Insurance Journal (1st Quarter 2022)

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Guest Contribution

Nasir Siddique


AGM / Team Lead (Underwriting)

IGI General Insurance Limited




If you are alleged to have provided

inadequate advice, services or

designs to a client, professional

indemnity insurance provides cover

for the legal costs and expenses in

defending the claim, as well as

compensation payable to your

client to rectify the mistake.

Regardless of how many years'

experience your firm may have,

there is always the possibility you

(or one of your team) could make a

mistake. But what does this

i n s u r a n c e p r o t e c t a g a i n s t


W h a t d o e s P r o f e s s i o n a l

Indemnity Insurance cover?

Professional indemnity (PI)

insurance covers against a wide

range of scenarios including:

Professional Negligence

Your business is covered against

allegations of making an error in a

piece of work for a client, which

ultimately costs your client either

financially or reputationally. This

could be a perceived failure to

provide your professional services

in line with the duty of care

promised or owed to the client, or a

lapse of judgement when providing

professional advice.

Loss of Documents or Data

Your business is covered in the

event of an important physical or

digital document going missing.

Crucially, you can also be covered if

confidential data is accidentally

lost, deleted or shared with the

wrong person.

Defamation and Libel

Your business or an employee is

Insurance Journal January, February, March 2022


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