound and

Writing Team

Eventually, when structures of feeling crystalized into

form, we rediscovered language. Words were imbued

with new, dynamic, compound meanings. The way we

understood the world warped our sense of self. Our

brains now resembled mobius strips, held together by a

twist, inside and out becoming twins. We were destined

to ever fold in on ourselves. Our cells, these systems,

the earth and her rhythms.

Stock notions and habits became the spell of the

sensuous. Time itself dilated. We knew not whether

seven days or seven seconds had passed, but our

collective, this raft, finally felt the kelp below tickling

our limbs.

We’d made it—of that we were sure. However, by old

conceptions of reality, we had no idea where we were.

To our surprise, it didn’t matter. Our sense of space

altered to such a degree that we knew intimately, to

belong anywhere is to belong everywhere. I suppose

that’s at what, not where we arrived. A sentient

belonging that had been atrophied by our previous way

of life, as distant now as the night that attempted to

swallow us whole.

Taking off our blindfolds once we reached the shore,

we commenced unraveling each fiber of the fabric that

kept us in the dark and wove a net of blur. Stories and

hymns poured out of us from who knows where, who

knew when. As we sat there, remembering, the passage

of days winked until we were complete. In the end, we

knew we had to let it all go.

Lifting the veil, a sheet to the sky, we saw for what felt

like the very first time.

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