Engineering Biology Problems Book (2021, Obninsk Edition)

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Egineering Biology Problems Book contains more than 200 physical, design and biomedical

problems, the solution of which with the help of biological tools may one day benefit

humanity. The collection consists of seven chapters, divided by applications of biological

technologies to various aspects of modern and promising economic activity: improving the

quality and prolonging life, transforming nature and improving human nature.

The topic of the tasks is devoted to methods of modification of biological objects and options

for the application of engineering biosystems for solving medical, industrial, agro-industrial,

ethical and other problems. The solution of the proposed tasks can be based on the original

use of modern methods of molecular and cellular biology, genome editing systems, synthetic

biology, and other methods.

For a significant number of tasks, answer options have been proposed, however, considerable

scope has been left for the flight of thought of biological creativity. The collection is designed

for students with an engineering mindset who want to find themselves in the design of

supersystems in the future a new industry of biotechnological excellence.

The idea of such a collaboration appeared spontaneously. Engineering Biology Problems

Book was written by Ilya Klabukov in 2019. This book is a collection of problems in

engineering biology.

In the middle of the 20th century, the Nobel Laureate, Richard Feynman, presented a series of

books “Feynman Lectures on Physics". They were simple, but very creatively formulated the

basic postulates and problems of physics. We believe that engineering biology is the new

physics of the 21st century. There are many unresolved problems in it, and we are sure that

they can be solved only through international cooperation.

Driven by these ideas, we tried to gather teams to get at least a little closer to this goal.

This version of the book is the result of the interaction of a large number of people and teams.

The following teams participated in this collaboration: MEPhI, MIPT_MSU, Siberia,

Phystech_Moscow, LMSU, Moscow_City, CAU_China, Stockholm.

Special thanks to:

Ilya Klabukov as the creator of this idea and the I version of the Book

Dmitrii Vladimirtsev, Anastasia Nikolaeva, Mingyang Li, Boshuang Wang, Elsa Arksand for

their great contribution to the II version of the Book.

Olesya Galanova and Rimma Shatalova for decoration and design of the Book

And teams MEPhI, MIPT_MSU, Siberia, Phystech_Moscow, LMSU, Moscow_City for the

translation of the Engineering Biology Problems Book in English.

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