Newslink January 2022

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Scotland chair steps down on a high note

as the STS makes a welcome return

Ever wondered how much work goes

into organising an MSA GB event? Alex Buist,

Vice Chair, MSA GB Scotland, outlines the

planning for the recent Scotland Training

Seminar, followed by a full report on the

event itself

The decision to hold a Scottish Training

Seminar (STS) in 2021 was taken at a

Zoom meeting earlier that year, with the

provision that we would plan for a

face-to-face conference but could revert

to Zoom if we were not allowed.

Peter Harvey MBE was tasked to find

us a suitable location and to invite

members of the DVSA along, with

Loveday Ryder and John Sheridan our

first choices.

I was tasked to see if we could get a

police speaker to talk about electric

vehicles, with other suggestions for

speakers made.

After price rises ruled out our usual

venue, the Westerwood Hotel, Peter

spoke to the Castlecary Hotel, not far

from the Westerwood. They could

accommodate us, and Loveday Ryder

and John Sheridan had also agreed in

principle to attend.

I had contacted Chief Superintendent

Louise Blakelock, Road Policing, Police

Scotland to see if we could get a speaker

for the STS, and Peter had managed to

get some sponsors organised. Things


were moving nicely towards our first

face-to-face conference for two years,

with the only stumbling block whether

the First Minister would allow it to go

ahead in light of the situation with the


With no official news forthcoming and

the event still some time off, the

committee continued to plan the event,

with raffle prizes purchased, table names

produced and name badges created for

those who would be attending.

Steven Porter and Bryan Phillips made

great in-roads on our Facebook page to

advertise the STS, reminding all about

the event and to book quickly to get the

early bird discount, and we had our first

delegates book on – though slowly at

first. Indeed, such was the pace of

bookings that committee were concerned

that many ADIs were still wary about

Covid and were possibly reluctant to

come to a large meeting of individuals.

However, we had a boost to our

confidence in the summer when the First

Minister relaxed the rules, and we knew

that we could go ahead.

Loveday Ryder, John Sheridan

and Willie Hamilton

By this point I had confirmation that

Chief Inspector Mark Patterson would

attend on behalf of Police Scotland to

talk about electric vehicles, Loveday

Ryder and John Sheridan had also

confirmed, the venue was now firmly in

the schedule and rooms booked for those

who needed an overnight stay. What

could possibly go wrong?

On the week leading up to the

conference I received news that Chief

Inspector Patterson would be unable to

attend due to a family bereavement. At

that point I was a little concerned as to

how we could fill the space with so little

time left. I contacted Chief Superintendent

Blakelock, to first of all pass on the

Scottish Committee’s condolences to her

colleague but wondering if she could

suggest a replacement. She certainly did

not disappoint us because within a day

she said that Constable Keith Sutherland

would be available to deliver the talk. We

were extremely grateful to her for acting

so quickly.

We also managed to obtain another

speaker who has graced our conferences

before, Bob Morton, who also agreed last

minute to attend.

So, it looked as if everything was now

heading in the right direction and we

could looked forward to 20th November

to arrive. Castlecary Hotel prepared the

hall by setting up tables and chairs, and

the committee descended to sort out the

various handouts and other bits and

pieces into bags to be handed to

delegates on arrival. Table names were

put out and the MSA GB Scotland

Secretary Brian Thompson placed the

winning raffle receipts under three

randomly selected chairs.

Jean and Peter had prepared all the

delegate badges and they were placed

ready to be handed out the following day.

The raffle prizes that I had purchased

were also readied for Sunday. Gerry, the

hotel manager, was excellent in assisting

us and getting any equipment that we


Steven Porter’s friend attended to set

up the microphones and speaker system.

He has done this before for us and as

usual did a splendid job.

We now stepped back to look at the

room; everything was in place, and we


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