360 Grad Publishing - International Rights Guide 2023 - 360 Grad Verlag
Dear publishing partners, dear friends, we are very pleased to present our new Foreign Rights Catalogue with best and great new titles. Our 360 GRAD PUBLISHING HOUSE is one of the youngest and expansive children’s book publisher in Germany. Moreover, we guarantee a good reputation for high quality in text and illustrations. Here we presenting our new books and bestsellers. We hope you will enjoy and there is something that catches your interest. Do not hesitate to contact us. For any further questions or sending PDF’s of books or whatever might be of interest for you, please get in touch with Aude or for China with Jenny. All the very best wishes, your’s 36O Grad-Team
Dear publishing partners, dear friends,
we are very pleased to present our new Foreign Rights Catalogue with best and great new titles.
Our 360 GRAD PUBLISHING HOUSE is one of the youngest and expansive children’s book publisher in Germany. Moreover, we guarantee a good reputation for high quality in text and illustrations.
Here we presenting our new books and bestsellers. We hope you will enjoy and there is something that catches your interest. Do not hesitate to contact us.
For any further questions or sending PDF’s of books or whatever might be of interest for you, please get in touch with Aude or for China with Jenny.
All the very best wishes, your’s
36O Grad-Team
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<strong>360</strong> GRAD <strong>Verlag</strong><br />
Good Books for Children and Families<br />
<strong>International</strong> <strong>Rights</strong> <strong>Guide</strong><br />
Spring & Summer <strong>2023</strong>
<strong>360</strong> GRAD HOTLIST<br />
p. 6-7<br />
p. 8-9 p. 14-17<br />
p. 18-19<br />
Series<br />
p. 20-23 p. 24-25<br />
p. 30-33 p. 40-45<br />
Series<br />
2<br />
Dear publishing partners, dear friends,<br />
we are very pleased to present our new Foreign <strong>Rights</strong> Catalogue<br />
with great new titles. Our <strong>360</strong> GRAD PUBLISHING house is<br />
one of the youngest and expansive children’s book publisher in<br />
Germany. We guarantee a good reputation for high quality in<br />
text and illustrations.<br />
Over the following pages, you will discover or rediscover our new<br />
books and bestsellers. We hope you will enjoy them and find<br />
something that piques your interest. Do not hesitate to contact<br />
us for any further information regarding their availability in<br />
your country.<br />
If you are interested specially in the title “Rainland+Dryland”, we<br />
have good news for you. There is an animated book-trailer, which<br />
you can receive for free use for your marketing-purposes in your<br />
country. You will find the animated book-trailer at our YouTube-<br />
Channel: https://youtu.be/mroLgpHbXzE<br />
For all or any further questions or sending PDF’s of books or<br />
what ever might be of interest to you, please get in touch with<br />
Aude, or for China with Jenny.<br />
All the very best wishes,<br />
Yours<br />
Harald Kiesel, Publisher<br />
Our representative<br />
for Foreign <strong>Rights</strong>:<br />
Aude Lavielle-Konidaris<br />
Aude <strong>Rights</strong> Agency<br />
eMail: contact@aude-rights.com<br />
Phone: +352 621695266<br />
Our representative<br />
for Chinese rights:<br />
Jenny Gao<br />
Jianmei Agency<br />
Adress: Seidelbaststr. 6a,<br />
D-80939 München<br />
eMail: jianmeig@gmail.com<br />
Web: www.jianmei-agency.de<br />
<strong>360</strong> GRAD VERLAG<br />
Publisher: Harald Kiesel<br />
Adress: Lindenstraße 23,<br />
D-69181 Leimen<br />
eMail: rights@<strong>360</strong>grad-verlag.de<br />
Web: www.<strong>360</strong>grad-verlag.de<br />
<strong>International</strong> License<br />
Consulting & Merch:<br />
CultureContact Agency<br />
Bodo Horn-Rumold<br />
eMail: b.horn@gmx.com
T O P T I T L E<br />
Lale LU<br />
is searching for his sleep<br />
A wonderful story …<br />
The Lale named LU just can’t find his sleep.<br />
So, LU grabs his cuddly toy, packs enough food for the tour and starts the search.<br />
Who will LU meet, and will he find his sleep … find out for yourself and accompany<br />
LU on his journey through the land of lullabies.<br />
The funniest bedtime story ever!<br />
Jens Daum & Sophie Lucie Herken<br />
Lale LU is looking for sleep<br />
Picture Book, 32 pg.<br />
24 x 30.0 cm<br />
All rights available<br />
age<br />
4+<br />
With optional<br />
pull-out poster<br />
illustrated on both sides<br />
T O P T I T L E<br />
Children and parents<br />
will love this bedtime story<br />
The story is about Lu. Lu is a Lale. Lales are cuddly, friendly and extremely cute<br />
beings, always hungry – and unfortunately, very forgetful. Just now, Lu has<br />
forgotten where his sleep is. Lu is actually quite tired, but cannot fall asleep. So,<br />
Lu grabs his cuddly toy, packs enough food for the tour and starts his search for<br />
sleep. Lu asks an old man who is counting the stars, birds who look like angels,<br />
shooting stars which shoot through<br />
the night, even the forest who<br />
remains quiet. None of them knows<br />
where Lu’s sleep is. But Lu does not<br />
give up that easily …<br />
• A bedtime story with<br />
extraordinary illustrations<br />
• A funny and playful ‘adaptation’<br />
of the well-known lullaby<br />
• Ideal for reading out loud!<br />
double sided poster (optional)<br />
4<br />
Jens Daum grew up on a<br />
small farm in the Hunsrück.<br />
Kindergarden.<br />
School. Studies. His favorite<br />
pro fes sion: advertising.<br />
So, he becomes a copywriter<br />
and turns his ideas<br />
into his job. When he becomes<br />
a dad, he has many<br />
ideas which have nothing<br />
to do with advertisement;<br />
so, he starts writing children’s<br />
books.<br />
Sophie Lucie Herken is<br />
half-Swedish and half-German.<br />
Half child and half<br />
grown-up. Half graphic designer<br />
and half illustrator.<br />
She is very fond of both.<br />
She loves sweet things<br />
with a dark side. And she<br />
always approaches serious<br />
subjects with a smile.
P I C T U R E B O O K<br />
T O P T I T L E<br />
Absolutely hilarious and peculiar:<br />
the little buddy MUMPLE<br />
He is not easy to find. Hardly anyone has ever seen him. When he leaves his<br />
burrow which he built from juniper bears and twigs of the crack-flower bush, you<br />
will only hear a low humming as if it were a bumble-bee. The Mumple lives very<br />
covertly; you must know that he is a secret animal.<br />
Fearless explorers have discovered almost all animals, from the dormouse to the<br />
sperm whale, from a housefly to a puffin. But the Mumple, no one has found yet.<br />
Do we want to search together if we can find him?<br />
Come on! Behind the Bonkers Ocean which is so stormy, behind the Mounty<br />
Mountains which are so high and behind the Worm Forest which is so dark –<br />
that’s where he lives<br />
A witty, funny and playful picture book about a very special cuddly creature,<br />
about friendship and the skill of making the best out of life.<br />
P I C T U R E B O O K<br />
Jan Kaiser (Text)<br />
Henning Löhlein<br />
(Illustrations)<br />
The Mumple<br />
Picture Book, 32 pg.<br />
24 x 30.0 cm<br />
All rights<br />
available<br />
age<br />
5+<br />
Jan Kaiser studied law.<br />
He used to be a judge in<br />
the Lüneburg area but,<br />
nowadays, he trains young<br />
lawyers. As an offset to the<br />
dry legal world, he writes<br />
semi-serious texts. His nonsense<br />
poems were published<br />
in various books, newspapers<br />
and on the radio. His<br />
latest passion is writing<br />
picture book stories. He lives<br />
in Breisgau with his family.<br />
Henning Löhlein grew<br />
up in Bonn, Germany,<br />
studied illustration in<br />
the South of France,<br />
and has been living in<br />
Bristol, UK for almost<br />
30 years. He likes the<br />
rain there and the<br />
humor of the British<br />
so much that he stayed<br />
there after his studies.<br />
T O P T I T L E<br />
I can do it<br />
all alone!<br />
“Little Mat can’t do that, yet!“, the others are constantly shouting. Little<br />
Mat was still far too small and he wouldn’t dare and he couldn’t do it yet.<br />
Nothing of the sort! In most cases, the littlest can already do far more than<br />
the grown-ups would expect, or as society thinks. This book shows it. Little<br />
Mat can already climb and slide, play alone with his friends and take care of<br />
others, he can eat alone and play drums, draw and tie his shoes; and he can<br />
sometimes be sad and show feelings and let others help him.<br />
Marketing argument:<br />
• Little Mat shows children that all children are valuable –<br />
regardless of looks, origin, religion and personal skills or interests.<br />
Sarah Kim Gries (Text)<br />
Sophie Lucie Herken (Illustrations)<br />
Little Mat can’t do that, yet!<br />
Board book, 26 pg.<br />
19 x 19 cm<br />
All rights available<br />
8<br />
Sarah Kim Gries is an actor, mother and everyday heroine. She lives in<br />
Cologne with her family and shares her daily life on Instagram under<br />
@Sarah_Superheld. She learned media design and in 2021, founded the<br />
fashion label Doted On together with her husband. Already in her childhood,<br />
she won the hearts of her fans when she played Vanessa in the<br />
successful films of the bestseller series “Die wilden Kerle“ (2003-2016).<br />
Today, she is focusing on subjects such as equal rights, anti-discrimination<br />
and mental health. It has always been important for Sarah that<br />
values such as empathy, acceptance and equality find room in childhood<br />
and education early on.. This is also where the idea for the book “Little<br />
Mat can’t do that, yet“ came up.<br />
For more, please see: @sarah_superheld
B O A R D B O O K<br />
age<br />
2+<br />
Sophie Lucie Herken is<br />
half-Swedish and half-German.<br />
Half child and half<br />
grown-up. Half graphic designer<br />
and half illustrator.<br />
She is very fond of both.<br />
She loves sweet things<br />
with a dark side. And she<br />
always approaches serious<br />
subjects with a smile.<br />
T O P T I T L E<br />
A heartwarming book<br />
about loss, death and grief<br />
“Lilly loved life. Especially pizza and colorful balloons. And most of all,<br />
her Mommy’s laugh. But one day, Mommy looked very sad.<br />
‘Is Mommy sick?’ Lilly asked her Dad. Daddy nodded.<br />
The sickness was called cancer. Mommy had to lay in bed all day.”<br />
Can we visit mom on her cloud in heaven? Inspired by the conversations and<br />
experiences he had with his daughter, Chris Silber developed the idea of writing<br />
this book about death and grief as well as love and hope. A story in which tears<br />
flow, but which also gives courage and shows how important it is to have the<br />
opportunity to mourn together and that the family needs<br />
a lot of strength and loving cohesion in difficult times.<br />
• A true and personal story about the time of mourning.<br />
• A book that encourages and gives hope.<br />
• An authentic story, sensitively and poetically illustrated.<br />
Chris Silber (Text)<br />
Annabelle von Sperber (Illustrations)<br />
The Cloud in our House<br />
Picture book, 48 pg.<br />
21.6 x 27.9 cm<br />
All rights available<br />
P I C T U R E B O O K<br />
age<br />
5+<br />
Chris Silber grew up bilingually in<br />
Berlin in the 70s and 80s and began<br />
writing as a teenager – first as a<br />
music journalist and for film and<br />
television. In 2007 he moved to New<br />
York, the hometown of his then-wife,<br />
who died of cancer in California in<br />
2013. Silber works on both sides of<br />
the Atlantic as a writer and producer.<br />
In Germany he has made a name for<br />
himself primarily with his work on<br />
screenplays for numerous films such<br />
as “Goodbye, Lenin!” and “I’ll be gone<br />
then!” and Tatort episodes. He is a<br />
Grimme and Emmy Award winner<br />
and lives in Atlanta with his family.<br />
Annabelle von Sperber,<br />
born in 1973, studied<br />
illustration at the University<br />
of Applied Sciences for<br />
Design in Hamburg and<br />
works very successfully as<br />
a illustrator. She teaches<br />
illustration at the Academy<br />
for Illustration and Design<br />
in Berlin (AID-Berlin)<br />
and is responsible for the<br />
illustration department at<br />
the Faber Castell Academy.<br />
Annabelle lives in the Black<br />
Forest and in Berlin.<br />
T O P T I T L E<br />
Three Sheep on the Arch<br />
or How to find happiness!<br />
A very amusing book, encouraging, that tells you with a twinkle in the eye how to<br />
solve supposedly unsolvable problems and how to simply enjoy life! With three golden<br />
rules for surviving and happiness!<br />
From morning till evening, the three sheep Wally, Willy and Woolly stood in the<br />
meadow, eating fresh grass and dozing a little – living a true sheep’s life. Their<br />
life was just wonderful, simply fantastic. But, all of a sudden, there were dark<br />
clouds and then the heavy rain came. Fortunately, Mr. Noah had built an arch to<br />
rescue all the animals. But there were three sheep, and only two were allowed to<br />
come on board. What now?<br />
• From the bestselling author Michael Engler<br />
• Illustrated by the internationally successful German<br />
illustrator Henning Loehlein who lives in the UK<br />
Michael Engler (Text)<br />
Henning Löhlein (Illustrations)<br />
Three Sheep on the Arch<br />
Picture book, 40 pg.<br />
21.7 x 28.1 cm<br />
<strong>Rights</strong> sold:<br />
Czech Republic<br />
P I C T U R E B O O K<br />
age<br />
5+<br />
Michael Engler was born in<br />
Lower Saxony, Germany,<br />
studied visual communication,<br />
worked as a scriptwriter<br />
and illustrator, and as an<br />
art director in advertisement.<br />
Today, he is a bestselling<br />
author for children’s<br />
books and stage plays. Since<br />
2014, he has been cooperating<br />
with Joelle Tourlonias.<br />
www.michaelengler.com<br />
Henning Löhlein grew<br />
up in Bonn, Germany,<br />
studied illustration in<br />
the South of France,<br />
and has been living in<br />
Bristol, UK for almost<br />
30 years. He likes the<br />
rain there and the<br />
humor of the British<br />
so much that he stayed<br />
there after his studies.<br />
T O P T I T L E<br />
A warm-hearted story<br />
about friendship, being different,<br />
freedom and tolerance<br />
“You know what?” Ping called out. “Home is where you have friends.<br />
I think I’ll stay here.”<br />
“That’s good!” Polaah cried. “Then it’s five of us now.”<br />
Then he jumped headfirst into the sea and caught the next fat fish.<br />
For Ping, his new friend.<br />
Polaah, the arctic fox, is playing with his friends, the snow hare Hop, the snowy owl Gru-Gru<br />
and the wolverine Munch, when an ice floe with a lonely penguin appears.<br />
Penguins do actually not belong to the North. And this penguin doesn’t like being in<br />
Shiverland at all.<br />
He wants to go back to his home, the<br />
South Pole. But he soon changes his<br />
mind as Polaah and the others make<br />
friends with him.<br />
age<br />
5+<br />
Illustrated by Joëlle Tourlonias<br />
Written by Michael Engler<br />
Polaah and the lonely Penguin<br />
Picture Book, 32 pg.<br />
21.6 x 27.9 cm<br />
Also available as a Board Book<br />
All rights available<br />
P I C T U R E B O O K<br />
A brand new bestselling series<br />
with the cute and smart POLAAH!<br />
A wonderful and honest story about friendship, empathy and readiness to help<br />
A little reindeer is helplessly stuck in an<br />
ice crack. Its family is already on their<br />
way to the South. Polaah, the arctic fox,<br />
and his friends, the snow hare Hop, the<br />
snowy owl Gru-Gru, and the wolverine<br />
Munch want to help the reindeer.<br />
But, how do you actually help a lost<br />
reindeer?<br />
Who helps with what and how? Do they<br />
have to help at all? These questions<br />
almost lead to a quarrel. Luckily, Polaah<br />
finds a solution.<br />
Illustrated by Joëlle Tourlonias<br />
Written by Michael Engler<br />
Polaah and the lost Reindeer<br />
Picture Book, 32 pg.<br />
21.6 x 27.9 cm<br />
Also available as a Board Book<br />
<strong>Rights</strong> sold: France, Slovenia<br />
age<br />
5+<br />
Michael Engler was born<br />
in Lower Saxony, Germany,<br />
studied visual communication,<br />
worked as scriptwriter<br />
and illustrator, and as an art<br />
director in advertisement.<br />
Today, he is a best-selling<br />
author for children’s books<br />
and stage plays. Since 2014,<br />
he has been cooperating<br />
with Joelle Tourlonias.<br />
www.michaelengler.com<br />
Joëlle Tourlonias, was born<br />
in 1985 in Hanau, Germany,<br />
studied visual communication<br />
(focus: illustration and<br />
painting) at the Bauhaus<br />
University in Weimar. She<br />
is one of the most successful<br />
German artists and lives<br />
near Frankfurt/Main.<br />
www.joelletourlonias.<br />
blogspot.com<br />
T O P T I T L E<br />
Polaah and his friends<br />
are cooking together<br />
It was finally summer in Shiver Land. Under a dark blue sky, the five friends Ping, Hops, Gru-<br />
Gru and Polaah were playing and Munch was sniffing for fresh herbs. “Rhubarb complot”, he<br />
suddenly shouted. “This is the best food in the whole world.” Immediately they all pricked up<br />
their ears. If that was so delicious, they had to cook rhubarb compote. So, they started to look<br />
for rhubarb but would only find herbs and moss, fish and algae, seaweed, urchins, shrimps<br />
and fish, worms and a mouse.<br />
“A mouse does not belong to it,” said Polaah. But what does actually belong to a rhubarb<br />
compote?<br />
Marketing arguments:<br />
• The third book of the bestselling picture book success<br />
• The book about gardening and cooking!<br />
• With recipes for rhubarb compote!<br />
Illustrated by Joëlle Tourlonias<br />
Written by Michael Engler<br />
Polaah and the lonely Penguin<br />
Picture Book, 32 pg.<br />
21.6 x 27.9 cm<br />
All rights available<br />
P I C T U R E B O O K<br />
age<br />
5+<br />
Michael Engler was born<br />
in Lower Saxony, Germany,<br />
studied visual communication,<br />
worked as scriptwriter<br />
and illustrator, and as an art<br />
director in advertisement.<br />
Today, he is a best-selling<br />
author for children’s books<br />
and stage plays. Since 2014,<br />
he has been cooperating<br />
with Joelle Tourlonias.<br />
www.michaelengler.com<br />
Joëlle Tourlonias, was born<br />
in 1985 in Hanau, Germany,<br />
studied visual communication<br />
(focus: illustration and<br />
painting) at the Bauhaus<br />
University in Weimar. She<br />
is one of the most successful<br />
German artists and lives<br />
near Frankfurt/Main.<br />
www.joelletourlonias.<br />
blogspot.com<br />
T O P T I T L E<br />
A wonderfully illustrated book<br />
about dispute and friendship<br />
On the day when the moon disappeared, Karl wanted to play with the rope.<br />
But Anna preferred jumping on the trampoline.<br />
“You can only hop on a trampoline”, said Karl despicably.<br />
“And a rope only lies around”, replied Anna harshly, “with a trampoline,<br />
you can fly up to the sky.”<br />
That made Karl laugh out loud. So, Karl and Anna got into an argument.<br />
One bad word led to another. Karl soon did not remember what the argument<br />
was about, he could play much better without his Anna …<br />
• A marvelously illustrated book about quarreling and dispute<br />
and getting along with each other again.<br />
• From the bestseller author Michael Engler and THE DISGUSTING<br />
SPIDER’s illustrator, Martina Matos.<br />
Illustrated by Martina Matos<br />
Written by Michael Engler<br />
The Day the Moon disappeared<br />
Picture Book, 32 pg.<br />
22.5 x 28.5 cm<br />
<strong>Rights</strong> sold: Slovenia<br />
P I C T U R E B O O K<br />
age<br />
5+<br />
Michael Engler was born<br />
in Lower Saxony, Germany,<br />
studied visual communication,<br />
worked as scriptwriter<br />
and illustrator, and as an art<br />
director in advertisement.<br />
Today, he is a best-selling<br />
author for children’s books<br />
and stage plays. Since 2014,<br />
he has been cooperating<br />
with Joelle Tourlonias.<br />
www.michaelengler.com<br />
Martina Matos moved to<br />
Portugal at the age of five,<br />
where she went to school<br />
and graduated in 2003 with<br />
a diploma in Art Painting<br />
from the FBAUL –<br />
Faculdade de Belas Artes<br />
of the University of Lisbon.<br />
Since 2005 she has returned<br />
to live in Germany<br />
as a freelance illustrator.<br />
www.http://martinamatos.<br />
blogspot.com<br />
Three Artists<br />
Two Stories<br />
One Book<br />
Double Pictureand<br />
Reading Pleasure<br />
with Flip-over Cover<br />
Rainland<br />
Jan Birck, Jan Birck, born 1963 in<br />
Munich, is an animator, cartoonist<br />
and very successful illustrator. He<br />
lives in Munich and has numerous<br />
illustrated or written bestsellers<br />
including “The wild soccer bunch”<br />
(with Joachim Masannek), “I’m<br />
sure everything will be fine” (with<br />
Kirsten Boie), “Flätscher” (with<br />
Antje Szillat) and more.<br />
www.jan-birck.de<br />
Joëlle Tourlonias was born in<br />
1985 in Hanau, Germany, studied<br />
visual communication (focus:<br />
illustration and painting) at the<br />
Bauhaus University in Weimar.<br />
She is one of the most successful<br />
German artists and lives near<br />
Frankfurt/Main.<br />
www.joelletourlonias.<br />
blogspot.com<br />
Michael Engler was born in Lower<br />
Saxony, Germany, studied visual<br />
communication, worked as scriptwriter<br />
and illustrator, and as an<br />
art director in advertisement. Today,<br />
he is a best-selling author for<br />
children’s books and stage plays.<br />
Since 2014, he has been cooperating<br />
with Joelle Tourlonias.<br />
F L I P - O V E R B O O K<br />
Two fabulous and<br />
captivating Stories<br />
The boy Lamar escapes from the enduring rain. He and his chicken Dolores finally<br />
want to see the sun again.<br />
The girl Neneh and her desert fox, on the other hand, have so much sun that even the<br />
last drop of water evaporates. They urgently need water!<br />
All four set off from different locations, and they start an adventure with a surprising<br />
outcome. Is a new life about to begin for them? And maybe a great new friendship for<br />
the future?<br />
Please have a look at the animated Book-Teaser-Trailer you could receive and use for<br />
free in your contry:<br />
https://youtu.be/mroLgpHbXzE<br />
age<br />
5+<br />
22<br />
Rainland + Dryland<br />
Michael Engler (Text)<br />
Jan Birck & Joëlle Tourlonias<br />
(Illustrations)<br />
Picture Book, 64 pg.<br />
21.6 x 27.9 cm<br />
<strong>Rights</strong> sold:<br />
China, Czech Republic and Slovenia
P I C T U R E B O O K<br />
… from one world<br />
in one book!<br />
Flipover<br />
book<br />
with two<br />
Stories<br />
The book is readable from two sides<br />
T O P T I T L E<br />
Getting bigger<br />
is very easy<br />
Lilli is the smallest child around, everyone else is taller than her. As Lilli is<br />
so small, they are always teasing her. And she asks herself: Oh, how can I get<br />
bigger? But whatever she tries, nothing helps. Tiptoeing doesn’t, mum’s high<br />
heels don’t, stretching doesn’t … But suddenly, the next day, they all start teasing<br />
the fat Anton.<br />
There, Lilli has a great idea … She helps Anton and they both realise that:<br />
“Together, we are strong!”<br />
Besides the classic “Kleine Lilli ganz groß“, this double volume contains a new,<br />
second picture book “Kleine Lilli und die großen Buben” where Lilli is longing<br />
to play with the big boys, for example football or cherry stone spitting contests.<br />
But Lilli can’t play football, nor can she spit cherry stones very far.<br />
Will little Lilli manage to talk the big boys into it?<br />
• Two funny, nicely illustrated picture books about being small and getting<br />
bigger, about friendship and sticking together, about quarrels,<br />
solidarity and self-confidence.<br />
• The classic “Kleine Lilli ganz groß“ and a completely<br />
new Kleine Lilli picture book in one book.<br />
Lilli Messina<br />
The BIG Little Lilli Book<br />
Picture Book, 32 pg.<br />
23.5 x 30.0 cm<br />
All rights available<br />
24<br />
Lilli Messina was born in 1976 and studied book design<br />
in Offenbach. She lives in Berlin with her family,<br />
working as an author and illustrator. Her books have<br />
been translated into more than 15 languages and her<br />
illustrations were shown in numerous museums, such<br />
as the Wilhelm-Busch-Museum, the Picture Book<br />
Museum at Burg Wissem, the Illustration Biennale in<br />
Zagreb, the Het Stratmus Hasselt and many more.<br />
P I C T U R E B O O K<br />
age<br />
4+<br />
T O P T I T L E<br />
Elli encourages children<br />
not to be afraid<br />
Elli, the little ghost, is looking for a new home. The little ghost has been out and<br />
about for days when she discovers a fairground and a bright green ghost train<br />
right in the middle. “Caution dangerous” stands above the entrance, that sounds<br />
perfect, thinks Elli. But before the ghost train inhabitants - the monster Martha,<br />
the vampire Vangrufti, the bat Flapflap and the cranky Knarf – take on a new<br />
ghost, Elli first has to prove what she can do and how scary and brave she<br />
really is.<br />
• Exciting and original picture book illustrated by Klaus Baumgart,<br />
the creator of the worldwide bestseller Laura’s Star<br />
• Lovely and funny scary story<br />
• Takes away children’s fear of ghosts and encourages them<br />
to admit their weaknesses<br />
Klaus Baumgart<br />
(Text und Illustrations)<br />
Elli, the Monster Secret<br />
Picture Book, 32 pg.<br />
26 x 27.5 cm<br />
All rights available<br />
Klaus Baumgart was born in 1951 and, with more than 17 million copies sold, is one of<br />
the most successful picture book artists worldwide. The renowned graphic designer<br />
has already received numerous prizes and awards. In 1999, he was nominated for the<br />
“British Children’s Book Award” as first German author and illustrator in the history<br />
of the award. Among his works are the bestseller “Laura’s Star”, the picture book<br />
“The little Dream-Mixer”, the ghost story “Elli, The Monster Secret” as well as the<br />
children’s books “No-Ear-Rabbit” and “Two-Ear-Chicken” which he produced in cooperation<br />
with Til Schweiger. Besides his work as a picture book artist,<br />
Klaus Baumgart has been teaching as a professor at the HTW Berlin in their faculty<br />
for communication design. He lives near Berlin with his family.<br />
C H I L D R E N ‘ S B O O K<br />
age<br />
5+<br />
T O P T I T L E<br />
Suspense with reading encouragement<br />
in “Laura’s Star”<br />
One day, Laura and her best friend Sophie<br />
find a little cat. It is cold and all alone. The<br />
children decide that one of them has to<br />
take the kitty home so it doesn’t have to<br />
go to the animal shelter. Only Laura and<br />
her little brother Tommy can take it home.<br />
They manage to convince their parents, but<br />
then, the cat is gone. Was the stupid Harry<br />
behind it? Laura, Tommy and Sophie decide<br />
that they will secretly follow Harry.<br />
• Exciting first-reader story from the<br />
bestseller series with more than<br />
20 million books sold worldwide.<br />
• Short, reader-friendly texts divided into<br />
seven easy-to-read chapters.<br />
Klaus Baumgart<br />
Laura‘s Star and the cute little kitten<br />
Hardcover, 64 pg.<br />
14.8 x 21.1 cm<br />
All rights available.<br />
• With sparkles and glittering stars on<br />
many pages!<br />
Klaus Baumgart was born in 1951 and, with more than 17 million copies sold, is one of<br />
the most successful picture book artists worldwide. The renowned graphic designer<br />
has already received numerous prizes and awards. In 1999, he was nominated for the<br />
“British Children’s Book Award” as first German author and illustrator in the history<br />
of the award. Among his works are the bestseller “Laura’s Star”, the picture book<br />
“The little Dream-Mixer”, the ghost story “Elli, The Monster Secret” as well as the<br />
children’s books “No-Ear-Rabbit” and “Two-Ear-Chicken” which he produced in cooperation<br />
with Til Schweiger. Besides his work as a picture book artist,<br />
Klaus Baumgart has been teaching as a professor at the HTW Berlin in their faculty<br />
for communication design. He lives near Berlin with his family.<br />
C H I L D R E N ‘ S B O O K<br />
The love of animals<br />
as event for first readers<br />
Laura would love to have her own horse. Oh, how<br />
much she is longing for that! When going to the<br />
bakery with her little brother Tommy, there it is,<br />
standing in front of her: the pony Polly circus!<br />
And Mr. Bini from the circus is looking for a place<br />
where it can stay for the winter. Laura immediately<br />
knows: Polly will live in her room! Unfortunately,<br />
her parents disagree. But with the help of her star,<br />
Laura has a great idea …. Where will Polly the Pony<br />
be welcome?<br />
• A wonderful story for all little animal lovers<br />
and of course, for the friends of “Laura’s Star”<br />
Laura’s Advent- and<br />
Christmas story<br />
Klaus Baumgart<br />
Laura’s Star and Polly the Pony<br />
Hardcover, 48 pg., 14.8 x 21.1 cm<br />
All rights available.<br />
All the advent and Christmas hustle and bustle is too much for<br />
Laura’s little brother Tommy: he finds out that the Santa<br />
Clauses in shops are not at all real. Laura wants<br />
to help Tommy. Thank God, she has her star. It is<br />
helping her look for Santa Claus.<br />
• Exciting first-reader story from the best-selling<br />
series with more than 20 million books sold<br />
worldwide.<br />
• Reading encourage ment – short texts, readerfriendly<br />
struc ture, short chapters.<br />
Klaus Baumgart<br />
Laura’s Star and the Search for Santa<br />
Hardcover, 64 pg., 14.8 x 21.1 cm<br />
All rights available.<br />
T O P T I T L E<br />
Never give up<br />
when moving without your friends<br />
Lukas has moved into a new flat in another town together with his Mum.<br />
Soon, everything has been put away and Lukas would like nothing better<br />
than play with his friends.<br />
But his friends are all far away now. Will the children in the playground on<br />
the other side play with him?<br />
Lukas decides to be very courageous and suddenly discovers a small beetle.<br />
The bug helps him to make his big wish come true …<br />
• A beautiful picture book about the search for new friends<br />
after moving to a new town and the magic of fantasy.<br />
• From the inventor of “Laura’s Star” and bestselling author<br />
Klaus Baumgart<br />
Klaus Baumgart<br />
(Text & Illustrations)<br />
The Wishing Bug<br />
Picture book, 32 pg.<br />
21.7 x 28 cm<br />
All rights available.<br />
age<br />
5+<br />
P I C T U R E B O O K<br />
P I C T U R E B O O K<br />
T O P T I T L E<br />
A really funny story<br />
about the fabulous discovery<br />
of the letters<br />
Where do letters actually come from? A question many children have. This<br />
book gives the answer with a wink and a playful fantasy.<br />
Here is what actually happened: one day, two kings fire their cooks as they<br />
are disappointed with them: one of them only makes soups - the people are<br />
thin as rakes; the other one only prepares huge 3-course meals - and the<br />
people are fat and round!<br />
When the two fired cooks meet, they have a brilliant idea: they could simply<br />
swap their recipes. But how can they remember the ingredients? They make<br />
drawings. Then symbols. Then letters. Writing had been invented ...<br />
Opulent illustrations!<br />
Fantastic and funny – for children<br />
about the invention of writing.<br />
age<br />
7+<br />
Text by Jens Reinländer<br />
Illustrated by Lilli Messina<br />
Why do A and O make<br />
two cooks happy?<br />
Hardcover, 88 pg.<br />
11 x 15 cm<br />
All rights available.<br />
34<br />
Jens Reinländer was born<br />
in Germany/Saxony, where<br />
he is still living with his<br />
family. He worked as a<br />
sailor, as a miner, repaired<br />
motorbikes and studied at<br />
the ‚Literaturinstitut‘ in<br />
Leipzig. For many years<br />
already, he is successfully<br />
writing books for children<br />
and young adults.<br />
Lilli Messina was born<br />
in Germany/Offenbach<br />
and studied there at the<br />
University for Design. The<br />
books and drawings of<br />
the author and illustrator<br />
have been translated into<br />
numerous languages, and<br />
were displayed in numerous<br />
exhibitions. Lilli lives<br />
in Berlin together with her<br />
C H I L D R E N ‘ S B O O K<br />
I L L U S T R A T E D A R T B O O K<br />
This is a masterpiece<br />
of German picture-book history!<br />
COUNT TYPO – a creative game with shapes<br />
“An artistic, playful and exciting book for children and adults.”<br />
DIE ZEIT, Hamburg<br />
The book tells about the black square called “Ecki Bläckie” and the black line, the<br />
so-called “Lina Tschornaja”. Both are terribly bored – but fortunately, the circle<br />
“Littel Rusch” comes rolling into their life. And then the game with the rocker<br />
starts. Up and down it goes, and down and up. What fun! Ten shapes with funny<br />
and mysterious names – this is the geometrical personnel of this extraordinary<br />
picture-book. Join them – including cardboard sheet with shapes for punching<br />
out and creating own shapes. A classic of picture-book history!<br />
This is a masterpiece of German picture-book history!<br />
A magnificent homage to the Russian architect, typograph and<br />
constructivist El Lissitzky (*1890; † 1941).<br />
• The geniality of reduction – an absolutely extraordinary<br />
and creative fun with a picture-book!<br />
• Join in – including cardboard sheet for punching out and creating<br />
own shapes.<br />
Illustrated and written<br />
by Manfred Bofinger<br />
The Black Line<br />
and all the others<br />
Picture Book, 32 pg.<br />
21.2 x 24.2 cm<br />
All rights available<br />
The author and illustrator Manfred Bofinger is one<br />
of the most prominent German illustrators.<br />
The graphic designer, caricaturist and cartoonist<br />
was born in Berlin in 1941 and lived there until his<br />
death in 2006.<br />
age<br />
5+<br />
P I C T U R E B O O K<br />
Completely updated new edition<br />
Fully colored illustrations<br />
for the first time<br />
The Wild Soccer Bunch book series<br />
The Wild Soccer Bunch was created by a father who coached his sons’ soccer<br />
team and was inspired to write a book about his experience.<br />
Joachim Masannek blended true stories with his own childhood memories.<br />
His storytelling is fast paced and cinematic, and the stories are told<br />
from a child’s point of view, as if the writer’s voice morphed into the hero’s<br />
in each book.<br />
The series has 13 books to date, and each book is narrated by a different kid<br />
on the team. The sensational international success of the books has translated<br />
into a full-fledged brand including six live action motion pictures together with<br />
Buena Vista (Disney) and SAM-Film and in an animation TV- series together<br />
with German TV ZDF und ZDFE, KiKa and Wunderwerk.<br />
Masannek’s emotional and captivating writing style has captured<br />
the imagination of kids in 32 countries. Jan Birck’s imaginative illustrations<br />
are filled with action and humor.<br />
They are back!<br />
And wild like always!<br />
completely new book<br />
of the bestselling series<br />
The Wild Soccer Bunch –<br />
Juli and the<br />
Secret Joker<br />
Juli has a big secret. This is why he secretly returns to ‘Dicker<br />
Michi’s’ land behind the Graffiti castles – where he makes a<br />
pact with the “devil”, the ‘Fetter Vetter’ who is Michi’s cousin.<br />
Juli does that for his friends. The Wilden Kerle currently have<br />
the time of their lives – they are camping at the Teufelstopf<br />
and train every day. But without a joker they will not be able<br />
to win the championship and the test match against the<br />
Bavarians. Juli knows that. However, what Juli doesn’t know<br />
is that this boy, their joker, is actually …<br />
Joachim Masannek was born in 1960 and studied Philosophy and German<br />
in college. He also studied at the University of Film and Television<br />
and worked as a camera operator, set designer, screenwriter, and director.<br />
Masannek’s children’s book series, The Wild Soccer Bunch, has been<br />
published in more than 30 countries. As the screenwriter and director<br />
of the Wild Soccer Bunch movies, Joachim has managed to bring about<br />
9 million viewers to the theatres. He was the coach of the real Wild<br />
Soccer team and the father of two of the players.<br />
B E S T S E L L I N G S E R I E S<br />
All books written<br />
by Joachim Masannek<br />
Illustrated by Jan Birck<br />
The wild soccer bunch<br />
LEON – the Slalom Dribbler<br />
Hardcover, 160 pg.<br />
15.1 x 21.5 cm<br />
All rights available<br />
The wild soccer bunch<br />
VANESSA – the Fearless<br />
Hardcover, 128 pg.<br />
15.1 x 21.5 cm<br />
All rights available<br />
The wild soccer bunch<br />
FELIX – the Twister<br />
Hardcover, 160 pg.<br />
15.1 x 21.5 cm<br />
All rights available<br />
Jan Birck, born 1963 in Munich,<br />
is an animator, cartoonist and<br />
very successful illustrator.<br />
He lives in Munich and has<br />
numerous illustrated or written<br />
bestsellers including “The wild<br />
soccer bunch” (with Joachim<br />
Masannek), “I’m sure everything<br />
will be fine” (with Kirsten<br />
Boie), “Flätscher” (with Antje<br />
Szillat) and more.<br />
www.jan-birck.de<br />
More than 15 Million<br />
copies sold!<br />
The wild soccer bunch<br />
JULI – the Defense Chain<br />
Hardcover, 160 pg., 15.1 x 21.5 cm<br />
All rights available<br />
The wild soccer bunch<br />
DENIZ – the Locomotive<br />
Hardcover, 128 pg.<br />
15.1 x 21.5 cm<br />
All rights available<br />
age<br />
8+<br />
The wild soccer bunch<br />
RABAN – the Hero<br />
Hardcover, 128 pg.<br />
15.1 x 21.5 cm<br />
All rights available<br />
Finally,<br />
the football itself<br />
reveals its own story in:<br />
‚It‘s Me: Ball‘ !<br />
What if the ball itself could tell stories, what if it could actually talk?<br />
Then it would say: “I know very well what it feels like when someone gets kicked<br />
all the time. On the other hand, I can decide upon a football game all by myself;<br />
and sometimes, they even kiss me. I have friends and relatives all over the<br />
world. Hardly anyone knows me – ME, BALL.<br />
Even though I am the only one who knows the whole world<br />
of football!”<br />
• Football – told from the perspective of the ball.<br />
• Exciting and entertaining like a match, amusing and funny!<br />
Written by<br />
Peter Grossmann<br />
and Jola Bilko<br />
Illustrated by Jan Birck<br />
It’s me – Ball<br />
The Game begins<br />
Hardcover, 160 pg.<br />
15.1 x 21.5 cm<br />
All rights available<br />
Peter Grossmann is one<br />
of the most famous sports<br />
present ers on German TV.<br />
He presented football world<br />
championships and wrote<br />
non-fiction books about<br />
sports and books for children.<br />
Jola Bilko had the idea for<br />
“It’s me – Ball!” and wrote<br />
the book together with Peter<br />
Großmann. He is a psychologist<br />
and author and lives<br />
close to Frankfurt, Germany.<br />
Jan Birck, born 1963 in<br />
Munich, is an animator,<br />
cartoonist and very successful<br />
illustrator. He lives in<br />
Munich and has numerous<br />
illustrated or written bestsellers<br />
including “The wild<br />
soccer bunch” (with Joachim<br />
Masannek), “I’m sure everything<br />
will be fine” (with<br />
Kirsten Boie), “Flätscher”<br />
(with Antje Szillat) and more.<br />
www.jan-birck.de<br />
age<br />
8+<br />
Tom Tolliver, the young<br />
witch and the battle<br />
between light and shadow<br />
Tom Tolliver has just turned eleven when his life changes drastically from<br />
one moment to the other. He learns that he is in great danger and therefore<br />
has to hide at his grandad’s whom he has never seen before and who lives all<br />
by himself on the mysterious Island of the Luxa. When he arrives there, Tom<br />
learns that the Luxa – an ancient union of witches – train their youngsters on<br />
that island and that Tom’s mum was also a Luxa who disappeared mysteriously<br />
directly after his birth. Before Tom is even able to understand it all, he finds<br />
himself in the middle of a fight for life and death between the bright and the<br />
dark side of magic.<br />
• Exciting, great debut by Toni M. Jacoby<br />
• New voice for adventure and fantasy books for children<br />
• Rich in dialogues. A book like a movie – from the pen<br />
of an experienced creative director and scriptwriter<br />
Written by Toni M. Jacoby<br />
Illustrated by Silvia Christoph<br />
Tom Tolliver and the<br />
Island of the Luxa<br />
Hardcover, ca. 232 pg.<br />
14.8 x 21.0 cm<br />
All rights available<br />
Toni M. Jacoby was born in<br />
1974. His favorite subject at<br />
school was history – only<br />
because they told exciting<br />
stories there. After his<br />
graduation and studies, he<br />
wanted to tell his own stories<br />
and therefor worked in<br />
various creative fields. After<br />
living in San Francisco and<br />
Berlin, he is now residing<br />
at the Chiemsee, is married<br />
and has two children.<br />
Silvia Christoph is from<br />
Berlin and has worked for<br />
several publishing houses<br />
as cover illustrator since<br />
the 1990s; among others,<br />
she is well-known for the<br />
cover of “Drei ???”. Besides<br />
that, she has also designed<br />
many children’s books and<br />
has illustrated puzzles and<br />
dinosaurs. When she doesn’t<br />
illustrate, she sings for<br />
various music projects and<br />
in bands.<br />
A book<br />
like a movie.<br />
Magic.<br />
Exciting!<br />
age<br />
10+<br />
Poignant adventure books<br />
about personal courage!<br />
age<br />
11+<br />
Amelie is 13 years old and a true city urchin, and definitely the<br />
most stubborn girl in the world. She doesn’t let anyone tell<br />
her anything, not even her parents or her doctors.<br />
That can be dangerous, because Amelie suffers from<br />
asthma – but she also has a strong will and a<br />
longing for freedom. Instead of accepting help, she<br />
runs away.<br />
She escapes to the mountains. There she meets the<br />
mysterious boy Bart.<br />
Together with him, she experiences the magic<br />
of true friendship.<br />
• Emotional, exciting, witty and with cheeky dialogs!<br />
• The novel to the movie with international awards!<br />
• A book about courage, friendship and self-determination.<br />
Katja Brunckhorst<br />
Mountain Miracle – An unexpected Friendship<br />
Hardcover, 240 pg. – 14.3 x 21.9 cm<br />
All rights available.<br />
Sue is 12 and a loner. After she has come into contact<br />
with a liquid which had been produced by her mother,<br />
a scientist, she can become invisible all of a sudden.<br />
Then, her mother is kidnapped. With her new friends<br />
Tobi and App, Sue has to rescue her mother and hunt<br />
down the kidnappers. But she also runs into danger …<br />
• Exciting and thrilling adventure<br />
Written by Markus Dietrich<br />
Invisible Sue – suddenly invisible!<br />
Hardcover, 240 pg. – 14.3 x 21.9 cm<br />
All rights available.<br />
Great and naughty<br />
teenage romances …<br />
age<br />
11+<br />
For teenager Cyril, the point is: Roxy is the most<br />
beauti ful and coolest girl in the world. And that he<br />
wants to show her. So, he writes poems for her and<br />
rap-songs, flirts with her via WhatsApp and<br />
Snapchat. The problem is: Cyril has a very big nose<br />
and therefore does not dare show Roxy his affection;<br />
he thinks she will not be interested in him. Driven<br />
by his distress, he pretends his talents belong to<br />
another boy, so that the not-so-bright Rick can<br />
conquer Roxy’s heart with his poems. That causes<br />
the perfect mess …<br />
• Modern adaptation of “Cyrano de Bergerac”<br />
• Teen life, falling in love, sex, heartache.<br />
• The book to the successful film “Das schönste<br />
Mädchen der Welt” as funny as “Fack ju Göhte”<br />
(more than 20 million spectators)!<br />
Hardcover, 160 pg. – 15.1 x 21.5 cm<br />
All rights available<br />
Written by Michael Engler and TextDoc Kiesel<br />
The most beautiful girl of the world<br />
Hardcover, 160 pg. – 14.2 x 21 cm<br />
All rights available.<br />
Katya is an excellent ballet talent. She is successful and<br />
trains hard for the audition at the New York Ballet Academy.<br />
But when she meets the street dancers in “Battleland”, she<br />
suddenly experiences a completely different world of hip hop,<br />
freedom, spontaneity and improvisation.<br />
Katya’s heart catches fire for the new style. And for Marlon.<br />
But her father wants her to dance ballet. How will she<br />
decide? Will she make the jump?<br />
• Novel with script excerpts from the brilliant film story.<br />
• Streaming on Netflix!<br />
“Ballet is your family.” Victor, dad<br />
“The world of street dance is one huge family.”<br />
Marlon, best friend
The book<br />
about love and dancing!<br />
A new talent!<br />
Please listen to her songs:<br />
https://youtu.be/Lgqn6qCnrcE<br />
https://youtu.be/zE9_0ZD38AQ<br />
Leona Efuna<br />
extravagant – Moon or Sun<br />
Hardcover, 460 pg.<br />
14.4 x 21.8 cm<br />
All rights available.<br />
Leona is only 17 and<br />
she already has her<br />
very own amazing<br />
voice. English<br />
translation of the<br />
first chapters of<br />
the book available!<br />
Please request the<br />
English reading<br />
sample!<br />
Y O U N G ADULT<br />
& C O M I N G O F A G E<br />
Paige is sixteen and a passionate musician.<br />
After a mysterious car accident her best<br />
friend Robyn lies in a coma, and she must<br />
move to New York and find herself …<br />
A book about great emotions and a life<br />
like a roller coaster ride. It asks the<br />
big questions of good and evil, true<br />
friendship ans self-determination.<br />
With letters, song lyrics and inner<br />
voices. Extravagant. Soundtrack<br />
included.<br />
@extravagantsaga<br />
T O P T I T L E<br />
So funny and invisible!<br />
A new picture book character is born:<br />
More information about this bestseller<br />
on pages 6 and 7!