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called up Jay the day after their first interview, asking her if she and Louis wanted to stop by for a

cuppa and some time for the boys to play. Jay accepted happily, saying it was always lovely to

make new friends, no matter the age, and together, the four of them - plus baby Charlotte - spent

the afternoon laughing and thoroughly enjoying each other’s company.

Harry and Louis have been inseparable ever since.

Each year, the boys grew increasingly closer, their adoration for one another blatant and obvious to

anyone watching. And by the time year nine rolled around, Harry and Louis were stuck to each

other like glue, occasionally allowing Liam and Niall into their secret club, whom they met in year


Harry, now 14, is sat still on the chair, similar to the one he sat in seven years prior. This time,

though, his mum isn’t present, and his nerves are significantly lessened.

The same blonde woman from before - Eloise, Harry learns - smiles at him. “Remember, love, the

more open and honest you are, the more fabulous this documentary will turn out to be, yeah?”

Harry nods.

“Okay, Harry, whenever you’re ready.”

He clears his throat. “Uh, hello. It’s me again.” He smiles. “I’m Harry Styles, I’m 14 years old, and

my birthday is still February 1st.” A few chuckles go around the room. “I am in year nine of my

schooling and I still like literature the most. My best friends are Louis, Niall, and Liam.”

“What are your goals for your current self?”

Harry pauses briefly before answering. “Probably to really apply myself this year and do well so I

can get into an excellent university. I think I would like to be a lawyer someday, maybe.”

“And what are your goals for the future?”

“To get a job by the end of the year. I know quite a few places that are hiring. It would be a big

help to have my own money and stop asking my parents.”

The interviewer - Augustus - laughs. He’s the same man from before, but now his glasses are gone.

“I bet your mum would love to hear that.”

“Probably, yeah.”

“Harry, what’s something you’re afraid of?”

Harry hadn’t remember the questions exactly, and he desperately wishes he had. He wanted to be

more prepared for this, to come up with a well thought out lie, but before he can think better of it,

he lets the truth spill out, slowly and quietly.

“I am absolutely and dreadfully afraid of telling my best friend that I’m in love with him. I don’t

think I quite realized it until recently, but now that I’ve thought about it, and finally said it out

loud, it’s all I can think about, really.” The entire room is silent. No one moves for several seconds,

which might as well feel like hours, and Harry can’t stop squirming in his chair. His throat feels

unbearably dry. “You said be honest, so I’m being honest!”

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