7 Up




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Part I: The Beginning

Chapter Notes

I want us to fall

in love like drops of rain,

not these small passing showers.

I need wind.

I need lightning.

I need trees blown off their roots.

I want us to fall

into each other.

Into the hollowness of

our souls.

We are all a little empty inside.

All I want is you.

You fill me

even if it is only

for a little


-- RM Drake


Age 7

Harry Styles is seven years old when the rules of a new television series are explained to him. He’s

sat nervously on a barstool, green eyes wide, hair combed into a mushroom cut, looking around the

room at the camera workers. His mum is stood off to the side, chatting with some of the production

crew, looking over at Harry every so often, giving him a reassuring wink whenever they make eye


A blonde woman who appears to be in her late 20’s crouches down to meet Harry’s eyes. She has a

warm smile and when she cups his shoulder in her hand, he immediately relaxes.

“Congratulations, Harry!” she exclaims cheerfully. “You’ve been chosen to be a part of The Up

Series, along with some of your other classmates. Today, we’re going to ask you a few simple

questions while that man records you talking,” she says, pointing to a tall man with a dark

moustache. “And then, when you turn 14, we’re going to ask you the very same questions, and then

again when you’re 21, so on and so forth.”

“Wow, 14? That’s a long time from now,” Harry says, furrowing his brows.

The woman chuckles. “It is, indeed. And we’re going to keep up with this process, every seven


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