PAI Review Project Overview

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In-house articles:

Legislative Updates

Similarly to our weekly newsletter, the publication will have some current news topics dispersed throughout.

This will include proposed bills and legislation, government strategies etc. These small pieces (approx. 500

words or less) will be used to supplement and justify the words of the key contributors, and ensure that the

issue remains topical.

20 years of leadership

PAI’s first piece will be launched with comments by our CEO and COO. The launch will co-inside with PAI’s

20-year anniversary, and so the first piece will introduce changes to leadership and training over the past 20

years. This will be presented with a selection of photographs throughout the years.

Training Trends

Each edition will have a larger training trends piece headed by Jenny and Ellen.

This will include upcoming trends and essential training programmes, as well as insights that they have as

a training department.

Sample topic:

“The whole government circular economy strategy 2023-2024 has placed a strong emphasis on line

managers being responsible for their department’s single plastic usage. PAI are predicting that there will be a

large demand for Circular Economy Training in Q4.

In the first half of 2022, we saw a 25% increase in the uptake in climate related training, with over 60% of

participants being mid-level managers….”

Leading Neurodiversity in the workplace

This piece will be written by Neil who has a Masters in Special Education Needs and first hand experience

of leading and managing in the workplace with Neurodiversity.

He will discuss the needs of those with Neurodiversity in the workplace, but also the benefits of having a

diversity in the leadership style in your team.

Marketing/Coms in Recruitment

This piece will be written/curated by Katie and will analyse the way in which recruitment has evolved in the

public sector and turned into a marketing strategy. The key case study will be focused on a recent

recruitment campaign by Dublin Bus, who will be approached to comment on the success/strategy etc.

A recruitment specialist (TBC) will also be approached for comment on the recruitment/hr side of this to

discuss changes over the years.

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