MOTC Manual - edited

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vibrations harmful to the engine. A propeller with worn blades will allow the engine

to accelerate beyond the recommended operating range which can result in damage

to the motor.

What to carry - It is recommended you carry a spare propeller, nut, locking device

(cotter pins or tab washers), thrust washers, and any other components that can fail

or be lost.

Other equipment to carry include: (a) adjustable wrench/prop tool (floating prop

wrenches are available), (b) a block of wood for setting between the propeller and

anti-ventilation plate when turning the prop nut, (c) spline grease.

Steps for removal inspection

Turn the engine and master switch off, remove the key and/or kill

switch, and set the gear shifter to neutral.

Straighten and remove the locking device (cotter pin or tab washer).

Place block of wood (e.g., 10” piece of two-by-four) between the anti-ventilation

plate and propeller blades to prevent rotation, and remove propeller nut.

Pull propeller straight off shaft, remove front thrust washer.

Remove any items wrapped around the prop and check for evidence of damage

to grease seal.

Coat propeller shaft with spline grease, wipe off extra and keep it clean.

Install front thrust washer, propeller, rear thrust hub, and propeller nut onto


Replace propeller nut and tighten to manufacturer’s specification (e.g., 30 ft-lb).

As a rule-of-thumb, the propeller nut is tightened until “snug”. Secure propeller

nut to the shaft with the locking device (cotter pin or tab washer).

Propulsion Systems – Jet drive

Jet propulsion systems utilizing one

or more impellers (versus a

propellers) that pulls water up

through an intake positioned roughly

flush with the lowest part of the hull,

and shoots it out behind the boat.

Compared to prop-drives, jet drives

are less efficient. In addition,

accessing and removing an impeller

is more difficult, outboard jet drives

are louder than outboard prop drives,

jet pumps can get blocked by debris,

many jet drives (particularly on

outboards) respond sluggishly in

reverse, and because there is no skeg

or rudder, handling is comparably poor.

DOI – Motorboat Operator Certification Course Chapter 2 – 4

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