Wednesday, 15th June, 2022

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DAILY ANALYST Wednesday, 15th June, 2022

The Planned Parenthood

Association of

Ghana (PPAG), a

Non Governmental

Organisation, has

reiterated calls on traditional

authorities to support efforts and

campaigns to end child marriage

and promote girl-child education

and empowerment.

Ms Fatima Ayamga, Field

Officer, PPAG, who made the

call noted that child marriage

continued to be inimical to the

growth and development of

young people particularly girls

and said the situation required

urgent collective efforts from

all stakeholders to address it

for accelerated sustainable


“These teenagers are our

future and we cannot afford to

allow them to get married at

tender ages and start having

children. Their education would

be truncated and they will not

be prepared mentally for such a

task,” she stressed.

This, she called on all

traditional leaders including the

chiefs and queen mothers to join

the fight against the menace

by educating their subjects

on the adverse effects of child

marriage on the development

of the community and enforce

community regulations that

would deter people from

indulging in the practice.

Ms Ayamga was speaking at

Yorogo, a suburb of Bolgatanga

Municipality of the Upper East

Region on the re-launch of a

child marriage campaign dubbed,

“End Child Marriage” by PPAG.

It was part of the United

Nations Population Fund

(UNFPA) project with funding

support from the Global Affairs

Canada, aimed at empowering

community stakeholders to help

Fight against child

marriage must be collective

– Traditional leaders told

end child marriage menace in the


Ms Ayamga noted that

the achievement of the

United Nations Sustainable

Development Goals remained

unrealistic when urgent action

was not taken to address teenage

pregnancy and child marriage

among children.

She advised parents against

pushing their teenage pregnant

girls into early marriage and

noted that in as much as they

were disappointed in their

wards, compelling them to marry

without considering the welfare

of the child could be detrimental.

Instead, she said, parents

should support their wards to

return to school after birth or

learn a trade to ensure that they

had viable economic adventures

to ensure financial independence

and help them to live dignified


Mr Jonathan Atsu Dordor, an

Investigator, Upper East Regional

Domestic Violence and Victim

Support Unit (DOVVSU) of the

Ghana Police Service, noted that

child marriage was a criminal

offence and an affront to the

Children’s Act of 1998, Act 560.

Mr Dordor noted that poverty

had been identified as a major

driver compelling parents to

give their children who were

under 18 years into marriage and

warned such parents to desist

from the act as they risked being


“Even though as poor as we

maybe, we have so many ways

of making money or solving

issues, marriage should not be

the last resort and it is also not

wise. So, any parent who pushes

the child into marriage, the law

will also deal with such a person

because the law is no respecter of

anybody,” he said.

Mr Akengo Aziire, an Elder

of the Yorogo Community,

noted that unlike before, due to

education and enlightenment

child marriage had reduced

drastically in the community.

He commended PPAG and its

partners and noted that girl child

education was paramount to

the community and pledged the

support of the traditional leaders

and other opinion leaders in the

community to support all efforts

to totally eliminate the issues.

Education Minister advises

students to take advantage

of opportunities offered

them at school

Bagbin gives Defence & Interior C’ttee one

week to probe Islamic SHS disturbance

The Speaker of

Parliament, Alban

Bagbin, has handed

down a one-week

ultimatum to the

Defence and Interior Committee

to embark on a fact-finding

mission to Kumasi over the

incidence of alleged police

brutality at the Islamic Senior

High School (SHS).

A protest in the school

turned chaotic when police met

students with force, leading

to several persons sustaining


Member of Parliament for

Asawase, Muntaka Mubarak,

raised the matter on the floor of

Parliament on Tuesday, June 14,


The Speaker, in giving the

directive, said: “I will direct

the committee on Defence and

Interior to take this matter up

and report next week. In other

words, the committee members

should visit the IGP to the

regional police commander and

the school in question, visit the

injured persons and report by

Tuesday with the findings and

await the final investigations

and if there is the need for us to

take any further action, we will

do that.”

Some students of the Islamic

Senior High School, Abrepo,

Kumasi, took to the streets on

Monday and blocked sections of

the road to demonstrate against

frequent motor traffic accidents

in front of their school.

In a bid to help open the road

to normal traffic flow, police

responded by firing warning

shots and opening tear gas and

pepper spray on the students.

“The students pelted the

police with stones and the police

used pepper spray and fired

warning shots in an attempt to

disperse them,” police said in a


Some students were injured

following the disturbances and

were rushed to the hospital for


According to the police

service, although nobody died

during the disturbances, the way

its officers handled the situation

was poor and fell short of

standard operating procedures

on crowd control.

Police clinical psychologists

were subsequently deployed

to visit the school to offer

psychosocial support to the

student body.

The Ghana Police Service

has removed its Deputy Ashanti

Regional Commander, DCOP

Kwasi Akomeah Apraku and has

also interdicted two other senior

officers over the incident.

The Ministry of Education

says calm has returned to the


Deputy Education Minister,

John Ntim Fordjour, after a visit

to the school on Monday night,

said all the injured students are

currently safe and responding to

medical treatment.

He also said: “Out of the

thirty-eight (38) students

hospitalised, twenty-two (22)

have been discharged and have

joined their colleagues on


Dr. Yaw Osei

Adutwum, Minister

of Education, has

advised students to

take advantage of the

opportunities offered to them at

school so that the Government’s

investment does not go waste.

He explained that the

huge investment made by the

Government was geared toward

preparing them to become

economically empowered after

school to support the nation’s

transformation agenda.

Addressing students and

staff of the Suame Technical

Institute in Kumasi, Dr Adutwum

stated that, “do not be left out of

the ongoing transformation in

the education sector which is a

catalyst to transform the nation’s


He charged the students

especially the girls to take their

lessons serious and should not

allow their peers to divert their

focus from their studies.

“Work hard to shape your

future dreams and aspirations so

you can get a job or create a job

yourself after your education and

also employ others after school”.

He said.

Dr Adutwum urged the

students to respect their teachers

and appreciate their work since

that was what would help shape

their future.

The Education Minister

hinted at plans to establish

Diploma awarding Technical

Colleges where after Technical

Vocation Education and Training

(TVET) courses, one can pursue

tertiary education.

Mr. Richard Addo-Gyamfi,

the Principal of the Suame

Technical Institute, commended

the Education Minister for the

visit which would help boost the

morale of the students.

He appealed to the

Government to expand

infrastructure in the school to

increase the school’s enrolment.

The Minister used the

unannounced visit to inspect

equipment at the school’s

workshop, and computer centres

and visited classrooms to interact

with students.

The unannounced visit to

schools by the Minister helps

him to access the true state

of affairs in the school for the

appropriate interventions.

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