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An action’s maxim is best understood as the

Xavier, a retail store owner, wants to always act from duty. Knowing this, which of the following sentiments is Xavier

MOST likely to express?

In Rwanda, a farmer is hiding a group of persecuted Tutsis from a Hutu military commander. The farmer believes that

he has to always tell the truth, and that this is a categorical imperative. If the Hutu commander asks if he has any

hidden Tutsis, and he tells the truth, who is to blame for the Tutsis’ capture according to Kantian theory?

Agnes is a widow with disabilities in her late 60s. Due to these circumstances, she only has to pay half of her

electricity and water bills. What would a deontologist say about this situation?

In 2012, sports fans were saddened and outraged to learn that cycling superstar Lance Armstrong had used illegal

performance-enhancing drugs for years. A deontologist would say that his actions were wrong because they

What is one way Lilly can determine if her actions respect her friends as ends-in-themselves?

According to Kant, what is the PRIMARY moral problem with making a false promise?

Which of the following scenarios indicates an autonomous decision?

Which of the following is a Kantian approach to helping a family in need?

According to deontological ethics, duties are

Kantian theory says that people have a __________ duty to cultivate their talents.

Which of these statements is one way to express Kant’s Categorical Imperative?

What is the most accurate term for the rules and regulations expressed in the United Nations’ Declaration of Human


According to Kant, respect for a person should be

Some people claim that all Americans have a fundamental right to health care. What would a deontological thinker

add to that claim, if it were true?

For Kant, the respect we owe people has to do primarily with their _________

What is the primary reason for conducting Kant’s “universalization test”?

According to Immanuel Kant, which of these is the LEAST important to moral action?

Ursula is a student of Kantian philosophy who argues that we should never use people as a means to an end unless

Professor Donovan is a Kantian philosopher. Therefore, she argues that the true value of “a good will” lies in

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