KNSS Feb 2022

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Vol. 12 Issue No. 2 1943 Magham - Phalgunam 1197 Makaram - Kumbham Pages 28 Price `8/-


February 2022



RkLËLs & Wq-SpL-Y-°-t]¤








oL¡ÞÿV 1



v]o-¦yV Sc

oL¡ÞÿV 8









Send off to Shri Madhusoodana and Shri Sajeevan

MMET English School -

Covid Vaccination programme

Vaccination - Vidyamandir School

Mathematics Day

knSS News Bulletin

February 2022


Editorial ....................................................03

From the Chairman’s Desk......................04

From the Gen. Secretary..........................04

Benevolent Fund News...........................05

KNSS Karayogam News ..........................06

Karayogam and KNSS Events.................16

Mahila Vibhag News.................................17

MMECT News............................................19


Our Well Wishers

Acharyan Unnikrishna Sharma ..............09

National Packers & Movers......................10

Sree Ayyappa Catering Service..............11

Sree Krishna Marriage Bureau................12

D. Sunil Kumar..........................................12

V.P. Raneesh Poduval...............................20

Brahmasree Jayaram Sharma.................26

Contact Nos. for KNSS Ambulance

9845344781 / 9448486802 /


At times of Emergency !!

KNSS Helpline: 9449444509

9845344781, 9731247761

Join knss

Karnataka Nair Service Society provides leadership for all social

and religious rituals.

Contact KNSS Admin. Office (080-23563372)

or Secretary of your Karayogam.

Facebook : www.facebook.com/knssbangalore

Subscribe to KNSS News Bulletin

through your karayogam secretary

Life Time Subscription: ` 1000/-

Annual subscription ` 100/-

Email : knssnews@gmail.com

website: www.karnatakanair.com


yLÒ-¾]W v¡-xU, j|PyV vq]-¨L-¡, vj]-fL-h]-jU...

qºO RWLsæ-°-¥¨O oOÒV 2020 oL¡ÞÿV oLy-¾]-sL-e-SsæL, RWLSrL-e-RpÐ

WrO¾ AÈ|LpU fOa-°]-p-fV. AÐV ks v]hYVÈqOU RWLSrL-e-Rp-Õ-ã], CRfLqO

j}ºO-j]-åOÐ WrO¾ j]u-sL-vO-RoÐV Nkv-Þ]-Þÿ]-qO-ÐORv-Ë]-sOU, CNf n}f]-f-oL-vO-

RoÐV BqOU Nkf}-ƒ]-Þÿ-f-sæ. AµLrO oLy-¾]¤ ANkf|ƒ-oL-WO-RoÐV Nkf}-

ƒ]-Þÿ]-qOÐ oLq], IsæL Nkf}-ƒ-W-RtpOU fW-¡¾V ^j-^}-v]-f-°-t]¤ j}ºO

ja-oL-a] Dk-SqLi oqO-ÐO-W¥ fáL-rL-WO-Ð-f]-jO-ç]¤¾RÐ jLw-j-ì-°tOU Ajv-i]-pLp]

oqO-ÐO-W¥ sn]-¨L-Rf-pOU, Þ]W]ÃL yTWq|U sn]-¨L-RfpOU oq-e-

°tOU SqLY]-WtOU sƒ-°tOU hw-h-ƒ-°-tO-oLp]. 2021&R£ Av-yL-j-S¾LRa

ozL-oLq] JRr-¨ORr k]¢-vL-°]-Rp-ÐOU, 2022&R£ D¤-n-v-S¾LRa ^j-^}-v]

fU yLiL-q-e-Y-f]-p]-sL-WO-RoÐOU Dç yPÞ-j-p]-¤, joO¨V wOn-Nk-f}-ƒ-W-StLRa,

jÚORa W¡Ú kÈ-f]-W-tO-oLp] oOSÐLŸO SkLWLU!

oL¡ÞÿV oLyU 8&LU f}p-f]-pL-eSsæL SsLW vj]-fL-h]-jU. SWLv]cV n}f]-p]-¤-j]

ÐOU SsLWU Wq-W-p-r]-R¨L-º]-q]-¨OÐ CTp-v-y-q-¾]¤ vj]-fL-h]-jL-SZLxU

KqO jSvL-SÓ-x-oLp] y~}W-q]-¨-pLeV SsLW-Ro-ÒL-aO-oOç vj]-f-W-¥. jÚORa

Wq-SpLYU oz]-tL-v]nLY-°tOU jSvL-SÓ-x-S¾LRa vj]fL h]jR¾ vq-Sv-¤-

¨O-Ro-ÐO-r-ÕL-eV. oOr]-îO-SkLp Nkv-¡-¾j wQX-s-W-t]Rs ks W¹]-WtOU v]

t-¨]-SÞÿ-¡¾V jv-Nk-f]-Æ-W-StLRa, Nkf|L-w-W-StL-Ra, oz]-tL-v]-nL-Y-°¥ oOSÐLŸO

vqO-Ð-f]-R£ y×Os]U-Y-°¥ "RzL-r-oL-v]-'sOU, y¡-^L-kO-q-p]sOU CÎ]-qL-j-Y-r]sOU oãO

ks Wq-SpL-Y-°-t]sOU WºO fOa-°]-¨-u]-îO. Jv-¡¨OU j|PyV mOç-ã]-R£

vj]fL h]jL-wU-y-W-¥.

oL¡-ÞÿV oLy-S¾L-aO-WPa] KqO yLÒ-¾]-W-v-¡xU WPa] f]W-pO-W-pL-eV. vL¡-x]W

RkLfO-SpL-Y-°-tORa oOSÐL-a]-pLp] vL¡-x]W vqvO Þ]s-vO-W-e-¨O-WtOU mLs-

¢yV x}ãOU, vqOU-v-¡x m^ãOU fáL-rL-¨OÐ f]q]-¨]-sL-p]-q]¨OU Wq-SpL-Y-°¥

CT oL¡ÞÿV oLy-¾]-¤. fOa-¡ÐV vL¡-x]W RkLfO-SpL-Y-°-tOU, j]¡-vÿLzW yo]

f] j]¡-ÚL-e-vOU! jÚORa j]p-oL-v-s]-¨-jO-yQ-f-oLp CT vL¡-x]W NkNW]-p-W¥

DÃL-z-kP-¡vÿU yo-p-m-È-oLp] ja-¾L-jOU, RopV&^P¦ oLy-S¾LRa vL¡-x]-W-

RkL-fO-SpL-Y-°¥ ja-¾LjOU fÓPsU jÚORa j]p-oL-v-s]-SpL-aOç jÚORa Nkf]-

m-Èf j]¡-vÿ-z]-¨LjOU IsæLU Wq-SpL-Y-°-¥¨OU Wu]-p-RŸ!

Wu]î s¨-¾]¤ WLe]-Þÿ-fO-SkLRs, ks Nkf]-y-Ì]-WtOU Sjq]-ŸLeV j|PyV

mç-ã]¢ v}ºOU kOñ-W-qP-Ske Nky]-È}-W-q]-¨O-Ð-fV. CfV A¡-z]-¨OÐ, BNYz]-¨OÐ

Wq-°-t]-Rs-¾]-¨L¢ RW.I¢.IyV.IyV. SmL¡-cOU, Ic]-SãL-r]-p¤

SmL¡cOU mLÈ|-ñ-qL-eV. KqO Bi]-WL-q]-W-oLp RopVs]°V s]ð]-R£ AnL-vU,

AgvL Ak-q|L-kÅf ks-SÕLuOU Nkf]-y-Ì]-W¥ yQì]-¨O-ÐO. AffO Wq-SpL-Y-

°-tORa A^}-vj vq]-¨L-RqpOU vL¡-x]W vq]-¨L-RqpOU D¥-RÕ-aO-¾], AjL-vw|-oL-p-f]Rj

IaO-¾O-oL-ã], s]ðV fáL-rL¨] RW.I¢.IyV.IyV. SmL¡-c]Rj

Ar]-p]-¨-e-Ro-ÐOU, vLp-j-¨L-qORapOU vq]-¨L-qO-RapOU BNY-z-°tOU Av-WLw-°tOU

kP¡-¾}-W-q]-¨L¢ yzL-p]-¨-e-RoÐOU An|-¡-À]-¨O-ÐO.

vL¡-x]W kq}-ƒ-W¥ CR°-¾]-¨-u]-îO. IyV.IyV.I¤.y]., y].m].

IyV.C., kæyV aO kq}-ƒ-W-Rt-uO-fOÐ v]h|L-¡-À]-W-¥-R¨sæLU v]^-p-oL-wU-y-W¥.

v]Sw-x]ÞÿV jÚORa IU.IU.C.a]. v]h|L-o-Î]¡ ØP¥ v]h|L-¡-À]-W¥ DÐf v]^-pj]-s-vL-q-S¾LRa,

v¡-¹L-n-SpLRa kLôLp] joO-R¨sæLU An]-oL-j-oLp] nv]-¨O-Ro-



Karnataka Nair Service Society, 186/4, 2nd Floor, J.C. Complex, Sheshadripuram, Bangalore - 560 020

knss News Bulletin February 2022 3

From the Chairman’s Desk

Nk]p RW.I¢.IyV.IyV. WOaOU-mLU-°-Rt,

SWLv]cV n}f] WOr-îO-v-qO-ÐO-Rº-Ë]sOU oO¢-W-qO-f-SsLRa fOa-

Sq-º-fL-eV. Wu]î oLyR¾ oLy]W IsæL-v-¡¨OU sn]-Þÿ]-q]-¨O-

RoÐV WqO-fO-ÐO. vs]-RpLqO Ca-Sv-t-¨O-Sw-x-oLeV oLy]-W-pORa

Nkv-¡-¾jU kOj-qL-qU-n]-Þÿ-fV. SkLð¤ Rcs]-vr] INf-S¾LtU

WLq|-ƒ-o-oL-p]¨OÐORvÐV oj-ô]-sL-¨L¢ kãL¾ Av-òpL-eO-ç-fV.

f°-tORa Jq]-p-p]¤ Rcs]-Rvr] RÞáOÐ SkLðVoLjOoLp]

mÌ-RÕ-ŸV, oLy]W sn|-oL-¨L¢ kq]-è-o]-¨O-W.

kOfO-v-¡xU NkX|L-k]Þÿ pPe]-p¢ mc-^ãOU jÚORa qL^|-¾]-R£

vs]p vt-¡Þÿ Av-WL-w-RÕ-aO-ÐO-ºV. kL¢-c-o]WV vs]-RpLqO n}

x-e]-p-sæL-fLp] f}qO-Ro-ÐL-e]-f]¤ j]ÐOU v]s]-p]-qO-S¾-º-fV.

Af]-jL¤ RW.I¢.IyV.IyV. yUZ-ajL Nkv-¡-¾-j-°¥ v]

kO-s}-W-q]-S¨-º-fO-ºV. oz]-tL, pOv-^-j-v]-nL-YU, mLs-^-j-yUZU

oãO ymV WÚ]-ã]-W¥ IsæLU fRÐ Nkv-¡-¾-j-ƒ-o-oL-S¨-º-fLeV.

RWLÞÿO RWLÞÿO WPŸLpÜWt]-¤-WPa] v]v]-i-p]jU kq]-kL-a]-W¥

ByP-NfeU RÞáL¢ Wq-SpL-Y-°¥ oO¢RRW IaO-¨-eU. KÐO

qºO oLy-°-¥-¨O-ç]¤ Nkv-¡-¾-j-°¥ Nk} SWLv]cV Rsv-s]¤

I¾]-¨L¢ joO¨V Wu]-p-eU. 8&2&22, IU.IyV. jY¡ Wq-SpL-

Y-¾]-R£ SjfQ-f~-¾]¤ ""-n}-xÜL-ì-o]-'' BSZL-x]-¨O-W-pO-ºL-p].

KL¦-RRs¢ Bp] iLqLtU BtO-W¥ kRË-aO¾ kq]-kLa] v¢ v]^p-oL-¨]-pfV

YOqO-òL-j}-p-jLp] Nkv-¡-¾]Þÿ Wq-SpLYU SmL¡cV

RoÒ¡ è}. RW.RW. jLp¡ (oO¢ v].y]. 2, S^L.^j.RyNW-Ÿ-r]),

oãO nLq-vL-z]-W-¥, Jv-¡¨OU An]-j-Î-j-°-¥. n}xÜL-ÞL-q|¡ wqw-á-p]¤

W]a-¨O-Ð Av-y-qU, ojO-x|-¡¨V vÐO SÞqL-vOÐ j]

v-qi] Nkf]-y-Ì]-W-¥¨V n}xÜ¡ D¾qU j¤-WO-ÐO-ºV. INf ozLjLp]qO-ÐLsOU

AjO-n-v]-S¨º hOq]-f-°¥ AOj-n-v]-¨O-W-fRÐ

SveU. i¡-Ú-Ro-v]-RaSpL Av]Ra ^pvOU, Ai-¡-Ú-°-tO-ç]-a¾V

kqL-^-pvOU IÐ ff~U ^j-°¥ oj-ô]-sL-S¨-º-fL-eV.

RzLr-oLvV Wq-SpLYU "AU-Y-j-'-pORa C¢ zTyV oLY-y]¢ oz]

CT oLy-R¾ -o-RãLqO NkiLj kq]-kLa]

RlNmO-vq] 17&jV ja-¨OÐ RkLËLs

yo-¡-Õ-e-oL-eV. o¾]-¨-q, RWL¾-ÐP-¡,

RRoyP-¡, v]oL-j-kO-q, ^Ls-z-ç], WPaLRf

oãO Þ]s Wq-SpL-Y-°tOU SWLv]cV oLj-h¼U

AjO-y-q]ÞÿV v]kO-s-oLp fáL-Rr-aO-ÕO-W¥ ja¾]R¨Lº]-q]-¨O-ÐO

IÐLeV Ar]-pL¢ Wu]-î-fV. IsæLU v¢ v]^-p-oL-¨L¢ Wu]-

p-RŸ-RpÐV BãO-WL¤ AÚ-SpLaV NkL¡-À]-¨O-ÐO. jÚORa oz]

tL v]nL-Y-°-tORa Nkv-¡-¾-j-°¥ Cj]pOU RoÞÿ-RÕŸ q}f]-p]¤

oOSÐLŸV RWLºO-SkL-WO-vL¢ Svº] KqO SWL¡ WÚ]-ã]-pORa o}ã]

UYV ^p-o-z¥ Wq-SpL-Y-¾]¤ RvÞÿV ja-¾O-vL¢ f}qO-oL-j]-Þÿ]-ŸOtL

v]nLY-¾]-R£ NkLwU-y-j}-p-oLp] WL¤-

Rv-ÕLp] WLeO-ÐO. iLqLtU WOaOU-mLU-Y-°-

¥¨V NkSpL-^-j-oL-WOU-v]-i-¾]¤ oLy]W

vt-q-RŸ, vsO-fL-W-RŸ. BãO-WL¤ RkLËLs

oSzL-ÃvU o¾]-¨q WqSpLY-¾]Rs

BãO-WL¤ Shv] SƒNf-¾]¤ 10 h]v-yR¾

D¤-y-v-oL¨] ja-¾O-W-pL-eV. Shv}-W-aLƒU Jv-¡¨OU sn]-¨OoL-rL-W-RŸ.

RI.IyV.B¡.K.pORa ÞO¨L¢ k]a]¨L¢ KqO "jL-p-¡'WPa]

Ao-q-¨L-q-jLp] vÐ]-q]-¨O-W-pL-eV & ScL. SyLo-jL-gV, RÞp-

¡-oL-¢, RI.IyV.B¡.K. RfLŸO k]ÐLRs fRÐ v]NWU yLqLmLpV

yVSkyV Ry£-r]-R£ cp-r-W›¡ òLj¾V è}. IyV. D¹]-

¨Q-xV-e¢ jLpqOU j]p-o]-f-jL-p]-q]-¨O-W-pL-eV. jLp¡ yoPzU

BzæL-h]-¨OÐSfLRaÕU RW.I¢.IyV.IyV.R£ AjO-SoL-hj-°tOU

Ar]-p]-¨O-W-pL-eV. jRÚ ySÍL-x]-Õ]-¨OÐ oRãLqO

vL¡¾ ScL. qL^-sƒÜ] SoSjL-¢, Ry£¡ SlL¡ Ip-¡-SmL¦

y]ðU cp-r-W›¡ Bp-fL-eV. AjO-SoL-h-j-°-¥. Cv-qORa vÎ|-k]-

fLvV f]Õ-yLNÎ Wq-SpLYU Nky]-c£V è} A^]fV k]ç-pORa yzi-¡-Ú]e]

è}of] qLSWÎO A^]fV fR£ ""-A-ñ]-W¥ kr-pL-f]-qO-

Ð-fV-'' IÐO WQf]¨V nLxL-kO-qyV¨LqU JãO-vL-°]. RW.I¢.

IyV.IyV.R£ An]-j-Î-j-°¥ SjqO-ÐO.

nLq-f-¾]-R£ vLj-ÒLa] sfL-o-SËxVW¡ KL¡-Ú-pL-p]. Av-qORa

èOf]-o-iO-q-oLp kLŸO-Wt]¤WPa] nLq-f}p oj-ô]-¤, Av¡ IÐOU

^}v]-¨OU. Bh-q-SvLRa Nke-o]-¨O-ÐO. 2020 oL¡ÞÿV 2&LU f}pf] h]

vU-Y-f-jL-p, kLNaeOU oO¢ RÞp-¡-oL-jOoLp, y¡-vÿ-qL-È|-jLp è}.

w]v-qL-o¢ yLr]jV Bh-qL-Æ-s]-W-¥.

Jv-¡¨OU SsLW-v-j]-fL-h]-jL-wU-y-W-¥.


qLo-Þ-N΢ kSs-q]

From the Gen. Secretary

Nk]p RW.I¢.IyV.IyV. WOaOU-mLU-Y-°-Rt,

oRãLqO v¡xU WPa] Wa-ÐO-SkL-p]-q]-¨O-ÐO. f]q]îV SjL¨O-

SÒL¥ JRr ÞLq]fL¡-À-°tOU Af]-SsRr j]qL-w-WtOU DºV.

jÚORa j|PyV mOç-ã]¢ WOrÞÿV Ca-Sv-t¨O SwxU v}ºOU RoÒ-

¡-oL-¡¨OU An|O-h-p-WLU-ƒ]-W-¥¨OU W]Ÿ]-¨L-jO-o-SsæL. Cj]pOU

WPaO-f¤ vs]-Õ-S¾LRa I¾]-¨-e-Ro-ÐLeV BNY-z]-¨O-Ð-fV.

Cf]jV yLÒ-¾]W mOÈ]-oO-Ÿ-W¥ DºV IÐOç WLq|U ÝL¢

kr-pL-Rf-fRÐ IsæL-v-¡¨OU Ar]-pL-vO-Ð- WLq|-oL-eV. KqO Wq-

SpLYU KqO kqy|U yUZ-a]-Õ]-ÞÿO fÐL¤ fRÐ joO¨V vs]p

mLÈ|fW¥ CsæLRf Cf]Rj oOSÐLŸV RWLºO-SkL-WL¢ Wu]-pOU.

IsæL-v-qO-SapOU yz-W-qeU An|-¡-À]-ÞÿORWL-çO-ÐO.


knss News Bulletin February 2022

ºV. è}of] qL^-sƒÜ], è}of] SwLn-jL-qLo-hLyV IÐ]-v¡ SÞ¡ÐV

Af]-R£ nLv] kq]-kL-a]-W-Rt-¨O-r]ÞÿV Þ¡Þÿ RÞpÅV SmL¡-c]Rj Ar]-


2022 oL¡ÞÿV 31&jV CSÕL¥ j]s-v]-sOç j]¡-vÿL-zW yo]-f]-WtORa

WLsL-vi] Av-yL-j]-¨O-W-pL-eV. 2022&24 SsàOç kOf]p

WÚ]-ã]WRt Rfq-RîaO¨-eU, INfpOU SvYU Wq-SpL-Y-°-tORa

We-¨O-W¥ kLôL¨] KLc]ãV RÞpÅV kOf]p nLq-vL-z]-W-tORa s]

ðV SmL¡c]jV ApÞÿO fSq-º-fL-eV. Wq-SpL-Y-°-tORa r]SÕL-¡ŸV

vÐ-f]jV SwxU oLNfSo SmL¡cV ^].y].IU.jV Dç WLq|-°tOoLp]

oOSÐLŸV SkLWL¢ Wu]-pO-W-pO-çP. CT WLq|-°¥ vtRq

YTq-v-S¾LRa oj-ô]-sL-¨] Wq-SpLYU I.^].IU. yo-p-m-È]-

foLp] ja-¾ORoÐV v]w~-y]-¨O-ÐO.

RW.I¢.IyV.IyV. kOSqL-Y-f]-pORa kLf-p]-sLeV. Cj]pOU

iLqLtU WLq|-°¥ ByP-NfeU RÞpÅV ja-ÕL-S¨-º-fO-ºV. KqO

WPŸL-pÜ-p]-sPRa CRfsæLU yls}W-q]-¨L¢ yLi]-¨O-W-pO-çP.

IsæL-v-qO-RapOU yz-W-qeU Nkf}-ƒ]-ÞÿO-RWLºV j]rO-¾O-ÐO.

IsæL oz]-tL-v]nLY-°-¥¨OU SsLW vj]-fL-h]-jL-wU-y-W-¥.


B¡. oSjL-zq WOrO-ÕV

^j-r¤ RyNW-Ÿ-r]

KNSS Benevolent Fund News

Membership: 16 members have taken life membership

during January 2022, taking the total membership of

Benevolent Fund to 6204 as on 31st January 2022.

Members enrolled on January are as follows: -








6189 Vinod Menon 6194 Harish Chandran

6190 Dileep Kumar 6195 Rajesh R

6191 Muraleedhar K 6196 Srijesh S

6192 Jayakrishnan PR 6197 Unnikrishnan B

6201 Sai Manohar R 6198 Premnath VM

6202 Rajesh Menon

6203 Ragesh Kumar PP JAYANAGAR

6199 Mohana Kumaran

MATHIKERE 6200 Biju R Nair

6193 Murali Y


6204 Ramdas M

Benevolent fund welcomes the new members and thank

their Karayogams for promoting this Service front of

KNSS. Let us continue to march forward towards 100%

enrolment of KNSS members in Benevolent Fund.

Donations during the Month of January 2022: -

Sri. V. VIJAYAN – Rajajinagar Karayogam,

Permanent Donor

Sri. NGK NAIR (Jt. Secretary of Benevolent

Fund) – Jayanagar Karayogam, Permanent Donor

Sri. G. Mohana Kumar (Secretary, Benevolent

Fund) – Halasuru Karayogam, Permanent Donor

Rs. 100

Rs. 201

Rs. 100

Sri. Padma Kumar (Jt. Secretary, MMECT) –

Sadasivanagar Karayogam

Rs. 501

Total Rs. 902

We thank the donors and request all members well wishers

to donate liberally, to improve our Corpus Fund and make

the Financial assistance to the needy more meaningful.

Financial Assistance / Funeral Expense during the

Month of January 2022: -

Smt. Vatsala - Mandya Karayogam Rs. 15,000

Sri. C. Sasidharan Pillai – Yelahanka


Rs. 5,000

Total Rs. 20,000

An Appeal to Karayogams and Members

• We request your participation to achieve our target of 6500

members. We request all Karayogams to enroll minimum 5

members in a month. Our ultimate goal is 100% enrollment

of all KNSS members in Benevolent Fund.

• Please inform Benevolent Fund Secretary the dates

of the monthly EC meeting, AGM, AGT, etc of the

Karayogam. Benevolent Fund committee members

would like to appraise the members about the fund.

• Remember KNSS Benevolent Fund during family

functions like Birthdays, Anniversaries etc. Donate

liberally to Benevolent Fund Corpus fund. Donations

however small are welcome.

• Let us take the Benevolent fund corpus fund to

Rs 70 Lakhs or more and service fund to Rs 13 Lakhs

so that the benefits given to members will be substantial

and meaningful.

N. Kesava Pillai Sreekumar. S D. Krishna Kumar

President Secretary Treasurer

8618478308 9448322540 9886132612

knss News Bulletin February 2022 5

KNSS Karayogam News


The Karayogam conducted 321st Monthly meeting on the

8th of January 2022 at the Karayogam office at ISRO Layout,

Bangalore. The meeting witnessed strong attendance of

15 EC Members in physical presence ensuring complete

adherence to the Covid protocols. Previously, the meetings

were being conducted every month by online and partially

in physical presence. This was to ensure the members were

updated on the activities in and around the Karayogam.

Shri MKS Nair, who presided over the meeting, welcomed

the committee and discussed about conducting the Pongala

in Feb, New Building proposal, AGM, AGT etc. The

Karayogam celebrated Mannam Jayanthi and Republic day

on the respective dates in the Karayogam premises. The

Karayogam plans to conduct the next AGM in April and

the final decision on this will be taken only in the monthly

EC Meeting of February.

The Karayogam unanimously decided to proceed with

the proposed new office site situated off Kanakapura

Road, Banashankari and we are awaiting completion of

formalities. Shri Sanathanan P.I., the owner of proposed

site, assured the committee that all required formalities

will be completed at the earliest. This is undoubtedly a

dream project for a Karayogam that was formed 25 years

ago under the leadership of (Late) Shri Bhaskaran Nair.

The members are excited to see the progress of this project

and to take pride of owning an office for the Karayogam.

EC members have already started approaching members

and other likeminded people/firms for their earnest

contributions and have already gathered a substantial

amount. However, the Karayogam would like to request

all members to support this drive, as the project still needs

lot more funds. Shri Rajkumar B Nair, Son of (Late) Shri

Baskaran Nair, has been the unanimous choice to drive

this project as the Convenor and he will be given all

encouragements and supports by the President, Secretary

and all other EC Members.

Shri Ananthakrishnan, Treasurer, ensured that all cash

accountings are done with extreme care and caution. This

has helped maintaining clear records of all transactions and

has resulted clean Audits year after year. Shri Dilip Kumar

Pillai, Board Director has been our voice in the Board

Meetings and he has been updating the committee about

the Board proceedings.

Shri Sunil K Menon thanked all the members for their

strong presence in the meeting. He has requested members

to provide all required supports to the ongoing building

project and the collection drive. He has also thanked all

members who have supported the KNSS Ambulance


Project with a considerable total contribution of

Rs.1,00,000/- to KNSS.

The Meeting concluded with national anthem sung by all

members in chorus.


m]Nhzç] Wq-SpLYU 13&02&2022 ÝLp-rL-uVÞ RRvW]ŸV 5

oe]¨V KL¦-RRs¢ vu] C.y]. o}ã]UYV ja-¾]. CTw~q NkL¡-Àj¨OU

BÞL-q|-v-Î-j-¾]jO SwxU Nkwñ YLp]W è}of] sfL

oSË-ë-r]-R£ j]q|L-e-¾]¤ SpLYU AjO-SwL-ÞjU SqX-RÕ-aO-¾].

Nky]-c£V è}of] B¡. yOnNhL Shv] AÈ|-ƒf vz]-ÞÿO. SpLY-

¾]¤ KL¦-RRs¢ vu] I¾]p IsæL AUY-°¥¨OU Nky]-c£V

y~LYfU BwU-y]-ÞÿO. CSÕL¥ SWLSrL-e-pORa w©] WOrîO

wLÍ-oL-p]-ŸO-ºV. Af]-jL¤ AUY-°-Rt-sæL-vqOU BW›}vV BWeU

IÐOU Wq-SpL-Y-¾]¤ AUY-yUX| v¡-È]-Õ]-¨-eU IÐOU SopV

oLy-¾]¤ I.^].IU. ja-¾-eU IÐOU An|-¡-À]-ÞÿO. CT v¡-x-

¾]¤ fRÐ I.^].a]. ja-¾-eRoÐOU, Af]-jO-Svº lºV wq]-

pL-¨-eU IÐOU, WPaLRf WsL-k-q]-kL-a]-W¥ ByP-NfeU RÞáeU

IÐOU, C°Rj Wq-SpL-Y-¾]-R£ nLv] kq]-kL-a]-W-Rt-¨O-r]

ÞÿV Nky]-c£V h}¡-Z-SjqU yUyL-q]-¨O-W-pO-ºL-p]. qºO v¡-xoLp]

RWLSrLe WLqeU DºLp v}uVÞW-¥ kq]-z-q]ÞÿO IsæL-vqOU

WPŸLp yz-W-q-e-S¾LaOU ySÍL-x-S¾LaOU SyÔz-S¾LaOU A¡-


Dp-¡-¾]-RWLºOvqeU IÐ-v¡ SpLY-¾]¤ An|-¡-À]-ÞÿO.

k]Ð}aV RyNW-Ÿr] è}. y]. qv}-NÎ-jLgV ^jO-vq] oLyR¾ o]j]ŸVyV

Av-f-q]-Õ]-ÞÿO. Þ¡-Þÿ-W¥¨O SwxU SpLYU o]jO-ŸVyV kLôL-¨].

X^L-¢^] è}. m]j}xV c]yU-m¡ 21, ^jO-vq] 22 vqvV RÞsvV

We-¨O-W¥ Av-f-q]-Õ]-ÞÿfOU Þ¡-Þÿ-W-¥-¨O-SwxU SpLYU kLôL-


CT v¡-xR¾ AÍL-qLNì vj]fLh]jU oL¡ÞÿV 8, RÞLvÿL-uVÞ vqO-

ÐfO WLqeU oz]-t-W-tORa yTW-q|L-¡ÀU Wq-SpLYU o}ã]UYV h]

v-y-oLp oL¡ÞÿV 13 ÝLp-rL-uVÞ BSZL-x]-¨L¢ f}qO-oL-j]Þÿ v]

vqU oz]tL v]nLYV "W-s|L-e]' Nky]-c£V è}of] Y]q]^L WOoLq]

Wq-SpL-YR¾ Ar]-p]ÞÿO. AÐV SNkLNYL-o]¤ v]w]-ìL-f]-g]-pLp]

mLUYæP-q]¤ IsæL-v-¡¨OU yOk-q]-Þ]-f-pLp Wv]p]Nf] è}o-f].

qoL NkyÐ k]xL-qa] BReÐOU Av¡ Ar]-p]-ÞÿO. Shw}p YLj-

S¾LRa SpLYU Av-yL-j]-ÞÿO.


RNlNmO-vq] oLyR¾ IWõ]-W|P-Ÿ}vV WÚ]ã] SpLYU RNlNmO-vq]

BrLU f}pf] ÝLp-rL-uVÞ RRvW]ŸV 5:30jV Wq-SpLYU Nky]-c£V

è}. B¡. Aj]-s]-R£ Ai|-ƒ-f-p]¤ SÞqO-W-pO-ºL-p]. CTw~q

NkL¡-À-j-¨OU, BÞL-q|-v-Î-j-¾]jOU SwxU SpLY-j-a-k-a]-W¥

BqU-n]ÞÿO. RyNW-Ÿr] Wu]î oLyR¾ o}ã]U-Y]-R£ o]j]-ãVyV,

Nax-r¡ vqvV RÞsvV We¨V IÐ]v Av-f-q]-Õ]ÞÿO Þ¡-Þÿ-W-¥-¨O-

SwxU SpLYU AfV AUY}-W-q]-ÞÿO. fOa-¡ÐO jaÐ Þ¡-Þÿ-W-t]¤ Wq-

SpL-Y-¾]-R£ nLv] kq]-kL-a]-W-Rt-¨O-r]ÞÿV IsæL WÚ]ã] AUY-°tOU

Av-q-v-qORa An]-NkL-p-°¥ kr-îO. S^Lp]R£V RyNW-Ÿ-r]-pORa

knss News Bulletin February 2022

AnL-v-¾]¤ Nax-r¡ è}. SZLxV SpLY-¾]¤ kRË-aO¾ IsæL-v-

¡¨OU jÎ] SqX-RÕ-aO¾], SpLYU k]q]-îO.


Monthly meeting was held on 19th January, 2022 at

Karayogam office, presided by President Adv. C. Srikantan

Nair. Meeting commenced with Silent Prayer, Acharya

Vandanam and one minute silent prayer was observed to

mark respect to the departed souls during the period. During

the meeting the outgoing Secretary, Sri. Radhakrishna

Pillai, handed over the Karayogam documents to new

Secretary, Sri. Sathish Nair.

Karayogam celebrated Mannam Jayanthi on 2nd January

and Republic Day on 26th January.

Executive Committee decided to conduct Pongala Ulsavam

on 17th Feb also inauguration of Newly built building on

site # 27 named as “Swami Vivekananda Mandiram” will

be done on the same day, ie, 17th February, 2022, in the

presence of our beloved Chairman, Sri. Ramachandran

Paleri, Adv. V Vijayakumar, Vice Chairman, Sri R

Manohara Kurup, General Secretary, Sri. OVP Nambiar,

President, MMECT and other dignitaries. As usual this

month also Karayogam extended help to needy families.


è} oiO-yP-h-j WLq-e-v-qORa NkL¡-À-j-SpLRa SpLYU 13&02&22

ÝLp-rL-uVÞ RRvWO-SÐqU 5 oe]¨V KL¦-RRs-jLp] BqU-n]-ÞÿO.

BÞL-q|-v-ÎjU AjO-SwL-Þj NkL¡-À-j-W¥ IÐ]-v-¡-¨O-SwxU

Nky]-c£V ScL. SoLzj ÞN΢ NkyUY]-ÞÿO.

Wq-SpLYU vj]fL v]nLYU BqU-n]Þÿ "AUYj' oLy]-W¨V AjO-

SoL-h-j-°¥ Ar]-p]Þÿ RÞp-¡-oL¢ è}. qLo-Þ-N΢ kSsq], ^j-r¤

RyNW-Ÿ-r] è}. oSjL-^V WOrO-ÕV, vj]fL v]nLYU W¦-v}-j¡ è}of]

q^-s-ƒÜ], j|P mOç-ã]¢ Ic]-ã¡ è} mLs-SYL-kL-¤, Rmj-vs£V

lºV Nky]-c£V è}. SWw-v-k]ç IÐ]-v-¡¨V jÎ] kr-pO-

WpOU RÞpÅO. "AU-Y-j-'-pORa RWŸOU oŸOU Dça¨-R¾-Õ-ã]pOU v]

w-W-sjU RÞáO-WpOU SmL¡cV NYPÕ]¤ j]ÐOU sn]Þÿ AjO-SoLh-j-°¥

Ar]-p]-¨O-WpOU RÞpÅO. "AU-Y-j" YUn}-q-oL-¨]p oz]-tLv]-nL-YR¾pOU

B¡ŸVv¡-¨V RÞpÅ è}. A^-p¢ jLp-RqpOU Nky]-

c£V AjO-SoL-h]-ÞÿO.

RlNmO-vq] 17&jV BãO-WL¤ RkLËLs CSÕL-uR¾ yLz-

Þ-q|-¾]¤ KqO RkLfO Þa-°Lp] ja-¾O-Ð-f]-R£ mOÈ]-oO-ŸO-W¥

v]v-q]-¨O-WpOU CR¨LsæU RkLËLs KLUw©] AÒ-s-¾]jO

oOÐ]¤ ja-¾-ºL-RpÐV An]-NkL-p-RÕaOWpOU RÞpÅO. IÐL¤

CT oz-j}-p-oLp Þa°V oOa¨U vqO-¾LRf "AU-Y-j' AUY-°¥

Av-q-v-qORa v}aO-W-t]¤ NkñOf h]vyU qLv]Rs RkLËLs CaO-


KLl}yV nLq-vL-z]-W-tO-oLp] Þ¡Þÿ RÞpÅV f}qO-oL-j]-Þÿ-fLpOU Ar]-p]-


RyNW-Ÿr] è}. oiO c]. jLp¡ Wu]î oLyR¾ o]jOŸVyV vLp]-

¨O-WpOU SpLYU kLôL-¨O-WpOU RÞpÅO. Nax-r¡ è}. oiO-yP-hj

WLq-e-v¡ Wu]î oLyR¾ We-¨O-W¥ Av-f-q]-Õ]ÞÿV kLôL-

¨]. Wq-SpLYU Þ]Ÿ]-p]¤ j]ÐOU CT oLyU sn]-¨OÐ oPÐO sƒU

qPk CT oLyR¾ fRÐ We-¨]¤ vqvO-Rv-àO-RoÐOU Ar]-p]-


oãO Þ¡-Þÿ-W-t]¤ è}. qLSWxV SoSjL¢ Av-f-q]-Õ]Þÿ Wq-SpLYU

AUY-°-tORa c]^]-㤠Akæ]-S¨-x¢ I°]Rj NkLv-¡-¾]-WoL-¨L-RoÐV

SpLYR¾ Ar]-p]-ÞÿO. CT c]^]-ã]¤ SlL¡-oLãV y]


Rm¡-¾V, v]vLz vL¡-x]W h]j-°-¥, nLq|-pO-RapOU o¨-tO-RapOU

So¤-k-rî v]v-q-°¥ Cv D¥-R¨L-ç]ÞÿV KqO c]^]-㤠Bkæ]-

S¨-x¢ y]ðU DºL-¨] IaO-¾-fLp] SpLYR¾ Ar]-p]-ÞÿO.

"AU-Y-j' oLy]-W-oL-f]q] Wq-SpL-Y-°-tORa Þq]-Nf-¾]¤ CfOU

Bh| yUqUnoL-p]-q]-¨O-RoÐOU SpLYU An]-NkL-p-RÕ-ŸO. 6:30jV CT

KL¦-RRs¢ o}ã]UYV è}. è}WO-oL-r]-R£ jÎ]NkW-a-j-S¾LRa AvyL-j]-ÞÿO.


KNSS Indiranagar Karayogam conducted its monthly

EC meeting online on 23 rd January 2022. The members

observed one minute silent condolence prayer for Sri.

J Alexander’s sad demise. On this occasion, Mr. Sanal

K Nair Secretary briefed about the achievement of Sri.

Alexander, former Collector and Minister. President

Mr. Manoharan Nair welcomed the members and said

the pandemic situation is now better and we should start

some activities to generate some fund for our own office.

Mr. Sanal K Nair, Secretary presented the minutes of the

last meeting held in December 2021. The committee also

approved the accounts. Karayogam had planned to conduct

a Chess tournament during February 2022 but due to the 3 rd

wave of pandemic, it has been postponed to June. The final

decision will be taken shortly.

Karayogam Mahila Wing, Mathrushakthi, is planning to

bring out a digital handwritten magazine shortly. Smt.

Pushpa Vijay is heading the project with the support from

Mathrushakthi and Karayogam. The first issue is likely to

be ready by end of February 22.

New Member: Mr. Muraleedharan from Murugeshpalaya,

Bangalore, has taken membership in KNSS.

A Veteran Passes away: Dr. R. G Menon,

(97 years) passed away. He was the President

of Indiranagar Nair Samajam, the first Nair

Organisation in Bangalore. Karayogam

expresses heartfelt condolences.

Condolences: Sri. Sadashivan Nair, Ex-President,

Indiranagar Karayogam expired in Mannar, Kerala.

Karayogam expresses heartfelt condolences.

knss News Bulletin February 2022 7


The monthly meeting of the Karayogam was held on

9.1.2022. The meeting started with acharyasmarana.

President Mr D. Ullas presided over the meeting. President

greeted everybody and conveyed New Year wishes.

Secretary Mr. P. Raveendran read the minutes of last

month meeting Treasurer Mr. C.P. Mohankumar presented

the audited accounts of December 2022 and the house duly

approved both minutes and accounts.

Mannam Jayanthi: Mannam Jayanthi was celebrated at

KNSS Service Centre. Mr Ramachandran Paleri and Mr.

Harikumar spoke on the occasion.

Republic Day: Republic day was celebrated at KNSS

Service centre on 26.01.2022. Mr. D. Ullas unfurled the

National Flag.

Sugathanjali 2022: Kum Hrithika Manoj, our Suryakanthi

Malayalam Class student got 2 nd prize in poem recitation

in Sugathanjali 2022 conducted by Malayalam Mission

Karnataka chapter.

Condolence: House condoled the death of Mr. K.

Rajagopal, Life Member, Sultanpalya and Mr. Chandran

Nair, Life Member, Kempapura. The meeting was attended

by Mahila Vibhag and Youth wing members / executives.

Meeting concluded with vote of thanks at 6pm.


We are pleased to note that KNSS has started Newsletters

in print format again. We Jayanagar Karayogam offer

our full-fledged support. During the pandemic period our

Karayogam, as per government instruction functioned

to the minimum, though few EC meetings were held.

However, we did not forget our emergency needs. We have

sanctioned and paid monetary assistance and food kit to

Shri Venugopal and Shri Jayakumar our members who lost

their job during pandemic. We have conducted our Annual

General Body Meeting for the year 2020-2021 virtually

on 26 th September 2021 We are glad that the following

members agreed to write off the dues to them

1) Shri R Sreenivasan - Rs 88,820, 2) Shri Indukumar - Rs

18,900, 3) Shri N Viswanbaran Nair - Rs 8,500, 4) Shri K

Haridas - Rs 3,100

We express our sincere thanks to the above members. We

have also paid medical assistance to our member Shri

Bijumon who was suffering from heart ailment. We have

collected and paid Rs 50,000 to Bijumon’s family. We are

happy that he is fully recovered from heart problem and

has started working. We are pleased to note that under

the leadership of Shri N G K Nair we have enrolled 100

members to Benevolent fund, an astounding achievement

and service. We have also contributed Rs 25,000 to the

Ambulance fund as our contribution.


Mannam Jayanthi was celebrated on 2 nd January

at Karayogam Office, with floral tributes to the



NkL¡-À-j, BÞLq| vÎ-jU, AjO-SwL-ÞjU IÐ} kf]vV kq]-kLa]-W-¥¨V

SwxU 6 RNlNmO-vq] 2022 RRvW]ŸV 6 oe]¨V C.y].

SpLYU BqU-n]-ÞÿO.

Aá-Õ-kP-^: RW.I¢.IyV.IyV. RWL¾-ÐP¡ Wq-SpLYU Ý°tORa

KLl}-y]¤ oW-q-yU-NWL-Í]pOU Aá-Õ-kP-^pOU BSZL-x]-ÞÿO.

oOX| qƒL-i]-WLq] è}. qLiL-WQ-xVe¢ jLp¡ h}kU Rft]p]-ÞÿO.

yX] IWõ]-W|P-Ÿ}vV AUYU èof] sf-pORa SjfQ-f~-¾]¤ jaÐ

kP^-p]¤, 18 ka] kP^, Ye-kf] KqO¨V, kOx×L-¡-Þÿ-j, wq-eU-v]-t]

pOU NkyL-h-v]-f-q-evOU Cv ja-ÐO.

r]Õ-mæ]WV h]jL-SZL-xU: CÍ|pORa 73&LofV r]Õ-mæ]WV h]j-¾]-R£

yÜq-eL-¡ÀU Wq-SpLYU AUY-°¥ Wq-SpLYU KLl}-y]¤ K¾O-

WP-a]. Wq-SpLYU Nky]-c£V è}. AqO-¦-sL¤ Shw}p kfLW Dp-


BãO-WL¤ RkLËLs. RlNmO-vq] 17 (WOUnU 5): CT v¡-xvOU

RWL¾-ÐP¡ Wq-SpLYU yX] (oz]tL v]nL-YU)pORa y^}v

kËL-t]-¾-S¾LRa BãO-WL¤ RkLËL-sàV yTW-q|-RoL-qO-¨OU.

SWLv]-cV&19 n}xe] w©-oLp] fOa-qOÐ yLz-Þ-q|-¾]-¤, CT

v¡xU BãO-WL¤ RkLËL-s oSzL-ÃvU SWLv]-cV&19 SNkLSŸL-

S¨L-tO-W¥ W¡-w-j-oLp] kLs]-ÞÿO-RWLºV ja-¾L¢ f}qO-oL-j]-ÞÿO.

RkLËLs oSzL-Ã-v-S¾L-a-jO-m-Ì]-ÞÿOç Þa-°O-W¥ f]q¨V Ku]-

vL¨] BÞL-q-Nk-WLqU ja-¾L-jLeV f}qO-oL-jU.

òsU: RW.I¢.IyV.IyV. KLl}-y]jV If]-¡-vwU

f}p-f]: 17 RlNmO-vq] 2022 v|LuL-uVÞ

RkLËLs AaO-Õ]¤ f} kW-qO-Ð-fV: qLv]Rs 10:50

RkLËLs j]Sv-h|U: DÞÿàV 1:20

RRsNm-r]: IsæL-¾-qU kOñ-W-SNk-o]-W-¥¨OU Svº] KqO

RRsNmr] òLk]-¨L¢ Wq-SpLYU f}qO-oL-j]-ÞÿO. è}. yOSqxV

mLmO (S^Lp]£V Nax-r¡ RWL¾-ÐP¡ Wq-SpL-YU) 30 si]WU

kOñ-W-°¥ yUnLvj RÞpÅO. Wq-SpL-Y-¾]-R£ oOf]-¡Ð AUYU

è}. qv}-NÎjOU Sv¥cV mO¨V KLlV I¢-RRy-SWæL-k}-c]p (24

vLs|-°-¥) yUnLv RÞáL-jOç yÐ-Èf Ar]-p]-ÞÿO. j]q-vi]

RoÒ-¡-oL¡ kOñ-W-°¥ yUnLvj RÞáL¢ yÐ-Èf NkW-a]-Õ]-ÞÿO.

yUnLv-j: WqSpLY-¾]jV KqO a].v]. è}. qLS^xV jLp¡ yUnLvj

RÞpÅO. Wq-SpL-Y-¾]jV KqO CsWVNa]WV RWã]¤ yUnLvj

RÞáO-RoÐV è}. AqO-¦-sL¤ Ar]-p]-ÞÿO.


The Executive meeting of February month was conducted

in our office on 6.2.2022 at 10.30am. Vice President

Mr.Narayan Keloth presided and welcomed the committee

members. The meeting started with silent prayer and paid

homage to the departed soul of Singer Lata Mangehskar.

knss News Bulletin February 2022

Secretary Shri Ajith Kumar. S read the minutes of previous

month meeting. The Secretary shared the partial success

of online Subscription drive by which good amount was

collected. He requested the Executive members to continue

it, with the database which will be provided to them.

The meeting concluded with vote of thanks by Shri.V.M

Satheesan, EC Member.


Monthly Executive committee meeting was held on 30th

January 2022 followed by Joint meeting with Mahila

Vibhag to discuss and review the arrangements made for the

Attukal Pongala Mahotsavam starting from 9th Feb-22 to

18th Feb-2022. President Shri Sreekumar Kurup welcomed

the members who attended the meeting. Secretary Shri Das

T Presented the previous month minutes and Treasurer

E Jayarajan presented the statement of accounts of both

Temple and Karayogam.

Attukal Pongala-2022: We are happy to inform that around

600 devotees offered pongala at our Somashettyhalli

Attukal Devi Temple from 9th Feb-22 to 18th Feb-22.

On 17th main Pongola days 200 devotees did Pongola

samarpanam in Pandara Aduppu. We have arranged every

day Annadanam at Temple premises. KNSS Chairman

Shri Ramachandran Paleri and General Secretary Shri

Manohara Kurup visited our Temple on 17th February

2022 to take part in Pongala Mahotsavam.

We take this opportunity to thank one and all and devotees

those who have contributed financially and physically for

the success of the Pongala Mahotsavam especially sponsors

of Pongala items like Pots, Bricks, Pongala Kit items etc.

¡, RoUm¡ è}of] qO¯e] vLyO-Sh-v-¢, RoUm¡ è}.a].I¢.

SYLkL-s-WQ-xV-e¢ jLp¡ RoUm¡ qf}-x]-R£ k]fLvV è}qL-^-¢,

RoUm¡ è}of] Nk]pL yOi}-r]-R£ n¡f| k]fL-vV è}. qLo-Þ-N΢.

Nkwñ YLp]W è}of] sfL oSË-ë¡ IÐ]-v-qORa j]q|L-e-¾]¤

SpLYU AjO-SwL-ÞjU SqX-RÕ-aO-¾].

kOf]p AUYU: è}. C.a]. SyLo¢ Wq-SpL-Y-¾]sOU, mj-v-s£V

lº]sOU AUY-oL-p].

AjO-SoL-h-jU: Wq-SpL-YLUYU è}. y]. oiO-yP-f-¢ è}of] RW.v].

qoe] hÒ-f]-W-tORa oW¥ Aw~]-j]-pOU, è}. h}k¨OU fÚ]-sOç

v]vLzU RlNmO-vq] 11&LU f}pf] w]v-kL-¡-vÿf] Wsæ|Le o¼k-¾]-¤-RvÞÿV

ja-ÐO. WqU-SpLYU nLq-vL-z]-W¥ kRË-aO¾V An]-


r]Õ-mæ]¨V h]jLSZL-xU: ^jO-v-q] 26&jO Wq-SpLYU KLl}-y]jO

oOÐ]¤ AUY-°¥ K¾O-SÞ-¡ÐV Shw}p kfLW Dp-¡-¾]. Shw}-p-

YL-jL-sL-k-j-S¾LRa r]Õ-mæ]¨V h]j-oL-SZL-x]-ÞÿO.


On 12th of February monthly executive meeting of Mysore

Karayogam was convened through Google meeting at

6.30 pm... Secretary Sri Ravi Menon called the meeting

to order. Virtually14 people attended the meeting.

President Sri Ravindran Nair welcomed all the members

present. After prayer and Acharya vandanam, president

paid homage to the departed souls of Smt. Gowri Amma,

m.s. nagar

Wq-SpLYU Nkf]-oLy IWõ]-W|P-Ÿ}vV WÚ]ã] o}ã]UYV Wq-SpLYU Nky]-

c-£]-R£ AÈ|-ƒ-f-p]¤ 6&2&22 ÝLp-rL-uVÞ RRvWO-SÐqU

5:30&jV SÞqO-W-pO-ºL-p]. CTw~q NkL¡-À-j-SpLaOU, BÞL-q|-v-Îj-S¾LaOU

WPa] SpLY ja-k-a]-W¥ BqU-n]ÞÿO. o}ã]U-Y]¤ Wq-SpLYU

RyNW-Ÿr] è}. kË-^L-ƒ¢ jLp¡ y~LY-f-oL-wU-y]-ÞÿO. Wq-SpLYU

Nky]-c£V è}. oOq-t}-i¡ jLp¡ AÈ|ƒ NkyUYU ja-¾]. RyNW-

Ÿr] o]j]aõOU, Nax-r¡ è}. C.a]. RkLÐO-¨O-Ÿ¢ A¨T-ºVyOU Avf-q]-Õ]-ÞÿO.

è}. mLs-SYL-kL-¤, è}. c]. WQxV-e-WO-oL¡ IÐ]-v¡

IU.y].y].IyV, j|PyV mOç-ã]-¢, mj-v-s£V lºV IÐ]-v-pORa

Nkv-¡-¾-jR¾ WOr]ÞÿO SpLY-¾]¤ v]w-h}-W-q]-ÞÿO. BÞL-q|¢ è}

oоO kÄ-jL-n-R£ yoLi] h]j-oLp RlNmO-vq] 25&LU f}p-f]

oÐ-¾]-R£ MLpLÞ]-Nf-¾]jO oOÐ]¤ kOx×L-¡-Þÿj ja-¾L¢ Dç

f}qO-oL-j-S¾LaOU, RRvyV Nkc]£V è}Shv]-hL-y]-R£ jÎ]-Nk-So-p-

S¾L-aO-WPa] SpLY ja-k-a]-W¥ Av-yL-j]-ÞÿO. è} v]w~¢ SpLY-

¾]jV I¾]-p-v-¡¨V A¾Lu v]qOÐV KqO-¨]-p]-qO-ÐO.

AjO-SwL-Þ-jU: Wq-SpLYU RoUm¡ è}. k].a]. wË-q¢ WOŸ]-pORa

oLfLvV è}of] WOîO-oLtO AÚ, RoUm¡ è}zq]hLyV nLØ-

knss News Bulletin February 2022 9

Malini Vijayan, Ranjith Mohanan and Smt. Sathyabhama

and Komalam Amma. Secretary read the minutes of the

last meeting which was held on 8th January 2022. After a

brief discussion on the minutes, it was adopted. Accounts

for the month of January were tabled by the treasurer Sri

Prakash Nair. After a short debate accounts were also

passed. Mysore Karayogam usually conduct Pongala at

Rajarajeswari temple in J P Nagar, Mysore. Last year due

to the pandemic we could not perform Pongala. We have

not been given permission by the temple authorities this

year as well due to the spread of Omicron. This year we

have decided to conduct Pongala rituals confined to using

one Single pongala at Chamundivanam temple in Mysore

and distribute prasadam to devotees on 17th February from

9.30 to 10.30am as per the Covid 19 protocol. Due to the

prevailing condition, we could not collect our membership

fee along with the News Bulletin charges...We will make

an attempt to collect these dues through our area leaders

shortly. Then we will forward our list of News bulletin

recipients to the Board. House has taken a decision to

negotiate and go further with the new landlord through

our treasurer whom he knows very well. The House has

discussed the request for financial assistance of our life

member Sri Rajesh Pillai. His wife had an operation and his

financial condition is not so sound. Also he requested the

Executive committee to help him through the benevolent


Fund scheme. He would submit a request to the committee

soon for forwarding to the Board. With a vote of thanks

from the secretary, the meeting was concluded


Mannam Jayanthi Celebration– Jan’22

Mannam Janathi celebration at Sarjapura Karayogam

was conducted at 4.00pm on 2nd Jan 2022 at Flat

#GB10, Sowparnika Saikrishna, Sarjapura, Sompura.

Several members participated in the celebration. Acharya

Vandanam and Pushparchana was done by all members.

KNSS Board members Lt.Col (Retd.) Sasidharan Nair

spoke about the Karmayogi Acharyan, major events in his

life and his contributions towards the upliftment of Nair

community and our society in Kerala.

Executive Committee – Jan’22

The Executive Committee meeting of KNSS Sarjapura

Karayogam was conducted at 4.00pm on Sunday 2nd Jan

2022 at Flat #GB10, Sowparnika Saikrishna, Sarjapura,

Sompura, Bangalore. The EC meeting was presided over

by President Sri.Bhaskaran Nair. After Prayer and Acharya

Smarana, everyone did Pushparchana.

President welcomed all members to the meeting. Secretary

Sri.Ravindran Nair presented the minutes for the month of

Nov’21 and was approved by EC as proposed by Lt.Col.

Sasidharan Nair and seconded by Sri.Jayasankar.

Treasurer Sri.Aneesh presented the accounts up to Dec’21

and was approved by EC as proposed by Sri.Jayasankar and

seconded by Lt.Col.Sasidharan Nair. Following decisions

were made by the EC.

• We will send a request for Ambulance related

fundraising once again, and will close this campaign

within 2-3 weeks max and collected funds will be

transferred to KNSS Board.

• Co-opted Sri.Nandakumar to Karayogam EC

• The Secretary will coordinate with the principal office

bearers of Sarayu to call a General Body of Sarayu to

reconstitute the current committee. This meeting will

be attended by principal office bearers of Karayogam

as well to help the Sarayu team to finalize this activity.

Monthly EC meeting of Sarayu also is to be organized.

• Next EC meeting will be on 13/2/22 at the residence of

Sri.Bhaskaran Nair. EC meeting of Sarayu also will be

on the same day.

• Aneesh to check on the "auto-renew" settings on all

FDs and will notify the EC.

• Aneesh/Secretary will coordinate with the KNSS

Board on documentation requirements for net banking.

knss News Bulletin February 2022

• Membership share dues for FY20-21 (Rs.1050) +

FY21-22 (Rs.600) will be paid to KNSS Board.

Secretary will prepare appropriate documentation

along with membership forms

Secretary conveyed thanks to all EC members who

attended the meeting. Secretary conveyed thanks to Smt.

Sreelatha Unni for hosting the meeting. The meeting was

concluded at 6pm.

Executive Committee – Feb’22

The Executive Committee meeting of KNSS Sarjapura

Karayogam was conducted on Sunday 13th Feb 2022 at

4.00pm via Google Meet. The EC meeting was presided

over by the Vice President Sri.Revi Vasudevan in the

absence of President. After Prayer and Acharya Smarana,

EC expressed condolences on the sad demise of Smt.

Lakshmi Devi w/o Sri. Lakshmanan who played an

important role in various initiatives of the Karayogam.

Vice President welcomed all members to the meeting.

Secretary Sri.Ravindran Nair presented the minutes for

the month of Jan’22 and was approved by EC as proposed

by Lt.Col.Sasidharan Nair and seconded by Sri.Dinesh

Kartha. Treasurer Sri.Aneesh presented the accounts up

to Jan’22 and was approved by EC as proposed by Sri.

Jayasankar and seconded by Sri.Shankar. Following are

the other major decisions taken during the EC meeting.

• Total amount collected towards Ambulance funding

will be transferred to KNSS Board and communication

will be sent to KNSS OBs regarding the same. EC has

authorized the Treasurer to do the same.

• Treasurer Sri. Aneesh will coordinate with KNSS,

Bank and Sarayu leadership to provide a resolution to

authorize new Sarayu OBs to operate Bank account.

• Transfer of membership request of Sri. Muralidharan

KK (Membership#319) was approved.

• Secretary updated EC about Sarayu OB changes.

Former Secretary Smt.Geetha Nair’s resignation was

accepted by Sarayu EC and Smt.Rajalakshmi was

selected as the new Secretary. Smt. Sreelatha Unni

was selected as the new Treasurer by Sarayu EC.

Karayogam EC congratulated the new leadership of


• Sri.Nanda Kumar shared the ideas regarding some

social responsibility initiatives. EC requested Secretary

and Sri.Nanda Kumar to detail out a plan and share

with all in the upcoming EC meeting.

Secretary conveyed thanks to all EC members who attended

the meeting. The meeting concluded at 5.30pm.


Udupi Karayogam EC. Meeting was held on 13.2.2022.

at 5.30.pm at Woodland Hotel Udupi. Meeting started

with prayer followed by one minute silent prayer to offer

condolence to late Smt Sarojini Nambiar Brahmagiri senior

member of Karayogam. President Sri Ravindran Nair

welcomed the gathering. Secretary Sri Santhosh Kumar.

Sri Karunakaran Nair. Sri Narayan Nambair. Sri Mohandas.

Sri Sudhakar Nambair. Sri Saji. N. Pillai Sri Muraleedharan

Nair .and Mahila Vibhag President Smt. Indira Santhosh

spoke on different subjects related to Karayogam matters

Vote of thanks was rendered by Secretary.


Vimanapura Karayogam conducted its monthly EC meeting

for the month of January. Due to the pandemic situation,

the regular meetings were not conducted. Now it is decided

to restore off line meeting from March onwards. Conduct

of Shuttle Badminton Tournament is in consideration and

the date and venue will be intimated soon to all. Some

maintenance work at MMH has already been started and

is in the finishing stage. Co-operation from all members is



Viveknagar Karayogam celebrated Mannam Jayanthi on

2 nd January 2022 at Karayogam office. KNSS Chairman

Sri.Ramachandran Paleri. KNSS Vice Chairman I Adv.

Vijayakumar, Vice Chairman II Sri.T.V. Narayanan,

Treasurer Sri.P.S. Nair, Jt. General Secretary I Sri.K V

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knss News Bulletin February 2022 11

Gopalakrishnan, & Jt Gen. Secretary II Sri. G.K Kurup

attended the function. Karayogam President Sri. K.N.

Jayakrishnan presided over the meeting. Sri.Ramachandran

Paleri inaugurated the function by lighting the lamp along

with other guests and addressed the gathering. He spoke

about Sri.Mannath Padmanabhan’s life. All other guests

also spoke about Mannam Jayanthi celebration in detail.

A large number of Karayogam members and Mahila Wing

members were also present.

Karayogam gave merit awards in the function to the

children of Karayogam members who secured maximum

marks in SSLC, (CBSE & ICSE) for the 2020-21 &

2021-22 academic years. Karayogam felicitated 15 senior

members in the meeting with shawl and bouquet who have

worked for Karayogam for long period in various positions.

Felicitation was carried out by KNSS board office

bearers and Karayogam board members. Karayogam also

congratulated the children who have passed “Kanikonna’

exam conducted by Malayalam mission.


The 32th E C Meeting was held on 13-02-2022 at 10-30

am at Karayogam Office. The meeting started at 10-30 am

with silent Prayer. Karayogam President Sri.T K K Nair

presided over the meeting and welcomed all participants.

Condolence Prayer: House observed one minute’s silence

for condoling the demise of Karayogam life member

Sri. Shankaranarayan and legendary singer Smt Lata

Mangeshkar. President Sri. T K K Nair and Secretary Adv

S. Raj Mohan briefed about Sri Shankaranarayan. They

said, he was a good man and helped the poor throughout

his life. He donated his body to M S Ramaiah hospital and

eyes to Narayana Netralaya, Bangalore.

Minutes and Accounts: The EC approved minutes of

December 2021. The EC approved receipts and payments

accounts for the months of December 2021 and January 2022.

Other Matters: 1. Respected Board Member Sri G K

Kurup told in the meeting about the future plan of Youth

Wing and Mahila Vibhag. They may call a meeting soon for

the future plan. 2. President informed in E C Meeting that

KNSS 2022 calendar was distributed to all our members.

3. E C Member Sri Chandra Babu expressed that KNSS

Ambulance for shifting patient, to Kerala and elsewhere

should be provided.

New Membership: The following New Membership

application have been approved by EC. Sri. Dinesh Kumar

(Mudalapalya). The meeting concluded with vote of thanks

by Sri. Keshava Menon.


Please send photos of Out Standing

Students & Achievers to


- Editor

28 v¡-x-°-t]-Ss-Rr-pLp] Syv-j-So-X-s-p]-¤



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NkwÔ-°¥ fOa°] JfO-oL-WRŸ ^Lf]&of, NkLp-Sn-h-RoSj| Jv-¡¨OU ls-Nk-hvOU wLNñ}-p-vO-oLp

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knss News Bulletin February 2022

knss News Bulletin February 2022 13


knss News Bulletin February 2022

knss News Bulletin February 2022 15


knss News Bulletin February 2022

Mahila Vibhag

Core Committee Report Feb 22

Pongala Maholsavam Ashamsagal.

Greetings to all the Mahila Vibhags. At the outset we would

like to congratulate “Angana” Horamavu Mahila Vibhag

for starting a digital WhatsApp monthly Magazine starting

Feb 2022. A first one of its kind. Congratulations for its

members, We wish Smt Sreedevi Satish President Angana,

Smt Lalini Mohan Secretary Angana and team all the

very best. We also congratulate Sarjapura Mahila Vibhag

“Sarayu” for conducting an online Wellness Session by Dr.

Niranjana G Nair.

With the Covid third wave slowly coming to a rest and

the restrictions being relaxed to an extent, we look

forward for our Mahila Vibhags to conduct physical

meetings, maintaining the Covid protocols. Very soon a

physical Core Committee meeting is planned, details of

which shall be intimated in the WhatsApp groups. It is

heartening to mention that though major activities could

not be conducted during the past two years due to the

COVID 19 pandemic, our members have been active

with their online programmes and have been staying

connected ensuring wellness of each member and their

families. Now we need to slowly regain our old vigour

and energetically go ahead with more service oriented


Let us start with organizing programmes for International

Women’s Day on 8 Mar 2022 at our respective centres.

Happy Women’s Day to all and Looking forward to more

service oriented activities in the days to come.

Smt Shobhana Ramadas Smt Rajalakshmy R Nair

Mahila Board Rep Mahila Convenor


Mahila Vibhag “Jyothi” Jayamahal Karayogam conducted

its monthly meeting for the month on 6 Feb 22 on Google

meet. President Smt Sujatha Harikumar welcomed all the

members to the meeting. Smt Shobhana Ramadas Secretary

presented the minutes and Smt Indu Sunil Treasurer

presented the accounts. Birthday wishes were conveyed to

Dr (Smt) Susheela Devi. During the meeting the following

decisions were taken : -

(a) To start online Narayaneeyam Classes every

second Sunday of the month between 5 pm and 6

pm by Smt Lakshmi Kumaran. Classes will start

from 13 Feb 22.

(b) Online Hanuman Chalisa classes on fourth

Sunday of the month between 5 pm and 6 pm by

Dr. (Smt) Susheela Devi. Classes will start from

27th Feb 22.

Members were requested to inform their friends and

relatives, and join the session to make it a grand success.

The meeting ended with a vote of thanks by Smt Latha

Raveendran, Jt Secretary.


The EC meeting of February 2022 was conducted on 5th

February, at 4.30 pm as a virtual meeting. President Mrs.

Jayalakshmi welcomed all, specially the new members.

The meeting started with a prayer followed by Acharya

vandanam. In memory of all the departed souls, a silent prayer

was observed. Secretary Mrs. Prabha Vijayakumar read out

the minutes of January 2022. All were happy and wished our

Mangalore Karayogam all the best on its 16th anniversary.

We discussed and decided to celebrate Weman’s day on

March 8th inviting an outside guest. It was requested to all

members to participate actively in all our KNSS activities

like the KNSS picnic this month 12 th . The meeting

concluded with a vote of thanks by our EC member Mrs.

Latha Divakar.


Monthly EC meeting of February month held on 12th

February 2022. President Smt. Vijayalakshmi welcomed

the members those attended the meeting. Secretary Smt.

Thankamani presented the previous month minutes. The

EC reviewed the arrangements made for the Pongala

Mahotsavam. Joint Secretary Smt. Sangeeta Sreekumar

proposed vote of thanks.

m.s. nagar

^j-j]-pORa RlNmO-vq] oLyR¾ SpLYU YPY]¥ o}ã]-sPRa RlNmOvq]

5&LU f}pf] 5 oe]¨V ja-ÐO. ^jj] nLq-vL-z]-WtOU AUY-

°tOU Wq-SpLYU nLq-vL-z]-WtOU kRË-aO-¾O. Nkc]-cºV è}of]

oLpL-WQ-xV-e-WO-oL¡ AÈ|-ƒf vz]-ÞÿO. BÞL-q|-v-Î-j-¾]jOU

AjO-SwL-Þ-jU, oTjL-Þ-q-e-¾]jOU SwxU, SpLY-¾]-Rj-¾]-p-v-

¡¨V RyNW-Ÿr] è}of] oÆO ^p-WO-oL¡ y~LYfU kr-îO. RlNmOvq]

8&LU f}pf] n}xÜL-ìo] h]j-¾]¤ YOqO è}. RW.RW. jLp-qORa

SjfQ-f~-¾]¤ SsLW oUY-t-¾]-jLp] ja-¾OÐ v]xVeO yz-

Ny-jL-o-p-³-¾]¤ JvqOU kRË-aO-¨O-vL-jLp] An|-¡-À]-ÞÿO.

RlNmOvq] 25&jV ja-¨L-j]-q]-¨OÐ oÐU Þq-o-h]-jL-Þ-q-e-¾]¤

IsæL ^jj] AUY-°tOU kRË-aO-¨-e-RoÐOU An|-¡-À]-ÞÿO. oL¡ÞÿV

IŸ]jV SsLW vj]fL h]jL-SZL-x-°t]¤ SWLv]cV oLj-h-¼-°-

StLRa IsæL-vqOU Wq-SpLYU KLl}-y]¤ K¾OSÞq-e-RoÐOU kq]-kLa]-W¥

v]kO-s-oLp] ja-¾eRo-ÐOU f}qO-oL-j]-ÞÿO. SpLY-¾]¤ Wq-

SpLYU RRvyV Nkc]-c£V è} Shv]-hLyV, RyNW-Ÿr] è} kË-^L-ƒ¢

jLp-¡, S^L. Nax-r¡ è}. D¹-WQ-xV-e¢ IÐ]-v¡ yUyL-q]-ÞÿO. Nkf]-

oLyU ja-¾]-v-qOÐ Þ]Ÿ]ÐO SwxU, S^L. RyNW-Ÿr] è}of] y]ÌO-

SoL-z-j-R£ jÎ] NkW-a-j-S¾LRa SpLYU kq|-v-yL-j]-ÞÿO.

knss News Bulletin February 2022 17


Executive committee meeting of 'Chandana' was held

though Google Meet on 29 Jan 2022 at 6.30pm. Virtually.

11 members were present.

After prayer and Acharya vandanam President Smt

Chandrika Ravi Menon welcomed all the members to the

meeting. Secretary Smt. Vijayalakshmi Suresh briefed on

the minutes of the last meeting held.

President informed the EC that the present office can

longer be used due to the water leakage in the cellar. Sri.

Balakrishnan reiterated the importance of enrolling new

members on or before 31st of March in the Karayogam

and in the Mahila vibhag. The President requested Sri

Balakrishnan to find out the possibilities of conducting

Pongala this year. With a vote of thanks by the Secretary

meeting concluded.


Following are the important decisions in the Sarayu EC

meeting on 25/1/2022:

• The EC expressed their condolences on the sad demise

of our member Smt. Devi Lakshmanan. She will

always be remembered for her support to our team and

will be dearly missed.

• Minutes of the last meeting was approved.

• EC accepted the resignation of Smt. Geetha Bhaskaran

from the post of the Secretary of Sarayu.

• Smt. Rajalakshmi Nair was selected as the new

Secretary and Smt. Sreelatha Unni was selected as the

new Treasurer of the Mahila Vibhag Sarayu.

• EC decided to conduct virtual Pooja/Bhajan each

month. EC also plans to conduct more online events,

talks etc. in the upcoming months.

Wellness Session for Mahila Vibhag

Sarayu conducted Online Wellness Session on “Menopause

related Health & Lifestyle Changes” by Dr. Niranjana

B Nair on 13-2-22. Several Mahila members of KNSS

participated in the session and was a very productive

discussion. 29 members attended the online interactive

session. Sarayu EC thanked the participants and the

facilitator for a very good session.

Following are the important decisions of the Sarayu EC

meeting on 13/2/2022:

• Minutes of the last meeting approved

• President, Secretary and Treasurer of Sarayu will

work with Karayogam Treasurer to provide necessary

documentation of the new signatories to the Bank.


• EC discussed about scheduling an online session

on Women’s day. EC members shall provide their

suggestions /contacts of any special guests for the event.

• Sivarathri Bhajan shall be conducted by Sarayu EC

on first weekend of March ,2022. This will be an

online event. Details shall be sent in the Karayogam

Whatsapp group.

• Sarayu EC plans to start Sanskrit classes for adults and

kids, with a nominal fee in the coming months. Smt.

Sreeja Vijayan has consented to take the classes. Details

shall be sent to the Karayogam Whatsapp group.


The meeting of Mahila vibhag Tarangini was held on 16th

Feb 2022 through zoom at their own homes at 7.30pm.

President welcomed all the committee members. Tarangini

activities included bhajan (Lalitha sahasranamam,

shivashtakam, Krishna bhajan etc) on most of the fridays

from the pandemic season till date on online media. On 2nd

jan mannam jayanthi was celebrated along with karayogam

and tarangini meeting at our Karayogam office, yelahanka.

As 17th was Attugal pongala Tarangini had done bhajan on

16th feb.Virtually. We celebrated the Virtual Thiruvathira

festival on 20th Dec.2021. Our Guest was Mrs. Rema Nair

from Thrissur, a retired teacher from Mumbai and a good

orator. She explained for about thiruvathira festival,how

it was celebrated 40 years back etc. for around an hour,

about dasapushpam, poothiruvathira etc., which was very

useful for all the members especially children. Vote of

thanks was rendered by the Treasurer. Our joint sec. and

other members spoke in appreciation of the talk. Then our

guest sang thiruvathira song and others also jointed. Solo

thiruvathiras was also performed. On 14th Nov our online

meeting and childrens day celebration was done with

programs of children's dance and songs etc.

Happy news; Our youngest member Ms Adhira was

honoured by all lecturers of Govt, College Yelahanka on

17th as the first to be placed in Wipro. Ms. Adhira is now

helping her juniors of Govt. college to get placed.We wish

all the best. Wedding bells; Tarangini Secretary's (Suja

K.K) daughter Dr.Sangeetha got married on 22.01. 22. We

all Taranagini members wish her a very happy married life.

Attention Karayogam Secretaries

Please send Karayogam News, Ads etc.,

by 12 th of every month and help Editorial

Board for managing Editing and Printing

of News Bulletin early.


knss News Bulletin February 2022

Mannam Memorial Educational & Charitable Trust

(An Educational and charitable wing of Karnataka Nair Service Society Regd.)

No. 8, Patel Kullappa Road, R.S.Palaya, M.S.Nagar, Bangalore-560033,

Ph: 25450522, e-mail: mmetschool@gmail.com website: www.knssnair.com




Monthly Trust Meeting: Monthly Trust Meeting of

December was held online on 18.12.2021. Meeting for the

month of January & February will be held on 19.02.2022.

Mannam Jayanthi: The Great social reformer of Kerala

Bharat Kesari Mannath Acharya Padmanabhan’s 145 th

Birthday was celebrated at school premises on 3 rd Jan

2022. The function started with lighting the lamp and

Acharya Vandana. Then Acharya statue was garlanded, and

dignitaries, staff, teachers and students paid floral tribute to

the great personality. The gathering was addressed by Sri.

O.V.P. Nambiar, President MMECT. He spoke about the

life and mission of Acharya. He was born in a poor Nair

family, struggled for his education in his childhood, but

later he become a Teacher, advocate and social reformer.

He became the torch bearer of the community and society

as a whole. He fought against social injustice, superstitions,

untouchability and become a great leader with a national


Vaccination Drive: As part of the vaccination drive, 54

children between the age group of 5-6 and 37 children at

the age of 10 - 11 were vaccinated on 7 th January 2022 for


Conducting of classes; The new year started with online

classes due to COVID restrictions. Presently all classes

from Nursery to X Std. is going on as regular classes.

Exams: Midterms exams were conducted in the school

from 16 th December to 22 nd December. PTM was held class

wise from 10 th January to 14 th January and SA-1 progress

card were distributed. FA-3 & FA-4 exam was conducted

for all classes from 07.02.2022 to 11.02.2022.

Preparation of Class X Students: Special classes are now

being conducted for the Class X students before and after

regular classes. Preparatory Exams will be conducted from

21.02.2022 onwards.

SSLC Exam 2022: 83 students are appearing for

SSLC examination from MMET and 20 students from

Vidyamandir School. Exams will be held from 28th March

to 11th April 2022. KNSS and MMECT together wish very

good success to all the students.

Fire Safety System: was installed in MMET and a fire

safety demonstration drill was also held for students on

06 th January 2022. Students also practiced how to use a fire

extinguisher in a real situation.

Appointment of Manager: Shri. Dileep Kumar was

appointed as Manager. A farewell party was organised for

outgoing manager Shri. Madhusoodana Karanavar and

Work Supervisor Shri. Sajeevan P.S.

The school is providing security and parking for the newly

purchased KNSS Ambulance. An In-Out timing register is

also maintained for the vehicle.

Scholarship & Financial Assistance 2021-


Donations Received so far:





1. KNSS M.S.Nagar Karayogam Rs. 9630.00


M/s. Crest Point consultants Pvt




3. Mr. Ronie Mascarenhas Rs. 20000.00

4. M/s. Sethu Mohan Rs. 18420.00

5. KNSS M.S.Nagar Karayogam Rs. 10000.00

6. M/s.Thirupuvanam Trust Rs. 6000.00

7. WMU Charitable foundation Rs. 22230.00

8. IJ Advertising Props. Suresh Rs. 4500.00

9. Rekha Rs. 10000.00

10. Vatsalaya Charitable Trust Rs. 2000.00

11. Sai Manpower Consultants Rs. 12500.00

Shobhitha Unikkat and Jyothi

12. Unikkat (C/o, M.S.Nagar Rs. 15000.00



Sri.V.K.Gopalakrishnan Nair


(C/o, M.S.Nagar Karayogam)


14. A Well Wisher Rs. 10000.00

15. Mr. Soman & Geetha Soman Rs. 10000.00

Total Donation Received so far Rs. 1,88,930.00

knss News Bulletin February 2022 19

An Appeal to

Members and Well – Wishers

As you know KNSS is a socially Committed organsiation.

Our school is having a number of bright students with

poor financial background. Adding to it continuous

pandemic Situation had crippled many of their parents'

daily earnings permanently. They need a helping hand

from the kindhearted members of KNSS and other wellwishers.

Sponsoring a child’s annual school fee fully or

partially will be a great help for those underprivileged.

Please contact MMET or Vidyamandir administration for


Contact Nos. (During working Hrs.)

MMET School: 080 – 25450522. 9986319404

KNSS VIDYAMANDIR: 8762385433 & 9480137919.

Study Expenses for 2021-2022 are as follows :-

(Donation in part are also welcome)

MMET School KNSS Vidyamandir

Primary Rs. 24,000/- Rs. 20,700/-

High School Rs. 25,000/- Rs. 21,300/-

We solicit donations to the MMET Educational

Endowment Fund also.

K. Sukumar

Secretary, MMECT

KNSS Vidyamandir


Mannam Jayanthi was celebrated at KNSS Vidyamandir

High School on 2nd January 2022 The function commenced

with lighting of the traditional lamp followed by Acharya

Vandanam by High School & Primary School Teachers.

Mr. Srinivasa V, H M – High School, Ms. Bindu George,

HM- Primary School, along with all teaching and non -

teaching staff, students of X Std offered floral tribute to our

Acharyan, Bharatha Kesari, Shri. Mannath Padmanabhan.

The function was conducted strictly with Covid Protocol.


School conducted ‘Mathematics Day’ on 22-12-2021, as

a part of the birth anniversary of Indian Mathematician

“Srinivasa Ramanujam’. Students and teachers conducted

various activities, displays and quiz programmme related

to various mathematics topics.

Children of upper Primary classes and High school gave

presentations and speeches during the event, which were

add-ons to what they study in their regular class room.

They demonstrated many mathematics tricks and shortcuts

to solve the problems of various lessons.

Teachers conducted quiz competitions, in which students

participated with much enthusiasm

Covid Vaccination Programme: Vidyamandir

School, along with BBMP organised vaccination

programme for children above 15 years age. Totally 35

students of Class 9 th & 10th got vaccinated.

Republic Day Celebration: Republic day

was celebrated on 26 th January, MMECT Jt. Secretary

Padmakumar G hoisted the National Flag. High School

Headmaster Srinivas, Primary Headmistress Ms. Bindu

George, Manager Ram Mohan, and Teachers participated

during the event with strict adherence of Covid Protocol.

Academics: SSLC students' revision and weekly tests

are going on. Teachers are conducting Special Classes

during morning and evening before and after regular

class hours respectively. Department level preparatory

examinations will be conducted as per the schedules.

Model question papers are also being practiced on regular


Admission enquiries for the academic year 2022-23 is

started and we are hopeful of good admission this year.


K. Sukumar Padmakumar

Secretary - MMET

Jt. Secretary - MMET


knss News Bulletin February 2022

K.N.S.S. Vivaha Kendra

For Registration Please Contact:

KNSS Admin Office: No 186/4, 2nd Floor, J.C Complex, Sirur Park Road, Seshadripuram

Bangalore - 560 020. Convenor: Sri. Harikumar., Phone: 080-23563372, 9449543135

Mysore - Sri. Unnikrishnan Nair - 9008322999,Visit us at: www.knssmatrimony.com

Working Hours: Sunday to Saturday: 10.00am to 5.00pm

GO 701

GO 705

GO 706

GO 710

GO 725

GO 741

GO 746

GO 749

GO 751

GO 752

GO 754

GO 759

GO 760

GO 761

GO 763

GO 765

GO 766

GO 767


(Age Group 18-26 years)

22 Yrs, Magam, 155cm, Fair, M.Sc, Preparing for

higher education, Bangalore (Palakkad) KVK3539

25 Yrs, Visakam, 163cm, Fair, MIB, Working Corporate

Co. Bangalore (Trichur)

25 Yrs, Uthram, 160cm, Fair, M.A. M.Phil, Research at

Institute for Social and Economic change, Bangalore

(Palakkad) KVK 3494

25 Yrs, Moolam, 178cm, Fair, B ARCH, Working in a

Pvt Firm, Bangalore(Kottayam) KVK4249

26 Yrs, Anizham, 157cm, Fair, BE, Lab Instructor,

Bangalore (Palakkad)

22 Yrs, Moolam, 165cm, Fair BE(EC), Pursuing IOT,

Bangalore (Payyannur)

26 Yrs, Uthrattathi, 163cm, Wheatish, BE. Working in

MNC, Bangalore (Palakkad) KVK3281

22 Yrs, Uthram, 156cm, Fair, B.E Engineer,


23 Yrs, Punartham, 158cm, Wheatish, B.Com, Process

Analyst, Bangalore (Ottapalam)

25 Yrs, Thiruvathira, 170cm, Fair, B.Com, Graphic

Design, Graphic Designer, Bangalore(Palakkad)


26 Yrs, Thiruvathira, 157cm, Fair, MBA, IT Professional,

New Delhi (Pathanamthitta)

24 YRs, Uthradam, 160cm, Fair, BE(E&C), Engineer,


23 Yrs, Ayilyam, 160cm, Fair, MSc(Statistics),

Bangalore (Kayamkulam)KVK3821

23 Yrs, Chothi, 163cm, Fair, BE, Engineer, Bangalore


24 Yrs, Anizham, 160cm, Fair, MSc, ITC Life Science

Research Asst, Bangalore(Kannur)KVK3731

23 Yrs, Uthram, 165cm, Fair, MBA, Working in PWC,

Bangalore (Pandalam) KVK3813

23 Yrs, Karthika, 172cm, Fair, B.Tech, Preparing for

KAS, UPSC, PSC Examinations, Aleppy

23 Yrs, Makam, 157cm, Wheatish, BE, S/W. Engr,

Bangalore (Ernakulam/Calicut)KVK3844

For Online Registration:

Please visit


Please note : Inform Vivahakendra of Marriages

solemnised to avoid repetition of publishing details

GO 768 23 Yrs, Makeeram, 166cm, Wheatish, PUC,


GO 769 24 Yrs, Pooradam, 163cm, Wheatish, BE, S.W. Engr,

Bangalore (Pattambi)KVK3897

GO 774 25 Yrs, Thriketta, 165cm, Wheatish, BE, Masters in

Mktg (Ireland), Chennai (Aluva/Palakkad)KVK3941

GO 775 24 Yrs, Thiruvathira, 170cm, Wheatish, MBBS (Final

Year, Bangalore), Trivandrum, KVK3927

GO 777 22 Yrs, Atham, 170cm, Fair, B.Com, Working for

a leading auditing company, Bangalore(Thrissur)


GO 778 25 Yrs, Makham, 165cm, Fair, B.Com(Industry

Integrated), HR Associate, Bangalore(Palakkad)


GO 779 22 Yrs, Pooram, Fair, 163cm, B.Tech, Network

Engineer, Bangalore(Malappuram)KVK4080

GO 780 4 Yrs, Punartham, Fair, 159cm, B.E. (CSE), S/W

Engineer, Robert Bosch, Bangalore(Vadakara)


GO 781 24 Yrs, Uthrittathi, Fair, 150cm, B.A.,B.Ed, Pursuing

M.A.(Literature), Bangalore (Thaliparamba) KVK


GO 782 25 Yrs, Uthrittathi, Fair, 153cm, M. Tech (Ind. Bio

Tech) ) from Delhi Technological University – Gold

Medalist, Jr. Researcher, Central Govt. Institute

Trivandrum, Bangalore (Chengannur) KVK 4179

GO 783 22 Yrs, Chothi, Fair, 152cm, B.E., Working as

Mechanical/Production Engineer, Naser Bali Gloves

(Vellore), Bangalore (Ottapalam/Palakkad) KVK 4180

GO 784 23 Yrs, Chithira, Fair, 160cm, B.Com., M.B.A., Working

as Executive Corporate Strategy & Research at Tata

Elxi Ltd., Bangalore (Tirur) KVK 4111

GO 785 25 Yrs, Rohini, Fair, 160cm, M.C.A., B.C.A., IT Analyst,

Bangalore (Palakkad)

GO 786 26 Yrs, Punartham, 162cm, Wheatish, B.Com, HR

Professional, Bangalore(Ottapalam) KVK 4222

GO 787 23 Yrs, Chanthayam, Fair, MBA, DEO in Toyota

Manufacturing Unit , Bangalore(Kanyakumari)

GO 788 25 Yrs, Pooruruttathi, Fair, MCA, S. W Engineer,

Bangalore(Palakkad) KVK4331

KVK3651 26 Yrs, Atham, 170cm, Fair, M.Tech,

Engineer(Bangalore), Palakkad

KVK3825 23 Yrs, Anizham, 152cm, Fair, BE, Bangalore


KVK3810 25 Yrs, Atham, 157cm, Wheatish, B.Tech, S.W Test

Engineer, Bangalore

KVK3899 23 Yrs, Pooradam, 170cm, Fair, MBA, Bangalore


knss News Bulletin February 2022 21

KVK3916 24 Yrs, Bharani, 160cm, Wheatish, BA(Journalism

& Mass Communication), Perusing Masters in

Psychology, Bangalore (Trivandrum)

KVK3993 23 Yrs, Pooradam, Wheatish, 167cm, B.Com, Auditor,


KVK3995 25yrs, Wheatish, 160cm, B.Tech, Engineer, Hardware

Validation Engineer, Bangalore

KVK3996 23 Yrs, Fair, 167cm, MA, Associate Lecturer, Kodagu

KVK4012 25 Yrs, Revathi, Fair, 162cm, BA, PGd(HRM), Pursuing

MSc Psychology, Lead HR Professional, Bangalore


KVK4036 24 Yrs, Moolam, Fair, 152cm, BE, Working at TCS,

Bangalore (Alleppey)

KVK4054 24 Yrs, Bharani, Wheatish, 160cm, B.Tech, Risk

Investigator, Bangalore (Trivandrum)

KVK4057 26 Yrs, Punartham, 162cm, Fair, BAMS, Doctor,


KVK4069 25 Yrs, Aswathi, 152cm, Wheatish, BCA, Bed, Teacher,

Bangalore (Palakkad)

KVK4131 26 Yrs, Chithra, Fair, 157cm, BBM, Working in HDFC

Bank, Bangalore (Palakkad)

KVK4134 23 Yrs, Moolam, Fair, 165cm, B.Tech, Research

Analyst, Bangalore (Palakkad)

KVK4158 28 Yrs, Moolam, Fair, 160cm, B.E., Working in a Public

Sector Co. as Assistant, Mangalore (Kanhangad)

KVK4159 26 Yrs, Pooradam, Fair, 154cm, B.Tech (Electronics &

Communication), Working as Engineer (Korean Co.

Delhi) Maharashtra (Pandalam)

KVK4167 24 Yrs, Anizham, Wheatish, 160cm, Masters in

Hospital Administration, Deputy Manager with

Narayana Hrudayalaya, Mumbai (Tiruvalla)

KVK4172 25 Yrs, Pooram, Wheatish, 162cm, B.E., Working as

Analyst in IT, Bangalore (Vaikom)

KVK4177 25 Yrs, MBA, Working as Sales Manager in a Pvt. Co.,


KVK4185 25 Yrs, Chithira,Wheatish, 157cm, B.E., Working as

Software Engineer, Belgaum (Aluva / Ernakulam)

KVK4104 25 Yrs, 160cm, BE, IT Professional,(NTT Data

Systems), Bangalore

KVK4191 23 Yrs, 165cm, Wheatish, M.Com, Working in

Deutsche Bank, Bangalore (Adoor)

KVK4192 24 Yrs, Makam, 160cm, Wheatish, B Com, Pursuing

Company Secretary, Junior Compliance Officer,

Bangalore (Thrissur)

KVK4194 24 Yrs, Revathi, 157cm, Fair, Pursuing M.B.A,

Bangalore (Thrissur)

KVK4196 25 Yrs, Thriketta, 167cm, BE, Quality Analyst,

KVK4197 23 Yrs, Rohini, 152cm, Fair, BE, Senior Associate,

Bangalore (Palakkad)

KVK4216 22 Yrs, Revathi, 154cm, Wheatish, BE, Working at an

MNC Co., Bangalore (Alleppey / Thrissur)

KVK4218 23 Yrs, Aswathi, 157cm, Fair, MBA, HR Professional,

Bangalore (Kannur)

KVK 4234 26 Yrs, Pooyam, 170cm, Fair, BE, SW Developer,

Bangalore (Ottapalam)

KVK4238 24 Yrs, Thiruvonam, 162cm, Wheatish, MCA, SW

Engr, Bangalore


KVK4243 23 Yrs, Uthrattathi 165cm, Fair, Pursuing B.E

Computer Science, Associate Consultant in a Pvt.

Co., Bangalore (Kollam)

KVK4245 25 Yrs, Punartham, 165cm, Fair, MBA, Analyst in

Oracle,, Bangalore (Thiruvella)

KVK4247 26 Yrs, Moolam, 172cm, Fair, B Tech, Teacher, Dubai


KVK4248 22 Yrs, Uthram, 157cm,Wheatish, B Com(Pursuing

ACCA (Association of Chartered certified Accounts))

Working in private sector, Bangalore (Alleppy)

KVK4250 24 Yrs, Chithira, 157cm, Wheatish, B.E (Computer

Science & Engineering), Working as a Software

Engineer in MNC, Bangalore (Calicut / Guruvayur)

KVK4251 25 Yrs, Makayiram, 157cm, Wheatish, B.Com, M.B.A.

HR, Working as Data Analyst in MNC (Pune),


KVK4255 24 Yrs, Uthram, 157cm, Wheatish, M.Sc., B.Ed,

Working as High School Teacher / Assistant,

Bangalore (Thrissur)

KVK4258 24 Yrs, Pooradam, 154cm, Fair, B.E., Working as

Software Developer, Bangalore (Palakkad)

KVK4260 23 Yrs, Anizham,160cm,Wheatish, B.E., Pursuing

MBA at Christ University, Bangalore (Kottayam)

KVK4263 24 Yrs, Uthradam, 162cm, Fair, M.B.A., Sr. Catalog

Associate at Amazon India (P) Ltd, Bangalore


KVK4275 25 Yrs, Uthradam, B.E., Working as System Analyst

- BLR, Nanjangud (Kottayam)

KVK4286 22 Yrs, Makeeram, 157cm, Fair, Bachelors in

Computers, Working as Junior knowledge specialist

(Emphasis), Bangalore (Palakkad)

KVK4293 20 Yrs, Ashwathi, 149cm, Fair, B.A. (3rd Year Interior

Design), Nasik, Maharashtra

KVK4300 22 Yrs, Pooyam, 160cm, Fair, B.E. (Computer Science),

Software Engineer, Bellary (Palakkad)

KVK4312 25 Yrs, Rohini, 160cm, Fair, MCA, Working as IT

Analyst, Palakkad

KVK4338 22 Yrs, Pooradam, 157cm, Fair, BE (Computer

Science), Software Professional, Palakkad

Wanted Bride Grooms

(Age Group 26-34 years)

GOO 856 38 Yrs, Thriketta, 167cm, Fair, B.Com, M.B.A.,

Executive – AIG, Bangalore (Ernakulam)

GOO 869 30 Yrs, Chathayam, 150cm, Fair, B.E. (Computer

Science), Working in MNC as Software Developer,

Bangalore (Palakkad)KVK3658

GOO 873 26 Yrs, Karthika, 153cm, Wheatish, M.Tech, Research

Asst, Bangalore(Tellicherry) KVK 3560

GOO 874 28 Yrs, Makham, 157cm, Wheatish, M.Sc, Phd,

Currently pursuing Post Doc Fellowship, Bangalore,

(Tiruvillamala) KVK 4014

GOO 886 34 Yrs, Bharani, 152cm, Fair, MBA, Working for

Accenture, Bangalore(Pathanamthitta)KVK3683

GOO 892 27 Yrs, Chathayam, 165cm, Fair, MA(English), Tech

Writer(Ocwen Solutions (P) Ltd, Bangalore


knss News Bulletin February 2022

GOO 893 41 Yrs, Chithra, 158cm, Fair, BA, Pursuing MBA,

Heath care professional, Bangalore


GOO 894 27 Yrs, Rohini, 149cm, Fair, MSc, Health care

professional, Bangalore (Palakkad)

GOO 895 32 Yrs, Aswathi, 162cm, Fair, B.Com, Bharathanatyam

Artist, (Running own Dance institution),

Bangalore (Kannur)KVK4805

GOO 898 27 Yrs, Revathi, 152cm, Wheatish, BA, LLB, Advocate,

Bangalore (Thalasserry) KVK3754

GOO 899 28 Yrs, Ayilyam, 159cm, Wheatish, MSC(Economics),

Financial Analyst (Bangalore) Ernakulam,

GOO 901 32 Yrs, Pooruruttathi, 165cm, Fair, B.Com, MBA, Team

Leader(Accenture), Bangalore(Trichur)

GOO 902 26 YRS, Pooyam, 163cm, Wheatish, BE, S.W. Engineer,

Bangalore (Palakkad) KVK3808

GOO 904 32 Yrs, Bharani, 163cm, Fair, B.Tech, MBA, Working

for Wallmart Solutions, Bangalore(Trivandrum)

GOO 905 31 Yrs, Anizham, 152cm, Wheatish, MBA, Asst.

Officer(BHEL, Trichy) Trivandrum, KVK3862

GOO 906 33 Yrs, Chithra, 159cm, Fair, B.Com, MBA, Finance

Manager, Kottayam(KVK3838)

GOO 907 29 Yrs, Uthradam, 160cm, Wheatish, MSc (Bio

Chemistry), Working with Thomson Reuters(News

Publishing Specialist, Bangalore),Gujarat(Ernakulam)


GOO 910 29 Yrs, Thiruvonam, 168cm, M.Pharm, Research

Associate(Hyderabad) Palakkad

GOO 911 30 Yrs, Bharani, 170cm, Wheatish, B.Com, CA, Audit

Manager, Bangalore (Kottarakkara)

GOO 912 26 Yrs, Pooyam, Wheatish, 170cm, BE, Pursuing MBA,

Worked at IISc, Bangalore(Kozhikode) KVK4084

GOO 913 26 Yrs, Moolam, Wheatish, 157cm, B.Com, MBA,

B.Ed, Working in Royal Bank of Scotland, Bangalore


GOO 915 27 Yrs, Moolam, Wheatish,168cm, M.Com, Pursuing

C.A., Working as Accounts & Finance Executive,

Bangalore (Palakkad) KVK4253

GOO 916 31 Yrs, Chothi, Fair, 174cm, B.Sc., M.B.A., Working

in an American Co.- Sales & Marketing, Bangalore


GOO 917 28 Yrs, Thriketta, Fair, 163cm, BAMS, MD, Private

Practitioner, Mysore (Palakkad)

GOO 918 30 Yrs, Pooram, Fair, 170cm, LLB, Advocate (High

Court), Bangalore (Kannur / Palakkad)

GOO 919 30 Yrs, Thiruvathira, Fair, 160cm, M.S. (Arch), Senior

Architect, Bangalore (Haripad) KVK 4311

GOO 920 26 Yrs, Pooram, Fair, 165cm, M.Pharm, Research

Associate, Bangalore (Kannur) KVK4334

KVK3647 28 Yrs, Pooram, 162cm, Fair, BE, Finance Professional

(JP Morgan), Bangalore (Ottapalam)

KVK3746 27 Yrs, Thriketta, Fair, 172cm, MCA, Teacher, Nagpur

(Neruvissery, Urakam)

KVK3688 27 Yrs, Uthram, 157cm, Fair, BAMS, MD, Doctor,


KVK 3735 28 Yrs, Pooyam, 152cm, Fair, MCA, Software

Consultant(Bangalore), Shimoga(Cherthala)

KVK4023 27 Yrs, Avittam, Fair, 160cm, B.Tech,(CUSAT), Sr. S/W


KVK4155 27 Yrs, Pooram,Fair, 160cm, M.Sc in Microbiology,

Working as Microbiologist in Kottakkal Arya

Vaidhyashala, (Nanjangud), Mysore/Nanjangud


KVK3769 27 Yrs, Makam, 162cm, Fair, BE, SW Engr,


KVK4153 27 Yrs, Fair, B Tech, SW Consultant,


KVK4181 27 Yrs, Fair, 165cm, Thiruvathira, BCA, M.Tech,

Working in Wipro as IT Professional, Mandya (Parur,


KVK4249 28 Yrs, Moolam, 177cm, Fair, M Arch, Teaching

Associate at CEPT University, Trivandrum

KVK4261 29 Yrs, Magam, 160cm, Fair, B.E., Senior Software

Engineer, Maharashtra – Nasik (Thrissur)

KVK4273 27 Yrs, Avittam, 165cm, Wheatish, B.Tech, Working

as Senior Scientist Bangalore, (Alappuzha)

KVK4277 39 Yrs, Software Engineer, Pune

KVK4302 26 Yrs, Bharani, 157cm, Wheatish, Pursuing PhD,

Bangalore (Allepey)

KVK4318 26 Yrs, Uthradam, 165cm, Wheatish, Management

Degree, Airline Professional, Bangalore (Haripad,


Wanted Brides

(Age Group 21-31years)

BO 1431 30 Yrs, Rohini, 159cm, Fair, B.E (Mechanical), Design

Engineer, Bangalore (Mavelikkara) KVK 3586

BO 1432 29 Yrs, Chothi, 180cm, Fair, B.Com, M.B.A, Logistics

Manager, Bangalore (Alwaye) KVK 3359

BO 1440 33Yrs, Visakham, 167cm, Fair, B.B.A., M.B.A., Working

at IBM – Bangalore, Bangalore (Thirivulwamala) KVK


BO 1475 30 Yrs, Revathi, 173cm, Wheatish, B.B.M., Own

Business, Bangalore (Nilambur) KVK 3588

BO 1494 30 Yrs, Karthika, 172cm, Wheatish, M. Com, Finance

Associate, Bangalore(Kasargod) KVK3372

BO 1504 31 Yrs, Bharani, 181cm, Fair, MBA, Store Keeper in

Lulu Global Mall - BLR, Bangalore (Pathanamthitta)


BO 1506 28 Yrs, Uthram, 164cm, Wheatish, Masters in Design,

Senior Designer, Bangalore (Kottayam) KVK3701

BO 1516 28 Yrs, Atham, 171cm, Wheatish, Diploma(ME),

Warranty Manager(Ford), Bangalore(Pathanamthitta)

BO 1521 29 Yrs, Rohini, 180cm, Fair, BE, IT Consulting,

Bangalore (Pattambi)

BO 1523 27 Yrs, Anizham, 162cm, Wheatish, BE, Assistant

Manager, Bangalore(Ottapalam) KVK3753

BO 1525 28 Yrs, Chathayam, 190cm, Fair, BE, S/W Engr,


BO 1526 29 Yrs, Pooruruttathi, 173cm, Wheatish, Graduated

from Berklee college of music Boston USA, Manager,

Bangalore (Thrissur)KVK3756

BO 1531 26 Yrs, Revathi, 174cm, Fair, NDA, Fighter

knss News Bulletin February 2022 23

Pilot(Airforce), Bangalore (Ottapalam)

BO 1533 28 Yrs, Rohini, 170cm, degree in Hotel Management,

Commercial Director(Hilton Group, Thailand),

Bangalore (Palakkad/ Vadakara)KVK3827

BO 1534 29 Yrs, Thiruvathira, 182cm, Fair, Masters in Fashion

Management, Merchandiser (Flipkart), Bangalore


BO 1540 30 Yrs, Pooyam, 180cm, Fair, B.Com,

Administration(IBM),Bangalore (Trivandrum /


BO 1542 28 Yrs, Anizham, 172cm, Wheatish, BSc(FAD), Fashion

designer, Bangalore (Malappuram)KVK3888

BO 1545 29 Yrs, Pooram, 173cm, Fair, BE, Sales & Marketing,


BO 1546 28 Yrs, Thiruvonam, 168cm, Wheatish, B.Tech,

Specialist – Business Operations, Greenvironment

& Innovation Marketing India (P) Ltd), Bangalore


BO 1547 28 Yrs, Chothi, 175cm, Fair, B.Com, Accounts

& Finance Executive (Toyota Kirloskar (P) Ltd,

Bangalore (Palakkad) KVK3904

BO 1550 31 Yrs, Aswathi, 173cm, Wheatish, BBM, MBA,

Senior Business Consultant (Switzerland), Bangalore


BO 1554 29 Yrs, Punartham, Wheatish, 190cm, MBA, Head

Branded Business, Bangalore (Kollam) KVK4357

BO 1557 30 Yrs, Revathi, Wheatish, 170cm, Dip in ITI, Business,

Bangalore(Pattambi) KVK4079

BO 1558 27 Yrs, Chathayam, Fair, 183cm, B.Tech, Sales

Executive, Bangalore (Calicut/Kollam)

BO 1559 28 Yrs, Uthradam, Wheatish, B.Com, Pursuing CA,

Finance Executive, Bangalore(Alleppy)KVK4091

BO 1560 28 Yrs, Uthram, Fair, 170cm, B.Tech(Aeronautical),

Risk Analyst, Bangalore (Palakkad) KVK4137

BO 1562 28 Yrs, Bharani, Fair, 175cm, Production Engineer

(Australia), Bangalore(Kannur) KVK 4182

BO 1563 29 Yrs, Thriketta, Wheatish, 166cm, B.E., I.T., Mysore


BO 1564 30 Yrs, Makam, Wheatish, 164cm, B.Com, Senior Sales

Operation (Hewllet Packard), Bangalore

BO 1565 29 Yrs, Uthrattathi, Fair, 173cm, M.B.A., M.Com,

Working as Team leader in J.P.Morgan, Bangalore


BO 1566 28 Yrs, Pooruruttathi, Fair, 175cm, B.C.A., Software

Engineer, Bangalore (Haripad) KVK 4315

KVK3704 27 Yrs, Uthram, 172cm, Wheatish, Diploma in ITI,

Executive, Mangalore

KVK3744 29 Yrs, Aswathi, 172cm, Fair, B.Com, Foreign

Accounting, Accountant, Bangalore(Payyannur)

KVK3792 30Yrs, Makayiram, 182cm, Wheatish, BE, Manager,

Bangalore (Trivandrum)

KVK3898 27 Yrs, Bharani, 172cm, Wheatish, MBA, Mgr(Airport

Operations, Bangalore (Palakkad)

KVK3954 26 Yrs, Thriketta, 170cm, Wheatish, B.E., Working as

CAE Engineer in a Private Co., Bangalore

KVK3986 30Yrs, Uthradam, Wheatish, 170cm, BSc & Dip in

Animation, Event Manager, Bangalore(Kottayam)


KVK4033 27 Yrs, Uthradam, Wheatish, 175cm, BE, Engineer,

Bangalore (Ernakulam)

KVK4070 26 Yrs, Rohini, Wheatish, 182cm, M.Com, Working

as Associate, Bangalore(Thodupuzha)

KVK4076 31 Yrs, Uthram, Fair, 185cm, B.Com, IT Professional,

Bangalore (Pathanamthitta)

KVK4082 28 Yrs, Thriketta, Wheatish, 175cm, BE, Consultant

(Microsoft India), Bangalore (Ernakulam)

KVK4088 27 Yrs, Moolam, Fair, 175cm, MBA, Consultant,

Bangalore (Palakkad)

KVK 4098 30 Yrs, Uthradam, Fair, 172cm, M.B.A., Working in

Goldman Sachs as Finance Professional, Bangalore


KVK4135 25 Yrs, Pooyam, Wheatish, 172cm, B.E. (Medical

Electronics), Working as Clinical Evaluator in a Pvt.

Co. , Bangalore (Kottayam / Palakkad)

KVK4139 27 Yrs, Uthradam, Wheatish, 175cm, BE, Manager,


KVK4147 28 Yrs, Thriketta, Wheatish, 165cm, B.Com, Health

Care Professional, Bangalore(Palakkad)

KVK4152 27 Yrs, Uthradam, Wheatish, 177cm, B.E., (Automobile

Engineering), Working as Designer on EASi

Engineering.. deputed to Benz, Bangalore (Palakkad)

KVK4163 27 Yrs, Uthrittathi, Fair, 177cm, B.E. Computer Science,

Working in IT Sector as Computer Professional,

Bangalore (Ottapalam/Palakkad)

KVK4188 31 Yrs, Avittam, Fair, 180cm, B.Com, M.B.A., Working

as Assistant Manager in Infoedge.com, Bangalore

KVK4190 30 Yrs, Fair, 160cm, B.B.A., Working as a Manager –

Market Research in a Pvt. Firm, Bangalore (Ottapalam

/ Palakkad)

KVK4199 27 Yrs, Wheatish, 170cm, M.B.A., Working as Client

Service Engineer in a Pvt. Co., Bangalore (Palakkad)

KVK4200 27 Yrs, Thiruvonam, 160cm, Fair, Diploma in

Medical Laboratory Technician, Lab Technician,


KVK4211 28 Yrs, Chithra, 175cm, Fair, B Com, Quality Analyst,

Bangalore (Palakkad)

KVK4219 28 Yrs, Bharani, 185cm, Wheatish, M Com,

Accountant(Kuwait), Chenganasserry

KVK4225 31 Yrs, B.Com, CMA, Financial Data Analyst(Deloitte)

KVK4230 28 Yrs, Atham, 182cm, Wheatish, MBBS, Doctor,


KVK4233 30 Yrs, Thriketta, 167cm, Fair, B Com, Accountant,


KVK4259 30 Yrs, Visakam, 182cm, Fair, B.E., Working as

Consultant in MNC, Bangalore (Palakkad)

KVK4265 29 Yrs, Uthradam, 167cm, Fair, Masters in Veterinary

Science, Working as Research Assistant in IISC,

Bangalore (Kayamkulam)

KVK 4278 24 Yrs, Pooradam, 172cm, Fair, B.Tech with M.B.A.,

Working as Finance Professional, Ahmedabad

KVK4279 30 Yrs, Aswathi, 175cm, Fair, B.Com., Working as

Customer Support Professional in Shobha Ltd,

Bangalore (Ottapalam)

KVK4285 28 Yrs, Chathayam, 157cm, Fair, B.Com., PGP,

Working as Analyst in Pvt. Co., Bangalore (Aluva)

KVK4287 29 Yrs, Rohini, 177cm, Wheatish, B.E., Senior Engineer

in a Pvt. Co., Mangalore (Alappuzha)

knss News Bulletin February 2022

KVK4299 30 Yrs, B.Com, Senior Analyst, Bangalore

KVK3904 29 Yrs, Chothi, 175cm, Fair, B.Com, Working as

Accounts Officer, Bangalore (Palakkad)

KVK4091 28 Yrs, Uthradam, 170cm, Fair, F&A Graduate, M.B.A,

Finance and Audit Analyst, Bangalore (Kottayam /


KVK4304 27 Yrs, Rohini, 175cm, Wheatish, B.Com, SME at

Accenture Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore (Thodupuzha)

KVK4324 34 Yrs, 177cm, Fair, BA, LLB, Legal Professional,


KVK4349 42 Yrs, Chithira, 154cm, Fair, B.E. and B.A, Software

consultant, Bangalore (Palakkad)

KVK4352 31 Yrs, Pooram, 167cm, Wheatish, M.S. in Computer

Science, Software Engineer, Bangalore

KVK4356 29 Yrs, Revathi, 160cm, Wheatish, MDS, Dentist,

Bangalore (Allepey)

Wanted Brides

(Age Group 32-44 years)

BOO 450 34 Yrs, Pooyam, 171cm, Fair, B.E. / MBA, Business,

Bangalore (Palakkad) KVK 3629

BOO 465 40 Yrs, Uthrittathi, 170cm, Wheatish, Dip. In

Electronics & Telecommunication, B.C.A Working in

DXC Technologies, Bangalore (Trivandrum)

BOO 466 31 Yrs, Thiruvonam, 168cm, Wheatish, Undergraduate,

Own Business, Hosapete (Malappuram)

BOO 477 34 Yrs, Chatayam, 180cm, Wheatish, BBA, Working

as Manager in BRIH Solutions Pvt. Ltd, Bangalore

(Kottayam) KVK 3329

BOO 493 44 Yrs, Avittam, 175cm, Fair, M.B.A., Software

Professional, Bangalore (Palakkad) KVK 3446

BOO 507 37 Yrs, Bharani, 170cm, Wheatish, B.Tech, VLSI Design

Engineer (Malaysia), Bangalore (Payyanur) KVK2190

BOO 524 42 Yrs, Uthram,173cm, Graduate, Working in Kuwait

Oil Company, Thiruvalla, KVK3730

BOO 525 43 Yrs, Pooram, 165cm, Fair, B.Com, Pvt. Service,


BOO 526 32 Yrs, Uthram, 160cm, Wheatish, BHM, Co-founder

of a startup company, Bangalore(Kottakkal) KVK3747

BOO 529 38 Yrs, Pooram, 170cm, Wheatish, B. Com, Medical

Transcription, Bangalore (Trichur/Alleppy) KVK3831

BOO 530 36 Yrs, Chothi, 165cm, Fair, Dip. Business

Management, Stores & Logistics Officer in MNC,

Bangalore (Kasaragod)KVK3790

BOO 531 38 Yrs, Aswathi, 183cm, Wheatish, SSLC, Team

Manager in Authorized partner of HDFC Bank,


BOO 532 33 Yrs, Makam, 170cm, Fair, ITI (Electronics &

Mechanics), Product Engineer (TE Connectivity India

(P) Ltd, Bangalore (Palakkad)KVK3829

BOO 533 32 Yrs, Visakam, 168cm, Wheatish, Masters (OHIO

State University, USA), Sr. Engineer (California, USA),

Bangalore (Malappuram)KVK3836

BOO 534 32 Yrs, Uthradam, 169cm, Fair, Diploma in General

Nursing, Staff Nurse (Mahavir Jain Hospital,

Bangalore), Kodagu

BOO 536 38 Yrs, Uthram, 174cm, Wheatish, MBA, Quality

Analyst, Bangalore(Trivandrum)KVK3879

BOO 537 37 Yrs, Thiruvonam, 165cm, Wheatish, BA,

MBA(Operations), Ex Indian Navy, Manager (JLL

Property Consultants, Bangalore(Kottayam)

BOO 538 36 Yrs, Aswathi, 174cm, Fair, BE, Senior Software

Engr, Bangalore(Payyannur)KVK3924

BOO 543 37 Yrs, Anizham, Wheatish, 174cm, MBA, Assistant

VP & Branch Head, Bangalore(Adoor)KVK4085

BOO 544 34 Yrs, Aswathi, Fair, 183cm, BCA, Working in ANZ

Bank, Bangalore(Payyannur) KVK4121

BOO 545 33 Yrs, Rohini, Wheatish, 180cm, B.E. (Electronics &

Communication), Working in France based Bank,

Team Lead, Bangalore (Calicut / Kannur) KVK4165

BOO 546 35 Yrs, Pooyam, Fair, 170cm, B.Com, Procurement

Manager, Bangalore (Alleppy) KVK4161

BOO 547 29 Yrs, Uthradam, Fair, 165cm, Vocational Training,

Working in NGO Group, Bangalore (Aluva)

BOO 548 37 Yrs, Punartham, Wheatish, 167cm, B.Tech, M.B.A.,

Sales Manager, Bangalore (Trivandrum)

KVK3756 32 Yrs, Pooruruttathi, Wheatish, 175cm, Graduated

from Berklee college of Music, Boston, USA, Working

into Media related Business, Bangalore

KVK3770 38 Yrs, Revathi, Wheatish, 170cm, B. Com, Business,


KVK3811 32 Yrs, Pooruruttathi, 182cm, Wheatish, Customer

Service Manager, Bangalore(Trivandrum)

KVK3820 39 Yrs, Aswathi, 175cm, Fair, M.Com, CA Articleship,

Secretary(Checops), Govt. Employee, Kannur

KVK3834 34 Yrs, Anizham, 170cm, Wheatish, B.Tech, IT

Professional, Bangalore(Kannur)

KVK3858 34 Yrs, Anizham, 170cm, Fair, Diploma in ITI,

Workshop Supervisor(Dubai), Palakkad

KVK3901 45 Yrs, Anizham, 170cm, Wheatish, M.Tech, Scientist,


KVK4065 32 Yrs, Avittam, 175cm, Fair, Diploma in Mechanical

(ITI), Store Executive in a Pvt. Ltd Co., KGF


KVK4142 38 Yrs, Chithira, 170cm, Fair, B.E. (Electronics

& Communication), Working in VIPA Software,

Bangalore (Alappuzha)

KVK4186 33 Yrs, Thriketta, 182cm, Wheatish, B.E. (Computer

Science & Engineering), Senior Engineer in

Manufacturing Industry, Hosapete (Irinjalakuda)

KVK4215 34 Yrs, Moolam, 180cm, Fair, B.Com, Govt. Employee

(First Division Clerk(KSRTC)

KVK4254 37 Yrs,Uthradam,175cm, Fair, B.Com. M.B.A.,

Working as Business Analyst in a Pvt. Co., Bangalore

(Palakkad / Trissur)

KVK4267 36 Yrs, Thiruvonam, 167cm, Wheatish, C.A., Bangalore


KVK4280 33 Yrs, Uthram, 167cm, Fair, Masters in Computers

Science – US, Working as Software Engineer in US,


KVK4294 36 Yrs, Rohini, 167cm, Fair, B.Com, Working as

Manager in Pvt. Sector, Bangalore (Kochi)

KVK4308 34 Yrs, Uthradam, 170cm, Wheatish, B.Sc

Electronics, Working as Supervisor – Landmark

International, Cochin

knss News Bulletin February 2022 25

KVK4322 34 Yrs, Pooram, Wheatish, 180cm, B.Com, Operation

Manager at a Pvt. Co. Bangalore (Thrissur)

KVK4324 34 Yrs, Fair, 177cm, BL/LLB, Manager-Legal – Pvt

Co., Bangalore (Ernakulam)

KVK4327 34 Yrs, Bharani, 177cm, Wheatish, B.E., Working as

Trade Execution Executive, Bangalore (Palakkad)

KVK4333 35 Yrs, Wheatish, Master in Finance & Accountancy,

Project Manager, Bangalore

KVK4335 33 Yrs, Pooyam, Wheatish, 182cm, B.Com, M.B.A.,

Team Lead in MNC, Bangalore

KVK4339 32 Yrs, Magam, Wheatsih, 175cm, B.Com, Senior

Quality Analyst, Bangalore

KVK4340 26 Yrs, Makeeram, Fair, 175cm, Management Degree,

Network Engineer in Ericsson Global India,

Bangalore (Palakkad)

KVK4351 32 Yrs, B.Tech(IIT), MS and PHd (USA), Aero Space

Engineer – Austin, Hyderabad (Chalakudy)

KVK4354 37 Yrs, Uthrattathi, Fair, 162cm, Management Degree,

Finance Professional, Chhattisgarh



GOO 886,893,904,906, KVK 3735

BOO 493,524,525,531, 537, 543, KVK3901, KVK4254,



BO 1432, 1440, 1475, 1516, 1546, 1550, 1557, 1558, 1564,

KVK 3954, 1565

BOO 450, 524, 546, KVK 3811

GO 705, 746, 761, 788

GOO 74, 906, KVK 3647, KVK 4181

GO 765

BO 1523


-kP-^-WtOU SzLo-°-tOU

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now register online.

v Payment can be done through Money Transfer

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draft and cheque.

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News Bulletin.

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KNSS Board


Ye-k-f]-SzL-oU, YQz-Nk-Sv-wU, vLñO-SzL-oU, vLñO-m-s], vLñO-^-kU, yOh-¡-wj-SzL-oU,

jv-NY-z-SzL-oU, nY-v-f]-Sy-v, oQf|O-Æ-p-SzLoU oOf-sLp kP^-WtOU

SzLo-°tOU os-pLt yNÒ-hLp¾]¤ v]i]-Nk-WLqU ja-¾]-¾-qO-Ð-fL-eV. WPaL-Rf,

yOh-¡-w-j-U, v]h|-qL-^-SYL-kL-sU, yq-y~-f], y~pU-v-qU, IÐ} Shz-q-ƒ-WtOU (JsyV)

YQz-°-t]sOU òLk-j-°-t]sOU òLk]-¨OÐ ozL yOh-¡-w-j-p-NÍvOU v]i]-Nk-WLqU fáL-rL¨] JuV

h]v-yR¾ kP^àV SwxU j¤-WO-Ð-fL-eV.


Nmùè} ^prLU w¡Ú (f]qO-So-j])

Mob: + 91 9945 11 5262 I +91 7907 26 6402

S.L.V. Nakshathra, Flat No. 002, Ground Floor, Kalkere Main Road,

Near Gandhi Statue, Horamavu, Bangalore-560043


knss News Bulletin February 2022


Archana A.

D/o. Mrs. Bindu and Mr. V. Anjan Kumar

(Sirsi Circle Police Quarters, Bangalore)


Abhilash Nanda N.L.

S/o. Smt. Lakshmi and Sri Nandanan K.P.

(PWD Quarters, Madikeri)

on 6th February, 2022

at SJP Kalyana Mantapa, Marathahalli, Bangalore - 37

'We thank all our well wishers'

Abhijit. B.

(Asst. Professor of Law)

S/o. Smt. Sujatha. B & Sri. K.V. Gopalakrishnan

(Joint General Secretary, KNSS Board)


Vamsi Mohana

(Senior Partner, Lawish Partners)

D/o. Smt. Ramadevi & Sri. Manuprasad

On 25th August, 2021

at Somasettyhally Attukal Devi Temple, Bangalore

'We thank for your Blessings & Wishes'

'Angana' Digital News

Horamavu Mahila Vibhag

Inauguration of

Swami Vivekananda


Dooravaninagar Karayogam

'Hira', 'Hima' and Team in Sangeetha Sandhya

M.S. Nagar Ayyappa Temple

Date of Publication 20th of every month

February 2022

Registered KA/BGW-1531/2022-2024

Office of posting: Patrika channel, RMS Bhavan,

Bangalore P.S.O. Mysore Road, Bengaluru - 560 026

Dates of posting 22nd or 30th of every month

Published by R. Manohara Kurupu, General Secretary, Karnataka Nair Service Society

on behalf of "Karnataka Nair Service Society (KNSS) Regd."

Designed and DTP by National Printing Press, No. 580, K.R. Garden, Koramangala, Bangalore 560 095,

Phone: 080-25710658 Fax: 080-25714965. E-mail: nppbangalore@gmail.com and

Published at No. 186/4, 2nd Floor, J.C. Complex, Sirur Park Road, Sheshadripuram, Bangalore - 560 020

E-mail: knssboard@gmail.com Website: www.karnatakanair.com Phone: 080-23563372

Editor: P. Balagopalan, Mob: 9880004180

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