Engineering Biology Problems Book (2021, Obninsk Edition)

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the form of a periodically updated seed bank. Collections of perennial woody plants exist in the form

of plantations occupying vast areas, which leads to high economic costs for their maintenance or to a

limitation of the number of samples in the collections.

Suggest an alternative version of the collection of genetic resources of perennial crops, the number of

samples in which can be increased indefinitely, allowing you to test the properties and use the plants

in it as breeding material.

© Sundyreva M.A., senior researcher laboratory of physiology and biochemistry of plants of the

North Caucasian Zonal Research Institute of Horticulture and Viticulture. All-Russian Student

BioTournament -2017. www.bioturnir21.ru


Achievements in the field of cell and tissue culture led to the creation of a fundamentally new method

of vegetative propagation of plants - clonal micropropagation (obtaining in vitro, asexually, plants

genetically identical to the original specimen). For such plant cells, cryopreservation methods have

been developed and continue to be improved, implying long-term storage of breeding material.

However, even more, traditional methods, such as grafting several plant species on one stock at once,

can save significant areas and resources.

3.24. Grapes: Reboot. Grapes are one of the most capital-intensive agricultural crops. The lion's

share of the costs is spent on protecting plants from diseases and pests. Systemic chemicals (for

example, fungicides: Poliram, Kabriotop, Quadris, Topaz, insecticides: Calypso, Bi58, Insegar,

Fastak) are toxic to the environment and act for a strictly defined period until excretion from the plant.

Suggest a method for simultaneously fixing plant protection agents and reducing toxicity to the

environment and humans.

© Problem from scientists-winegrowers of the North Caucasian Zonal Research Institute of

Horticulture and Viticulture, Krasnodar. All-Russian Student BioTournament-2016.



The development of a solution to this urgent all over the world problem is going in two directions.

First, the use of more specific pesticide preparations as the main active ingredient in comparison with

classical FOS (or other chemical nature), for example, δ-endotoxin secreted by Bacillus thuringiensis,

to combat leaf-eating insects, or subtilin, an antibiotic produced by Bacillus subtilis 6633, which

inhibits the growth of a number of phytopathogenic fungi. The second is the development of methods

for fixing old and new drugs. In particular, the use of surfactants to reduce droplet evaporation. And

also, the development of adhesives that provide not only reliable and long-term fixation of the active

substance on any surface but also protection against drying out and sunburn, reducing the

development of fungal diseases. The combination of these approaches will significantly reduce the

chemical load on the plant and on the environment.

3.25. Living underwater vehicle. Long-term autonomous oceanological research is very difficult

because of the need to solve the problem of long-term maintenance of scientific equipment. Suppose

that an underwater research vehicle can be created on the basis of a reduced sperm whale organism. In

this case, the bandwidth of the data transmission channel in the audio frequency range may be

insufficient. How can the problem of transferring large amounts of data be solved? What additional

ways can there be to improve this method of communication?


The solution to the problem is under development.

3.26. Terrestrial solar concentrator. Solar concentrators offer energy storage by directing light with

mirrors to a container of salt crystals or other concentrators. The concentration of the energy of living

systems can be carried out through the transport of vesicles with chemical compounds through the

capillary network due to hydrodynamics, concentration gradient, temperature, or other gradients.

Moreover, the cell size of one such cluster cannot be too large. Propose a 2D diagram of the

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