PCI Media Report 2020

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Annual<br />

<strong>Report</strong><br />

<strong>2020</strong><br />


Who We Are<br />

Our Vision:<br />

A healthy, just, and sustainable world.<br />

Our Mission:<br />

<strong>PCI</strong> <strong>Media</strong> creates a healthier, more sustainable,<br />

and just world using the power of storytelling and<br />

community.<br />

Our Promise:<br />

<strong>PCI</strong> <strong>Media</strong> promises to deliver lasting results<br />

through stories, unique media programs,<br />

community connections, and partnerships that<br />

inspire new ways of living.<br />

We Offer:<br />

Customized<br />

Communication<br />

Support<br />

for your initiative<br />

Design and<br />

Implementation<br />

of SBCC<br />

(Social and Behavior Change<br />

Communications)<br />

Thought<br />

Partnerships<br />

• Communications Strategies<br />

• Advising and Mentorship

`<br />

35<br />

70<br />

33<br />

years<br />

countries<br />

languages<br />

31<br />

active programs<br />

and campaigns<br />

3<br />

4 Letter from our President<br />

5 A few of our Partners in <strong>2020</strong><br />

6 Strategic Framework<br />

7 How We Make Impact <strong>Media</strong><br />

8 Our Programs in <strong>2020</strong><br />

10 Empowered People<br />

12 Healthy Living<br />

14 Livable Planet<br />

16 Awards, Board<br />

17 Supporters

Letter from our President<br />

Dear <strong>PCI</strong> <strong>Media</strong> Friends,<br />

As we reflect on our successes and programs in<br />

<strong>2020</strong>, we thank our many partners for making<br />

positive change possible. Whether providing<br />

funding for a new production, subject<br />

matter expertise, or broadcast support – our<br />

partnerships empower us to produce the stories<br />

that touch people’s hearts, expand their minds,<br />

and inspire action for a better world for us all.<br />

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed all of our lives. It has also<br />

intensified the need for safely produced radio dramas and media that<br />

improve access to information and resources about health, sexual<br />

and reproductive rights, and caring for our planet. Our production<br />

teams practiced social distancing, recording voices one by one, and<br />

disinfecting the studio between each actor. We recreated community<br />

discussion forums online.<br />

This was all made possible because of our partners’ flexibility and<br />

additional funding that many of our supporters provided. But there<br />

is a lot more work to be done.<br />

In the pages that follow, you’ll see how we help communities tell<br />

stories that change lives, develop capacity, and strengthen networks.<br />

We’re proud to be in the business of producing change, one story at<br />

a time. We hope that you’ll to join us in our efforts.<br />

Sincerely,<br />

Meesha Brown<br />


A few of our Partners in <strong>2020</strong><br />


Strategic Framework<br />

Goals<br />

Over the next 5 years, we’re working to expand <strong>PCI</strong> <strong>Media</strong>’s<br />

reach in order to:<br />

• Triple our impact by expanding our most effective program<br />

models<br />

• Formalize new institutional partnerships to deliver<br />

communications programming on the issues and in the<br />

places where it is most needed.<br />

Impact Areas<br />


PEOPLE<br />

Societies thrive when<br />

minoritized groups are<br />

fully included.<br />


LIVING<br />

Healthy families are<br />

the foundation for<br />

prosperous communities.<br />


PLANET<br />

The climate crisis<br />

demands action from<br />

all of us, for all of us.<br />

Women<br />

and Girls<br />

LGBTQ+<br />

Communities<br />

Nutrition<br />

Maternal, Infant,<br />

and Child health<br />

Climate<br />

Resilience<br />

Biodiversity<br />

Conservation<br />

Migrants<br />

and Refugees<br />

Noncommunicable<br />

Diseases<br />

Infectious<br />

Diseases<br />

Sustainable<br />

Food Systems<br />

Clean Air, Water,<br />

and Land<br />


How We Make Impact <strong>Media</strong>:<br />

Formative research and coalition building. Identify<br />

barriers and drivers for behavior change. Bring<br />

together the agents that facilitate and sustain change.​<br />

Program design. The coalition participates in an<br />

inclusive design process.<br />

Production. Develop high-quality and locally resonant<br />

materials, in partnership with local creative teams.​<br />

Broadcast and mobilization. Engage audiences<br />

through call-in shows, community-based activities and<br />

social media to open space for dialogue and action.​<br />

Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning. Leverage<br />

accountability for learning.​<br />


Our Programs in <strong>2020</strong><br />

Empowered<br />

People<br />

• Qudwa Community Theater and Puppet Shows,<br />

VAWG, UNICEF Lebanon<br />

• Qudwa Barber Shops & Hair Salons, VAWC, UNICEF<br />

Lebanon<br />

• Dallaalimo, Small Arms and Light Weapons Safety,<br />

Mines Advisory Group (partner/client, program<br />

funded by German Govt.)<br />

• My Choice, Our Choice, Safe Abortion, SAfAIDS<br />

• Accesso sem barreiras (Access Without Barriers),<br />

inclusive adolescent SRH, Government of Flanders<br />

• Estamos a Tiempo (f/k/a Strong Women, Strong<br />

Choices), Foundation and various donors<br />

• Let’s Talk! Pregnancy at the Right Time, Early and<br />

Unintended Pregnancy, UNESCO, SAfAIDS, Save the<br />

Children Sweden, UNFPA<br />

• Promotion of Universal Health - advocacy and<br />

communications, Universal Health Care Foundation<br />

of Connecticut<br />

• Spotlight Initiative Timor-Leste, VAWG, UNICEF<br />

Timor-Leste<br />

• Feet on the Ground, Catholic Relief Services<br />

• Icche Dana – Promotion of girls rights and prevention<br />

of child marriage, Bangladesh UNICEF<br />

• Project BETTER – education through COVID times,<br />

Associacao Progresso, Mozambique<br />

• One Community Many Voice<br />

Caribbean, EU<br />

• Familiando, Peru, Weeden F<br />

• Nutrition and prevention of<br />

Mozambique<br />

• Fotebol da Forca, Grand Cha<br />

Mozambique<br />

• Love and Care for Every Chil<br />

Feb <strong>2020</strong>)<br />

Healthy<br />

Living<br />

• Nutrition in three districts in<br />

• Communication for acute m<br />

• Shorno Chef (Shining Chef),<br />

• Ouro Negro, UNICEF<br />

• Taifa Imara, Familia Bora, UN<br />

• Fotebol da Forca, Grand Cha<br />

• Stronger with Breastmilk On<br />

breastfeeding, UNICEF WCA<br />

• Production of a guide for ra<br />

nutrition, WFP, Peru<br />

• Nutrition research, Sri Lanka<br />


s – LGBTI rights,<br />

oundation<br />

child marriage, WFP<br />

llenges Canada,<br />

d, Laos, UNICEF (ended<br />

Livable<br />

Planet<br />

• #WildForLife, UNEP<br />

• Chemical and Waste Management Programme, UNEP<br />

• West Africa Biodiversity and Climate Change, USAID<br />

via Tetra Tech<br />

• Switch Africa Green, UNEP<br />

• Integrated Watershed Management (IWECO),<br />

Caribbean, UNEP (ended Feb <strong>2020</strong>)<br />

Peru, WFP<br />

alnutrition, WFP<br />

UNICEF<br />

ICEF<br />

llenges Canada<br />

ly, exclusive<br />

RO<br />

dio programs on<br />

, WFP<br />


Estamos a Tiempo<br />

Bolivia<br />

Issues: Teen pregnancy & Family Planning<br />

Storytelling that engages teens and families to improve access<br />

to sexual and reproductive health education and services.<br />

30% increase in knowldege about sexual and reproductive health<br />

and family planning.<br />

Change<br />

15% percent increase in family planning.<br />

Local media and community-based organizations developed skills<br />

to create content that raises awareness and leads to behaviors that<br />

reduce teenage pregnancy.<br />

Capacity<br />

Coalition built across Bolivia, bringing together over 40 youth and<br />

women organizations, local organizations, media and journalists,<br />

government representatives and service providers.<br />

Community<br />



PEOPLE<br />

Societies thrive when<br />

minoritized groups are<br />

fully included.<br />

Communications Approach<br />

Teen drama about first love engages Bolivian teens and their families.<br />

Radio<br />

Drama<br />

Call-in<br />

Shows<br />

Social<br />

<strong>Media</strong><br />

Community<br />

Mobilization<br />

Videos<br />

When my boyfriend pressures me for sex, I say yes when I want to say no.<br />

I don’t want to lose him.<br />

Estamos a Tiempo Teen Drama Character<br />

Capacity and Change Beyond the Program<br />

Estamos a tiempo as a program ended<br />

in <strong>2020</strong>. But the radio drama was so<br />

successful, local organizations we<br />

mentored continued what we built<br />

together.<br />

Using the stories and characters<br />

from the ‘Calicanto’ radio drama and<br />

the training we provided, partners<br />

expanded the program to a website,<br />

comics, videos and video games.<br />


Ouro Negro<br />

Mozambique<br />

Issues: Children and adolescents’ rights and wellbeing, nutrition,<br />

gender equality, COVID-19, overall health issues.<br />

Storytelling designed to improve families’ knowledge and<br />

capacities about health and increase disease prevention.<br />

70% of listeners reported<br />

behavior change because<br />

of the radio drama in 2017<br />

94% reported changing<br />

their behavior in 2021<br />

Change<br />

116 radio<br />

stations<br />

digital literacies<br />

for radio staff<br />

facilitation skills<br />

for radio hosts<br />

Capacity<br />

A stronger network of communty leaders, local radio sations,<br />

government agencies, NGOs and UNICEF foster local ownership of<br />

the program and connect audiences to health and social services.<br />

Community<br />



LIVING<br />

Healthy families are<br />

the foundation for<br />

prosperous communities.<br />

Communications Approach<br />

Stories about a group of adolescent students and a traditional village leader engages<br />

mothers, families, and teens in Mozambique.<br />

Radio<br />

Drama<br />

Call-in<br />

Shows<br />

Videos<br />

Website<br />

Podcast<br />

Social<br />

<strong>Media</strong><br />

Community<br />

Mobilization<br />

After listening to the [radio] program, I realized that my daughter might be<br />

malnourished. I took her to the health clinic where she was diagnosed. Now, I make<br />

sure she eats nutritious food.<br />

Paulina, 23 years old, Mozambique<br />

Expanding Our Impact Beyond Ouro Negro in Mozambique<br />

Access Without Barriers<br />

This program focuses on bringing sexual and<br />

reproductive health education and access<br />

to teens with disabilities, funded by the<br />

Government of Flanders<br />

Project BETTER*<br />

<strong>PCI</strong> <strong>Media</strong> partnered with Project BETTER<br />

to provide access to learning during COVID<br />

lockdowns. We trained teens to produce<br />

educational radio shows for children.<br />

*BETTER stand for Better Education through Teacher Training and<br />

Empowerment for Results<br />


West Africa Biodiversity and<br />

Climate Change Program<br />

WA BiCC<br />

Issues: Climate change, biodiversity conservation.<br />

Storytelling that raises awareness about climate change,<br />

wildlife trafficking, and pollution, and promotes sustainable<br />

behaviors.<br />

As these changes take root, we will see an increase in sustainability<br />

practices that protect coastal communities and forests.<br />

Change<br />

Capacity<br />

Local radio producers are able to design engaging radio shows using<br />

social change strategies and local leaders are able to better advocate<br />

for natural resource protection.<br />

Community<br />

Strengthened network of community leaders, local and national<br />

parks, and governments, including ECOWAS, Mano River Union,<br />

Abidjan Convention.<br />



PLANET<br />

The climate crisis<br />

demands action from<br />

all of us, for all of us.<br />

Communications Approach<br />

A drama about a successful fisherwomen and a village chief learn to sustainably use<br />

natural resources for the survival of their families and community.<br />

Radio<br />

Drama<br />

Call-in<br />

Shows<br />

Videos<br />

Website<br />

Policy<br />

Convening<br />

Social<br />

<strong>Media</strong><br />

Community<br />

Mobilization<br />

Capacity and Change from Individual to Policy<br />

WABiCC speaks to audiences at every level of<br />

the socio-ecological model and deepens the<br />

communications capacity of regional bodies and<br />

local grantees.<br />

We consider the radio drama program to be a very important tool to advocate;<br />

an important tool for a call to action by state actors. At the end of the drama, we<br />

expect that our state actors and local councils will develop wetland laws that will<br />

protect our environment.<br />

Mayor of Bonthe<br />


Awards<br />

Board<br />

<strong>2020</strong><br />

Lynne, Yeannakis (Chair)<br />

Rita Fredricks Salzman (Vice Chair)<br />

Sally Timpson (Secretary)<br />

Richard Stone (Treasurer)<br />

Robert M. Allen<br />

Brenda Campos-Nesme<br />

January <strong>2020</strong><br />

3x Award of Outstanding Achievement for<br />

Humanitarian Work, Indie Fest<br />

‘#CleanSeas Break-Up PSA: Christmas Edition -<br />

Home for the<br />

Holidays’; ‘Nature for All: Living’; ‘Cocina con<br />

Causa’and UNEP<br />

Fred Cohen (Chair Emeritus)<br />

Paal Frisvold<br />

Theana Iordanou<br />

Jon Kurland<br />

Parag Mehta<br />

Terry Mollner<br />

Pamela Newman<br />

Paula Denise Patnoe-Woodley<br />

2021<br />

May <strong>2020</strong><br />

1x Silver Telly Award: General-Green/Eco-<br />

Friendly for Online<br />

‘Breaking Up With Plastics: Caribbean’ in<br />

partnership with UNEP<br />

Lynne, Yeannakis (Chair)<br />

Rita Fredricks Salzman (Vice Chair)<br />

Parag Metha (Treasurer)<br />

Rick Olivarez (Secretary)<br />

Robert M. Allen<br />

Brenda Campos-Nesme<br />

Fred Cohen (Chair Emeritus)<br />

Jon Kurland<br />

Terry Mollner<br />

Pamela Newman<br />

May <strong>2020</strong><br />

1x Silver Telly Award: Series-Documentary:<br />

Series for Online<br />

‘Let’s Talk’ in partnership with UNESCO,<br />

UNFPA, SAfAIDS and Save the Children<br />

Sweeden<br />

Richard Stone<br />

Sally Timpson<br />


C<br />

MEDIA<br />

/pcimedia<br />

@pcimedia1<br />

@pcimedia<br />

/company/pcimedia<br />

pcimedia.org<br />

For more information,<br />

please contact info@pcimedia.org

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